HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1467 --'......~.....~~.,.. 367" ,~. ~:"""~~~~~--"~-*"':""'1"~;"'--~~""~-"":"'l""~~'\.~~..,:""""'~~~..~<_ ~. . - , -. . ..,~I't, .-....-w,~'~...~.i"!"'~..:-........_~...........'.',..~...~..a~_ ...... ~~ ,'............. ", ,... , ' WARRANTY'DEEO', IIDUII' RIVIR JI.A1UIS 'OOllPUY to' JOn !HOMAS ~.. J TBI8 umlln'VU, Made u.o ,Uh cl.a, cI ';'.brufl INDIAN RIVKR PAUlS' COMPANY. . CIOf1IOBtiOlI crpaUed .... uisdlIr __ tile "WI cI UIe Scate cI JIIoridll. parV or dM Int pert. to A. D. 1928 ~ UIe I ~ j ~ I I I JobJi !rho__ BO"1l c1U1ec-tJcI .... State or ~l or 14& ' , ...., cI tl!e ieCIOIld part. ~ I WlTNBSSJmI. .....t the .us parV cI UIe 6nt put. for ..... ~ cI tile - cI One CI1.00). DOUARS. lawful D*)' Ia t,he tTaItecl......... otIIa' ftlaah1a ~ to it. IIuI4 pUt b)' UIe aid put',c1 UIe --s...... M 111 W- t,he ~ .... dtlIwr)' J cI t1IeIe .--tI. .... tile RCdpt wheftoI II herdlF ~ had ...uted. bupIatd. 1llId...... ClIlDft7ed ucI ~ ... '" .... .--.. doeIlla'th7 &nil" .' ...... IdI. ttMIt, ~tq' ... eoa.&r-....to tile aid puts cI the tecIODCI put ... 1dt1ldn .... MIlpt. .. fee .... .. UIe IacI .. St. tude ~. ~ ~ at lolIon: Lot .0. You' C.) in Bloat .0; FOUl' (.) Saint I.uo1e in Booker T.Wu8hin'on .AidU1on to the uU'l ot Vero, Florida. as the _.. 18 4e.l$D&ted on the plat of noh tCllm, recorded in fibe OfU.eb.:r the Olerk ofUle 01ro~1't Oourt in and I. I I , i I ~ j I ~ ~ i ~ I . c ~ t RsClIfItItJ ~"'.~.".1[... .""1""' FJi_.. . V ,__.A_ &!M.R"'."'.' f't4'\A_JIlJ..u-i ~- - WIIfl,,~-~,.IMMl14J, -,,- a... t TO JIA vn AND TO HOW TUR SAUR. ~ .itluU the hendi~ aad epputtmaDra tlIn-aIIIto bdoaabac. lUIto the .... parV cI UIe IeDOII4 put and ! his bdn... aMps in 1ft 8mpIc fOftftt. ~ Aad UIe saki party cI ,u;. &nt party, lew lbtU ud its ,---. dact brrd>7 _t with aid party cI UIe --' put. .. MIn..,... ~ "'lIftps S t1Iat It Is ~ Rbcd cI aIclllUld la Ice ~i that it .. laU poIIft .....wfal riPt to CGR'ftJ' aid bod iii fee ..... at aror.Jd: tMt it ....' bit ..wflll lew said , parV 0( the -.I put." brin, IrpI ~tati-. u4 _Ipnt ell tiaxlI ~.... CllIldIT to eater',____ hold. oca.p,., ud nJoJ laid Iud; tll&t .w laad is IRe l rr-.. _____: tlIat It Wi1l ..u IUdI lartbec _ to pufed UIe fee .... tide to aIcllud as -.y r-.bly be reqglnllI. ... tII&t It .... btreb, laIIy , (, wanat, the title toMklIaDd,.... wiI1 dcfcDd the __ apbast the la,..r. cWiascl ell Per-~. ' I IN WlTN,$lS WREa80P, the 1*tJ' 01 tile Int put. CIa the clay ud ,.eu linllboft writta. W caused ... _ to be Iiped ud i.. corporate ... to be "~ed to I t1IeIe..