HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1533 . . ..-v_~.~'_c~,.,,_~~~' .....o-.....~---~..J'<l"......,...,......,.~..,.'-.r...--.~"'l:",~-!'<~:___........---..-' .....-'..~,--:--'";'....~..:,..'---r:""~.....'~'~~... r, I,,~. .-q;~. .... II ...~~__~~"'":_,.._,...___...~~~.~ 433 U.'_~' ....___ .1....lIC..~.~ ~,~ ,~. I I.... ""'........ _ ... 28'b . ..... . "Sus' . .", It 22 .. ... I I INDIAN JlI\'liR FARMS COMPANY~. corpontIao ~..is uIItIaa -- t.lIe Ian of tIIa State 01 PIarida. put-, of tile Irtt put. to I I O'!U1e B. '''lan4.', , oft1leC-t)'oI C~ahoga ' I ud State 01 Ohio 'put)' 01 tile -.I pert. ! I WlTNaSSJn'JI. Tllat the IIJd put,. of t1Ie 8nt put, lor ud ID COIIIideratioa of tile .... 01 , 'I' I One (it 41 00 ), , ." , OOLl.ARS. i Ia.ru! ~ .. lbi Uelted .... .... otIIer YMaIIIe ~ to It ID IIIDIi pDl b)' tile .... put)' of "t.lIe IICiOIIll ~ at" _ Wen tile, -Hal llII4 dtII.u., f ~ 01 tbeM ..-atl. aad tile tecdpt wIIr.nof illIeftbJ' ~ lied II'lIIIted. bapIDed. 1OIlI. ftIeued. _wmd.... ~ aad br tMIe sn-all doa IIcr-tbJ' IflIIlI. i ! bupID.... ~ -"1 aad c:oaIna _tot1le IIicl put)' of t.lIe -.I put aacI.... bdn aa4....... .. fee..... all t.lIe a-t. 8L IolIde c-t)', JIIoridI. deIcribed U i, I~: ' I (LO~ Bo. 'our teen (14) in Blook 10. twenty-one J2l) in the Oity of Vero, Ploti4a, &8 the i l. ..me i8 de81gnated. on the plat of Indlan giVer larms .Company' s sub4ivision reo'orded in the ~ ~offioe ot the Olerk ot theOirouit Oourt in and toraaid Oounty. ~ RBSTaICTIOBS. ~ _ ,1. The purohaser must olear his lot of all underbrush or undesirable growth wI thin 90 daY8; ftrom date ot purohase and, in the event ot his not oomplying with thia the Company shall have Ith. right to do suoh olearing at 8 oost Dot to exoee4110.oo per lotand ohergesame to the I purohaeer. ~ 2. That the purohas.. will, within one year tromdate, 8et or oause to have 8et out, at I least tive ornamental treea on the lot, and at leust two ornumental treas bet~een th~ 8i'.wa1. J and ourb,l1ne, which w11l be oare4 tor by tlf,e Company at a nomiaal oost, in the event that p~- ~ ohaRer 18 not on the ground. ' ! ~ 31 That all bul1diDgs8%eoted. must first oomply with the restriot10n8 with referenoe to ! I placement of. building 'on the lot, and t~at no residenoe shall be plaoed oloser to the lot lint ~ than thtrt1( 3O)te, " 't' a~ no bUild,in,ga, Sh,811 be ere,oted, Wi.th, in the restrioted distriot whioh i ~ entail anie%penditure 0 ,less than ~OOO.OO withont speoUl permission ot the Company. All \ ~ buildings.' ll'101iiding r t8, 8hall be painted wi thin 90 doys trom oompletion. , ,f Thie Gontraot ,pp1iee Onl{ to lots In the restricted d18trlot in t~e town ot Vero, 8S i~, r ~~~~UJ.'"l ~t~he.V.!!