HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1520 :,:,:~-",,-...,..- ,":,--,-",~---:"~-o:-_----:-,.--c~---..-..",------.-~ ....~--..-------~-~-...........-:-_~-~~~- ~~ 420 .. , .' ~... ~UItC.~~~"~~1. ~ " .' ' WARRANTY; DEED I IPlU 11m 'ADS OOMP.&.IY to .JOBI I.. .uJ) .'D 8.' to... tmI DrDJAftVU..... tile 1., _ fA I'J~..bel A, D. 19 ." tlIa INDIAN lUVKR' p~ COMPANY,. ~tIaa aqulaed.-l abtiJlc.... tile..... 01 tile S4ata 01 Florida. pIltJ fA tile lint ~'to JoJua r.. !oau &at >>..14 S. Toa.. ~ tilt c.at-, 01 , ad .... ~ , PIIV qf U. --.s pout. ~, ,,.... tile laid IIUtt il_ tile "" put. f<< IIIll"CllaII.kft~ Oitlle, ' _ fA . , ,,' ' 0.. (11.00) , ' . DOLI.ARS, "1'fld...,.. u.. v.Ite4.., MIl otWt'....... ~ to Itla IIaad paid b)' u.e,aaId puV fA tile ___ put. at 01' Wen tile -alai ....s cIeIIwr, 01" ~ ... tM ftIlIIItt''Il1Ienol1l ...." ~~ 1M ....tecI. ~ .ow. nIeaed" -ft1'd ,....s ClDIIIr-'. ... Jno tIIae ...-ta --11mb, .,.1. ........ WI. ..... CGaft7 q4 (IDIIIIna ... tile IIld part)' 01 tile __,.., .... Ills ... ~.......' ID fee.... II tile.... lit 8t. I.ude OIua\1, JlIad&Ia.1b:ribN IS- ',...: , b..'Iw.l..(1I). .llotlO. "'.1l'7-01l. (11). fon_l,eiz', to.. (al) South of R....fhilt'-aI1H '(at), ".'. 00DU11l1118 '18.04 eou. ao'l OJ 1...... as n.1 ... 1. ,..1':;' ~{'.~-, ~'. ~~- '~:. ;-, ''.'' ..~.." ";':'., -.,..,. ! . ~,'- ~.~ ", > D.'I' oD'h,1 1.., pllerel p1.~'of laal.' ~f \he ID41&11 ilhllru.. 00""', fUla 11l 'hi , '... .; oftlol of thl Olerk of 'hi Oircuit fouJ1 of 8&iDt r.uolo COUll". l1orlda. . -~' '"-,. "1 _.' ".60 Dooaema" St.p. OaDoella 4. , !l 1 ~(" ;;; ::,,' :> ~ IloftVtl', tile rfPtG(.., Iclr plIIlIie --. cInIDap caaa&. ucI dltdIcs II... ClII tile plat G( aaId IaacIs IMde bJ the puty 01 tile lint put. :~1'0 . HA va ,~D, 1'0 Uor.D 'l'Ha SAMa. ~ widI all tile hcndiU-1lI 8IICl appart_ tllemuatO Iwlooliac. UDto tile saicI puV 01 tile eeeoad part and , Ids Wn _.....ia fee Iim&* '-nr. . " '." AiMl .......... 01 ~ lint put,., for ittdf ad its -.. __ Iaeftb)' _t with aaId party G( the ~ ~ his Wn. IqaI reaw-tatiwa. ...., aaips tat It II "~ltjr~ ....0I1IIcI.... Ia fee tiIailIe: that It .... laD JlOftI' 8IICllawfal ric.t to UlGfty said Iaad IA 1ft: timple.u aI-W; that It .... be IIwfal for aJd , pMt-, G1~........ Wi....... npresaatalf-. ad ___ at" tiIDts ~ ad quIetJy to aUf",-, IaoId. omIP)'. aad aioJ' said 1aDd: that aJd IaDd I_ me ~ '. ' t_UIla'II__: that Itd __ -' IurtJIa' _ topafcct tile 1ft: slmJlIe title to iUd Iaad as -V nuooabI,. be ~ and that It --1ItftbJ faDr wiIftUl", title to aaldlalllll. ud wiD delead tile _ aaaIasi tM Iawlal dau. 01 all ~ n..