HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1451 -"."~-.~~-~;~~r:-'<'~W7y'!~'~~,:",~~~",~~.~~,'!t1i~ ; 9~1',' " dU, ,..,.~}~..~~.~-<~J'_~"~"<',l..1~,7, ~.~~,~T ""'O('f;~.Il"1l\~(~,\_<. . -- " ,-,-. -, . . , ...........--.::.~~.. ,.i.':;"A> ~~~"t~"1''''''':-''''''~~ ~~:"Y" --,}>.~."':; ;,1,;" ~-~ -~-.!.......--~~-------"-- WARR'ANTY ::DEED~' .'\ . - -. - - . . IOUl ana JUU O()IiP~ 10 , 1. .~' OIlB18!OPQR. TBII 1111)"""" MtcIt UIe 81.' .., 01 Kair iN DlAN RIVHR FARWS COWPANY. a ~GI'IIIIIIttd...s ..... .... UIe .... 01'" 8&ate 01 ....... put)'0I t1II "" part. to 1. w. Oh~l.'oJll'~ , oIu..~or loOk 1111_4 ud &ate or , " ,minOle ~Ofu..__put. , ' waH-.umL' naiJ.he ....Mi.tI,oI,.~ ~ fff 1IIMl.. ~ or u.. _ or "lye BDD4r~& ~. .~/~~ 'fDOO.OQJ . ~ - - - - -'-~- . ~ - - - - . - ,. - - * ~ . DO~ . ..wr.a..,... UIe 111I1ted ..... .. odM ....... ~ to It .. .... .....' "" u.. aid pUt, or tile __ pert. ., .. Wen the ..... MIl ..., 01 u.- PftI*ata. _ .... <<Cdpt wllenol Itlltnllr ~ w....k!d, ........ ............ '*'..,.....,~ .... "" .. ~...... cnat, ..,.,. .... ..... COCft7 .... COIIIra _to u.e .w pert,. or u..--r put ... lilt .... ....... fa......... u.. .... '!a .. I.tIdt c..tJ', ~ ~ at , foIIowt: A4 J); 1""1,_ tile , ' . the Ba.'~Ii'l,t80) &ore.' ot'tl~'foun"D (1.) 8,0'lon ""D';rot;h~. Cea). TownablP fhlrtJ':"thr.e (88) 80utb ;ot Ius. thU'J'~.IM (89) aut. .. th._e 1. ..eeipat.. 011 ih. _ .t' " . , .' _ '- - , laet SlD.ral plat of la.. of,the IDllau'Il1T.r'arae 00.. '~ttle4 1D 'he otttoeHof the Ol_rk ' . '. . .- . , , of th'.011'ou1\ Ooar'ot iJa~" Oount,.' I I I i . ! i I f I ! i i i Its PraldcDt. . i ~ Ib_. ! &cq.l.lloweftl'. tile riP! 01,...,. fGr pIIbIie .... cIniIINe C8lIOIII. ud ditdaes .. .... 011 tile plat 01 Mid ..... ..... _ tile p:uty 01 u.. lint put. , 1'0 HAVII 4ND 'XO HOLD THII s.um. ~ tri,tIIe1 tile ~ts ud eppur-.- tllaeeto ~ llllto UIe .w pIlft)o 01 tile ~ put aDd ................ fee ....,~. , AacI tile Mid puty or t1Ie W put" fGr iUdf .... ita -'. dan IIeRby _t with aMl1*lJ' 01 tile __ put.1dt .... lip! ~-. ud &Slips · tWit is i8dt1ceaihi,. __ 0I.w Ito4 .. fee ....... tlat it .. ....1 ponr .... lawful riPt to caewy aMI ta..s ia fee .... .. aIonIaid: tW It. Mal be ....,.. 'or .... l1*lJ'oIu.....adput..........~t.u-.....~at,.u-~aaoIqaledJtoeatcr.paIl. Wl.OClClIpJ',aIIll~ MidIl8d. tlIet Mid Iu4 is Ine fnc ell ~: tiaat it 1riII mab ... ,Ianw ___ to pafcct tile fee .... title to aid .... at ~ .