HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1479 ~~ 370 ~;"?,.",,:-,"""":-'~ ~'~'-.~_n. ~~'~r .,,!,.~ ~'~l~~',,41 , :::,' ", ;J~' , - - . ~"T~''''''''.~!~'''''''''~''~r-:c~~----'-' ..... ." .' ~ _ ~~-7......,.,-' '~"_>"""'~_'~---: ~""'r--..,,:-_,...... -.........'11: .;~ "~~'~~',,'.<:,\~ . ....'r., .' ............... na............ .'.,.... ,... .' 'WA~~ANTY, DEEO' IJD~ aIVIR J4lUl$. OOKPUY to OIAltMa J. o.u01'BBIlS. -, TBIIIlfDJImJU, JoIacIe UIe' 28rd dq tl MUM INDIAN aWEIl FARMS COMPANY.. ~ cqubed........ __ UIe laws tl UIe SUl.e tl JIIoricIe. puty 0I....1nt.... to A.1); " ea." tilt ohelaer J.O"O~I'. oIU1e~oI ...sStateol ' OhiO' , ~oItllIIttCIOIlClpu1." Wt'1"N1lSSJmt. That UIe iaId partTaf tile ~~.. f<<... ~ 01 tile _ 01 , '0. . , .," . 0.. (f.I...OOI -'. .,-'~ .-'...... - --~ -...,.. - -: - ...'.. -..... DOLLARS.. I....... ...,. .. ... u.hId .... .. otW 1'.a.bIe ~tJoM, to It .. ... ... 11)0, UIe ..w IlUV 01 UIe tllCllII4 put, .. ., Ware" UIe .... ... cIeIftr,. tl u.- pt'eeltl, ~, tile receipt ___ Is 1ImbJ' a...~..4, 1114 ....... ......... ..... rdIued. _~ UIll-*-d. ... 11)0 .... ,...ta dileallcnb)o ,..... bupIB. ... .... toaft)' 8Ild eoeIra _to tt.e IIid puty 01 U1e..-s put ... lilt ... ......... ..,..... tiiI tile ..... .. .. J,ade c-tF. ...... cIMcriIled as -, r.., fIr"'f aa4. fl,{l.OO (20 ;Uloo:r!" ot 'Jooi ,j~\O.~ (~61.. ~.q".D . (~l. TQo~~p .... nll't,..'tbl'~' (38 ~ sput'ii of, RuaSt, Thlt~-'lsht (88r.laa~.. a8tb~ 8__~ 18 d..~sM~.4 Oll'the . ,,' " . :. - ," ,-,' - '.'.' . ." ---' ,-.' ,. -' lut 81neraJ. plat of l-.d. ot the India Rlftr Panaa OoaP8D7, tU.d In the Oftloe ot'\he Olerk ottbe CirouU OOQ~ 0' S.1n'~uo~. Oount,. J'la. , o 1118 OS- 10. I I I t € . I I r I I I I I f I I Sub~eo' ~o all 'ra,. aDd dl toh ~ae8ament. oz an7 .peolal &aaea8118Dta. It &n7 be 1eY1e4 i J I i F .~ I ( i , l 1 \ ; . i j J I . I i I the1ear .1.928, aDd all aubaequnt ta.. and a88"lIl1l1n'.. EI<<Pl. hownv, tile ri,pt 0( ..,. ,. pllbIic: nlt4t. clniaece CtDIh. _ dildle. as ... OIl tile plat 01.... ....... -.Ie ." tile put)' fIf tile Int pan. TO JlAV!t AND TO ilOLD Tn BAAlH. ~ witla all UIe lIa'ediu-&ta _ ~ tllawato 1ldaaaiDc. IUlto tile IUd put)' 01 tile ___ put_ his bein &lid &IIi&DS Ia lea IImpIe lenWI'. ' . Aa4 UIe .... puty 01 tile lint perty, r<< Itad( _ its ---..... does IlcRbr _t wi\h aid party 0( tile ....Qd put.1lit IIdn.Itcal ,...Iati.... ... usicm tIlat It It iIldeltuihly tdIecl 0( IIid ..... fa I~ ~; IMt it ... IlI11 powa' aad lawful riPt to _"7 taJd ...... fee ...., as ar~; that It .... 