HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1501 -'." .":_~,_."~.:"'u~~ ,__'~....... .......-,~,..'--,'.~,-...--,..--..--3""'r'. ~'-~..~~~ _ ...--..,. '~_ ,.....#,___ ~~~.. -",-:._,.,-~~~~..-.._..-...,-'t'''''''"'''-...,......--,.-___ ~'-~~~,"~.":'-~P-....,~~...,::"~...........-.....--_........... . 'lot ...~......... .unc.... ~". ,...... IJ JI . n. /~WARRANTY DEED(, - , / ~'--/l~(...-t' _I#~.d & .. ~(J'~ ZLr;,#/p'.,/, I I .... -- -... ~('J 71. ...... ~".;;f- .." .....,........ I , lND~ IUVHR, !~MS CfOMPANY, a CICII'pOI'Itioa orpaUed.... uIItIac " .... 0( tile SCat. 01 PIGricIa. put-, 01 tile Int put. to I' A9aAtf; CA ll/i!.4-~,'L/ ~ tile C-t-, 01 okdt i .... &ate 01 V#U,'l't../ ' partsr 0( tile ~ put. f WlTNBSS8TH. That the IIi4 ~ 01 the Ant !*to lor.... III ~ 01 the.... 01 ('/Jr~ ( ~ I !!.. 0; DOLLARS. i ~ 'l&wfdI -.,.11I t1Ie Uaited &a\el, IIIIl CItIIet nIabIe ~ to it III IwMI .,.w b7 tile IIi4 PIIV 01 the __ put. at' 01' wn tile __ .... ddi'ftry ~ 01 u.. pratlltI" 8IIlI tM nedpt wIIercoI Is Mnb)' ~ W cnatcd" bupiMd, aaId. rdcated. -med'" CGdr-'. ....s b)' tIIae PNNta do. ... .-.. ~I bupia.1CI,..... ~ ... eoaInI_to tile aid party 0( ..e ~ part 8IIlI .... Ileln ... -:.- Ia fee .... II tile ... .. 8L ..... C-t-" ....... cIeecrilled as f~: Part ot the South East Quarter '"tlot the SouthEast Quarter (t' ot Seotion ~1Ienty..tour ~ (24'ln~Olln8hlplhlrty-thl'.e (33) SOJ1th ot Ra~ge ~hh.ty-nlne (39) Jast, partioularly descrlbe lee tello,",a: BeS,lnnlng, at the Borth Ba,st oorner ot 8aU South KaBt Quarter Ii) ot the South Xaat Quarter ii), theJ}oe leet to \he Borth West Cornel'. ot aald South Beet Quarter it) ot the South East Quarter (t), thenoe South e.~en hundred (700) teet, thence XaBt to the BaBt line o~ ta1d South Bae' QU8rter'(~) ot the South Baat Quarter (i), thenoeBorth Seven BUDd,re, 4 (700) te,t to the plaDe of beglnnlq. ", _ " ,', I ~ ,Aleothe, tollo.ing dllorlbed traot eltuatell in the South WeatQo.arter ,Ii) ot the South I ~.elt Quarter (t) ot Seotlon Hineteen (19), ~o1lnehlp ~hlrty-thre. (33) South. Rense Port1 (40) l Ba.t, partioularly desoribed 8sfol.lo..: ',Beanning at the Borth We.t oorner ot eald South 1 WeltQu8rt~r it) ot the SouthW.et Quarter'it), thenoe Baet Pour Bundr.d rltt7-tour and 1/10 'I ' (464.1)t.et, more or 1'88, to the.rlght ot .'7 of ,the PlorldaKest Coaet Ral1.a7'Company, . thenoe Southeasterly to a pUnt S.nn Bundred teet due ,South ot the Borth 11ne,ot 8814 South ;k:' iWeet Quarter Ii) ot the South I..t, Querter (i), thenoe Weet 'l,.e Hundred Pltty-two 8Dd 2/10 1 ,(662.2) t,eet., :-or. 0,1' less, to th, We.t 11ne ot s81d South WeBt Quarter, (-:1) ot,the' South we8tll' !Quatter,(t),thenoe West 11'1. ,Hundred '1tty..t1l0 and 2'10 (662.2) teet1 lOore or leB., to the I,WeBt line ot lald SouthWest Quar,t~r~t) at, the Sout , West Quatter J~). thenoe Horth Seven HQ4dred E (700) teet to the plece ot beslnning, excephng the preeent Count1 Hoad o~er end aorOS8 sald ~:.",- fland from thi8 oonve78noe. Contalnlng 20 aoree more or less. 1 , , l f f ~ s f J ~ i . 