-Illy be nqlIired. ..... UIat It dan IIereby IeIIy I wanut tile title to laid luId. ..... will delead u.e - epJait tlIe lawftd cIa;.s 01.. per.- .'1 r I M~"'.' IN WITNBSS WHJpUlOp. u.. &*tJ' of UIe ant put. _tile cIa7 ud YetI' Int ebcne writt8l" .... ClI-.I itlI_ to be ... aDd ita (lQI'pOnle ... to be e5ucI to I .....-ts - Its ......t MIl ita Semcu7,..... oIieItn _ft ... .w,. ...t1Iarbed ud -.-ued by r-raua. 01 tile ..... 01 Dindon 01 u.. INDIAN RIVHR -. ttARWS COUP ANY, JlUtToIUlehputberda,toaeaateuddtliftl' 1.....1 'Bi"" 0 " " , " 'f,. ~ Ul er &I'll. ......ft... ..~ B,.. ,~ f ' , (CclIp. Seal) J ? ~CI,..".. te BemaD J. huh Sa-I. Sdkd -S Ddiwred iA I'raeftce or as: ......1...'-.. .10>>41.1'10.,.... ____.....,....... _.'...., ...-..~.!,.~!__~q.~...., Oo.. ....'.... '.__....... ,...COo _, hu... Obal'l.. DuIIoa I. I. St_P. oano81ltd) - STAB 01' lOW"} c-tJ ., Sciott. .. J. ... GIkft. duly MItJIorUed io take ~~ to ... do Iaenby CleItify that 011 tJIis da,. ~ appeand btIare -. Ilt J'IlUl J. "1IOh ... Oharlee/1hmo8ll , to - .. k.-.. UIe ,1'rtsIdeal.... Stcmaty.I~wI,., 01 tbe IIIIIiua RiYa P'''''~, u.. '*POntIoa datcribed ia tile fore&ailtc ,deed..... .... tIley a-Wced belen - UIat tIley ~ dab: MtIIariIcd, _ Mid COI1lDI.. to acme .. fon&oiDa deed _Its beWf, .. to" its _......Its... t1Iereto, that t1It ... ..... tIIlIrtto .. tilt CIIlqIOrete .... 01 aid -1NlCa&.. aDd ~ .w deed _ CIeClItC4 by ..w CllIIpCII'atiOI f. tile ~ lIIcnia aJIRtMlI. ... t1aet .--..,. Mbo..ledced u.. _tiOIa dIenof to be UIdr me lIItt _ deed . ... c6len. fGr u.. _ MIl purpO.s therdIl ~ ... UIat Ue .... ......_t is tile Id -S deed.,.... <UpOraIJoa. IN WITNE8I WHBUOl', Ilia... IMmuato db.ed .,. _ ud ~ _ dill Slat at the Cit,. 01 I>.yapod. c-t,. ud State eIcraaid.. M, /J ...~ A"8 .., , . _ or Mq 1916, _.___~'" ...... "-'T...... I .-., .. 1918. I ~,~~} I ' c:...e, .. II. ..... ' ..'rrIl8wDmBR8D.TWeatWI _iii ,hbnaq " .\.D.1922, .. p~ ,0. abe" Qat 01 u.. Cimit c-t.. ud for.... c-tt.... cW, r-.w u.e ~ Deed III u.e i '.... ~ 01.... c..a,. Of .rnul. WH1PUIOI', IIlIiw lIcnutD _.,. ........ till... or .... c-t. drtt _ .... ,....... writtI& ..Uit M. Ball1l W, Ct- 1 'lUSpires (Ot. Of. ~,) . . (t;Q. .Y.;j ,.., 4('" f"b ~ .. Q;.$" ' ~.;,f~+\. ' ," __ __ .,... -'r.'... ..1..,0....11.4'14__. __.. , .. ........ ~.... ..(8&\t) , Cleft CiraIlt eo.t. " 1Jy.....~~;(..+~..o.p.tya.n. J J 1 oJ;! ,t ' . ,....', '::j'~~1i.~~lt~~