HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1505 "~-~""'~~""'r-T_"""""l"'~-."""P"~"",_..~~~:"<:~~"~~"',"'~.<'~~~~~'~~:-'~~->'-':"'"':~'~')~"""--~~7~:r::'?-~ 405 . '0 ,.....,~,It...""!"__~-,_.......__,~.. -~'-~:~~-~~~!~-~-!~~-- . W ARRAN'TY DEED INDIAN ltIVER PAlUI8 CO:.tlANY to HARRY B~ DAVIR 'IBI8 IBDJJmJU. Wt4e the 218t cia, af Jleroh INDIAN aWIlR 'ARMS COMPANY,. CIIIqIOI'&Uoa 0I1Qbed.... abdaIc IIIIlIu u...... 01 tile... af PIoridI. put)' 01 tile Int put. to , , Harr)" B. "e.ver afthec-t)'OI Soott ad State af 1 ow. ~ af tile ..... put. WlTNBSSJmI, .....t tile Ia1Il put)' 01 the 8nt put. lou~ III ~ af ~ _ of , One (11.00) .. Do 10221.,... I, , . OO~~ ...,.. ~ .. tile Va!ted Statee, I.cs . ..... ~ to It ID ...... pUt b)' tile IIJd ~ ~ the .... 'put. at 01' w.e the -... .... cIdmr., I 01 u..e .--... ....s tile ncdpt wIItnof II...., ~ W anakd. bariaIMd. .. nIeIIed. -ftJtCI.... -ar..d. ... b)' tIIae ~II .-,...., put. barpID. lei. '.... -"" ..s COCIAra 118\0 tlIe ... pau 01 the aeeoIIlI part ... W. Wn aM....... Ia fee .... .. tM .... .. 8t. r..de Cuaat)'. ftarida. deIcribfd IS loUon:Lot No. Bight end !tlne (8 II ~)ln 8100k Ho. PQrt)"~~our (44) in the'C1t)"ot Vero, 'lor14a IIJB tb(,.lIe i" c).es~gt1.t.~ 9.n"the,p,ld ot Jn4181lB~~'J"'fI,IlB'C0l8f., n)"'8 8ubdh1elon, reoorded I 1nth'. ~tt10.7'ot ,t-li."Olijtk"or ,the ~1tou1t,aOUl't 'In' ad-tor' Bald CountJ. I ' 'RB8'lftICSIOBS.. 1 I', l.~h. purohaBer mu,tolear hiB lot ot al1uodel'brU8b or undeslrable growth ~lthln 90 daY8 1 trom date of purohase, and 1n the event of hls not oomplJln~ with thi8, the Compan1 8hall ! have the right to do 8uoh oleuriogat 0 008t not to exoeed lio.oo per lot ond oharge same to~ the puroha8er. .'. " '\ ~ 2Shat the purohaser, wU1, within one )"ear from date, set or caUBe to ....ha,..oBU out, at I : least five ornamental treee on the lot. and at least two ornamental tree8between the side- ~ walk and oarb11ne, whioh wll1be C8re~ tor b)" the CompanJ at a nominal 008t, in the event l that thepurohaaer 18 not ontha ground. ~.~~a~ all building8 oreoted, must tirst oomply with the restrlotions with referenoe .6 'lacemefitot building on the lot. and thot no residence sh~ll be plaoed closer to the lot I j line ilien thlrty (30) fe.t, .and no bundlng. sh.ll b. .....t.a .1thln th.r..trl.ted dl.trl.t I i which entail on expenditure ot less ,then .2000.00 wlthout speoial permission of tbe Company i i All buildings, inoluding roofs. shall bo painted within 90 d8Ys from oomplotion. J. ~h18 oOntract opplies on1)" to lote in therestrioted dietriot in the'~own ot Vero, 8S 18 f sbown on the Company's plat ot the Vero ~own8ite. . , I I l ! ~ i i - I i I I i ~ ---.. ~-,.1j_...."..,,-,"_d'k~"A-L_..lI.);~"''''''''JIIIo<<''~''''''.~'''~ TO HA VIi AND TO BOLD THR SAUlt to&UIIK with II dle Iaendi_ts aDd ~ ~to bdorqiaIc, aot.o tile MId IJU17 01 tile IeC.'IOIId put llIld his IIdn aDd ..... III lee liiaple lOftWI'. ADd the ... put)" af dle 8nt part." far ItedI ....s IU .