HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1545 .~..::,-", :":-,.......~--;:~...~."v~'__ ,.,....."":'~~"."',-'_..... ~~....~..;o:---:-...,."'..~"""':.~"........::::l!:~-:'".,.t!.~'?',~.......,...-'........,~........~-~.,...,.......<"..r:-~~". ..-.--~~~..;-'~~:"f"'"".~~-~ ... ~, -",~.,_..,.w_~..,..-:-':..,_..,..."~,,:..,,...,..____~~, 4it5 ~ ' i'~' ---...- ----.-..-- --_.,-- ----.'---' -'_._,~,--~--~,~----_._.._._-----'._-----,--,_..._.--'--_.- ---'-~"-- '~~---._---,-, -_.:_, WARRANTY: DEED to' , ' INDIA" RIVER PAlmS OOJ.lPAIfY JUSTIN A. DROHANT ~ i I 'lID8 nmDtUU, Made tile 1 ?th da., 01 If,Ol'8mber INDIAN IllVRR PAUlS COMPANY,. ClQfPCIRlJo. ~ ..s aIItiIl& ... U. .... 01 tile State of PIariU. part-, 01 tile Int pert. to tlWltin A. DeOhant of tile c-t)' 01 O\Q'ahoga ud Slate ~ Ohi 0, part)" of tllllICiOIIll put. WlTN8SSaTH. net __1IId part)' Of tile Int put, lor aad III ~ 01 u.... ~ ' , On8( fl. (0) '. , . . DOI.LARS. I..",.. ..,. .. tile Va1\e4 &a-. _ otIMnallllbll,ClO8IIoIeratioa to it ID '-4 P.Ui b)' ,u. IIIcI ~ 01 U. __ pert. at 01' Wooe U. -... IIIIlI ddiftrt , c.I u.. ~'*' ....s u. ~ wIMnoIla ~ ~1e4I&'e4. bad pIIded. .......,. ........... _ftJed..s ~ .. b)' u.. ~ta doft...... put, , ................ _ftI' .. oodraa aato tile laW put-, of the -s part ....s .. .... ......... 1Il_...... II the .... .. at. r.-M c-t)', P1orI4a. deaibed IS j l'oIIowJ: 1.0' '2~ !w$lt. (12) 1~ Bi~ok Ro. Thirty-eisht (38) " i ,. in ~. ,I6B/ot VelO. 'Plor1da, as the flame' 18 designated on the plat of Ind1a~ -River Parms ! I ' , . , ~ Oompany's 8ubdivision reooidedin the oftioe of the Clerk of the Oirouit Court 1n and ttr aa14 i Oount)'. RE3TRIOTIONS. I I 1. !J;\e pu.roh'~Rer must olear his lot ot all underbrudh or undersirable growth wlthin 80 i I" daya ~rom date of purohase. and in the event of his not oompl)'ing with this, the Oompany i I shall have the right to do suoh olearing at a oORt not to exoeed f].O.OO per lot and oharge f I 88me' to thepu.rohsser. , 'i 2. That the purohaser, WIll. within one year from date, set or oause to have Ret out, at I i baat tive ornament.al trees on the 10tJ and ,at least two ornamental trees ~et.ween the aide- : i walk and our' line, whioh w111 be oareo for by the Company at a nominal ooat,in the event ~ I thd purohaser is not on the ground., ,,' i I, 3. That all ~ulldlngaereoted, muat fhat oompl~ with ,the _ restriotions wi tb reference to i t plaoement of bucldins on the lot. and that no residence shall bo plaoed eloser to the lot I I l1ne than thirty (30) teet, and no buildinss ahall be ereotedwlthin the restrioted distriotl s whion entoil an expenditure of lesa than f2000.00,without speoial permiasiob of the Compan)'. f ~ All buildings including roofa, shall be painted within 90 day~ from oO~I~etioD. ; i This oontrabt'appliea onl)' to lots in the reatrictfd district in the town of Vero. as ( I 18 shown on the Company's plat of the Vero towDsite. A. D. 19 22bJ'tIIe t ~~.---.~......,_. '!Ii ....-......v . ...,lIitdIls-----,..*-i4...~.~"'...