HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1508 -'_~,~.., --~l;r .!,"... ~"7...".. .,~- }-; '~~,~ ; ~'r_w~'.'.~:,~,"~~~~-4~t~. ".~Y~i.I.II!a-.~ . ~.... ,408" , ....!: .....~,....,.,"-. ". \1V4 'W ARRANTVi,ID'EED\ I to lBDtAN lUVFJt rJJUlS co.. OEO .B. ~RlJ;tPJ , t1DIlR1Wn'VU...... tile 27th day 01 Septelllbn' A. nl028 II)" tlIe J}{D1AN Jltyp:.A1llI8 C()MPANY, UCll'pondr!a ClI.....h...QIatIQc lIDder tile .... ~ tM Seata of ~ pulJ 01 t_Ant put. to 0,org8 B. ~ allP e . oftlle~of, ..,. aad Slaw ~ I1Un 0 18 putt of tile IeClaIId put. W1'1'NISS1lTIi. TIIat tile aid partt ~'tIIe.. put. lor .... lit ~ of tile ... of One, C t1.oo ) DO"LA~S. lawfal -..;. II tile Vahe4 se... __ __ ~ ~ to It ID'......' pUI b)' tile aid put-, of tIMlllllC08ll part. at, cir belen tile --.,....s, delhay , 01.....--. _ tile receipt "'*'of II~'~ had araated. ........ . ttIeued. COIn'C)'elt _ ~ _II)" tIIae ~b 40ea heRby put. " , ' " " ' ........ III. ~ .,.q ~ caa8ni .to .... .... put)' of tile .... put uS .. ... _........ ID lee ...... all tile ....ID at. J.ade OIuat'I, JIIcrida, detc:rlbM .. 1oDon: ;JeetTeJl ,(10) 8cre8ot~ract ~lIelv. (18) 1n Seotion Kleven fll). YO.Dehl,p ~hlrt1- three '(33) Southo't Range ~hlr;tY~iJlne,(39) E8St, 8sthe ~811le lsdeslgnated on the lost general plat ot londs ot the Indian Hiver larmsCompeny. tiled 1n the Office of ~he C~erk oftte OiToult Court of So1l'lt Luoie Oounty, "10r1da. I.~ i: I ~ 1Kiwntt, tile ricIat of _, b pcabIie Iillldt. dnI8ace c:aBIIt. ad ditdIe:I as Ibcnna ClII tile plat 01 said IaIIIb -.Ie II)" tile put)' of tile lint Put. 'l'O -, HA V. ,AND,'l'O UOJ.l> TIUI SAJdB. ~ witJa aU tile btt~ts .... ~ tllemaato bdaaci1lI. at, tile said puV OIt.e -.ond put and Jail ... MIl ..rc-.. fee IimpIe forucr. , AGII tile tUii*V 01 tllelnt put.,. for... ad Its ~ 40ea IIacb)' _t witJa .... put)' 01 tile ~ put.1ais Iadrs.IecaI Rpft8tZtatms. -'-'cM tbat It Is u.lmIliWudM!i of IIJd ...... 1ft....; tIIat it'" laD pont' ....lawf.. riPt to ClOIlTt)" aId....la lee...... at aIor~: tIIat It .... I!e II"''' lor IUd parlJ' ~ tile ,1eClOIIlI,.rt. 1ds....1rpI ,.--atltl-. .... ...... at all tiBs ~ IDII qUtJ)' to eel<< apoe. IIoId. 0CCIIP1. aad eaJoJ' .id 1a8d: that IIJd ..... II' free '"- ' .', ~:' tW 'it" IiIab ... flllthn' ~ to pafed t.be fee ,1IimpIe title to IUd ...... at _,. ~'I!e ftqlIind. aad that It dots IIcnb:r f.., ...ur..t tile dtJe to.......... ..id 1riII detCDlI tile _ aplast tile .."'.. cWJ. ., all ~'~n... IN WlTNJIS8 ,Q.8Il8OP, tile put)' GI tile &nt pert. GO tile da,. _ )'ear lot .boft writta" had ca-.s Its _ to be lipaI....lts airpontc saJ 10 be aIIud to ....... b)' Ju ~ ad its &cmu:r, .... c6as 11Ift beai duI)' aatIIQrbc.d .... ~fCllw. raplaUoa 01 tile IlouJIJI( DWcdcn III tile INDIAN RIVRR PARMS06....m.,er(-,oI 'toaecute....dellYwtllildu.t~UbJeO 0 all ~exes and d1tCl'l assesamen~8 or an1 speo18l 888 ement8. f any be levied. for t);e_,.year 19J!2J, and...All 3ebeeq':1.tD,t taxes end assessments. (Corp. Seal) BI V--If,YlWM<! M4/.w ~4/lW'. BermeD J. Zeuoh I I I . I t ! f I ! i i i . i j 1 I I \ I , t Its PraidalL t , i I , Oharles Duncnn ' ' Its~. t .........D...L."S'Ohr.Ulll..................'........h...__h.. ../. JtD AH u::r- ~4?I'.h /i>;.. I' I 1sT / -= ~.lIMI ....A!~. ''I''fV/ ~P,~.LL-^./ I , , I srAD or IOWA.} " " i/ ,," " I ',~,I.:,-,.', ;,2;;., ~Z--.._..._-~_.......,-_....._.:A'---;-/ ;'l~ I - "'~~ ,I ,lft_..,'......,t.bePr, aidaltlad8ecntu)'!rnped1, ftI)',oftlleJJllfiaaRiftl'F_c-pu"tIIe~tloadncribedllltllel~detd.... aad lM7 ~~ I bdore .. tMt,tIity......, atJIartaed by Mid alIpoI'Itioa to Uecvte tile fGre&oioI deal all its beW.....s to lip its _ aad... its'" tIIeftto. tIIIt tile ... a8iml tImCo II tile (OI'pOIItie ... ., Mid ~ IUId that aid ~ .. ~ b)' aid ~Uos for t.be puipo.. tMftIa apftSJed. IUd tb:r -.mnU,. ltCbowledld t tk ~..... to be tIIdr fne ad ad dHd at MIdI oMceft. b tile _ .... pu..-s dIcftla llltttt'-l. aad tIIat tile saW ~t II tile ad.... dtfCI 01 raid mrponUaa. , , . IN at * Cit,y 01 01 us: /' t f; r ~ ~ ~ . . ] p, Ilia" '"-to ..... ., _ ....s oAdaI .... tJaiI ....s &we afamal4. '27th .,01 September 19 22 hanoes E. P10th NetaI')' Plitlfic ill .. for SoottC-t'l. Iowa. t' ,u)'e . '~espirn JU11 4th 1924 I . ITAft 01 c.-,.. It. J.ede. .. J"tItBJdJP.l1lBRaD. 'I'Mt GO tIIIt 30th ..., 01 Ooto bel' It.. D.19 28 ~ I. ~':J~*!t~' , ' . an 01 u. CIrait c-t 1D....1or AId CcuIt-, -'Ie dilly ..... tile IancoIac Deed .. tile Iif YiI'tN1III WiP$IlIOP. . ..... __to lit .., .... ..tu.... 01... c-c. tile.,. lad '* &bow W1It~\ ~ ....:... ..r:,..9.LJi4r.9.4.__"..,.. ,. ....:..........,..~), . Clerk CImIIt'~ : 'tJ........-.IJ. ,.IJ, '".,.".....~~~-<<.:/..~:~........,...~'Qatr. : IttcOIt, , o "€ 1f1~/~O ,,.. , ' " ::'~~:~?{~'''i1~f~ttfi~