HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1566 ~ I U',,^ !i; ~ ~ .~ '"""V,T., < p .~~..:,~......-...,..-...,...,.__....- IllII ~",.~~~~,..,_, .~, '......, ,~~~~~... ~~, , ~~~~~-^'-~-4661 - - ...... ~_ "!."""" - It. \~ ! . ,'WARRANTY~,OEED to IIDIjl.IVIR .AaMS COMPAIY jDj'PRIIDIBLI TBl8IJ1H111VU. Wade tile 26~h cIq 01 "....J>l A. D. t. Ub)' tM INDIAN lUVBR JlAIWs COJolP~. iI ~ orpalIed....s ~ __ tile.... of tM State oIl'bk1a. put-, of tile Int put. ~ 'A4. "'1D41b1t~ . . , oftlle~of 8~. Lule 11III State ~ . 110,1&8 'put)" 01 tile .--I part. , WJTN1SS6IlTR, TIIat tile paItJ of tk Int part. for ..... alQIidaatbl 01 tile _ 01 ' ' " '.,'OM (.1.00) DOI.J.AllS, lawful ..., .. tJii.. UIIIIIe!l __ __ ...... ClllIIlI!~ to It . IIaII4 paid by tile .... put)" of tile IICiOIIll put. at 01' belen tile -rile .. ...,.,. 01 tIIea ........ .. till hillI/ft adraoIrIedced. W ..ted, barpiDtd. aoM. nIl:uerJ. _~at ad coa&r.cd. ... b)' tIIae ,...ta doea IIeftbJ' .... ,batp\it.' .., ,....... ~.... -*- _to UIt laid party' elf tk __ put 11III lib IIein 11III....., .. fee tIatpIe all tJae .... ID 8t. I.Qde c.oa.ty, ............ as folio..,: '.'.,~ '~~~~I'.DIl.6/100' (10..6) 80r.s ot!rao~~18h'(8), Slotlon two (2). !01nl8hlp .:. .' " thlr,~,-tbrl' (81) South, lans_ ,Thlrt,-dght '88) 1e8~, 8~ 'h. same 18 de81gn8\e4 on thl 18st general plat ~tlan4s ot the 1n41an RITer' )'arll8 CompaQ, t11ed l~ ,thl ottlo. ot ~h. elerk 0'1 I ' ~ thl 01r,..U o our' , ot balnt Luole Oount,. rlorlda~ I I ~ Iaowna, tile ri&ht oC ..,. f<< pabUerwdt, ~ ~ &lid d1tcha as .... 011 tile plat 0I1IicI1aacIs -sr by tile ~ oC tile 6nt put. -,1'0. HAVB AND 1'0 RoLD TU8 SAldS. ~ witll.... tile ~ 11III ~ u.n-to~. IID~ tbe.... party 01 tile --.f put and his IIein Ad ..... .. fee ...... ~. ... tile IIJd ...~ oC tile first part." few ilIdf :..Ill'its ---. does bereb-, COftDI8t with saki part)' 01 u.e --.f put, his hdn,,1epI ~tati_llId....... tIIat it...... ...v Mkal e1f1lld)ad la fee 1iJqIe; tJaat it ... f1lll polm' IlId Iawfal rtpt ~ COllW)' laid bad III fee~, as af~: that it ... be Iawfal for laid ....., 01.... ....part.-......1rp1 ~tati_........... at aU times ~.... qaietJy to aatenpoa, IMlId, omop)o,llId n1joy laid Iud; t.IIat laid Iud II free IiUIlI ',II ~; Ihat it will ..u .. funIB _ to paf<<t tile f" .uiapIe tide to saJcllaad as _)' RUOGabI)' lit reqalred, ..... that It does ~ f. wutIId tilt titJe~sakllaIId,.... will c1dmd tile _ qaiast t.IIe ......dailDsOl all pa.