HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1503 403 -"~1!!'''_~~_.~~___-__''''~>_'''''''-.,~~_...__or-h-:-'''.~''~~.~''''"*1'~~''''''''~~_~''_''_?'-_""'~'"":""":""~\'''''_'9"'-;\~~-4'__~.''_~'-'':--'.''~._''~.''''~ ~ " -ilI",~";;."::l ~":_~..,...",:......--:,,,~<o"...,_~....~_,_.~,.___.,;;~. .......-......... ,~~, ~':'~ WARRANTY'DEED 'lHJ)IAN lilVElt rARb coJotPAliY to IWfRY L. 'DBlWBR l: r: ~ A. D. ,,22 ." tile , i Benr7L. .aebDlrOltllec-vOl . St. Loui8 I .... Slate 01 lI1eBourl JIU11 01 tile ___ part. WlTNBSSR'l'H. Tllat tile aJd putJ' ~ tile lint part. fClUllII in ~ 01 tile _ 01 One (.1.00)' , DOLI.ARS. , ....Ill --, ID tile t.hIi1ed Stater. ...... otbtf nMbIe ~ to kID ..... pUl b)' tile IUd past-, 01 tile -- part. at 01' Wan &he ....... ... dtJhoeIy I 01 tIIae ..-... ... the rcaIpt wIIenof II ....., adao.~ W .,.cd. baqaiMd..... ~ -ft7'ICl u4 ~ u4 b)' tIIae ~.. doe8""" .,.1. bup.ID. ... ~ ClOIIft7 ad CllII8na _to tile .us, pMtJ 01 tile --PIrt ...... Ids .... ......... .. fee ....... II tIM .... .. a. Lade c-v. ....... 4eIc:ribtd at follon: Lote lfo.10~'11,12 and 13 ln Blook 10. Twent7-on. (21) lntheC1t7 ot Yero,'lor14e,'.' 1 the 8am. i8 de81sn8t84 on the plat ollndlaD R1ver rerae Comp8n,'s .ubAlv1810n reoorded 1n I t~. ottloe ot the Clerk ot tbe Cirouit Court in and tor .alt Count,. ~ tne " RK~aICTIORS. ' i 1. TbePurobeeer muet olear h1. lot olal underbru8h or undeeirablegrowtb wlthln 90 da,. fro, d.~e of_puroha.e. .and ln tbe event of hl. not oomply1ng with thie. the Compan, 8hal1 have thel r1ght to do suoh olearlng at a oost not to exoeed $10.00 per lot andch8rge same to the pur- ! oha.er. " ',' ' , ~ 2. That the purohaBer, wl11, wlthin on8 year from date, set or oause to bave set out, at le88~ theorn8lllental treee on the lot.. and at lea8t t1l0 ornamental trees beheen tbe sidewelt and i ourb 11ne, wbich wl1l be oared for by the oompany at a nominal cost. ln the event tbat pur- 1 oha..r ie not on the ~oun4. ' , i 3. That allbul1dln~ereoted, most first oomply with the reatrlctlonswlthreferenoe to placet lment ot bul1<<lng on the lot. 8nd .that no reeidence shall, b~ plaoed oloeer.to th, lot line that thirty (30) teet, and no bUild, tUgs .,ball be erected ,wlthln the restrlcted dietriot which enta 1 an enpenditure of les8 then .2000.00 without epeolalpermlse10n of the Compan,. All building; 'l lnolud1ng roote, shall be palnted wlthln 90 d8's from completion. 1 'I ~ ~hls oont~.ot applie8 only to lots ln the, restrioted distriot in the town of Vero. ae 18 i shown on the Company's plat of the Vero ~o.nsite. ' < '$1.50 Documentary Stemp. oancelled) I , I ~v--...Iu........_...... ........ll1IIlIaIt~..,J"... ... _.......~...,.IIII .~_..-.._-.-. l TO HA VB AND TO' H01.D THIl SUIIt tOldlltt with .a IIoe Mndi~ts ..... ~ u.--to bdaaciac. ,.-. tile ..... pu1;-, .01 Qe teCIOOd part and ~ his brin ud ..... in fee aimple rORftl'. ! AIlII tIM ai4 part., 01 tile Ant part." for ibcJI aIlII its ~ does Iaeb,- ~ with IUd JIU11 01 tile teCIOOd part.1dI.....1tpI ~_ ud usips , I IlIat it Is lIlIIelasiblJ' eeiml 01 aald IaDd in fee 1laapIe: U1at it'" fill PlJWU .........aI rialat to COIlftt-IUd.....lD fee,limpIe,.. afow-w: IlIat It ..... be ....... ,fill' said !: putT 0I1Ioe ~ pert, Ilia bcin, IrpJ ~tathu. _ ........ at .a timet ~ UlII quietIJ' to alter \lI*l. IIoId. 0CCIIPF.1IId mjoy laid Iaad; that ai4 Iaad is I_ I rn..' II -'--: 'IlIat it will -- .... fllfth<< - to perfect .. fee tirapIe title to IUd Iaad IS _)' r--.blJ' be ,....cd. uiI that it doea r.-b7 faD-, f wanut tile title to said IaDd, UlII wlJJ 1kftI!CIlloe _ api1ld tile ....... daims 01 all per.- ~,tf. , IN WITN~ WH~ _~ 01 d. lint part. CIIl tile 'cia-, UlII)'eIf first abcwe writta. W CURcI its _ to be..... UlIIlta ~... to be allied to E tIIese..-ata bJ' Ita ~.... Ita ~, wIaIda c6lm "ft bCaa daI7 autloorizltd ud ~ bJ' raalutbl 01 tile BoanI 01 Diftct.on 01 the INDIAN RIVER i PARMS CO~IPANY, 01 tile &nt pat..... to UMlte ud ddhw tlUs dftd. Indlan Riyal' Parllle Co. ~ SlbJeot to all t.xe. and B, Berman~. Zeuoh ~ (Ccwp, Snl) 4 toh ....88Dl.nt~ f or enJ , · ,peclal .aeeBsmen',;.. 1f any be Ita PraideDL ! Siptd.Srakd......Ddi~iD..h_Uh.: led8d! for the 7ear 1922, ~ ~.-.' end 81 .ub'sequent taxe. I ...Y..'l.'..~a1.~u.'p.P........,... ...,.......' ,~~,~~.~~sements. Charles Duncan ~ I :...,Q... _JJ.....I)Qht'.u.,.."._ """""'" .'', .,..",....,. -" t r sr:~~=A,}1L , i J... oIIcer...., autborizecl to take w...-~ to lHlt,. do IIereIIF CtrtifJ' tIaat 011 thlsda., penoadJ' appeared bdoft _. Herman J. Zeuoh I I I I ,I i 'lBI8 DDDtVU,)fade the 28th cia)' 01 September INDIAN '-IV8R' JlA'-W1 COMPANY, a ClWpGfttlaa orpalaed MIl eshtI8I udcr tt.. "WI 01 tt.. 8tMe 01 ~ pMtJ 01 u.. ant ,...... to Its S<<nWy. i; ud Charlee Dunoan to _ wdJ bo1na.. tile I"tni&at aIlII Scaet.uy. nsptdiftlJ'. 01 tile IIIdiaa Ri~ Parms C-....,. tile rorpontioa deKribed in tile lon&Giac deaL. '. alId tMy IdaoItWaed bdare - thet llIq - club- IIltIroriaed bJ' ai4 cupontioe to acaate tile rClft&Oiq cIled 011 * ,bdoUf. ....s to lip ita _1IId alI.1t its .-I thatto. that t.IIe ..., aIWcI tIIcmo .. tile CIIIfJIORte ~ 01 aid CIlr}IClrlItioI. u4 tllat IUd .... .... _tCCI bJ' ai4 ~tiOII fill' tile IM'JIC*I thcnia aJlftlled. u4 tMy RftI'IIlI-, acbowtedccd tIM euGltioa tIIcnoI to be tIIrir free act ad cIeecI.. --. a&en. lot tile _ lad puIpOIn tIIa-dD .....~. .... tIaat the Rid ~ Is the act .... cIeecI 01-"1 corplnlioa. IN WlTHHSS WHHRlWP, J 11Ift IItftuDto alIRd., D~ CUId olIidaJ saJ. Ws 28th at tile City of Daftll~ Ctlwlty. State abaaid. /'- , ; If ..r.Seal dqol September 19 22 M, C_1odnoo apiRs Prence8 K. Plath Notar)' PisI& in ud for Scott C<<mlJ'. 10WL July 4th 192.. II I: Ii t I , " \ , sr~~=--} .,,/ 0 ' ,18 IT RJUOlMBHRflD. That 011 this 16th ~ claJ' 01 Ootob.r A.D. 19 22 .. . . C. 11ue" . , ~, CIert of tile CJmdt c-t Ia IDlI for IIld c-ty .n' dal, m.udtd tile Icftcoia& .o-s in tile PuIlIir RealrcIa 01... c-.t." '~ IN WITNftS8 WHBRBO', J _ft btmIalo let ., ~ ...tJ:e....0I1Iid c-t. tile cia, ... JlIIII -_.~' , ~ (,4 "'>"\1 \:<:t_. _, 0" :...... .' " .' -.,.... ..uu....._...(saAL) aut Cftuit C-n. """ -,.., '.' ~.- -, ,.JlrplItJ' Clerk. ,', .. . ~'.. . , ;, "':;""':~'~'.~;:~::~1.~rll~1 '] ) I