HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1488 ,"""" .~-"~"T_r_:-,_....,_~~,~__-.,-"~~""",,,~,.~_~~~~: ._," .~ ":'~ '1"",- ~.." I fi.,.,... U I ,I . ~ . ;; . YY" r , . Pli;r T't,r=f ~ f I ~ . . tl,.. ,~.,." " ~ b. '1141'" .......... .- '~', . 3SS ...;, .....IM.... 'r~-..'.'.... " - , ,. .", " ~ARRANTy;,t),EED," Jj:tltll....4f~~....tkY.U/ .......~~... \, ~ ~~..fD. au....h'-L . ., ~tur. ~-~~...'.~..a.MP.2.:fr~,i~...c:. ;--:4~~~. ;....~.. . : n:-! . . ., ~. . ~tllec-v~ AW;'~~<- ad... /; ~ '. .put)'Ofdle~~' .' , :.;.,.\~ 'n.att.U.JdJllllV~tldnt~for""IUOlllid_.~OIt11e....ClI ~ (Ii, e>c) DOLLARS. ..",...;., ~""U.I...S 8tateI..a4... nIaIbIt ~ to It IDIiIllllIJllld b)' u.e.....~ qf ....1ICiOIIll ~ .f 01' Wore tile -am, .... ~ 01 u.... ...... ... tile hClIift wtMnoI Is ......-.". ~ W ....ted. ~ .... nIeIIcrJ. -YeJelI- -'nMd. _ b)'. tIIae ..-a!a does ~ ..I. ~......... ....,. .... cQeIra .to tile laid put)'0I tilt ---PIrt ... Ide ........... III fee.... all tile.... .. at. JAde CQuaiT, Florida. deIcribfd.. i *4:'~! (;") ~.v1 r{,..;e. 6A~./ (/ I) -h. ~~" 1}~~ l' (~S:-1\J...,.;J47.. .1kkr.7k.:(aa). ~-d ZCf~%-7~~n..-"?~L ,(3'1)~~'. ~.'6k A-~ /.;/. ~7:..",l!i~ IrJ!/Z6. 4.<<1,..uu t. .~. \~'A~f '-.. ~ ~.~. ~t-t, (/f ~e-vt.,t.. ~~.' .'~ a,~:i.. "".~~, I~..t I ~t/}f,', :~r. ,"~(:L.# ~~L -~... .'~. 6~~,{.. 1. Jk -d2....,,~ -6.-wE- 01- i .d-.."t ol~'.~ ~'?+"~/' 32... I \~ ! I ~ .A:D. t9"Y'" tile ., I . . . .' l ~ ~, tile riaIat 01..., tOI' pabIie roadt, clt~ taaah" ad ditdIeI u ... ClG tile plat 01 aiellaDda ... by tile pulJ 01 tile &nt put. ., 'I ,'IoHAVS ANBo/to HOLD TBS SoUUf.1aptMr willi II tIae ~ts aad ~ tllemmto ~. IIllto tile said puty 01 tile --.s put aad ! ,.... ..., ....... Ice......,orntt. '0. . . ! .bd....... 'f'iroldlelnt put)',.* itstIf....lU ---. clots IItftbJ' l'OftDaat 1Iitls IUS puty 01 tile IllCODd put." hein,.1epI ~tatiftS. aad aaIcm ; lIIIt It II ...,~..ilW..... 01.-..... .. fee....; Uaat it .. ,aD .-w aDd .."'III.....t to CUDftJ .ad .....Ia ree _pit, u arOl'elSld; that It .... be hwfal rOl' lIIi4 I ,.rt;yolll...tll-.ll*to .........IepI...-8taUYes. uirl....... &II tiIDts~ ad qaletJy toeotaupoa. 1IoIcI. 0CClIpJ'. ad ealoT aid laad; that .ad Iud s free i ... .... .....' ".....; ....., It will .ue ... rurtJoer __ to pafed tIae Ice ..... title to .ad Iuad III _,. ~ be nqaimI, _ that it clots henb,. r.JIy ! WlIfI'IIIt tI.e tide to ..w Iud,.lIIIlI will cWca4 tM _ ~ tIae .."'