HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1512 _~............',._ ~""'-"-!1 -M _..... "'\..,.,..._".,... ~ ~I ~ J 'I' I'~_,""'''' . ,1'1 --~."- _ ,J 412 __~._~_!:-~ '~M~"":~'___ ~___..___ WARRANTY,:,OEED" ij lHDhlf RIV&tt ;'~iu.l~ COiU',un to' KK~IN B. SCHKDYi , " , . A. D. lte2 '" lIIe , I I DOUAas.1 ....at .., .. U. Ua1te4 _. ... aOIet ftIiIalIIe CGlIIidaatbaa,. to,ltlD ..... p.Jcl,b)' lIIe aUI puty 01 tile IICiOIIll put. at CIt belen tM ~ UId'dcIhay I 01 .... ~... ... till ~ ....... klMrcb, kboItWctd. W ....led. ~ deI....... -ftJelI.... aJdr-.ecI. .... b., .... s--ts doeIlleftb-, .,.1. .......' ... ..... ~ ~ ... _to tile laid party, allt. aeco.iI pert .. WI .. ad....... fa fee .... all tile IMd ID lit. I.ade CQuat-" PlGridI. ~.. I fcIIlIn:'LotJlOFItWb}(2)1n Blook 110. ~\1ent1.,fot1t' (~4) in the City of Vero,Florida. 08 the same .' ls de,Bigp., te'4~O, n<\h~ plot of IhU,' an, !tint' ,..=s OOlllpany's S\\bdhieion. reoorded in the Offioo. of the Clerk of the Cirouit Court ,1n end'~ot' aahl County. ! , " , RES'1R:r~' lOllS., ' 1 1. ~~e P\\rO~88er must clear hls lot of 011 underbrush or,unde81rab1e gro"th within 90 d.,s ' tl'om..d,at.e, of purOh,a8,e. an~ in th'eevtmt, of hlsnot oomplylng with .thls,', the Company s1;a11 lIa. the ,riot, to. do suoh ,oleorinB at 8 oost not to 'exoeed ,10.00 per lot and chorget! Same to the I purohalJer., ',', ',' 1 2. Shot. thepurohe8or. will. within one yeorfrom date. set or cause to hove eetout,' at leost fl.' orn'omentel trees on the lot, and at,' lenp-t two ornamental teees bet~eed'the 8ido~olk nnd I curb 11ne., ",hieh ,w111 be oared for by the Company at 0 nomlnal oost. in the event thot pul"- J chasor is not, on the ground. ' , " ' ~ 3. ~'hat all building eructod. Ill\lst first cOIllPlywlth the reetrl,c~~:'::[' witt: referenoe tQ plaoe~ ment of butldlns on'tho lot ond that noreeldence ehallbe ploo'N c:loserto the lot line tl1n thirty (50, ,teet),., endnOb\llU1M8' 8,eholl be erected, \lHMn: the re~tricted ,dletl"iot whloh ent 11 en expencU Ut'Q.'or leps than 2.1 .00 W1thgut sPoQ.lal permlBelon of the Company. All building lnO!UUng roofs, 8hal1 be pa loe "'1 th 1n 9 doys f'rol1l completion. ' ' I ThhControot applIea onlY to 101s1n tho'Ior.trioted district in the to"n of Vero. Of:" Ie ~ sh,o;tn op the COlllpeny 8 plot ~:tthe Vero towns te. I , I TIDI omamru. Hade tM 31'4 dq CJI , Ootober INDIAN lUVlPt 'A1U18 COMPANY,. ~Uoa orp.aIN4.... ulstI8a 1IIIlJK tIf Ia.. ~ tile Stala all'larid8" part)' 01 tile lint put. to Erw'n E. Sohmidt ' , 01 tile C-t-, al' Lene ....StdeolOregon ,putjo~tIIe-.-.sput. , WlTNIS8JITH. nat tile aUI puV al tile &at pert.1w .... ill CIlIIIicIcratbl 01 tM .... ~ One '.1.00,) . . ( i d 8UiM........MDI~...,.......JetIOl1It..-...._......4IX!QlIUCGf..