HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1510 ,':.-:;'~~.(Jp"".""'1~'-'i. :r"~~1Q' ...:...il'I,~ L~J~,+,""i(~,.-1''''~i> .~ fliWO' ... ".. rN'IIfIIlI~T .. - ........~li\I'JlI "II! ~'!".', .....:! ~P"V l t.i " 410~ I l- I I I I " "'f. 'J>...... ~, e.......... ,tA...... C!"'" ~ __~~.~~ WARRANTY'DEED .? I to . . William D. TcY1or. TIIIUlfDIIITVD.Ma4etlle 9th "'01 Ootober . INDIAN Rrvu FARMS' COJoU'ANY, . coqioratJoa orpIIi8ed ....s uiItlac ..- u.e Ia.. 01 tile Slate OIl'Iorida. part)' 01 tile &nt part, to flil11611l D. T&11or 01 tlIe C-t)' of Suffolk IIId StAte of III 8.& put-, 01 tile -*' part. wirincssBTu.' '1"Ilai tile aaJd part)' 01 tlIe Int part, for .... III CQDIidnatJoa of tile _ 01 One <.1.00), " DOLJ.,\RS. ...w ..;. lit'tIIa UaJteC ..' .... cOtr ......... --.sen~ to it .. 11I.11' paIcl II)' tile aid partF cI tilt IICiOIIll put, at 01' belOfe tlIe --.. _ ddiwr., 01 tIaee ~ta, .. .. nafiIt ~ II ,bcRb)' aeb~ ..... crated, IIarpIDed. IOId. rdeutcI. (lOIl~ _ coaer-d. aad b)' u.- pratDU does htftb)' .,.1. ~'......... ~ ..id,coaIta..to tlIe aaJd ~ 01 UIe __' put ad Ids Iicln.ad...... III fee"""aU tile Iaad III St.1.ade COIIIlt" Ploridlo. desw:ribN a. folloin: A. D, 19 2l\" tile I i I I I !I."hree (3) end Four' (4 )1n :Blook U~ .'l'went1-tour (24) in' the CU1:'of Vero, f .," ".. i sal18 :tsed,eeignttted 04t;tlhefp:let A~t:'Xnd1an,River F8rm.,OOmp8~!e'8ubdiv1e10n, ' Lot Ito. PlorldU~~.~~,8?'~i'1i U. .. ~ " ~ N.OQr4fd in the otfioe of the Olerk of the 0 1rout t Oourt in und for seld Count1. i. .... ! -fh,'>>Uroheeer must ole'Vl'b\'~ ''i~tSOf (ill underbrush or undeslrnble growth ~1thin 90 days trOllldht~ ot puroh&se. end in the event of his not compl~ving with this, the OompLny 8h~11 he\fetlle right tQdo such olei..rinc! bt 8 oost not to exoeed elO.OO 'Per lot end chL,rge pme to the purohl'Ber. 2. That the Puroh~Ber. l/il1. wlthlnone vet.r from dbte, set or oause to hl,;ve Bet out. ,~ at le~et five ornbment~l trees on the lot. ond at 1e~et two or~amentLl treeD between the ! 81d,evio1.kand ourb line. Ylhioh \':il1 be ocred for by the Oo::rp!1ny <c. t /., nominal cost. In the event thatpuroh:'ser Is not on the ground. 3. thtit all buildinge erected.' lJJUet first oom-ply VIi th the ret'trictione Vii th refere~"'1' ' to plaoement of building on the lot, and thllt no resldenoe shl,11 be '"l~'oed oloser to ,the lot i linethon thil"ty flO) , feet, llnd no buildings shr,U be erected within the re strioted district! which entoll !'In erpendi ture of 1es6 thf,n t2000.00 'tIithout s-neoiel nerll!liseion of the aom~,eny. ~ .All buildings. ino1uding roofe, ehfill be 1l8lnted ,'.'1 thin 90 dcys from com....1etion. 1 ~hls oontrLot t1-pnlies only to lote i,n the restricted dlotrlct 'in -:he town of 'lero. ~:, Ie Bho,n on the Comnany'e plat of theVero to~n81te. l' ~""".~~I~"'~""-r.tq,.. "-rrJ 1..~. _..!. liT"'" --... .he,It'lf_A," --.... .J1..'''''' ..L...4:_.pq.~ , ,'XO, SA va Aim 'XO BOLD ,~ SAMJl. t~ tritII aU tile ~ts aad appurtaJaDc-et thtmmto beloaciDc. unto the said pout)' of tlIe ~ put aDd hhlotln ad ....... ~.....