2uept. bonftl', the richt 01_, lor public roads. draiaace CUIb. ..... c1itdlet .. tbcnnt 011 the plat 01 aid ..... -.Ie b7 the put-, 01 tile lint part. TO HAV8 AND TO BOLO TUB SAlfS, ~ willa.u the ~... *h-~" tllrmmto be...... auto tile IIi4 part-, 01 tile Illalad part and his bdrs aaclUIia. la fee GmpIe l~ftI'. ADd tile IIi4 put-, 01 tile &nt part)'. lor iUdI..... lU .~.. does IIam,. ro_l witJa aid put-, 01 tile eecoacl pvt._....Il:pI~..... ... aaisM tIIat ilia iadrleuItIq Hired 01 aid Iud III fee ...... thal il _ r.a ~ ..... Iatrlut rlaIat to -ftJ IIlot a-I ia Ice...... as al-.id. lIoat k .... be !awi.. lor, said JIGrt)' fIf tile .-4 wi. .... bftn.1l:pI ~tatiYa, ud ..,... .l.u tiale ptIa!lbl)' aacI qqietI)' to ml<< GPo.. IIoId. ocaIpJ'. ud naJo7 aid ....: lIIat aid Iud ill &ft rroa .u' ~:, thai il1riJl ~ IIQda rurtlou ___ to paIcct tile ree .... title to aid Iud .. ..,. r-.lll) be ftqllind. and tW it.... bmbJ lull)' wanat the title to aid Iaad. aacI will cJdmcl tile __ apinst tile lawful daimt 01 aD per-.- ~ftI'. , IN W1TNBSS WHIiRiOP, the part)' 01 tile 6nt part, _ tile day u.s nu lint aboft writlai. W cauad ita _ to be tiped ... ita awpcnk ... to be .8btd to thcR..-.as..., ita Praidnrt..... ita Stcmuy,.... GIieaa llaw beeo duI)' uthoriJled ud _1>v_b..4b)' ruoIIatioa 01 ~JIClanl 01 ~oI tile IN~, N RIVER FARMS COMPANY. party fIf Use first part buda. to uecute uad ddiYft' lhis deed.. (/,..L _' r.1' (/tr.- A ,'~~ B V')~ '--1'~. -' "</'~f'., <J (C<<p.ScaI) . y Atvvnt~ ,V'.~t--f-(!L. I' I. t/ J fl. Praidall. Siptd. StalnI r Ddi~1Il Pratace OllIS: ~~ ,6~/-t, A.. '" / / .,"00........ ..lZuvC/~....\' .-/ ~u/ /Jt.V~t:Zo->ooj ........... ..:._____'.._____'_'&dQ'ef~~..,'..,..~:~ . -/ / :;c.' -/ _..L c~.,L .. // A ,. ~"'"O~-.r-'.u.u~; i ' i I &TAD or IOWA,} c-tJ 01 &c.tt. IL ~~ ~~todNds,doletnb,catiI-, lMtOlltmacla.,~ appand btIcn_. , ucI 6,i.~ .KJ~~~Yt/, , ~ to _ wdI bowD.. tile I'raldaIl ad Staduy. ra{<<tiydy. 01 tJae IIIdisa kivu p_ eo.JllUl)'.lM COl'pOnliaa dacribed III the IoftcoUII deed. h' ... tIIc7 Kbowltdced . belen - tIaal tIIc7 - daI-, uthoriJled b)' said CIlIIpOraIioa to _Ie the 'orC&Qiac deed 011 it. bdtaIf, aacI to ... its _ ....s aaa its ... tIIcrcto. tJaat the ... Ilind i lIIcmo II tile CGfpllrale ... 0( aid ~ aad tJaat aid dud ... aiaate4 .., llIlid corpontio8 IOJ tile ~ ~ aprased. ud lM7 ~ Id:DOWIedIed I ta _liaa thereof to be their Ira act ud deed It IUda o5cen. '" ta _ .... ~ tIaadD _t~ ... tIIat tile IIJd ~ it the act &Dd dnd 01 said t I urpora~MTNESS WHHRROP. IlIaw buftlllto aa-IR 11I7, " sesI. tIIiI JJ~ -.;;t. cia, 0I~U4C- 19."r~ 1 at tile Cit, 01 l>aftllpoft. c..mt)' ..... Stak sl<<naid. ,--- ~~'; ~ (~.. '. -', --r ; / J,' ,~t~ {"0. Y42~ · ' ( . C1 /& -, r', / ~~ PDbIic ill and lor Scotl CouIIt-,. 10WL ! W,~apins ~U~ // 4(,/9:u/ ; l ~ i I &TAD or n.oaJDA" } , c-ty .. 1M. ..... .-/ JIt ~RB)!.Ji"'BBR8D. pat .. tills f" -i.A. I, C>.': C9,(f.~~_L ..... Reconk 01... O:aIly. IN WITNHSS WH8RROP, ,11Ift __to ad., .....~~~ 0I..w ea.t. u...,..,., ~.~ ~, " ' . G~ . ,,,"*~\)...{r 9/:XefJ.;;,;;,;a.;,;;;:L) I ~. )"'~~? ~ .,~:dfet~ ......~~ I ~--_/ ~ I , cia, 01 L~~ A. D. 19 ~,....; Clerk 01 dot CimIiC c-t .. ....s for Illlld c-ty haft daty I'tf:I:lf1W the ~ Deed ill the ; : ,.",' .<;;t'~fIt~~~I; '1 I . I