HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1523 423 ,~-~~"",,~~~.-.~o/~~.~~,T'~ "'~" '~''''~~'~7~;~7~,''~~~~~~~~~~ )4."""",-..., "t. 1,.UIlI"V . .....,.....:"-.ow:....~~~."---.~..-r.~~~- ............u ,tA........... It...... - - -..''''' --,.- T- I " mUll BXVJlt ,~ 'oo_An . WARR'ANTY DEE'O to ~. A. 7t.II88l11R , 1BI8 QO)IIn'VU. M.dt tile 18th ' dq aI loftllbtl' INDIAN RIVIUl FARMS COMPANY, acorporatbl cqubecI.... aIItiItc __ tile.... 01 tile State 01 PIorida. part-, of tile Int part. to A. D. It 28 b}o tile !] , , j. .I. .lei8alr, (S1Dcle) aItllec-t-,OI JIllwaWI ....s State 01 W1II0 onatn, put)' aI UIUlColld put. wrnmssJmI.' TIIat u.e IIJd put-, olllle ant part. for aad ID CUIIidentJaa aI tile _ elf 08. IA1: 00), " " , ' " OOI.URS. ..wfaI ~ "~.u.Ited Sbtw".... otbK ~ ~ to It ID...... pUll b)' tile IIJd put)' ~ tIIa IeClllD4 pat. at'cir btIGn tile ->>q' ud ddhoew,. aI UIeIe PmaI'" ..., tile receipt wIMreof Ii .. acbowkdpcl. ~ cnated. bcpiIIcd. .... r*-d. u.'ft)'ed.... -*-4 .. b, ......ta does""" .,.1. ....... ... rtIeue. COIln,' UId -ana ato tIIa laid put)' elf lIIe ..-d put aad wllIein ad........ III fee .... II tile ..... Ia. 8t. tude c-t-" PIorida. ......15 follon: ~I'- ,If Lo~a 1'0111" Ct) end .l'iTl (6) ,111n8 S01l~h ot thl Main O~Jiel, in SeoUon JS1gh~ (8', f i'OWIlahlp ftll'tJ-~.'1 'IN) South, R8JlStTh1r~1.1I1nl (89) "at, st. Lu011 o ount1 , rlor14., :.. thl aai4 lota "'I.mowm b1 .thl' ~lat of ~h. Il1d1an. HiTel' .re1'Jl8 COIll1)8l11 t11.d in: the oft10. lot, thl Cltl'k ot" t, hi 0, 1rou1 t OOUl't, ot, 8814 00unt7 at ,l'Ol't ,1'1'1'0', rt, or14s, ,elll1 rt,oor4.4 1n Book a, HgI 26 '"'the t,reot bling .1" ~rUou1or17 4e80rlb.4 oa follo.8:, ' , . BeglIl1l1118.t the p0111~ wbere the wee1: 11ne of the sa1d lot four (4) lntereeota the 80uth- IIrl111ne of the rlght of .a7'of th. _in o.n~l, ,thenae northla8t.rl1 along the 881d 80uther- 1,11 rl~ht of ..1 11n. of the ..In oanMl, 8816/10 f.et, theno. south 1)8rall.l w1th the W88t lun. of t~e8814 10t8 four and flTe 1666-'16,1,100 teet, . to the south 11nt' Of th, e a.14 lot 'In. thlno. .eat along the BOuth 11n. of 881410\ ,ive (61 863-6/10 teet to the BOuthweet oorner ot ..14 lot .1Tt (6), th.noe north along tht we.t l1n, of 8814 l"-t fiT' ana the weet 11ni of 1..14 lot four 1.89-'16/100 fe.t tobegInnlng oontaln1ng twelT' end f1ft,-hun4redtha 112.60) {aort8. - , , I I ( ! I j f Ibcq>t. bownw. tile riPt 01 _,. for puh& .--ii. dniuce c:aIIIb, IIId dkdIet as Ihornt _ the plat crI aid .... ... by tile putJ' 01 tile Int part. I TO HAVIS AND 'l'O HOW THR SUIR. ~ willi aU tk 1Imdi~ .... ~ u.a-lo ~ UDto tile said put7 01 tk ICcoad put and { h8 htln IDd ......1. fft ...pIe fGftnf. ~ ADd tile aid put,. crI tk &nt part-,. for ibdf IlICIlta -.. does IMnb)' CIOYWUt witlllIJd puty ClI tile -.t part, .. Wn,1tpI....-atati_aad U!ips ~J' tJaat. it h iDdtltuiblJ' -- aI aid I&a4 u. fee .....; tIIat it ... f'!ll power .... lawf1d npt to -n,' aid Iu4 .. fee tiapIr. ..