HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1450 ~-""~'~~~"""~-~~'_"""'~~~",. ....____~~ ).'P;IP''lT'.~~,> I U~".,. k' ~ ~ n I i Lti,' E ., ~ ..,. .~ .. wi,. ...."'''''. Tj ..T 3'50 .... ~ ~ """'~_~ It. ~~ , WARRANTY, DEED INDIAN amR fAlUlS aOJ,lfAlfY to R. ,. WART!. It BBBBOOA J. IlAR!Ilf TRlI nOwm1U. Made tlIe 21. t , da1 01 liar oh INDIAN R1VIUl PARMS COMPANY.. CIClrJIOR- orpa1ad ud esbtiac atIll<< tlIe Ia.. at tile State 01 PIorida. put, 0( tlIe 6~ put. to R.'. Martill and aeMOO& J. Martin. oIthec-tyol Meroer ud St.te or B.. Je rsel parIJ' 01 lilt ~ put. WITN8SS8TH. ..,... the IIkI pulJ 01 the &nt put. lor aod . ~tIaa 01 u.e .. of ., i ""., One (tJ,.00) " 'DOJ.t.ARS. I kwfallDllllle1 .. tJae UlIIted SCaleI. ud 4!tba' nhIabIe ClOaIldtratlou. to It .. ..... paid b7 the ... party 01 t1ae --s put. at or belen lilt ~ ud ddiwrJ' iI' CI u.- ~... ud the nct1pt ebmol b hereby Kbio~ had puted. barpiDed. taW. nIeeted. _"'" ud ~ ud b7 that pnlItats does hereby C"ADt. ! ........ all. --. 1Xlll~ .... --... 1Ulto t1ae taIcI put, 01 tile -.l put aad his beln ud usicu. lake ~ .. the .... III St. J.ude c-t,. Florida. destribcd ., \ lo1Ioft: I.ot Bo. Thuteen (13) in J100k .0. If1neteen (19)' in the OUl ot Vero..Plorida, a8 the I semel~ designated on the plat ot 1D41an ai.,n '.rm. Compe.nl' . subdivision, reoorded in the I offi08 ot, the Clerk of the Cirouit Court in and tor laid county. ! ," , .' .' , ' . BSRrOTIO.S. f 1. !he p111'0has8r aut olear hie lot .Of all: un4trltzuh ,or u.n4e.irabl.. growth wi thin 90 -dal. I frO. date o,t 1>111', Oh, as8, and in the event of hie no' ooapll1D8\'wUh thi.. the COllpanl shall hav. the,;, ~~.gh~.to' do" .UOh olear1ng at ~ ~4?8t not to Gooe4 110.00 per lot and oharge saDl8 to the i , pUl'Ohaser.', . " ' , ,I 2~ !hat the purohaser, will, within one lear from 4ate, set or oause to hlLve .et out. at l least eU,.. orn_en~al trees o. the lot, and at least two ornamental tree~ between the slde.al~ and 0111'b,line, whioh.will be oared for bl the Compeny at a nominal. oost, in the event that pUJ'- ohaseris not on the ground.. , '~ 3. 'That all buildings ereoted, mtlst :fir-at oOllply .Uh the reBtriotions with referenoe to I pllaoellent of building' on the lot. and that no r8siden,oe shall beplaoed oloser to the lot lin. thanthii'ty (30) feet. and no buildings .hallbe ereo1i84 within the restdoted distriot wMoh! entail en expenditure of le88 than t2~OOO.OO without sP801al perll11ss10n of the oomp~. All ~ bulld1nss, inCluding roofs, shall be painted within 90 dals troll oompletion. , . This oontraot afPlies only to:lots in the restrioted distriot in the town ot Vero, as Is\ I shown on the OomP8D1 s plat of the Vero townsl U. i . ill Subjeot to all taxes and dl tah assessments or any special assessment. if 8111 be levied for thelear 1921, and all SUbsequent taxes and asse8aments. I A, D; 1921." tlIe &I.,. ~ &'-.y. -.I.'-P--t...." ,dM:......_~ ~A~+- ~._ualllk.....A....b....h -tiLl &..