HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1556 I U"" c; t t f -- i i i I [_ I i - -~~~~- -:~ ,__ "'VW!f'i "'r ,""'["""', .Ao,..f ~,-., - 456; . , ;i:"7~ " ' .... "IU~ ,t&~~~ It.,~ WARRANTY ,DEED', to ~~',..~~rKR' 'A1UI~ OOIlPAtfY .~~~~',;:. i"_"_'-'~,) 'j '_ ~~K.detlle 28th da-,af Jlo....Ill).r ~i?iANlUVaR'AJUlS COMPANY, a.....tiaa orpalad &lid ubtiac __ tile .... 01 u.. &ata 01 JIIaricIa. pArty 01 tile lint part. to Paul ll.~uthez ' 01 the C-t)' 01 St. Luoi. ....,Stateol n 01' 148 party 01 tIIe.c-s part. WITNJSSJfl'H. Tllat the M1d put-, 01 tile 8nt put. lor ....s .. COIIIIIdnatiaa 01 tile _ 01 ~,.Sn.!~ f...ocu.... .. .... CIthIr YIMbIe CllllIIIcIcraIJ ,to 1\" ... paid b)' tile M1d JllIIV CII tilt --:.. put. at 01' beIon the t-aiIIc := CII'--, ........ ... tile neeIpt "'**" II btnbJ atbcrlltedce4. W IfIIItecl. barJalMd. JOId. rdeued. coa~ aal c:odnIed. ,....s b)' theIe sn-ts cIoeIlImb)o .... ...... ... ...... ~ .... --an. _to tile IUd put-, 01 tile .-II l*t aad Ids Wn aad""'" fa fee ..... .. u.e Iud ID 9t. Lade C-t-" PIorIda, dBcribcd.. -I '~O, 10.(4) ~our in ilook (19) Bineteen In the town of Vero as the same is designated on i ,the'~at of suoh town, reoorded in the 'otfi08 of the Olerk of the Court in and for 88id Oount . , BBSTRIOTIOBS. , l.fh~ purobaser must olear hie lot, ot all underbrush or undesirable growth within 90 dOl. froDidat,-.ot 'pnrOhaae. and in tbe e...ent of, his not oomplling with thiS, the Companl shall ha\'1 the t18h~ to do suoh olearing at a oost not to exoeed tiO.CO per lot and oharge same to the t puro~a8.J', i 2.,jla~ the purohaaer, wUl, within one lear tram date, set or oause to-have set out, at! lea8t-t~1. ornamental trees on the lot, and at least two ornamental trees between the alde~al; andoub-U,n..whioh will be oartd for bl the Oompanl at a nominal ooat, in the event thatl puohaae:r I. not on-the ground. ! 8. n,a'al~bulld1ngs ereotect, must tlre't oomply with the rcatrloUons with referenoe to , placemep~: Qtbulldingon the lot, andthllt no resid~noe shall be plaoed oloaer to the lot 11n. than _~h1rtl (30) teet, and no bnildinga shall be ereoted within ~he restrioted distrlot whl0~ enta1:U'.artexPtnditure of les8 than 12000.00 without speoial permuien at the Oompan" All ; bU1l41b~8. inoluding roots, shall be painted within 90 d01s tram oompletion. ' "'1bi8 oontraot applies onll to lots in the restrio'ted diatr~ot Inthe town of'lero. as ia ahown on ~he Oomp8nl~ plat of the Vero townsite. PAUL II. LUTJlBR -- A.D.I,ta.~" J I I , I I I I I :11._,.1::.... ~ _~"'...A ,..~ _4+~A -oIllI.----..