HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1458 ....,1 r (J1.I-.~ " _~H''''~-''~,:~-:-~~~'''~~-''~M~,,~i:',T~. ~ ~ 358 _"_'~_""I1.'_ '- W ARRANTY}DEE'(:)'. I IIDU' aYe lAluis 00llP.uT to' 'MI4 II, itIOROL80lf and hU8b8nl f I , r i ftIlU'barrvu. ....tIle 80th ...., at J'-Ilua~ , . " ,A. D. 198a b, tile INDuN RIVQ .AIUIS COMPANY, uarpfttioo arpaIted .... cdstiIIa __ die a.. Or tile Slate at 1I1ari4e. ~ ol....lnt pert. to 01 ro 1. M.1I1oho1.o aDd K!.ohael Bloho18on, her hU8band ofUleC-tyof Phlll4el~l. ... Slate at Pennerl Tania ....v at UIe __ put. , .~. nat u.....~ at .'lnt put. tcw llIId ~ CCllIIidentIalI Of tlae_at H' ..",,' ' one ('1.00) . , ' ,." DOU.ARS. a... ,__ lit dle VaW awe.; ... ~ ........ ~ to it .. Iluol pIIl4 bJ ,die ... pert)' at tlae -.-1 put. at. Wen' tile' -aile ad tIdhtry at.tt.t c.-ta.,... tIle,~ wIIefto( II..., ~ bad.....~ ~ IOW....... -ftJ'e4.... --.-.. .... tl)' ~ ~ts --Ilcreby.,..t. I =... '--., _.., ......... ..eo.tIIe~' ~ at die __...... 1IIt1ldft... ......... ~ -.se II.......... ttL tude c-ty,,...... cIeIl:IW as , . .eat Te!1 ~d 26/100:(10.8~) .or.s'~ Xaet:Twent7 aDd 68/~OO (20.68) .0~e8 ot ~-raot J ).l:fteen. (16)' in HoUon thut7 (2$0), 1'01)rnehl>> fhut7ho,(38) South of Bang. .thb't)' nine I (39) rseet,.88tbe 'eame l.$deeipated,onthe lUBtgeneral plat of lands ,Of the Indian RITer I I I I ~ ; I f i ! ; i r ~ ; i i , , " ~ . \ , .araeUOap8Df filed in the offioe of tile, Ulerk of the Cirou1tUolirt of Saint Luoie County, 1'10rl4.a. '. " ~~ ~., i C ~ ~ .- 1 t i i ~ ~ ~-';", ti- t .. ~ Batept. ~. tile rilkt of wa, I<< pahIie roads. draiu&e cuaalt. ADd ditdaes as .... ClIl the plat 01 said Iadt -.Ie bJ the p.m, at UIe lint put. .TO HAV2 AND 10 HOLDTBB SUIIf. ...- wida all the ~~ta ud tppIItawIca t1Ieftt&ato ~1oItciq. Ullto die u1d party or tlae tealDd Put end ~ Wn aDd .... i:a fee .... forntt. .AIIII tlIe.... ,.-v of die trJt puty. I<< Ibdf .... its -. cIoet heftbJ _t1rith aid pulJ 01 die ___ pat. Ills Wr$,1rpJ ~tjftt, end usIps tW It.. ""'1'1 ~... 01.......... ia fee.....; u.t itlaas fuD poIftI' .... .wf......t to _"7 aid t-s la fee...... at af<<aald; tJaat It sha11 be lawful fGr said , pIity 01 tile ~ t*t. lilt.... ... ~u-. ud....... at II timet ~ .... qulrtJy to eater.1M*. ....... ocapy. ud tit" aid .....; tlIat aid Iaad is me ,......-.. ..~_; '. ttiat. it wilI__.-II tllltW.......- to paf<<t the fee simple title tO'aid land as _, ~ ~ ftq1Iind. ud tMtit cIoet 1IcftbJ''''' wvn.t, ~ title to u1d ...... Ad will"" die _ aplast tile lawf.. dal8 01.. per.