HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1522 I ~",' (.~. :;, <- f s-: n I -'''~''''.'~,~'Y"'7'..~ -..If"" 1 14. "4, ,Ill ,kll!- l.I ~lJ ~.!lIA.' .' l' 1 ... ~ 1 .~ r .....-, 1l11. l. !~,,~l __ ~ _~/IU .... . : Mf,! _~_, ~ V-~ 422 4Q... eu..... .11.UttV... Q... .,.l~ ~ WARR'ANTY:.[:)"EEO<,' DDUB !lIVJSH 1'AIU&8 ooMl>>.tUX to GlQRGI'L. KAIIU. I .. 'IBI8 JDIIn'OU. Kade ... 81'h da., aI ' 00 to',1' mDIAN IlMla PARMS COMPANY,a ~ ClIIIIlIaed .., ~ 1UIdcf tIot .... 01'" Stall oIl'loeWa, JIIItY 01 tile tnt put. to (lio:r.. la, 1l~1Ul ~tlleC_~aI '800" _Sta_~ 10_ pu1foftlle.-a4part. . , WlTNa8SBTIt ~ tile IIJd part-, aI t!Ie lint ~ rOl' u4 .. coatIderadoa' 01 till.... ~, , on. c tl..OO) , ,. .. " " " . 'DOI.I.ARE. lawful ,....., . ....Veite4 lItabf,;: UlCI otII<< ..... ~ to it III .... paIcI .". tile laid IlII11 01 tile IICiOIIll part, at" 01' Wen till -u.w 11I4' ddiYcf., 01 tIMIe..-- '.... tile ftceIpt wMteaI ..-.. ~ laid ariatett. ~ acid. reIeued. COIlft,e.s u4 ooo&r.e,cI. ud b)' .....-ta does ~ snat. harpIa, ... ~ ~ft!J' 'UlIlI eaaar. ..to tile IaicI putt 01 &Ile1eeOlld part .. w. .... .......... .. tft ... .. tile .... .. lit. '-Ie Coaat)', JlbicIa. d8cribtd .. raloft: ' , " <' fl'eo'.ree '(8) in ~, lor\h _It (Bi)ot _Htotlon ft.nt1-n1n.' (29). izown8blp ~hirt7-two . '. '.~.' : . . " - (88) Bouth. !lana' fhii-'7-nln. (8~) ".'.' oont8111ill810 aor... ear. or l1B8. aa the Bame i8 . . . . . 4.8ipatI4 on' the la8t pneral pla' ot 1axI4. o't'th. Indian 1\1...er'8l'118 0011I))8"1. tlle4. in the ,,' ' ~.: . ': o. .' _:: : ::~ ',~ . ..' . . .' . - ~ :- 'Mf1o.' ot th. Olerk ot the 01rouU Court 'of aaiDt !tuoit Uount7. '101'148. I i l , . ! i t j i i I I I A; 1>. 19.. ." the , i !' ~ Jonocwr. the riJI'ot aI WI' IGr peIl& .--h, dralaqe cum. ....s dltdaeillI __ _ the plat 01 .....Iai.ds -.Ie by tile put, 01 tile lint part. i . TO HAVIJ AND, TO" HOLD 'nUl SAUlt tocetbef willa all the ~~ts ud ~ the_to bdaacinI. uto tile .... part)' 01 the JmMId put and i Ids IIein aad .....Ia fee .... forner. AJIll the..w ..,.'01 tile lint put-" for iladI ud lu ---... cbs btnb, _t with said put)' 01 tile Rt'OIIlI part, Ids Ilan.Itpl npratIltaUftlI, aad usiatas tIat It Is lafeuillli Idaed 0I1IJd IaD4Ia fee ....; tIII,t it ... fvI a-w ud lawful riPt to COIl"" IIId IaaclIa fre ..... II af-xt: that it .... be lawful IGr .... put)' 01 tile ..... ~ "'1Iem.1IpI rtpI'aaltatna, ud ..... at all ~ ptMabIJ .... qaIetJ, to Illtel' apoa, haId, occupy, aDd apy ... Iud; that .... IaacI iii ,free fna .. ~: that it will ..te ... rurtll<< _ to paf<<t tile fre _pie tide to .... Iliad as _y ~ be ftqalnd. ud that it does ~ f. wvraJit tile title to IIJd Iud. aad will deIaId the _ aplMt the lawfld dai-. 