-~-~~~~II~iI~_ TOJiAvR - ~D ,TO HOLD THE s.uui, toptMr with aU the htndiu-ab aDd ~ thereunto bdoa,iac, UDto the laid put-, CII the ItCcad part aDd Ids beIrt ....s ...... Ire _.. Ic:nftI'. M4 die aid pIttJ' 01 u.e Int put-" 1<< itall ud Jts ~'does htteby _t with .Id put}' 01 the -.d put. Ids hdn. IcpJ rqlftSt8tatifts, and usips tll&t It is ~ lIitQed 01 aid Iud 10 lee 1IsapIe, that it has IuD powU ad lallfal rtpt to aJIlftY sUlland ill lee simple, .. aI~; that it !\ball be lawful 1<< said part-, coI tIIIllICIlD4 part. hit Mln,1epI ~tatJTelIo aad ...... at aU time ~ ....s quJedy to tiller IIpoa. bold, occupy, ad mjoy said land; that .ud Iud h lree fiuIit .. --'--I that it triIllUb IIIda Iartha' __ to pafcrt the Ice IiapIe title to said land IS may r~ be reqalnd. ad that It cIoeI ~ laIIJ nmat tile ittJe to IIJdIalld. aad will cItle04 tile __ aphaattlie ..lIfal daims 01 aU penoM who_on... , IN WITNHSS WH8R80P, the put-, 01 tile Int part. _ the clay ud yeu &nt abon writtea. had ~ its _ to be sicued &ad ita tupOI'llte -' to be dud to tIIae..--. bt'its ~ uad its Sta-eWy, wlalda CJlIIftn baYe beea dub' autlaorited aDd -JIOftftd '" fallNtiaa 01 tile Board CII Directors 01 the INDIAN RIVBR 'ARMS COMPANV,PartY...~__~.laeniD.toes<<uteaadddi1Wthisdted. Indian Biver .Parma 00. , , ,( (carp. SnI) \" B,. Herman I. Zeuch SIped. aad DdiftRd ill 01 tit: Ib Praideul. Charles Duncan .~.:Ver.a.-P..,lagel.:, Ita StcnlarJ'. ., J),__.B..,..8ahlua.~. __. __ __ __ __ __ __ .,... _.,. '.... ____ __, __.. $ ~ I I IT,"B 0' IOWA.} ~., Scott. .. , r,aaic6:eJdalyatJaoriad totakuoC''-~todeeds. do~a!rtiIJ' that 011 thiscb,.~,. IPPU"" IleIcre _, Herman J. Zeuoh ad Obarles Dunoan to _ wdl ~ aa the I'Taidaat ud Stcmar-,,~, cI the IMiaa Rifti' P_ CcapaDJ', tw ~.lloo cte.:n'bed ia the Icncoibc dftd.." aad they Itbaowledced belen _ that tINt _ d8Jy lIIItItcIriwd '" Mid CIDI')lORlioa Co n<<ute tile ICftCOiaI dftd 011 its beIaaJI, IIId to lip iu _ ud alb its ... tIaento. tIIat the -' a8iud tIIeftto II tile CIlIIJlIlI* ... CII .... aII'JIOI'Itioa. ....s that MId deed was aU1lted '" laid tupOI'lltioll lor the purpo-\ then!a u~, and tilt)' le1WaJI)' Itmow1ed&d the -.- tIIenoI to be tIaeir 1_ lid IIId deed .. .u ........ 1<< tile _ &lid purpoJrS tIaftaIa _tIoord, &lid that the MId ~t is the lid and dftd 01 MId cup:ntJoa. IN WI'TNIlm WHEREOP, I ......, IlenulJto aSud ..,. _aDd oC&ciaI .... tIait at tile Cit-,OI Dwftllpoft. Cwat-, ad ~Id " '\\ 28th lio\'ember . 1922 cia,. 01 I'ran08a K. Plath Notal)' P\abtic fa &Dd lor &:ott Cowlt)'. Iowa. M,.COllllfliulooa~ Jull 4th-1924~ STAB Or JLoamA. } c.-, 01 IlL"'" .. rr RRMBWIlRRED, 1'IIat 011 tWI t. P. O..SUred. NA: ....0I...~. , JH WITH_ "1IOM', I"'ft ' .. 'J'f/ ~> c;.i'~iI~ 12 th 'l:\f' ell,. 01 ~ebruarl A. D. 1923 an 01 the CmlIt ec.t ill ad for said Coaac,. laaft cIaI)' -*d tile ........ Deed .. the " ,< .__l.., 9...lQ.UII.,.. ,.... _ __. _'.' _'... '. ....'. ......(88AJ.) CIrrt amdt c-t. By ,. iJ. ~... Q!~"~M-!..,. . ...........Dtputy a+ " ", '."'>~}~~!~.i~tit'