-,. does ItadIy _t tritIa MId put)' af dle..... put. .. .... .. ..-tati-. .... &Wens tIIat it is ""eaibI-, Mired 01 MId IlDClla lee dJapIe; tIlat it .... IaIIllCl'I"ilr .... 1a1rfql ri&IIt to ~ft7 MId ..... Ie fee ...... IS atcn.Id; tIlat It .... be Iawf1ll for MId put)' 01 dle -" put. Idtladn, lcpI..-atatneS,. aDd ...... at .. tiIMs ~ aDd qaittIy to eater "JlC!ll. IwIIot. ClCICIIp'I, aad elIjoy MId IIDCI; UIIt MId IIlDd Is Irft rn. II ____; !hat It will make tuda larther _ to pafect dle lee IiIapIe titJe to MId .... IS _, ~,. be hqldnd. aDd tIlat it doa Itenby luIIy _rut tile titJe to said land. aad wi1I deI-' dle _ apiDst dle ..wful daitM af .. per.- ~. IN Wl'I'NHSS ~,~ 01 the Ant put. em dle cia, aDd Jar Ant abaft writtea. W c:aael1U _ to be Iipe4 ucl Its cOr,anle... to be dud '0 u..e praeall ~ III ~ IIIclIU ~"'icIa o5caa IIaft ~ ..., ..t1M1riJe4 ucl _powucd br ~tloa 01 tile IIoanI 01 Dlndon af the INDIAN RIVER PAR)(SCOMPANV'Ithe&rstpart toeucuteuclcltlhutJthdud. Ind1an River 18rll1s Co. .s, Herman J. Zeuoh (Cclrp. Seal) I 0 . , ' ~ Its I'nsldaIt, Siped. Sakd _ Ddh~""Pr-.- 01 as: Chorlee Dunoan f _....__.....~~~~__~~~,~~!::!l.~~ ____,. _._.uuo', ~ j , i ! i 5 t I ~ . . , ~ t I i . III SecnWF. .. ,., .,.." .~!, ,~, !..~~.~~-,. "'....- ,., -,." -, -, ,-'.."., ".1.00 Dooumentary StOIl1PS 08ncelled. .? f BfAta or IOWA.} . Coat1 af Scott. .. I,.. ClIku daI-, aIIthclrbed to tab ~w.-II to.... do IItrebJ UftiIy UIIt _ tJth cia, ~ eppand Wen -. Herman J. Zeuch aDd Charles Duncan to_ well bowa.iJ.e Pnai4alt..s &cmar.,. RSPtdiwlJ'. 01 tile IIlIIlaa Rift!' ,....c-JIiUlJ'. tllecmpc.-atioadmcribed" tile lORIQiec deaL.. ud ~ ac:bowltdced btloft - tJJat ~ --- dab' autIIariad b)' MId eotpIlfatloa to uUtlte the IGftI'OiDa deed _ IU behalf, .... to aIplU _ aDd db Ita... tJomto, tllal tile 1St dud tbado .. tile ~ 1St 01 IIld eotpIlfatiol!. aDd tIIat IIld deed _ aetllled b)' laid eotpIlfatloa lot tile ~ llMnla CIJIQIIIII. aDd tIIey......., ~ tile ~ thereof to be thiJr 1- ad .... deed II ~ Cl&cco. lor tile _ .... ~ tIIcnia -,___. ....s tIaat the IIJd ~t Is the act ucI deed 01 .... CIOI'pCln~ --~ IN WlTNHSS ~80P, I ft M:rt8olO IJIud al)' _ ucI oIiciIJ ~ Ws 21st at tIR Cit)' 01 DaT' C-t)' aDd aI-n I \ Waroh da701 1922 ~ of: /~ Notary Plal&...... for Scott c-t)". Iowa. W,.C--' U1pins Jul)" 4th. 1922. :. , BfAta or J'LOIIDA, } c:..atJ ., 8t. 14dt.' . DB IT Il8MBK8K1UID, That CIll tJth el,t dqor 00 tober A. D. 1922 .. ..0 .B14red an 01 tile Qrcuit Court iD ucI_ laid Couaty IIaft cWy ftCIll'<Ild tile ~ Dnd iD tIR 4 ..... a-dt 01.... c.-t)'. ' I~ WlTN,. llSS/./~"ft 1IImmto.. al)' ....~d:.e_..... c-t. tile, da-,...., _, _ ,...", - . k ' \ ' , -n.....,.......(SEALl</ ;0 t . Ct. 8e 11 I Qat Cimlit c-t. ;,. \J ~ 'u "u' u'-l , , ..._,:/,\~:~t~~'tr~fw~~!. 3 I :1