1Ia lawfal ,. .... pu-i,. 01 UIe --- put. Ids a.an.1epI rqIftOaltati.......s ...... at all Ii.- ~ .... .., to aattt... ldd. CICIt1IPY, .... ~ .... Iud: that IUd )aa4 is &ee rn- .. ~: that It will -a -.II furt1Ier ___ to pufeet tile Ice lIimpIe title to .... Iud as _y .--ably be reqaIred. ucI tIIat it does IItftbJ luIly WlIfIUt tile tJtJe to Mld'laad. ucI wiI1 clerald the _ epiast 1M ..wf" dUm. 01 all per.- n-wr. IN WITN. WHEIlEOP, tile party 01 tt.e lint put. 08 UIe day ll8d )'IU' lint aboft writtal. W --S Its _ to be .... acl ita CIlI'JIllI'llIe Mal to be "aed to tMIe ..-.. .". Ita I'relIideat ud Ita SecreIarJ'. Mft beta 4aJy autJaoriad ucI ~ b1 retoIatiaa Of tt.e Board 01 Dindan 0( die INDIAN RIVER PAR),IS CO).IPANY.put7~t1Ie&ruput delmrthlsc1ftd. Indian Rlft~ Pal'DUI 00. {Cclrp. SeaJ) ItaSecRtary. B7 ' aerman J. Zeuoh Ita Pftoldaat.. Sped, SeaW .... DeIk'UCd .. ( Y..;....I....U..X.OJL, _"0 ..0:: '.......,... 0 Q!.J~~__.~~~~~o__, .._ __.. ..., 0____.__.......,. __ ,__.' no. __, J f3. 00 Chal'le. DunGan I.B.Stampa, oauoel1e4) ,I BrAD or IOWA.} J eo.a, 0I8cotL s- I, _ c6s ...,. ntIIodtcd to take ~~ to detds, do IIertbJo catif7 tllat _ Ulls day ~ eppeuflI beIoft _, i i i I j ~ I 1122 · 1 ~ i N~ PDIlIic. _far &ou Coat,., lows. I WyCa..._I~uspiret' lull 4th. 1924. ' : ,'~ . ' t I · STAD or J'I.OJJDA, } i c:..., 01& ...... . '! BB ,~" ' . ' ,', ~j1-t 08 tWI 28rd ..,. 0( JuDe A- 0.19 28.B .. - Qat CII t1Ie CImIIt c-t Ie llDIIrc..... ea..ty Mft daIy -*",UIe Ioftaaiac Deed ill tIIr" PlIl>Ic -.-.01.... c-ty. . # I IN WlTNI388 WJIJUlIk)J', J..ft--told_.......tte...of.wc-t.tlledaJ'...~....wri&taL :'~" t C--......\ ........uuu.~.. !I...1IU'n~....ui.t.~:t::' \?"~1 .,.a1../Lu~/.u.u..J- , '- ~.v/ t Be~ .. Zeuoh and Ollarl.. DaDoan to _........tIle!'Rsldaat ud Semtaty, rapectiwq, of tJM, IDdiu ~ P.... eo.1-T. tile ~ cIeIc:ribed. tile I...... delIIL_., .... dIq edM_ledaed Wore - tMt they .. d8tr ..~ by ..w corponatioa to ~.. die IGR&QiIIc cJeed 08 It. bdItII. lIIICl to ... iU _ aad dbl1f'" tJMmo. IMt tllII ... .aucl s tJaado Is t1Ie CIIIqIClIate ... 01 .us CGrJICfttla., ud. tMt ....,... _ U<<Utcd .". ..w ClllrJIOhtiae ~ tile ~ t1Mnia ~ ..... tIaq .... ACbo..~ed i == tJaueaI to be ,tWr &ee .. .... dud as NCh ..... for t1Ie -- .... PlIfpCli8ft tkniD ~ ucI tJaat u.e ItiI! ~t Is the 8Ct ad cJeed of .... IN WITNBSS WHO at 1M City 01 o.ftIIJlOI1. .yol . lluoJ1 o rr...e. B. Plath 23rd . < ~ + _-:-'1.;/.:;''''~~l'< ~~ -~~~~~:;.~'i'.~7:';;; . ~ - '-~ ~~~~~~~-~'w~~-$;:~~~~-: -, .,"'. ~~;~~~~~ti~~~~~>~~. '] "1 ", j -1 j J ~