HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1453 -"35a,~?,:~"':'1~" .~,,,::::~'~. -:' ~:~ ~~.~",: .' ~~ -~ -~ ..~~..tf.(lT"":'~, ,.-~~~ .'~:-'. ' . " -.- ,', .......~c~~wr -"'~,-~'.-::: ."1:'; ,_,r',j_ "?-,.,,...._;..-'1.~~,.~.<! ,'-"T -~ . ~i - ~~, .": ': ~__.'_ .~:--:_~:". -::',~5:'~'":-:7'; ;.~~...1-~ry,-.',~':~T:~', '< ...-:... {U~ ........._ '_~1f._ -------------- -------~.._--- >\f\/ARIR'ANTY' DEED:, IIDIAlllIVIR'.l1Ul8 OOMP.l~ OJWU.B8' LitiS to 1BI8nmarruu,W..htlle 2&~.,,,' . J!'e'bruarJ " ' .' .A:D. ",22b,tIIe INDlAN lllV1Ul PAlt),JS COMPAlfY. a CQI1lCntJae ~ u4 ~ __ tile tan" u. &we 01 JIIori4a. puty of tilt &lit put, to Charle 8 ~'ll' 01 the Co\JDV " DtIY81 _State" !'1orU,a ~ ,." putrCllu.~put. , wnmssam. TIlat tllull. part)' of tile lISt put, fClUliclluo__tioa f11t_... elf One ( '1.0() ) - - - ., . ~ , ," , ." . " ' ,. DOUARS. II""...,," tIIe,~ SIatet... otW,NIabII ~ to it'...... PtId,"" tile IIId party" tile __ put, at ~...., the ___ .... ...,.y of U. ,....,'... till ~ ..... II.... tlItbowWced. .... arutCd. ~ toW, nIIued. _,.,. ud ~ ....". UIae preeeqlldcMe", ....t. ...... ... ..... ~ .... ~ ~ tile .... part)' CII U. __ put ...111I Wn UlI .....' .. fee ..... all tilt ..... iii at. IolIde c-l7. JI1orMI. dceCIiled u ,...: t4e8t~ent,l UiO):80res of ~~aot tWo (2) in weut10D 8Iv.nte.ll'Il?), 'owneb1>> "l'blr',- . . ~' . -:.... '. . - . - ., ~o '(32) '.'oltb~!iCm"~1r~J JUne (89. .:;a8\.88 _the '8tIme l~, d..81anat.ed on the last general . -- . - '- ,-" :.;... '-' -.; '- :,,' ':;""'.' -.'. ' .. "." '. * . , ' p1.atotl~nd8 of the Indian' R1'fer I'a101ll8 Coa])8D1.' filed ln the oifl08 of the Clerk of '\he 01rou.lt Uourt of Saint ~\l01. Yount7, .tlorlda. . ' ; t j t i ! I I I I I ! I I 1 I Its Praidast. I i Its Secntary. I i ; , I 1 I I 1922 I I I , ., -,d Maroh . ", .\-D.lt 28 I an " die CImIIt c-t iD .... lor IIId CaaaI)' "W .., ...... tile -... o.d II tile f Ibctpt. ~ftI'. tile riPt elf ..,. few pubUc r-s.. dr.alu&e ctMb. &lid ditdIea as .... 011 tile plat elf laid Iuda .... ..,. UIe pufJ' CII tile ... part. l'OW VII AND TO HOLD, THJl SAMa toIdJlu -.itll ell tile ~II .... ~ tIIoaaIato ~ uato tile said J1Ul1 01 tIle'leIClllDll part aDd 1ds ban....... ill fee ~~. , .... tlIe laid ~ ol tile "-t ~. few itself .... III ~, cIoa ... ~t 1rit1a IIId puty 01 UIe IIlaIalI put. WI ........ ....tatins. ... U!Ii&u tIl&t It .. iadefcuibIF ..... elf ..... &uId .. 'ee ~. tlIat It ....,.. po.