---~lIUIj(<<_~ , 1'0', HAVll 'ANOTO HOLD TIUl SUfI. tosetII<< witlI all tile htftdituiImu ud ~ ","ftlDto~. UIlto the aid pitt)' 01 the __ put and IIis i.drs aM .... .. fee ... flnWl'.' , AIIIl tile aUI party CJI tile lint put" fOf It8dI ud its ~ docs IIeftb1 ~_t with aid put)' 01 tile --i.J put. Iah heirs, It&aJ rtpreRDtatives.1Dd assicm , tllat It II ~ __ CJlMid....... ke 1iapIe; tllat it ... full powa ud Iatrflll rtPt to C'OIIftJ' Mid Iud is fee oImpIr, .. alon:Did; tllat it shall be latrful rOC' said part}' al,....... puto Ilk.... kplltpIaaltlUves. ....s IIIIips at at u- ~ ud quidIy to CII~.poa. bold. occupy, ud aaJoy Slid Iud; tllat Mid IIIld is ffte m- . ____: tllat It will .-b ... f~ __ to paftct tile fft IimpIe title to said Jaad as _y ~, be nquind. .... tllat It docs Itn-eb, fuQ, WU'I'IIIt tile title ,to aid IaDcI. ad will delCIId tM _ qaIaIt tile lawful daims al all ~ ~ftI'. !N WtTHBSS party 01 tile lint put. OIl tile da., ....s )'tM lIrst aboft writtat, W aau.d iu _ to be Iiped and iU CllII'pOtale Ra1 to be dud to tIIeIe pnMIIb '" III ..... c6en III\'\! beftI duly ..tlIari..s~ caDOtftftd blt IftllhatiIIIII CJI ~ BoaulCJI ~ CJI tile INDIAN RIVHR i ..EAlUm M>>PAHY . ....scSdi"ft:Ullill '. ::SU1:lJeo~ -to an taxes "nG Glton 8t1See8men'te 01' ont "I'U".~.~!"8't!lJu: . ffe-rfv16a, ror ~e yeo1Q,1922, and 011 Bubsequebt taxes and 8Sg:~'8; ~;" , I . (Olrp..ae.I) Ind ion .';.1 ver Fa me Co. t J., ' ffl d ' I ... \0 xe r.u.7' Herman J. Zeuoh luPraidraL . ~~_alldDdi~ __.____.._._~~~,~..p.~~'~~~~r;... ,.,... ,...,.. ,__..... __, Ctorlee iluncan Its~w.,. I I I I I I ! 1 I I i ,0. B.SohrQ1ll /~k~~A'~t&~ ~ ~ . STAD OJ JOW,A.} CIIalJ .. 8cott. .. ,,' r. .. CJ5cIr dpIJ ntlIori2cd to tale .a-~ to dmk, do IImIIt' entifJ' thlt 011 tlds day- ~ appeared beIwe _. Herman J. Zeuch ud OharleeDuncan ... .....,... tile I>raidtIIt IlId ~.,.ti.dy, 01 tile IIIdlUs Ri__ F~ CoaaJlO)', tM~.-nbtd Ia the forqoiac deN, _., ud they acbowled&ed , bcfcn _ tW _ __ _ IIIIIIclrWd b)' ..w -:JIOI'IdoII to aenate the forqoiac deed OIl lu beW. ud to .... its _1Dd ... iU aal UIndo, that the ..... alliud tlIeftCo . ... ~ .-J al .ua earjlantiall. aM that saki 4cIld .. CIIIClItecl by .... alfpOI'atloll for the purpoteS thaeiIa upraMd. ud tIIey .evenly 1lCbo~ u.. ~ ,....... ~ be tWr me lid aM deed _ ... olken, for 1M _ .... JIIIfPORS tkRin ...tlooec.\ ad tJaat the .... lastnamatt is the lid &lid deed ;" Rid CllJIPClI'ItJca ' IN WInnIss WIIBREO 1Iemato..... IlI1 _ .... oIidaI aal. tlds 3rd da, al 00 to 1> er 19 22 at . City 01 Daftlll)Olt. &lid Slate Franoes K. Pleth NoCaI)'l'lIIlIieilludIwSclottc-t-,.lowa. Mye-. ''''naplns July 4th 1924. I i I ,J I I , I \ I ftAft 0. n.o,IIDAo } c....,.. ....... ' .. IT JlJPoOlM8J1RBD, 'net OIl dIIa L ->-_ ,;P..C.ELDAED ..... a-daallli4~. lH WJ'I'NBII8 14th da,CJI lIovQmber A. D..9 22 C1crk III tile CimIIt Court III ud Iw .... Couat-, _Ye duI-, monied tile ~ Dad ill tile p, ..... t.nato at ., ..... aM d.... 01.... CoaIt. t.e cia, ud ,.w aboft wrlttrJL ''\ . , \ , Ot.Ot.8eal1 ! ,j / ~e~o /"(/ 1. Vel'/'"_ , 'WJC/ , '..... _.. u, .... _......(SIA..) Clat Ciratk ec-t. I ',' ':: /,':>;;~.~li~~.~j