HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1549 --......~~-~.rc'.~~, ':-...-;-oIl...,'- ",",..-...-t"'O"...~,-..., ,--~,~~--"~''''!-'''~~."'lI.-.,..-,~..,,<-,,--.........*~~- ......'--._........__.~_".._....., .....w~ _;_ __._ . ~ ~~"...~._..." .-......____~,..-...~~~~-.........,--,.--.,'-.._..._~-- ,,~.,_.....___,___. ...._,..a~.'~\~ 449 (): . .~ .......uac "....,.., -. u. ,... --'.-'-_._-~---_._--_._----'--'---,--,-.-"--_.--~-, - .'--,---- r i ~ ~ i: r. 11SI8 DmIln'VD. Maile the IDd dq 01 IO"'lIbe~ ~ INDIAN RIVRR PARWS CQM1'ANY,. COIJIllRtIoa oqubed ..... edltRlc WIdet tile .... 01 tile &tate 01 fIoricIa. part-, .. tile ant put. u ! B"~' Ioaola ';...c:-o,... . loon . ! ..... State 01 ~ put)' 01 tile Reoad put. I WITN , ' 'l'hat the IIJd paItJ' 01 the 1m put. lor .... .. coasldcratioa 01 the _ 01 , ~ O~. (11.00) , DOUARS, ~ II.,.. IIIOIIll)' .. the Ualted Stata, .... GUIer ~ ~ to It .'..... pUS ~ tile IIJd part-, 01 tM IICDIId put. at 01' belore the ~ aM deli..., i 01 tIIeIe ..-tt. IIId tM hCIIipt wlMreal II ~ ~ w IQIItCId. ~ IOId. rdeued. -ft7elI aacl-"-cl. .... b)' tIIae ..-ta doa IImbr anal. t bupID. leU. ..... -..,. ... \1IClIIIr. _to tile IIicl ~ 01 the .... put ....s .... ... ........... Ia lee ..... .. tM ...... at. Lade c-t-" PIaridI. dcIcribcd .. , t 1ollo...: ~ ~ ~ , , r. ~ ~ ~ I ~ 1. The puzohaaer must olear hle lot of all underblu8h o~ UDAe81rable growth wlthln 90 dal. ; ~ froa 4ate o~ purohase, and ID the.vent of his Dot oomp17in8 with th18, the Companl 8hall I ha.,. the right '0 do luoh olearing at . 008t not to exoeed $10.00 per lot and oharge same to i the pPoha811. ~ 2. that the purohaser, will. withlD one lear trom date. .et or oaule to have eet ou~, at l..st ! fiye ornamental trees on the lot. and at least two ornameDtal trees bet.een the lidewalk and I ourb liDG, whioh wl11 be oaled for bl the COllPaD7 at a Dominal 008t, In the eYeDt that pur- ~ Oha8er 18 not on the around. t 8. !hat all bulldlna8 ereoted. auet ~ir8t oomp17 with the restrlotionl wlth re~er'Dce to , ~ Plaoement o~ building on the lot. and that DO resldenoe shall be plaoed oloBer to the lot lln, ~ thaa thirt7 (80) ~.et, and DO builiUnp shell be ereoted within th. re8trioted di8trlot wbloh ! ental1" aD expeudUuze of l88S that PQOO;OO ':~'without speolal j)ermilsion of the Comp8D1. All; ~ buildingl, 'inoluding roof., ahall be painted _lthin 90 da18 from oompletlon. . i .. !hi8 oontraot applies oull to lot. in the xestrioted 4i8trlot In the town of Vero, as 1. i .hown OD the COllpan18 plat o~ the Vero town8ite. i ----.. WARRANTY DEED to " ; A. D. ., 8.",. tM ~ '] '~T~.RTVWR .~RVg nnVPIRY Rmuu. :J _ <<_nnv OU7 Lot 10. !hree (I) iD ~ook '0. twent7-fl.. (8&) in the towD of Vero, 'lorlda 8S the sa~ 18 de.lpated on, t!ie pld of IDdian ,Blver'ar.s Company'l .ubA1YlIloD noorded In the. oftioe\ ot the Ol,it of the Oir'.l' Oourt iD~and tor 8ald O~UDt7. RESDIOfIOIS. , J _~ ~:Il.. .& .. h.........~~_ ~V""~~~ .& --.:I~ b- L. M.1lIl............,-=-,~-.-.~...-.