-enr. "Jil WJTNBSS, ~ G( the lint put, _ tile dI)' and ~ &nt abcrre writtal, W a...s ita _ to be tlptd ad its ~le ..J to be alIbeel to tIIeae ~~ ita l"rwIdmt ita , .... c6enllaft bcaI duly I1IlIIllIizId ad ~ by redaUoa 01 tile 80enl 01 Dindon 01 the INDIAN RlVU. I PARKSCDMI'AliIY' Q1eIr1JJIU1 toevaote.....JItIi~tw..... 81l..t.o~ to all tae. a4 4Uoh .......eat. Ol~ .,.olu...if D~'.U;''''' I.IT11.., XOI. UI ,oUaI:982,ua all .llD.I'''D~ 'UI. &Il4~......- i ' , .". MDt._ (~~.. Iulall Bher hr. OO.l, ~,u..._, ' B7 Belaan J. alaoh Ita Prc.idmt. : Deliftted Ia 01 as; t .. i ! ,~ , ~ ___.._.h":YUa..lailBl.OIl, ',' u...._ .:.,...... ,_. ...., u .. _.___._n__O.,.... .aaua.u ...._..,',..... ,_.. .., " ,.'.."". Ohulll Duo.. It. Sm-nary. ~ I f BrATaOf IOWA.L,' c-tJ of Bcaa. r I. u....... ~ to tab KbowWc-ta to'" do IJfftbr catiIy that 00 this cia,. ~,appeatd btIcn _, Bu_. J. I.aoh &TAU Of n.oamA. c...., 0I11t.1.-It. , .8 11' JlDIJUOIaaRP. TIIat oa this ~~;.. C!t.:;..JI1 IN 6th , ~ j { I I i i 19 18 I 1 . t t ~ ! I i i l dI)' G( DeOI.HI ,," '.. A.. D. 19 81 an 01 tile CImIll CCIDrt lit... for ... ~ ~ge"" r-*d tile ~ DeId lit _ 1., clay 01 ,8eJtl.'b.e~' ....s .Ohazll' Duo.. , to _ well mnr... tile PresWaat.... Sccmarr. ~ti,...,.., 01 tile bdlaa RiftI' ParoM c-pIIIJ'. tile ~ deKribed ill tile lorqoiac dftd.. . '. ad tIoty ..w-Icdced belen .. tIlat tIIe7 __ dab' uUloriaed b)' aaId CIIl'JIQBlioG to esccute tile foncoilII deed _Ita 1leW. lad to .... Ita _ aad 11th its MU lIIotnt.o, that tile tal alIud tlleftto " Ule ootpcnle'" G( laid ~ ud that aJd deed .. execaud ." laid carporaUoa f<< tIoe IJlIIJIC*S tiIeRBI expn:MelI. ad tIoey Rft!'aII" aebowkdaeel tile a<<utiua tIIenGf, to .,. ..... 'rwnd ud deed II -' 6ltn, few tile _ ud plIfJIOOeS tIoada -.tioDed, ad tIoat tile Aid u.su-t" tile art ud eked 01 JIicI ~ ,IN , at tilt Cit)o 01 , IlIIwe haftato alIbcd ..,. _ ud aIicW .... uu., eo..tr State afomaJd. n I' t f. , .... afT Co- ' '1'\ ll1piru huo.. I. Pl.atlt NoCuy I'labIIr III ud for Scott Count,., Iowa. .Jgl, t_ 1.... 1 IIernato let ..., ..... &lid tt.... 01 aaId c-t. tile ""11I4 ,..,. aboft writ.... ReCord \'; , , , ' erilJed ." " .. ' , , , ' , .. --, -, - __ __, __ _" ....(58AI.) rEf ,) , Clerk Cifalt C-,- .if:.;;~4'~;~bIpld., Clerk. - - ...".,;:,:.~:fti\1t~~~r~