HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1486 'S"~~~~;'q:iJ -C.iJ1;.......~~~,............._'":"_ I ~ u "'1 t \ j T .1"1{ ." r'lf.. ':;~Jll.1N"<f,~l t'-l I'f..-...... '. '""""':ill R', 1 ~ ,-, TYI1'll'. T .... '386 _p _...___~....~ '1&~hce..~.LOIIPI () (-'j):. a' WAR'RANT.Y',O~ED ~..~~.Yt.~...u 07-,3 ~ ~#4>UA-;. " Qu. ~:~' ,eut.L~ . ,'(/ 1'RIla.DIIn'UQ, ~ t1Ie !Z 6' )1. cia, of >Jlckv. " ..' " A: D. I~Y br t1M INDIAN 'RIVBa .AR~ COMPANY, .~doa ~..... uIstI8c __ UtfJawt of the State cll'loriolt. par\7 of tile Int put. to tJ ~'f4'~J' ~~t;, ' cltlleC-.,cl 4~~-d- ' . _State of ~H(."'~ , ' ~ cl the tmlIld put. '~,' ", 'I'ba\ t1M.... JIUl1 of tlle Ant PNt., fCl...." ~ of tlle _cl /~ (. '. ' I, .... ," , " , {.k~t(. . /P /. CJe ) . OOUARS. Ilwfal1llllllllt" tM,Vaht4 ~ M4 atber YaJ.bIe ~ to kID.... pUcI'~ the tUd'putr'Gl tlle -a put. t\ or bef4n tlle ~ UId ddi"" I of tbeII ,....tt.'..... ... ncdPt wIMftol IslMftbr ~ ..... puled. bup1aecI. ..." rdtutd. _~ ud -s.-d. ..... br UIeIe ~ts doet heRb)' pant, , ~ ....~ ~.. cOeIra lIIlto the.... ~ of tile.... put ud Ills beln ad..... ia fee UIpIe all tlle laad laSt. Lade C-.,. ~ deaibed al. I falo,~,'t, ',l(~-, 1,1", ..tl:l' -/~t/,,(~' )', 'I-~'" ,(,:#/.."'6 ?t.,e. cf;:'t,j ''::J.<- J4? )~~ .7':::. ~~.6j ~Ub:- ~')'" .' ,~, 44. 7M' Ala>-n-t't!,. ,C<). .... lIA-(.U{., ~',;;:Mt;.~7~.a.t::.~ u~LI&~~ ~cp~ r .If ,w:u"" ,-#;~f;';")i~l() A/u,l-dc,*:,,:Unt,;' "~, ~~: ,l,~'~,c::~d ~;(. 7'/t!! erfW- 7 -:~ ~k:'? i , k ~#ic.I!:~t- ~ a,rLh ~il-~~~ (!:dU-u-4I" ~ ,. _, , . i a, ~ ' . . 7f-r4<.~~It.t.~ . 1 , / .'J~.t.4cA,J4.. 9~~i_.~~,ikA, ";D I:::. n,IU.t. '>1utd'~..r--t. ,-k.:J ..It,./- 9 .a/{ !.~"1.~~~/t--Iu.L4--N "'. -(, d--ICH.~h~ '#'.,...'(1 u/~it.- ~~~, ( ~ ~,"j-e-, I"n~ .rot&:. ~ ;jI<<'t.1!. U~, a.,J;r F)f /A'(, .i"-t;~..."t: f ~)r, J. ~.i'~ ()L~,l-'I/()'D~ t :i ~ ~~-~''ld4~.t ;{~~ ]b_~~.ll ~ d. t1~u/.., 6k4A~"" f ed <V ('. . ' ~ ~ /...~ ft'4d 4~~~.~4-"U~, (t; 7'<< /n'f.."~a,.iI."_, t Z ,L -4 ;(, oJ ;;j- ,20' &.e,r :.t'N~ ,AU-'d.c.f'.f,~",- .w4-'Ll. ..cl/#~C"P, ,..,,(. //~flA.. /.,,,-n... r. n ~- .uc. n. (!o~.,tl(. -L' f'!'f', .t'.L€ '''1 . d .had :.L.f'~ ,. " ~ L :A: ~!:J, ac- "",f( at u'~~..kc-r- ~.a-,.f.l:"7a . ''/tu.-t..