.. dalna of .. ~ .~'f6. '. ! . . IHWlTNBSltWlllPUlOP, tile part-, 01 tIae lint put. ClG.tIIe dq.... J.-.w lint aboft wrlttm, Wou.d Its _ to be""'lIDII ita corporab -' to be alIiud to ! . . . . , . -'. ' '., . ~ ;-~":~~-:::'~:~=:'~~-;~'::==:-'ad~~~~~afZ:~:INDL\l RIVER ! /.t..~ .' ~~:~. d<.C~'" .~ . '.. fl.;..E~./- ..' 12 a,u~~..,?tu.(I.~l-""" B,. f1~ \/1" ,,' 70) /'~. 1t -;.. a1LUIA. ~..&et6 a'kLl_-I~6..-..L~ 't'-\r 7A{. ~fi.." /{~"''''-;)-.1f4.f~~' ~.A..l!--""~ If",' leu'/- ~ ~ ,~c ~#.;f iJh{l~j a...~ 'nQ....1t: ~ / d/, /1 . Its PraicleDt. . ~&.Ie4....DdifttedIa~oI.; . /(!)~tlM._,r.J! ~.JU~~Q..lt/ ..........~~W.(~c.~t~~4~1t.r............_ 'hy._S;~1 Its5<<RW7. ....u.h.,.<<./!f.;..@4~:~:?:-!k..~.......... ~!2-rc ..I /? 44~ ~~'~LL~L'_ STAn or IOWA. \.. c::-tr If 8cIoI&. J . ' 'J/ vj &J ~ , J, .. ... cia!,. IIItIIorizIed to tab ~1elIpaem to detdI, do IIefthJ' c:atII,. tIIat .. tlllltII,. penIlII!II-, appeared Weft _. ~/j;~<<---" eX ~f'/ i D n ~ .... ~fle6~.I-k"?1 ~a"w' I to.. well ~ II tile I'raIdmt ad ~.I~linl1, 01 tIae fDIIiu R1_ P.... c-pu.,.tIR corporatIoa daciibed In tIR foftcoiII& deed. _., _ they lltbowltdc'td w- _ lIIIt u.., - ..., atIQIariIed b)' .... ~ to aemta .... I~ deed .. Itt beIIaJf. ud to ..... ita _ ad aIb Its -' thento, lIIat tIR _ albed t.IImto If tile UltpGNte ... 01 .... -........ IlI4 tIIat IIid deed ... aectded bt- a50I ~ 1<< tile par.- theRia ~ ..... the)' sennI, aeIaaowkdaed I tile aecudIa 'lIIenoIlo be lIIIIr ". .. ... deed II .... ...... for tile _ .... pIIIpO'JI!I tIIatia -uoae.t. IlI4 that tIR aid anu-t stIR ad uid cInd of Mid t '~~:-. 'W11'HIaJ8 wHnEOP.:I...e._ ~__... 1.M.)'0I Q.jr/ 19"J.,,1 at tile Ctty 01 DaftllPCll't. 0:IlmtJ IIId SCale .rcn..JcL /l. / . / /;. · ./ / 1 .' " /. ( ,m~A41L.t-' . ,/ ~-L-A:: ; ',N.'4 vr tr. .4 Notary PlII& iD .... for Scott c-t." Iowa. 1 )I,C-it ilnapiRs ~/.>L, /?~I/. I I . . ! ~o'U .,... ~/-- . . .. D......... i . . ae.t 01 tile c-t ill ...Ior .... c.-a,. IIaft dIII7 -.w tile ..... Deed .. tIle~ I ~. .......th.........c-t.UItdq...~~wriUIL . ~ . O~().. ........... .Q~ ~(Q.44.d..,:". ..~.(SBAL) ....uc:;.}.{.#/~._~ "AU .M JJ.OaIDA.. ..} c-e, If ... r..de. J.'~.~7 NIIk .... 01.... ec-tJ'.' ~ ~ WUIREOP. IIIaw a.r-to. ,. , " .41 .~ l."I " :. :,:'.:.~.)~~l!i~!'i!!~~