~; tIIat it .... be ...,.. for aid JIUtJ' 01 tile -a part.......1IpI ~tati~ U1d...... at alia-. ~ad qaidI-, to catena-. ......~. ud ~ IIJd Iud; tItat IIJd IIDd h frft ~.. ~; tJaat it 1riII .... .-II f-u-r ____ to perfect tlIe 1ft _pie title to IIJd ..... .._,. ~ be nqWred. ud t1lat It doeslltftb}o fally- I 1I'UTIIlt tile. title to IldcI bad. IlIlJ will delead tile _ acaiDIt tk ..whI... crI all per-.- ~, (' lH WITNESS WHItRBOJt, tile put)' crI tk Int part, CllI tilt dq .... Ytu Ant aboye writtca. W ca.-d its _ to be ..... .... its c.ponte ... to be aSud to tIlae ..-ta b)' Ita PretMtat IIIlI its Seaetaq, Dida c6:en IIaft bcea duly ..tbori8Id 11I4 aDpO""" by ftIlIhatioll 01 tile a.nI 01 Oiftdon 01 tilt lHDJAN RIVER ; PAUlS COWP.urY,put)'eIf totqalteaadclclhatlaitdeecl.6ub~eot to aU taXIS and 41toh a8ses-.ent8 or . ,all1 speolal a8S nta all7 D. le~114 tor ths 7~ 1922, ant all eab~qu'Dt taxes end aa8ee- 'a.,...nts. (Coq>>, &aJ) lIl418n K1Ter ,el'1l8 00. B7 H'1'1I8D J. Zluoh Its PftsideaL f Sicotd. aI as: , ~ f i ~ ~ ~ I i I I s ~ I I f I i I i i I ) .1" 'j ~~ ,~ .~ } Oharlee DunoaD ;~ !Y ... ---,~;..~.,., .--....... --...... ... On... ,U...!i., ~,.. ,.... --....., ..'::---. --,e.oo' OooWlllntal'1 Its Scadary. .tBJIP opnoelled. STATB or IOWA.} c-tJ crI &c.tt. .-- I;.. c6w doly utIIoriad to tab aa-1cdcmaIb to dftdt, do IItftby catir., tIIat _ tt.ia da., Pcr-I1 appnnd belGre _. Hel'lll8Jl J. Z.uoh -.i f- .... Oho'rle 8 >>unoon tolllu.dl-....tIIe Presidtatud6emtaly. retpICti\odJ'.OItIIe J.diaIa Ri~ P-c-llUlY. tHcorponlIaadeacribeol18t11t ~ deaL... ..s tIIq ~ ~ ~ tIIat tIIet weft ..,. IIIlIIarbed by AId ClIlfpCI'Itioa to eucute tile lOftIOiac dftcI 011 ita btMIf. ud to ... ita _11I4 .. its ... tIIem&. that tk .. alized tllKcto is tile corponte ... elf .... corparatlo.. ..s tllat .... tIat4 .. eaaltc4 b)' .... corporatiaa for tile ~ tbcftID a..-ed, mol tlae7 RnnIIJ' lICbowkd.red tile ~ tIIcncrI ~ be tWr fne ad ud deed II IUdI ClAcen. for tile _ .... IJIII1ICNft tIIadn -""'-\ ud tIIat tbe IIJd -.u-t is tM ad and eked 0I1IJd ClllJpOntioIa. , IN Vt'ITNBSS at tile City aI Da '-;.., -~ P, J IIaft Mralato alIMd .,. _ ud oIII<W .... Ua1t St.lle afornaid. Uth clay elf .OTllIb.1' I 19'22 ,'~ -7 :"-:'i ,1 i~ ,~ ',::-t. ,~ ,:~ ftano.a ., Plath , ,,,. L'-'-Vo npins Notary I'Ilbk Ia aad lor ~ C-t-,. Icnn. JUl1 .t.h - 1924 I STAD OW JtOJtm c...,..... ~ DB IT ..U1lUR1UlBD. n.t _ tIJI'~ .. P. o. 114r14 Publk --. a111ld ec...t." lH .rnna WHPBO', I IIaYe '-'-to at .., ........ th... e1f.tlll c-t. tile... ... ,., .... writ... daTOI;p'olab.r A.D,1922 an aI tile Cirak c-t Ia .... far IIld o.-ty aft .. nconW.u. ~ Dltd Ia tk ~. , t'c ) " Ql~~ eIY/teq ..1,...C).,..Il"'~L. __....,...,. . 'H'" ............(SRAL) CIat Cimdt Coart.' 8y._~.~fJ:.',.~. .........,.Oep.dfClat. .-. : " - ~ <>. " .,; .