~....... ~ TO HA~ AND 'l'O HOLD 'I'UIl MU8. ~ witIt all tIIe~.. ud ~ Utawato~. lIIIIo the said puty 01 the -.ad put and g his beirI aad .... is lee simple lorenr. ~ 'ADd tile .... part)' 01 the &nt' partt, for itseU ..s ib --.. don IItrmr ~ witIt aid puty 01 the ~ put. 1Ilt....1epl ~ ud assips r tllat it h btcIefcatibl)o IWed 01 11I4 Iud Ia fee 1impIe; tJat It lias 1111I JIOWI!I' ADd lawful riPt to -ftI' 8IId IaDd Ia fee Maple. .. ar.-Jd; that It .... be ..wfaI f. aid ',' puty 01 tile -S puj. !ala hdn" Iepl rcsw-, latiftlJ,...s....... all U- ~J' ud ~ to tIttK.... ..... ClCaIpJ', MIl eeJooJ' IIid 1aDd; tIIat IIid ...... h rne r.- II ~; thst it trill ~ ..... 1.':- ___ to pafcd tile kill UapIe title to 11I4 ...... u _., ~ be nqtIind. ..... tIaat it ctoe.lMnby laIIr J '1nIInIIt tile tide to IIId IaDd, and wiI1 dcIcacl tile __ aPbt tile kwful cJaa.e 01 .. pa-. .a-.-.... '. . ~ IN WI1'NHSS WH .. ~ part)' ~ tile int put, OIl tile da)' ud 7- 6nt aboYe writta. W ~ ib _ to be..... ud ita _pqnte.al to be dbcd to " ~ tIIeet..-ta b)' ita t aad ita ' . wlakll ~, aft a-. d8I)' ..tJtorbed ud eepo.rucd t., ndIdiaa ol tlIe l*nI 01 Dincton of tile INDIAN RIVG I j'PARMS COMPANY, . ,01 tile Int , . to_teuddoliTtrtJlladftd. Subjeoi! tOrall taxes and 8J:eoial aBsesamerJta 1e-; ~ vied and pa able after ate. . B; nUen RlV8f )'armA Co. ; ! \ ,(CGrp.Sal) Herman J. Zeuoh t ~ ' Ib Pftsidnlr. ' ! Sipcd. ad Deli\"<< , Charlea Duncan i ' ~ _..uV..~a,P'..,.8g.el.h"'"h_______""'__" .-, ---..--... IUSerm.Ir)'. ~ i .____O'..Jt..J~O,l1X.Wl_.__.__.. ,.q..--- u." -.-. ---, 'fL-.OO"40oumentarl stamp cuneaIled. I ' . t !lAD or JOWA.} t eo.tJ .. &oct. .. i I, III C&U....., .a~ to take .u-~ to deedt. do ~ cnt.if)' tIIat OIl tJIIa day pa-.-I)' 8P(lelIftd..... _, Herman J. ~e uoh t f. . I.... Oharles Dunoan ' I to.. -.dI bicnna.. tile I'reIIdatt ad &ecmar.,.rtfPCdiwd'l. II tile IIIdiut ~ p.,.. c-p.." tile ClllWJlOC'at.iC deIcribfd ia tile fancai8I deed... _ _. ad ., 1d.ao.J.4..d I bclore,."that ~ wme ..,. ..tIIorbed by IIid ~ to euaate tile fGnacUc .... .. ita w..Jf, ,...cr to ..,. ita _ ud db kII-i tJIcmo. u.c tile '... a5Jcd ; tIMnto Ii tilt CIGqNlOte ... 01 .... ~ ad tIaat IIid .... - aerstc4 bt' .... ClIIIpClfttIoa fOI' tlIe lllII'JIC*t tIImiD GIII-'. ..... ., IeftnIIy IICbowIcdccd ~ tile ~ thmoI to be tIIdr Ira lid ud deed .. .... .... fOI' tile _ ..J paIJIC*S tIIadD ~ .. tht tile IIId ~ b tIae act ud deed .gf 11I4 i UlrporaUoa. ", ' , ~ IN Wfl'NHSS W1UUU<<>p, l"ftlleftuDto~..,. _ ud a&W.... tIa~, 1 '1tb "'ol Hovember 1922 I.. tile City of DaYftllOl1. uiiJ ~ IIotaaIcl. " (!I.P. ;;)'Il~\ 2ranoea K. Plath NotaI)'Pat&laud for Scott C-t-,. 10-. ; M.,c--'~uusp&e. Jt1ly 4th- 192i irATI ~ JLOUDA, ,} c.., .. al..a.. 8. IT UIOIMBRIUlD, TIIat.. tIIiI J, P. O.Kldnd, N.IIe R-* 0I1IId CGutII)'. IN WI1'NISS WIIERJIOP, I 11Ift 12th dl)'of JaQuafY A.D. 1,23 ~ of die CImIk c-t .... for MId ~t)' _ft cIaIJ' ~ tile ~ o.d ia U. ..... ..ate... 01..... c-t. tilt., .... w- ...... MittIe. , __..,.,.!...C,...Bldx.e4_,. .__ -------..-......_.u....(8JSAL) Seal Clerk CIraIt eo.t. Ree~r"tr nrned .,.-,~~..~_............nc,.ty.am.. - ,." :<2~~t!:li~ll~~ ] I i I :i ] t I < , i . ; I i , i l f I