~~~:;_IIIItv.Jd""'~_1tIlItW~1Mtt , ; t TO HA va AND To 'HOLD 'hm SAloiS, lclptIIcr 1rit1l III tile Mmti'---II ..i .~ tbmaato bdaaclaI. lIlllo the..Jd put)' 01 tile -.t part and ' t his bdn and &Slips Ia Ice IimpIe fcIftwr'. t . AIId tile IIJd put)' ~ tile lilt pen,.. rc. itIdI ud its --. ,cbs IItftby _t with taIct put)' d tile -.t put, .. Wn.1tpJ ~tiwI, aad IlSSips t tllat It 15 fDdcIeuibI.,.... qf IUd .....la feul...; tIlat It '- f1aII POWU ,aAlllawfal rlcIat to _ftY aid Iud Is fee 1iIapIt... .,~; tIIat It .... be lawfal 'ar oaId ~ put)' 01 tile -.t part. Idshdn, IcpI npnaatatm., ud ..... at" u- ~ llII4 qalctlJ' to CIItn" upoa. IIokI. OCCltPY, llII4 eGjoy taIct Iud; tIIat taIct land Is ftft i ~ .. ----, that It 1Iri1I DUe IUCIa lartIIu ~ to paleCt t1Ie 'ce _pie title to aid Iud'.. _,. ~ be reqaIred. aad tIlat it does Mnb,. 'aU,. i warraIIt the title to aid IaIIlI. aad will cldtDd the __ qaia&t the IawfDl c:Ws. 01 all per.- ~Uf. , ~ IN WITNESS WIl8RJro put)' oIU1e lint put. 011 tile..,. aacI J'tu' lint aboft writtal, W ClIIlttd its _ to be ...... lad III toI'JIOI'Ite tal to be allIed to " t tIIete..-1I b)' its iad its , Maida o1i<<n aft ~ dal., _tItoriad ad ~ br fttOktioa 01 tile IIoant 01 DiredGrt of tile INDIAN RIVER i i FARMS COMPANY. OIU.dntput . .toaeadeaaddeli.utldsdeedlJub.1eot to all taxes and Utah assessments or any! I 8peoial a8se8 ents, it a be 1ivl.4 tor the y.ar~922f and all 8ubsequent taxes and 8SSeSS-j f ments. (Corp. SaI) nUan River 'arllB Co. ~ By Berman J. teuoh :: Siped. 01..: ~ , i __h.~X~J.~..~~,~~'.~~9.~.., ........ ..U.. __.' '.....__.....,. ~ r .......,O...B,., kb.lJUn h ,... ...,.........,.., .~'60.'d.ooiimentary stamp oonoe11ed. l ~ i WARRANTY'DEED to ' IHDIAlf RIVBR FAlUla COMPAJIY C~IBH. W1KI.AND Its lnsidt1lt, Charles Dunoan Its Secrdary. .' i ~ j , ~ f ~ [ . ~ t . I I I i I I I 8fATB 0' IOWA.} CituIJ of Scoa. .. I... ~..,. autltoriad to takucb_Jedc-ats 14...... do Mnb,. m1iIJ' that.. tIIII cia., ~ appund beIGft _. Be:rman J. Zeuoh 28~h ~OI Al18u.t 1922 'rano.s E. Riath M,. 0---- uplns NotaD' P\IblIe Is aacI for Saott Cowst)'. Ion. Julyfth ~924 . , / stATB or, A. } c..tJ ellt.lMde.' BIIT RBMmmERBD. TIIat _ tIsiI .. P. O..B1dre4 PlIIlIic a-. d ..w CouIsI-,. IN WITNESS WJqPt.IO.. IlIaft --.0... .., .... aM"'_ 01.... c..t. tile dIq ... ,... ..... tnittaL P. O. ladr.4 I ...'.'...............,.,..,...., '..' ,.,.............,.....CSBAL) ! CIuk CimIIt c-t.. I .,.g,~~hhh.h._COd.I , 26th dq of J)eoe~ber A. D.1922 a.n 01 die CimsIl Cowt loa ud for laid c-t,. llaft ...,. -.w ... fonaooiac Deed Ia ... &COHD YCRIFIED , . ~---- t'. [ ...~_ , .' ~~ .::>{~I\~~~~i.~~ 1 ) I