~. , ' ..; AIId &be .... PtrtJ' 01 tile lint put-" lot itsdI_ Its --.. cIaa IItrcby amtIIDt witlo aaid pout)' cI tlIe ~ put. Ioh htin. ~ npretalutiftS, _ aaip& tIIat ~ II ~.. clllkllud .. fee lialplei tJoat It ... laII powft _ lawful rilht to COIIn)'.ud bnd Ia f<<e 1impIr. as aforesid; that it .un be lawful few aid JlIIIl'I 01 tile.... pan. ... ~ ... ...-ataU-. .... ..... " aU tillla paICabIy IIDd quietly to UlI<< IlpGI. hold. occvpJ'. aad noM' said land; that 8ld Iud h free rr- .. --a:..__: tIIat ,It .. mab .-II fllrtJou __ to puled the fee simple title to 'said Iud as _y RUOtIabI)' M ftqUind. aad that it does bcRby f. .vnat tlle.titJe to.....1aIId. ad will defeDd tlIe _..__ tile lawful daloa 01 all ~ ~nl'. IN 'W1THBss 'WBBIUlOP. tile part-, of tile iint part. 011 tile dq _ )'tU first ahem: tnitteD. ..... c:auotd its _ to M sic-I aad Its rorpcnte -a to be aIIUcd to ... ~ .,., its ,PniIWeal....s its 8ecI'etuJ', wIUdo cIimw "ft beao daI)' aoatloorbed _ elDJlOWfted by molutloa 01 tlIe Boud 01 DirectOR of tilt INDIAN RIVn PAll)(SCOJnAHY..-;'oftlleIntPlrthmia"fo_ie_ , dftd. SubJeot to ell texes L~,a ditch t.eaeasoents or eny epeolfil't..e~esmentB,lf eny be 8\'18d, 'or thellryeer 1922. E:nd t\ll sutsequGnt texes Ln. 6sseeements. '(CGrp.SeaJ) , D, Indlen River Perms Co. /7.A-ti (' Herman' J. Zeuoh Siped. SeaW ....s DcIiwmI .. I'nRace of as: J.. T .,J l.d. _...'O....H4 ...80hl'UIll.. ,........;. -.' ... "_ ...,." __' Its PRsidcIIL ehsrle s Dunoan Its Srlntuy. ...J~~t'lnYi.~..aOl'tulean. ....._.__ _.... __ __.., __" .. __' .,... , Sl.oo doc~terY stlmn ccnee11ed. BTAD OJ IOWA. L, ' c.-,0I..... r- , I, .. c6leI',cW-, n1.IIcIrlIed to tab KbNW,mtIIb to deeds,. do Itutb)' Cfttif-, that 011 tIoh day ~ ~ bcfon _. He rms n J. l. e uo h eD4 ChU'loe DuIloan to _ wdIlaaowa II tile Praidmt aad Sermar.,.~. of the IacliaD R1wr Farm. C-puI)'. tile corpi:Jmba ~ iD tlIe rorqoiq &ed..., aed tIwy ~kdIaI before _ LItat u.,.-...., IIlIlIIarbtd ." uJd c.wplI'atioa to cuaate tlIe for-qoiatc eked _ lu bdoaII, _ to.... Ita _ aDd alIU its -.ll.Ioftdo, that the -a a.IIi.ted tb!ftCo II tile -.ar* .. of aid -..oratloa. ....s UIat Mid deed .. aeaded .,., Slid eorporatioa few &be ~ tItereia aJlftS!ed. _ tloq _all, llClaoowledpd u.e esmdJotl dIereof to be tJodr 1m -* aad deed II mda .... foe tloe _ and purpoHS tItenUa -tloanI. ... tJoat tile aid iastruDtat h the lid aDd &ed 01 aid eorporatic-. IN WlTNHSS . .1Ia" Ioeftaato aIIbed 18)' __ c6ia1.... tJois 9th cia,. cI 00 tober 1!f;2 at Ute cu, 01 Da c-t, Slate afOfesald. M)' c-u.iaIl aplnt Herry B. ,.eever NotarJ' PIIbIic ia aad for SooU C-t-,. Iowa. July 4th, 1924 (1 , t U StAD OJ~IUDA, c..v .UIL twit. BIl IT aa.......IIRBD. YIoat GIl tJoie tP. O. Blered N>Iie a-. 0I1IJd CcuIt1. IN WI'J'Ni88 6th ! i 1 . , t i day of ifov. A. D. 19 22 I Clerk cI u.e Cimdt c-t II ud far aid c-t)' loa..., ...., -.led tile ...... Dee4 .. tile I , , ~~~'~ I . ..,;. P.. .Ca...Bldr.ed". ... '...",.', ,. '. u, --.. ..C...(SllAL) I I, ',.,. . ~~c-t. y,' 11)'. ,-6.~.t:Jf..,~..... ,. ,.~~'.~..DtpM-, a.rt.1 ' , <:/' ~ , .1Ia" IIenatD tit ., ......... 4.... cllIId c-t. tItf clay_ JaI' abcrte writ.... ',' , ' ,~..;~ /k{~i'wtii'tij1