~~-&~ zl(_ ..t<M717 '~t n/:..'~t leI4$; " " :,U"i -::~ ~ ~,'( ','t" 'l ,Ie fi"".u~' 7M.. /oj 7d'c., C-;"',..h.-a.../ ,d<t.. >r~v;~~~ 1 -"/'- ' 4uec.- l!~f-'t-~ ,,-# '#tL, ,C ~-.!.A ... -rJ ~'. ~'7 /' -J I ~~l'/ .ex, """",-"U.-r~/ /.urcLa,u_i.../. ~''; Mf./ ~l. 1\;/';.,(.. ",..' , :..r~. t I ;). ,..z~d- rdt. :A~J~t~-€. '.~~""'~L. )w.d /:.,~~ tctoll#l" A./d'~ ~(" ~~~/iU'-&""I,4/ .Lv.,~.~ /U V'~.1t.4.~ _t;: ~/"'.G'~.!,:,-~:t--~ Ih;d'J"l., .:' I'h... 7.6 '/~t- n'6u~ .. -t';.AfI../. 'f"e<--~;ut!.i'__ ;dcu t4.... ~.......... I ';(~,W .~, ~t .bU.~ 7~~_ I~':{74, (l-?C J, ,~" u~t; ,a'1ul H.<>,~i...t"';;12<A "-d.~L.,( h, -'-, ~~<"'~"Dd '<'~/<~~~J<;, M..' :~(', 1.-u..z.~<<4~ ~..ltul- ",.{u;).. Llf.-rn#t '1'1(.- j~~'-?~4. fL e- /&.t.t--- 4'-ZAH..' ~ -SeD#>. ~~dd../;;;J ~:.t: € 1!~4~ ~ M-L r:;',~ft......, <-:j/" ./ILl ~u/~~':~, -#~...h( -;1' A-Ztb. ..ufJt 1: .I~7" ~ ~~L.t 'c._~~,C ' 1/ ~ ~7/fJ//~;JiJ /' ..1Jfi4~ ""~/L#C..I d).e~,~' ~UL i., /~ I)L;; (. [5.' L('" € . I l (~t'~_ :4-J(. 7.u . 4>~..._ P tJo~~, A.&",t4 ,dn~,)<J;"'1 Th. ~'''r'7<<I,A jP"'Cl ~ ;.,....<' I .~~~ML-' , , , , ..........1'.. ..~....7~~ICfl..1 f .. ~p 11. _.....f.... II' ..._L"'l~_W~......4.h.) tlh.r_l,,"~L-~ t..,lft: : ,1'0 HAVltAND,TQ HOLD TQ SAJoIa. toIdlItr 1Irith ell tbe lleftdju.-ts and appIIftmaatts tba'amlo~. uato the said puty of the --S put and Ida liars and ......18 fee .... fGrtwr. - Aad .. .... ....., cl tlle &:It putY. for ,it8eIf ud Its IlICftIIlII'I, doet IIftmt" _t with .... party GI tile RC'OIId part. IUs heirs. kJd ~tatins. and .... that It .. ~ . +IT .... clllidllDd la fee ....; tIIat It .... 'uIl ~ ..... lawful rilbt to cun~ laid land ill f~ ~, ... afGRSaid; that it ..... Ile lawfal fell' said I*tY 01 tilt .... put, Ills IIcinr,. ... ~ti"" ud UIicIM .t ell U- ~ ..... quietly to C1It<< upon. bold, omIPy. and n1joy IUd land; t1Iat '.... lUId Is free ~ ... ~; -.t1Iat It 'IriIl mab .... fwtber .....-.- to pufect t1M fee IlmpIe title to said 1aDd as _y r-"l1 be reqaind. and that it doet lornby fully warnat tlle title to aid Iand....s 1rill defmd the _ qUatt tile lawful claims of aU pu.- wIIclmIoeftl', , iN WiTN_,~It, tile puty of die &ttt pert. _ the cia, ud yar &ttt lahoft tnittat...... C2..... its _ to be Iiped and Its corporate'" to be dsed 10 'j ...,..