HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1449 -:::='"-<....~--:.;'--,,.":. ""'-'''-:7~r~';'~:;''''-----~~i~~.,,-C''~~ <:;T~;~,~~~""~;~=~~~.]"'~~~~~~~~'~~-'~"~~~-!'~""~~ 349 -!-~J-w...~.~ TBl8.DmIlf'lVP. ).IQ the lIS th da.J 01 De oel1be r INDIAN RlVaR PARMS COMPANY.. ~ orpalac.l.... esiItiac __ tile ..... 01 tile &ale 01 PIaride. putJ' 01 tile en. .... to A. D. 1t21. bJ tile r 1 'W ARRANTY' DEED, \ ,. IIDIU RIVIR 'AaQ OOUUT- to. ,f1WlA'/~DI1lQ , 'rank A. Vernbl1'S . 0( the c..tJ' 0( Rook ,Jaland .... &ate 01 Illlno 1. ~ aC tile ..-t put. . WITNIlSSRTH. TIIat t1ae alii putJ', 01 the lint ~. I<< .... .. ~ 01 ,tile l"* r-f . ....';, ' , . On. 'fl...QOI DOI.I.ARS. ' ..........,... tile UlIlte4 lb_ ... aiM ~ ~ to It .. ..... pUll lIT U1....1 putJ' 01 the -' put. at << Weft' tile ~ ... ddhw,. 01 a-. ~u.'" the ncdpt ..... II __ ~ bad....taI. ~ toId,......, -ft1ed.. ~ ,... bJ a-. ~\a cIocI~....... .......... an. ..... -ft7 - coaAna 1lIIto tile taI4 PUt)o 01 tIIC.___ ~ ...... Wn'" ...... ... let -.,ae"tIIe ...... 8L Lade ~.1Ioritt- ~ as f~: . , ..at ten (10). &Or8S of W8S' twent1 ('20) a01'l8 of Tnot SeTta ('I). SeoUon ,"~)~on. .. .' .' , ~. . (81),fownshlp !hirtt-th1'ee (38) SQuthofR8D8I T~1r".nlne:(39) B~8"as the s... ~.~eSl ,," :::: o:~t:: l::r:.:r:.~:~:t 1::, o:f ':~:~: 1:1:~::''':::~, tiled 1n ~. I Sub~..t 'to all taD' and d1 toh ......._ t. or anT .p..1ol a..........t. 1f "'T b', ';",1'd " I for th.' T.at 1921, ...d all on b..qu.nt taxe. and a.a;.....nt.. .- ' .', rJ' . I I .. ,'f 'I I I ~ A~ I I .- · I I I , I I I I I I , i I I : I I. i I~ ~ t' , t t : i i I ! I I I f I Ib<<pt, howeWI'. tile ....t 0( -,. f. public ..-is; cIraiaqe CUlIIs, .... ditdIes as .... flII tile plat 0( taId .... .... bJ tile puty aI tile lint JIIrt. TO HAV8 AND TO HOLD 'l'H8 SUSB. ~ willa.u UIe t.ndi'-tt ud. ~ u.n-to~. lIDto the Mid ptrf;J 0( the -..I ~ and hillHin .... .....la fee IbapJe Icnver. . , , .\ad U1e.us put1' C!f the lint putJ'. for illdl tad Itt ~ does ....1' _t witIa ~ 1*b' 0( tile........ put...........~"".... assips that it Is "'-'h17 ~ 01 taId Iud la feu....: Qat it ... falls-'" ..wflll riPt to ~.us Iudla fee _pie... aIonMId: tla&t It .... be lawful I<< MId pllItJ' aI tile ........ put. llis wn. 1cse1 ~tati"" ud. tlMicDsat .. times ~ ..... quietly to erltenp.,., IoaId. ClCCIIPJ'. ud 1IIJcIt'..... Iaad: that taId .... Is fn:e rr- ..'~: that it will make .dt fW1lltr ~ to jlafect UIe fee ... title to .... Iud .. -1' .