HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1506 --~-~-~.~..,-~~..-- .. ^. '7-!"" "':r<oI,~ -..' . ~.., ~ " ,...... ..' r:- -~ .' , AC.,1 ,.ll..l............ "' t~ '7)1"':-....,._" v I, 1. _-- 4Q6:'J . , ~._-,_..----~-,-.-,--..._---------- ---- _~~---!~8!~:.~_,__~__ *_.__ I ~" t,' ~, () U ,WARRANTY'DEED,' IIQ)IANR'IVElt 'AlUIS COJnlANY to HARVEY, B'. WEEX8 o ,111I.8 DmIll'l'VUt NMetlle 6th cIq 01 00 to bel' A.D. It 28." tM INDIAN'RIVD fAlU&8 COMPANY, a~, ~....s uistiac... 'tile .... 01 tile State 01 PIorida. pat-, 01 tile I!nt part. to Harv.1' B. ,We eke ' , 01 tile eo.t-, of 80 0 tt ....s 8taQ 0I~0. a ,putt of * -.s part. " " .,wrnnCSSBTH. TW tile laid party of tllelnt part. for .... Ia -'detatioo of tile _ ~" One 111.00) " ' OOI.LARS. Iswhl-. iltllev.IteG ~'_otW......... ~to It ID...... pUt ~ the.us put)' of tile __ put. at 01' Wen d!e ~ ud ~., 01 u.. ~ta, IIIIlI tile naIpt wIMneI is IMnIat' acbowtccIpi. IIad anated. ~1llId" ftIeaad" COQftJ't4 ud ~ .... by Urae ..-eta doet 11mb-, ann.. ............. ~.... -aM..to tile laid party 01 tile __ put ud...1aeIn ud...... .. fee tIapIe II the....1D 9t.1.ade c-t,.. Plodda. deIc:rihtd.. r"'l "Sraote, ~enfl0)',Bleven nll ancl~.ely.(12), 1n aec~lo~ ~hlr~7-thre" (33) . ~o"nehlp' thlr~f~three (33) 80uihot, ReDg' fh.irt,-nine (39) 'BQ8t, oontaining- 120.47 aores lIlor or i.es8, sathe same is, cledgnate4 on the la8t general plat of 1an4s of tho irulhn lH.ver 'a~8 compon~/hl'4 ~n' 'the Offloe of the ,ClerIC of ' the Clr0t11t Court ot Se1nt Luoie County, '10r14a. ! i , 8supt. Iloftftr, the ri&IIt 01_,. for ,pabIic roa4s. dniaace eaaaII, aad ditdles u sbon 011 the pat 01 aid Iuds ~ by tH p.uty of the liftt put. I TO HA VB 'ANDro HOLD THB SAMa tocetIIa" tri~ aD tile IItRditamnlts and ~ thctaualO btJoaciaa'. uto the 11IoI put,- of the IImlOd put and I IaII heirs ud ..... .. ree .... rcmw. I o ADd tile takl party 01 tJie &,.t party. lor itsdf .... Its --.. cbs hrftb7 _t with ",id put,. 01 doc IImlOd put. IUs hdn, IrcaI ~tiw., and usirM I tllat ,It .. iDdefeui1117 ~ 0I11id Iud 11II ree......; tat It ... r..u power ....lawfal riPt to <IllIIW)" Mid Iud 10 fee sim~. .. aI..-Id; that it 5baII be lawfal rOf taid i partyof,tIIe~pGt.""""ItpI~~",ad"""atallU-~aadquletlytoalt~lIpOO, hoId.otftpJ',.....mJof 11IoI bad; that MId Iaad k free I rJVIia '..~: that it triI __ -'a rarther _ to pedcct ~ fee IiIDple tItJe to laid Iaad as _,. reUoaat.I,. bt nqlIimI. aad that It does btrdIy fall)' ! wutUt tile title to tUllIIId. aad will cWald tile __ IlPIIIItt tile Iawf1!l dU.- of all per.- ~_. ' IN \\'1TNJlS8WHJUl8OP, tile put)' of the tnt put. _ the daJ' ud )"aIliftt abcm writUa. Iaad ca--s Its _ to bt ...... aad Its ccwponte ... to be d1bed to I , , ' , '! tIIae ~ b)' ita ib, wIIlda alIieen ....e ~ dab' autllclNed lad empoom-ed b)' reoIetioa of the BaanI of DiftdanOl tile INDlAN RIV8R l , PAJl)q cOMPAln", Olthetnt~ f&)aeqtteaqd~wqtllisdnd. SubJect to nUtax8e and 4Uoh assessments 01' 8QY 8peol8l 8SS8e ente, lr y be ~oVled ror the yeara19E2. and all 8ubsequent, taxes and, 88688S4 '(ec.P.SaO . Indian Rher '81'U18 Co. mentsi Bl Berman J. Zeuoh, Its Prtsidaal, ! ~ , Siped. of us: ..,.._......Ver..a .Patt.eraOD.. _0, '..,.., '....,.',.,.,., ,.", O. B. Shrum Charles Dunoen ' .9.60 ~ooumentary Stamps ooncel1e4. Its Secnt.u)'. f ,I ! ; I ....s Charlet Dunoan ' i to ..1IdI..u. "I'midaau..s Secrttu)'. ftSPe(thdt. 01 tile Jadiaa Rhw I'_~. thuoqlOlatioD.s-ribed 10 the rOR&Oluc deaL... aad thty adDo.""ed f bdcIft _ tIIat .,......,. IUltlloriled b)' said ccwpontioD to Umde the IOftioma deed 011 its beJIaJf. aad to liplt.s _1IId ails its_ tJaereto. tot the RaI diud ~ tMftto'I.. ClIIfPORIlIwaI 01.... ClGfpOntioD. and tWt,aw detd_ eueute4 by uid C)OfPOf.~ for tile PJI1IOM thaelII~ UId thty eenr'-" acbo1rIedpd \ die, aautJoa ,1IIenof cO be tWr ,. act UId ~ Jj -' G6cat. fOr the _ ao4 IICIfPC*S tIItftiD ~ ud tbat the uid ~t is the act and deed 0111IoI ~tIGo. IN WITH88S at tile at-, 01 DaYdpOJI. sun ow, ,IOWA, L ea.tJ of... r J. ~ .. daIy aatlloriled to tab .a-~ to deeds. cSt. btftby eatif-, that _ tbit dq ~ appeared bdore _. Hennen J. Zeuoh . ' lOaftbed..,._andaoSdal....tWs 6th 6I,.of Ootober 19 22 ~ ~/~ N<<art PlIbIieia and fOf Scott C-t-,. Jowa.. ..,C""'--';"'npiru July 4th, 1926. IfAUW Jr.OaJJM., , }, ea.tJ" .. Mde. ' , ~rr.~~.JIR8D,TW_tIiIt 23r4 "'of Ootober A.D.I~2 ~~'=~_~~.e8JJ~~_h_~NY:::~~~._bNY"-~~=.~=~~.~~ fO; \t .~1. ~ cn.k eo.t. '<,__,--/ B,.. Q 5y "'.J, 1# . ' . ti , , ,d (. "(?::~~II1~i~t