- ..r-a-.g. . , ; " JNWl'i'NIl,SSWH ,~~....,~ tile &nt put. 011 tile cia)' 11III Jar 6rst aboft writtat, ta.d camed its _ to buipc...... ita eorparaw -.I to be ISsc4 to i ... ...... ~ ita~ 'its Stcrttuy ~ c6:as Dft bMts chaI)' aatllarUecl .... ~ b)' reaalatioa 01 tile II-.J 01 Diftct1lIt 01 tile INDIAN RIVSR *' ~OO""ANYiJllitJ' tile...,' toacaateadddlYCl'tlaildeed.ltabJeot '0 aU 'tex.. and dUoh Bs.e.Mlnt. 01' e lPeolal ee.l. t.8 l~~e lined 0'1 thl 118r lU8. and a11 subsequent ~DS eDd as.....n: 8. , ',.' (CciIp.8eaJ) ID41an Ill.,er I'8rll8 0,_ i ' :87, Re~n J. Z.uoh Ib Prisidaat. . { I Sped, Sealed .... of lIS,: ......_.....'~~.~u~,~..~~S,~.................,.._ .. . __.".. .~ o u 8 "'..;..- ' , ........'..'.''H'..'_O___... ......,--,.........". ""p.OO d001qlln'tarl .'aap..;oanoel1.d. Charl.. hnoan Its Scamry. 8T:=:~ ~A.}- J,.... dol)' au~ to tab .u-~ to oklIdI, do IIa-eb)' cntif)' that CID tIIiI cia)' pcr...uy appsnd before _, RI:rman J. ~llloh , ,I , sad' Oh8J>le. ".cuaa to _ .. bcmI.. tIIa Pruiderlt,IIIII Stcrttuy, .-apectiTd)', oC tile IAdiaa Rhu F_ Oapall)', tM ClIlI'pOfaliaa daqfxd ill tile fOftlQiac cIccd.. ., .... tbe)o Itbowkdcecl bdOI'& - tW tbeF ~ dill)' aaUloriRd ~ aid lUJIORtioo to ucaate tIIc fClft&Oiaa .,.. 011 ita bcWf, ....s to alID ita _ .... db ita-.l ~ tllat tIIc ... a5ud tIlcIdo II tilt IlQrJlClfSU ... 01 saJcI aarporaliaa, &lid tllat laid deed .., caaated b)' MId CIOtpOratioG for tile ~ thcreia ~ .... ~ tcnrally actJ>>ws.edpt tile ~ tIIcnof to be tWr me 8Ct aad dmI .. suds c6en. foe tile _ .... ~ tIIcreia _tioned. aad that tile aid ~ II tile lid IlId deed of saJcI ~~tioa. IN WJ11fflS8 WHq.Eg J~~ bcmmto.asN ., _ &lid o5ciaI.... tIlIa 26\h .t tile ~ 01 DaftllllCWl, C IlId Slate~ - \ cia., 01 Janarl , , i i 19 23 ~ ; j. ~ ,?\> . NGtar7 PuhIie Ill.... for Seott ~;io... jl e'- ~-/~~I-/ . <\~ ' ! ,(';' i , ~?~.J; da., oC ,.bnL81"7 A. D.19 281 . CIBt 01 tile Omit c-t fa .... lor IIid Coual)' 11Ift dol)' -.led tile fenpiIc DIed .. tile i I I Seal) " haDGIs I. nath M)' C - . . OIl esplres / . erA'" or itoaJDA.}- , c..,,"... ~ :.1 l'r JlJBIBJlB08D. 1'IIat CID tw. I. :-~ ,. 0..1141'1., Nik ~d IIid CGaaly. IN WI1'JOIlIlt ~, I --",.. 16~ " , . (0 ., ..... _Ita. oC IIid c-t. tile .., ad ,.,. .... writ-. .--~,~..~~--~~~~~. . ......, '.'.' '._,.. ...-..... .......(8W.) , aut ClmIit c-L B)'...J.,~ --.~,.._.......OepIat)'an.' , ',,' , " . '~/:~~;:~Y~.~~!~i~~