~ll ~ILIIIA....L TO HAvIt AND TO HOLD TUB SUIH. ~ willi .. the bm:ditameftts and ~ tlKmaato bdoIqinr. _to the laid paItJ' 01 the I<<ond part and blllIdn ud UII&aI ba lee siIDpIe Iornw: A8d t1ae eaidl'tlV 01 the lint put,. fct ibdI and III ~ does beftbt- _t with saW put, 01 tbe ttcoad part, his hdn. 1epl RpftItDtatiftS, &ad usips t10at It .. itldr:falibly Rbr.d 0I1tid Iud Ia fee timpIe. tllat it has r..u JlOftI' tad lawful riPt to ~ftJ IUd bod in ree _pie. as aroreaid; that it ebalI be lawful for said JlUV ot the ~ pat., Ills Iadn,ItpI..-tatmt. .... UIips at .. timD pa.cabl1 ud quIetl, to alia' apoa. bold. ottUPJ'. ud eajor ... laDd. that aid Iud Is me rr- .. ____. IlIat It wiD make --. rartbet __ to perfect the fee tlJaple tide to aid luJd as ma, t'eUOaabIy be reqaind. ud IlIat it does IIenbr run, I wvnuat the tItJe to....1aIId. ud will ddead t1ae _ epiI&It tile lawful cIau. 01.. Per- .~Ya'. I IN Wl'J'NBSS WHBR20F. the parIJ' 01 t1ae Int part, 00 lilt day ud )'cu 6nt aboft WTittf:D, had caused its _ to be Iiped &Ild its c:orponte teal to be .mud to i UIeIe ..-u b11l1 PftIicIeDt ud ita Secmary. riidi oIken haft lima dul)' utJaorized ud eJIIpOftnd by raoIatioa 01 the Board 01 Directors 01 the INDIAN RIVER J PARMS CO)lPANY.putJ'dt1ae6ntpertla<<do,tooeaateaDdddh~'~ Indian River Jlarms co.. i ' ~\ .or ..-.. By i . . . ~ I' (Cap. Sai) l~.. . Herman J. Zeuoh I I I I f ,i I . Si&Md. Seekd &lid Ddivend in I'n:tmte of ld: Its PftoideDt. _._____...J~~.~..~I!>,~~~_~~~_J.1._,..._... uu u_,..,... "~. &harles Dunoan ______... _~!l_._~". ..~,'*~.. u_' .............., ,.i,.., u " u .f.tl.OQ :I.B.Stamp, oanoeUt-a) Its Secntary. /" STAU, or IOWA.} c.., 0I8cotL .. J. AI ~....., tIIIIIormd (0 tab ~ to deeds. do bneby emir, IlIat 011 this cia,. ~ appeared befoft me. Herman J. Zeuoh ad Oharles Dunoan to_1Id1 bowD.. the Praidaatad&udary.resptrlInI,.oIt1ae Jadiaa Riwu P_CGlllpulJ'. theC"<<poratioadescrihediD the rOfelOiq dre.L.. ud they aclmo..1cdsed Wore _ t1aat tbey _ ..,. aatIIorixd fit ... ~ to oecute lilt rorqciq deed oa its bebalf. ud to sip its _ aad alii. its se'II theftlo. u.at the wa1 aIIi.ed thado it tile ecrparate ... 01 aid cmpcntioa. and that AId deed _ aeeuted by AId CGqIOntioo fct the purpoJfS tlaenia u~ aDd they seftWl,. Klmowltdced t1ae ~ tMRoI Co be tWr 1m ad ud deed .. IIIdI oIlbn, lor t1ae __ aDd patpoJeS tla<<eiD malt1oaed, and that the ... iattmmalt Is the act and deed 01 said GII'plXatiaa. IN WI'l'NESS WHEREOF. J bft bemmto aIJiud ..,. _ and oIIicia1 saJ. thls at t1ae Cit)- 01 Damaport, C-ty ad State aforaaid, 21st cia, 01 iluoh 1921, \ .ranoes K. Plath Xotary PabIic in aDd r... Scott CoaatJ'. 16-' July 4th, 1981. )ofy c....._:..u.. nplra BrAD or rtOIIDA. } c-tJ ., lit. ..... , .. rr RBMaMBBRBD. n&t 011 tlriI t P. o. Bl4r.4 PuI6: ~ 0I1U1 ec-t,. IN WJTNIISS WJQIlEOP. 111&" litrewto at ..,.1Iud.... Uta! of .... c-t. lilt ...,. ud J'IU aboft writ_ .,01 Januarl A. D,I928,1 am: 01 t1ae CIrcuit Court it aDd I<< wid County bYe duly I'ft:IDrIkd t1ae ~ Deed In tile (Of. 0'1. S&1L) ~e.R\f\6f) '\ ~CORO ' .'.. ,--.' .f. ,0...114 ,-,j.. --... ,_.. -". n.. ..(SHAL) I , , X" q: Clerk Cimdt c-t. l' // /,,' C;. .' 'I B,. ,...,u...LJt/.J-.,...~ _/:?;-.(.~.J)qIatyClak. . I ": .>.,~";'~~flt~JtIf)lf~