__~ ) 'to HAVIJ AND 'to HOLD THIl 5,"18. tocdMr .itll all the ~\s..... ~ tbn'amto bdoaaiIIc. uato tile IUd paItJ' 01 the JeClOIId part and his heirs ud UIIps Us Ice simpae IlJftftt. Aad the IUd put,. oIlhe &nt put" lor ibdf ..... its --.. don ~ _t trltlllUd puty 01 tile ~ put. hilllcin.lcpJ ~tIti-.1II4 ~ tJat it is iDdrlcasibJy .ami 0I11id Iud fa lee ....; that it .... IuD poIrW &ad "wi" npt 10 ClOIIn,olUdlud Us Ice IiIIIpIe. .. at-w; that k .... be ...ma lor aid JllIIV 01 tile ~ put. hiI .....1qI1 trpI'CWatatives, ..... ...... at all ~ ~ ... quiedy 10 mtcr IqlClII. bold, ClCaIpJ', ....s aajoy aaJd laud; tllat .... Iaad is lree rn. all ~; tJat it trill .ue Iada IurtIIa- ___ 10 perftrt the Ice ..pie title 10 IIid Iaad .. _y ~ be nqaind. aacl t.bat it doa IItftby Ian, wanaat tile title 10 IIid IaDd, ..... trill &lCtId tJae same apinst tJae ..wi... daime 01 all ~ .~U~. IN wn'NESS WHIUUiOF, tile party OIlhe Ant put. .. the lhy ..... year lint aboft trrittm. W caused ita _ to be Iipcd aacl ita corpank ... to be dised to u.e.e ~ta ..., its Ptaicltat arad ita ~, wbidl ~ baft beea daJy authorizN .... _powered b)' raoIutioo 01 tile BwnI 01 Dindon 01 the INDIAN RIVER FARMS CO)(PANY,put)'oI~iWifta,toU<<Uk""deliftl'thisdftd. In4iu IU..r .It'a'll. CO. . ~&r.' Sml) ') B, ~erllaD J. aeuoh 5i&utd. ReaW.... ',~rtd m Pn:llttIcf'oI us: Oharlea .Dancan ........l.z8,.P....Bag.l..,. . /,:,... .. .. .,... Its PraidmL lis SeuelarJ'. -...., ..Q...JI... BollIWl." .." ...'..,., "::.."' '..&0' 'd'OOWHntar7 ata~ oana.ll.d. 1 f STAD ow IOWA,} CoutJ 0I8cott. .. I,... oI5cu dulY llUthoriud to tab ~ to deocdf, do IImby crrtiIy that GO this day ~y appeared bdcn _, B.~1IaD J. , . ~ t aDd Oharle8 DuuOaJl ~ tolllndl bowa_ tile PnsidnatudSecrdar-" rupectiYd)', 01 tile Isdiu Rint P.,..CGaa...,., tbecmpcntloa dacr.,.. ia tile ~ dftd.. .., ud tMy acbowlcdced bdcn - tJaat tIIq ~ diIb' autJIoriIIId ..., aid corporatioQ to tuaak tile Ioncoiaa deed _ Ita btIuII, arad 10 ... ita _ arad .as ita ..r tIlerdo. that tile .... af&ud tIItnto " tile cuporatc MIl 01 IUd ~ ..... that aaJd deecI _ aecute4 b)' aid CIlIfJIOfatioo for tile pIIl'JlClIeS tIIerda ~ .....1IIq ItnnIIJ' actaowled&ed tile umatioe tbaeoI to be tbdt 1- Iltt ud deecI .. S1Ida olIicen, for tile _ 11I4 putpQIrS tIItft!a -t"'-f, IIId u..t" the IIJd a.u-lls the Iltt IIId deecI 01 aid ClIlrJlOhtloa. IN \\'lTNHSS WHBRJlOF, I baft bemmto .a-l187 _ .... o&iaJ -. tIlIa 2nd at the Cit, 01 DaYapor!, State alonsaid. Zeuoll day 01 Bovember . 1922 :-; " t ~ ;(I.P. :. _ i f STAD 0' JtO~' ~ f c...,.. II....::..~ ~ as rr lUlMIlMBBRBD. That 011 tIIle i J.p. O. Kl4red. t NIIIt Rcarit 0I-.t COiiiiJ. i IN WITNESS ~BRHOP. I haft ~"._oIl1Jd~tIIe.,~,..,.....writ-. . I' ( t.Ot. Seall . .~L~!,.~..~~....., , " . , '.. """'~.;,~=L) I ' ~~~d~"'U'_~ J ~~k ...,.. ~ '4 '~-- 21114 "'~ I'ruo18 J&. Pla\h M, ~---- npint Notary PuhIic Us ADd lor ~t CGuaty, Iowa. Jul)'4th- 1924 dayaf JaDUal7 A. D.19 2& an 01 tile Circuit c-t III ..... for MId Coud1 haft dal) mordaldle ~ Deed fa die I ~ "..1 ~