- *--wr. , 1N~_W"IUlaOI'. d.e party or die Ant put. _ tJa da, aa4 JUI' lint e'-'e trritUao.... caased its _ to be Iiped ud its alrpOnte Ral to be alIu4 to t1Ieiie..-....1ta ~ .... its Seadarr, wIdda ....11&"' bed .., autbarbfd ud _...........d tl)' raaluU- of the Board 01 DiRctors 01 tile INDIAN RIV8R PAIUIS CollPANY, pulJ of.tIIe tnt put .... to UIiCQte ADd 4dim- tIdI det4. II DIAl RIVER :r Alum 00. Sll)Jlot to aU t~8 'and dltoh a88888D18nte or a~ 8, Herun J.2:euoh 8peola1 ....8._D~~ be 1....l8d 'for the 71ar ~l.and 8.,ll',811bHQUent taxeB and a8888BU)8Jlt8 "At.f .' SiIJMd,.~ 1!14 DeIiftnd ia PrtaDce at ..: ' 'K~ "-,Vera, Patter80n , . Ohorle IS .i)Qnoah :~ -:_"j-4<.....~......:......_.._.,,__._..__:...._..uu... .........----THIS DIED IS SUBiIln! 1'0 WR1'GAGI '(II \~ "sf- ~J, cP,Il.SchrWl ' , $'12&.60 .: (II \~.'j...............,..__......_._....._._..-..._--....-- .....-, -..... (.2.00 dooWl8ntor1 stall)) oanoelled) ~. Its Praideat. ,sr~O::A. }_ J. ....,,~ to tab ~1c4paada to.... do 1IombJ ca1if)' that em tills dar ~ appeand before -. Herm811 oJ .2:euoh ! .... Obart. 8 .wno8D ! i to_....... tile I'raldeIIt ud 8emCarJ'. retpKti~,at t1Ie IJIdiata Rhu .p- CcapuJ'. tlae CIllf1JOftl.Io&dea7Ibed la UIe foftcolac dftd._., ud tlIq Kbowkdled I bcfcIn_ tW _ _ duIJ' _tt.arUed bJ u1d ~ to aecate die ,~ deal_ ita beJaaIf. ADd to IiIIlIU _ UMlas. its Ral u.emo. U1at the .w alIu4 I .........,...... Ietl ", .... eilIj,...&tioa, aDd tIIat said deed ... euawl4 to, aid CIIWpOI'atba for tile purJIOIeS tbeRla aprused.1III4 thy RYUalIr ~ tile, ~ tMd to be tWr me Mt .... deed .'IIda' c6:en. feW the _ ADd pIItpOJn tIImia _~ .... tllat .. aid ioItrumnt Is the llCt MIl deed at aid eorparatiaa." , ' I , :, ,: 1M 'WI'I'NBS8 WHBJUJOP. I"ft -.-.0.... ., __.... <<6iII.... tMI 20th ., at Janusrr 19 22 i at tile Cil)' at DaftllpClrt.c-ty .... State arar-id. ,~ P( II 1-' , I : ,". 't.I~, /y h'anolo',I.Plath ! *' 01'''.. l' , ~ + ~ NolllIJ PlIblil: fa .... for Saltt CGual)', Iowa. ; .. Wrl"_-s..:...upira Jul)'lth,1924. I } ~....(, ... {1 ~ \ \ ( ,.:;I I ~:.,...= ,':'~~,.",;..:.'>' I . .. I1'ItIUOPOUJlD, ,.... _ tIIIt 23 ., af *l'Oh A. D.19 E2 i J.; , , , 'J' ,,;..0. DAre4 an 01 Clot ClmIIt c-t ia .... for .w c-.ty UYe .., -.led tile ........ Dad. tlae I ~ --... af .... CotlatF. Of WII'HJ&S8 W8UB0P, I"ft --.0 td., ........u... 0I-.s eo... tile., ...,... ~ writt& P.O.B14r.4 .......... ....,.... --.............., '...,. __. - ..'..... ........(S8AL) Cleft CiraIIt c-t.. ...:....-> \ '. ecot'c1 tr. . 6tfJed 8,.. ....____ .__...... _, .... ..., __..... ...... ...... ....... .DIpal, arrt. G - ,'... '~:,~~}~!I.~IJ1:1