- ..... IIwful riPt to _~ .... .... .. fee ...... ...r-Id; ....It .... be lawful lor' said party CII tile ... put.1ds .....1cpI ~ns. ....... at .. W- ~ ... qairtJy,'" aat<<.... ....... GCaIPJ'. ... caJu7 .... 1aad; dial .... 1ID4, is me ...... _____: t1Iat It will -iatsadl IW1titr ....... tel perfect UIe ree ..... title to said .... .. _y ~ be nqllind. ... t1Iat It daa IIenbJ ,* ftnUIt tile tIdt to ~ 1aIId.... .ilI defaId tile _....... tile lawfal dai-. oleJI ~ ...~.... . nf WlTNRSS WHBIlBOF. u.e I*lY elf tile Ant pert. - tile cia, aad ,.. &nt eboft 1fritta. .... ca..s iU _ to be Iipe4 _its ClOQlCIIate ... to be etIbcd to .... ..-- br Ita ~t ..., ita SIadart. wIdda ~ "w becll cIuIr ..t1aarbed ... -............ b, raaIatioII 01 tile JIGenI aI ~ elf UIe INDIAN RlVJUl PARMS COMPANY. puty d tile 6r?* put .... to ~tuacl cIeIiYa tJUa deed. Indian lil Ttr '8J'118 00. SllbJeot 'to aUta18e anddltGha88e8alDlnteor all1 B, Ueruan~. ~euoh 8peoial aeBe8...en~.$NI) lf 8D7 bele"'1,4 tor the ' 1'81'.1'21, end aU IRl i tax.e and a888SBJDent8. sc-I.SeeIed.....' . '., e.: dUll: Charle8Dunoan ...~,.:r~._~~t~1.~.C)~L .r,~"t\__: .....OU.h....... . ...~~~_~~C?~._u_.._._' ,L..__.....P_~~ Internal lieTenue Stem>>8 oanoelled I I I ; ! ~ " ! f j ~ I ~M~,} , ' . c...., aI 8clOCI. .. . . ' , I... 06erclulr ...~~ to....~ to" do,lltreb)o urtiIy dIM ClII t1Iis day ~ ~ Won _. llermen oJ. ~euob ud Oherle 8 .&iUD08D ' to_.. ~.. tile PmidaIt u4~. Rll*tiW'd1. d die..... Ri__ F..- c-.-r. tIlecarporau. detcribcd.. tile ~ deecL... ... UIeF u-Wa..4 w_ .. t1Iat UIey, __.., ~ ..,. .w cupndoa to eume t1Ie ,~ eked _ its bdII1I. _ to.... ita _.....Ita... tltaeto. thH tbe'... ..aud ~,II till CIlfJllIIale ... of .... ~..... .......... cs.l .. --.. .". .... QWJIOfatIoa far tile ~ UImia ~... tIIq _air a.-14.ld daIl ~ .... to be Utetr free .ct ad ..... ... ~ I<< tile _ .... ~ ,... -<m'Plll\ ... thH t1Ie IIId -.-, Is tile act lad.... d.... CIllI'pllntioa. , IN WITNESS WHaR8OP. l"w1lanato2.~ darcl Yebrual'J at tile Qtr aI n.~ ec-tr ad State aton.i4. ft8DOt8 A.Plath N<<uy PlIbIc 1a....1or Scott c-tr.lo.... 111,('-" r'G"'eqaau .Tal, .th, 112.. 81'AD . Jr.oam~ } , ~.. It. t.dt. ' 8. IT ~8BQD. nat _ tJIII .. . . . P.O.lnaftl N.Ic --. d.....6Iiit;. IN wrtHU8 WH8RIOI" 1 "W ....... lit III ........ till.. 01... c-rt.tIIe dar ...,., ..... writ. P.O .l1dI'81. -: _;" ........... -. _..... --.,...,. .-.-.,.... __..., ............'.-...(8&\1.) Qat CircuIt c-t. ~~,'7 .. Br......... v;- a~,.-;.~.~~~~':. ...:.......~ Clerk. ,~ ~eCOi-tJ . l'J'el'/leit , , . ' . . '.' .',':' ~:}J.~tj~~~ffh; n ~J ' J J I