-- by ita .PJsideBt ...s jq Sec:maty. wIIIdl 6uI haft bcaa dilly authclriad ud aapotrUed br ftSOluUoa GI tlle Boud cl J>iftdon GI the INDIAN RIVER \ .ARJ&, ll<;9MfA'~,~~,J: ~tllelint,"wtbcsda,.to_te""'ddi"l, uuSW ~hu..;,t d~tlLu-"?....~;~4'- .L-'j' 4.....J, -I~ ,6,':"''L-/,..,~ $,4-cl:ll-E-t" "4 ;u~Jiiy.i. 4#,'.2':/.ffili-~ . "~I#'n<L":.r<, "I' a....~1 181LL. -~"""J /- 1/~P/").~' q~4~ -l.~.-a:;:.tl<1~u.,.r :[:it,I.' 1#1. "<e.,4,,'~<-~, , . ;,,, .tQ , J/}I~';',(. //1,;.",- 'taM~/ ,'I' lIS Pftsideat. 71<,/ M',nhJ..i I. /5(L>,'A",,'- (/ 1""' 6;f;t-t.k., I '.O'7'o.-.t.,../ I I STAU 0' IOWA. L, . eo.q..... J~ ' ~ fA. I I I... CIftkB 4uI7 MdIloriad to tab ~IMISIS to deeds. do lttnbr ar1ifJ' that 011 t1IiI clay penoruIly appured bcfoft _, ~e+,.n~ j~ ~ M~~nJ 110_............ PrtsioIaIt...s &ctduJ'. nspeetInIr. of tile Jadiaa Ri__It...... c-p..y, IlIe corporatiGa dacribed ill tile f~ cIted..., and tHy acbowJed&ed · bdare _ tllattll&J',_'" ntJiorbed br laid cuponUoa to eatcUfe tlle forqoboa deed ClG its bebaIf."'" to lip its_ and elh its... t1Ia'rto. that t.IIe .-1 alliled tJaento II tile CIlIqlllnIe _of ... CllII"pOR~ ud tMt Mid. deed _ canted ." Mid c.wporAtloa for die pcarpo-. tbe:rel. espreBed. and tJaey RYetaJIy 8duolfledced I ~ tile ~ tIIeIeaf to be tWr fJw act ...s dtled .-.11 oIIcwt.. IcIr t.IIe _ ad PIIfIII*S tloada -tiooed. and tJaat die aid msu-t is tJle ad and deed GI said I I ~ WlTNBl5S WHDIlO', t"'"ft_ftDto~~_ oGkIaIrea1.tbii {ll)"/Y clqof , .lJI.7Jj.#~ ;' 19"'2--\ at tile Cit,. of bawaport. ~ ud State -'cInaid. " /. / y, / ,:_ :" .. ,e~.t.{. r,' '. ,.... ,lC."U.Alk''>\ / NoW)' I'labIie ill ud r<< Scott Count)'. Jowa. K,('-~npirfS // .uk 4~r 1'7:1.1/ tts &cntary. , ~y' ~J. /(. /j;.r,~1 ,-"u,,,L'kL. 1 i STAD . rtOUDA.} '. '~-;:-~- .....""'.... ,-/,/ ..,... O;z.;;;r-- ......~~Q .. ' (If,' I). ..../ Lu-',,( an of"" 00uIt ill _ for..w CGanty Ioaft ....,. _deiI tlle forquiQr DIed .. hblic.... of ec-c,. ' ~ IH ~ WNIREOIt, ua_~".:_~"'Ile_cl..w~ "~~,=72~,6!~r.L, .........LL) /' ....... Ckrk ~c-\. I . " ' \ ~ \ 9!'c, f " ' . \& t { \ ....~y, . ..,Pfd'/-.,.,..", .. ..........._..... .Pj .~ '~ ' . '.- :..:/~il!'~t~t~fil