-aWy be I'eqIIimI. tad dad it does lIenby faD:J' wureat tile iiue to MId Iud. aad wiD drieDd tbe _ apiast the...... cw.s aI.. Per- ~~eI'. IN WlTNBSS' Vr'lUlil8op. tile putJ' of tIae 6nt put. flII tile dai aad Jar 6nt aboft writteQ, bad CUMd ita _ to be IIiped aad its ClllIJlOftIe ... to be alIsN to .... ..-ta b7 its I'naideat aad its SecftCu1o. .... oIicat aft beta daI)' RIIlIIori..s aad ~ bJ' maIIatioaa 01 tIae Bwnl aI Dlnctan 01 tIae INDIAN kIVU PARNS COMPANY. putJ' o(the lint ~ lIenia. ton_te: aad cItJlYK tlliscleed. India River '&rIDS Co. 'J.,". '. , . 't. 1 !: '<.' ~ If ;. ~1 t (Corp, Srel) 'lerll8D J. Ze uoh Ita PraickDL Charle 8 Dunoan Ita Secnt.uy. l. , , -) l :~ ,~ .. ~ <" Siped, SesIecl ucl DdiftRd ill ~ 01..: __'hY~~".~~W.f~QJ}_ _. m...__....._ .___...:'... ,,,___, .,. ~-.. } ~ ,~ SrAD or 10WA.L c..tJ cI.... r-- J, .. ~ ,dab' aut1loriaed to take ~~b to deeoII. do 1Itftb7 CItrtift dad OIl tIait da,. ~ appeared Ware -. _i , Herman J. Zsuoh - ':-, .... ' , Charles Dunoan to -.. ~.. tile Pmidad aQd Semtary, ~,oI 1M IIIlIiea kiWI' Paras C-JlUT. the carpontiaa deerritJed ia tile ~ deed....., .... tIaq .a-Wp4 befcft me tIaiIt tk7 -- duIT lI6aUIariIal bJ' aid CGIpCII'atioIl to a_te UIe f~ deed OIl Ita beW. ud. to ...Ita _ ud. db ita... tIIeftto, dad 1M ... llIbcd t1Ierdo Ii. tile ~ ... 01 eaid carpontiua. ..... tIaat eaid deed _ aeate4 bJ' ..w ~ for tile .....,... UIetda ea..-I. ud tIaq -.Ib' MbowIedpl! tile aecutIGIa tIaeteol to be 'tIadr ~ act .... deed .. IIIdt atricen, I<< tile _ .... ~ tJJadJa ~. ud dad tile IIid a.u-t Is tha act ud. decd 0( MId . ~ ' I carpontioa.. , I IN WlTN8SS WH'HREOP. llaft loaetJDtO diHd ..,. _.... ollkW .... this 16th . cIq 01 >>eo embe I' 19 81.1 at the cat,. 0( Davaapoet. C-t)' ..s State aIoftsaId. 1:" i f" . PI. i l~fJ "" J I Pl.h ~ 1A<r , ranoes. a. Hotart Public.. UId f<< Scott c-ty.lo.... , Ii M,.~- . ',,'upins lI1l, 4th. 1.92.. i r 'IOWA J ~ I BrAT. oJ JI.OUDA, }~.fJ ' c:.., .. It. t.dt.:4 I .8 J1' JtIBI1p,OIIR8I?,. .....tt.a tIaII 10th day 0( JanU8r1 A. D.l~2, .... , " r. O. .&141'.4 an .. tile CimIIt c-\ 1..1Ill f<< MId c-t}' _we ... -*4 the farqtWc Deed .. the I"ul.Iie II-.It 01.... c-tr. IN WITHE88 WRIR8OP. J _we IIcramIo at ..,. ..... ......... alleld ea.t. tIae cIq ...,.., __ wrkt.. . ~1-. ~.!> .-;'- .. .~ !l 'm (OT. Of. 3J4,L) "f\\f('t.O O~~ ~'f,CO~ ...... u,. ~,. Jh..m,4."~~. _... _..,... . h ......... .......(S&\L) , '-:P _' an Cimdt Cost. ......~ciL..~_~ I , t" ...,~~ ~ 4~'~1io-""'~__