01.. penc.s wa.o..a-.a. , Df WI'l'HaSS WIIHRIOl'. tile put-, 01 tile tnt put. .. the cia-, ad )'Ur lint ahoft writtm. ad caused its _ to be wiped aDd Ita ~te IIelIl to be d&cd to ...... bt'~~... . .~ae-."ft beaa'" IIltllariad.... empow'IRd "',raoIatioD 01 the Boant,.. DiRdonolthe'lNDIAN RIV)$R i J!ARM8 cOlIPAIrV',PutYcif ~ to_te....sddiwathlsdem. SUbJlot to aU 'taxes and, ditoh elal..entl or 8~7 ""1.1 a8... ta.,'lt a b. 1..,te4 tor the ~.a~leea. ana 811 eub..quent tan. an4 8aM.ar MlltB. (CGrp. &.J) '" ID41an .Kl....r .allal 00. '., i B7 1I'1'IIIIn'. fl. ~,uoh Ita Pftsidmt. i I ! ~ 01 a: Ohar118 J)unoan ...~U'.._rL"a'.1,___.._ . , Its 5ecntary. .3J_.a...hhr.wl.... .....'. h '_'u.' m '--'.1:.00' aOOWllltntar7 8tomp~,...U.4. , BfAn or IOWA, L eo.t1 0I8eott. j I,.. 'ClIica- cWy autIlorbt4 to tab ~d&meats ta dttiIs,. do Ile.relly ftrtiI-, that.. lids day ~ ~JNd bdore _.H.rman tl.. Z.uoh .... Uharle. lJGrI,o'D to _ tnD boIIJIas tile PraIcIaat ud SrcntaIy, ~ti...,. 01 the IDdiau Illws 1'_ c-pu,. Use ~tba ~ lAthe forqoiac deed_ _ .. aad the)' ec'-..Ie4<!d , Wen _ that t"" _ ..,. atIIoriad by NicI eorporatiaa to _te the fotqoiac Ucd 011 its bdIaIr. ud to .... its _ aDd aliI its ... u.emo. that tile ... dbcd tJMntO II tile ClIII'JlIlf* ... 0I1IIcI CIClIJIlICIItioD. .... that laid deed was GlICIIted,'" .... corpantIoe b uie ptlIpQIId tberda a..-ed. ud tIHr RYCnIl, aebowWpd . -uoe tIIenof to be tIIdr fne eel aad eked _ ... caee... IGr tile __ .... purpI*S tIle.rda -tioaed. IIIlI that tile aJd IlHuu.ut is tile art .... deed 01 aid ~tJaD. IN wn'NBSS WH1UlBO'.II!PeIlemmto....hl'_....sc6ia1-i.W. 81.' cla-,0I Oowb.r ' 19 e. at the atJ 01 DaftDPlllt, ~no'8 la Plath , NotaI7 P\IbIie Ia and (01' Brott COUIlt)'. IoWL j lU11 .'h- lee. I I II, <'___ apira BfAn 0. n.oam..... } c:..." .. .. ...... , .. IT JUUOl.IIBRRJ!O, TIoat.. tIIiI ea Ie ,." o.,IlIJ',' NIle ...... fI.w CciIAIIt. IN "'rnflrM WBIPlRO'. IIIaft a.m.to..., .... ..Ut.......... c-t. tile.,...,..,... WItt... ., oI])He.." Ie. D.19 28 Qat 01 tile CimIIt c-t Ira _ far IIJd c-t-, "ft daIy relllII'lIelIthe ~ Qeed Is tR _..,..I A. .0.. ..J.1.',l"~...."__., ..,.. ,_..,.. ,___ _h.... ..(S&\L) b "~' ' ", Clerk CIraIt c-t. ~eco' ,', " . ~ "ertJJ. .,..... ..~,..&.~~~L,......,.....Dq.t.,~ ect '" , " .' ," ,"' , i;<it~lt1?l~t~~~~