-....,... Praidtat .... ita &c:mary, wIdda a1licen lIaft l>caI cJubo uthcllUed uci ceponnd .., ndatioll cI UIe BOu.I cI Dlndan cI UIe INDIAN RIV8ll i FARUS COUPANV, IJUl)' cI the 6m pert bada. w mate uid deJnft t1lit deed. IB DIJJf RIVlIR . ime 00. i BJ1IermanJ. aeuoh i , ) ~ . ~ ~ t f ! I f far sald Oountl. BJ8Q1DTIO.S. ~ 1 l ~ I , I , . ~ I : " j 1. The pVohaHr 1I118t ollar, his lot of aUunderbl'U8h or unA'8irahle growth within go 4a18 :troa date of .oha.., aDd 1n the ....ent of hie not oOIlP17ln8 with \hi8 the o~.~~~~.~~~~.~~!.~~!~~.~~.~~.~~~.~~~~~~~:................................... I. That all bllilUJl88 .reowd. _at f1r8tooap17 with \he restriotions with . ret.reaoe .to ,plaoellentof bllllcl1ng on the lot, and that no residenoe Bhell be plao.. olo8er to the lot line than \h1rt7 (80) f..,., . ' i \ j Sllb~eot to aU taxe8 and ditoh ae.,s8IHnts or an7 8peoial ae.e8smente it 8D7 be le...18d for the lIar 1928. and all 8llbsequent taxe_ and aSee8811ente ] (Corp, SeaJ) Oln'p8ul Its PresidalL Sipcd. Sedd ud Ddim-td la J>rnftIce c111S: , . .60 400umentart eta. oenoelle4 . Ohorle8 DuMan ......... ...~ .Vel'fLl'a1('-r.eOIL... __ __..,.._ Its Srcntary. &TAD Of IOWA,} eo.tJ ., 8cett. .. J, lIII oIIcer clair &IItJaGriad to take .w-~ to ...... do lIn'tb)' catif, t1Iat CIIl t1ait day ~ appured befoR _, Ue1"llBn J.Zelloh aDd Oharle8 DunoIlD to_ wdl mo... UIe Praiclaat ao4 &c:mary, rapt'CtinIT, cI the IlIdiea IUftf' F_ C-JIlUIT, UIe oarpontioa dacribed III UIe fCJRIClIQr dced...., ... till)- ecbow.ledatd befoR _ that tber .-e dub' ...tIIoriae4 .., aid ~ to aeaau tile I~ clted 011 its belIalf. ... to lip ita _ ud ... IU ... tIIcRto. t1uIt UIe ... .a-s t1Iado Is the (IOI'pllQte R8I cI aid cwpntioe. ... t1Iat aiel deed ... aectaWd bJ laid CIOf1IOBtiOlI for the parpoJee tbereia ~ ... UIe1-.1b- ~ i I tlle ___ tIlenof to be ... me let ud deed at tuela oIlicen, for UIe _'.... plIrJIC*S thenIa -~ .... t1Iat UIe .us mm-l is the let .. deed cI saki ,', eorpontloa.' . IN \VlTNItSS WHBRHOF. IlIaftJltrnato dud .., IW8e .... oIidaJ .... tWt "1ih da, cI Je blRlrl 1 .t the City cI DeYntpOlt. c-t,.... Sbte etore.ld. Prenoes K~Pla 1;1& ! \ ..,. Sea 1 Notal)' Public: ill... for Scott COUll". IOWL ~ .... """-""""..- .T1l17' lih. 19" I I I i I 1928 y i I I - I &TAD ow Jl.CWDA, } c...., 01 It. ..... BI IT RIUIJUUnUUID. TMt CIa tldI ~ r.O.JLDRlD ...... ~ cI Mid CClIIIIly. IN WlTNIIli8 WllBR80'. I"w lIuamto tit ., ........ tle_ cI .... c-t. tIae ., ... ,.. ebrm ~ ' , P.O.BLDaID Of Ot SB.tL .,... "'" .............,... .,...... " '.. '. ......... ....-_(SBAL) Clerk CIrcuIt Coat. I 26 cIIlJ'c1 April A. 0.19 28 ant. cI the CImIit CGurt .. ud lor ul4 Coomty lIawe ...., ~ UIe fontoiaa Deed ill U. "'.11\ . ,~,j , , ,: \ '". !Jt. .' '{~.tV ,.\..t.1W B'....,.~ :~~~~-., ......_......OepatJCIst. -----~- ------~ : " . ',~.' (.{;it.~ifl~i