HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1572 -,.,....--.-,'"'"T,~-~-.'--...---.~.-,..".-'--:~...~' .'V-":-'" ..,'"' ~ .",._..,~'~____~"'":""I ":.,_ 1 "1 ..~ [ U,'~',' :!" ~ ~ i: I I lij l! ..........~~......--f";'''''':~~.- .. .'_..'~~~"''''''_~.-:_~'''~~''~_._~''''''-'_C -..,__._.'. .. 472, ;... -,,. - .-..........- ----- - WARRANTY; DEED\. to, IIDUS lUVU ..IRMS OOMP.l1Y 'l{OBIR' EIBBIL , TBI8 DmIll1'OU,'" tile 26th da., af Maroh 'INDIAN JUV8R PARMS COM'.uiY,. ClOqion~ ClIpIIIeed .... abtlIIc ..., tile Ia.. 01 tile &ata 01 PIorida. put., 01 \be 1m part. to !lobert 11nl.1 OItJiec-~af at. Luoh .... &ata ~ 1101' 148 ' paItJ' 01 tile --s part. Wl'rN1$SSITH, n.t tile said ~ 01 tIIe'lint part. lor..... ~ 01 tile _ 01 .', : ! Ollt ('1.00) " ' DOI.Ll.RS. Ia.raa mall&? ...... VaMId .... llIIl,otIIK ~ CI08tilIefatioat. to It .. .1aaJi4 pUt b).tIIe said put,. 01 tile *-' put. al 01' belen \be ....... aad cltliwr,. 01 ... ...--.... tile receipt wIIenoI II ... ~1rd&ecI. IIad .....ttd, ~ aoId....... -ft1ed ud ~ ad'" tIIeae prewab doesllcnb1aruat, , ...... ... ...... IllIm:)' ...s.eaaar.. _to tile lIIIcl parlJ' ~ u.1flCOlIll put .... W.,1IeIn ad........ III fee .... all tile 1104 ID fit. J.ude c-t-" P1odda, dacribcd .. lollowa: ' Lot 110. 11.1'nn in Blook Bo. S1x(6) In Booker'!t. Vlaehlngton .I44Ulonto the OUl of .ero, 1101'148, 8Q the __ ,18 4681gnated o~ thl p18tof 1II4l8nR1ver ..rme OompaD7' s"'b4h181on rloor41d 1n thl offiol of thl 01erk of the Utrouit Oourt ill ana for 88i4 Oount,. BlST1lIO'IOBB. 1. 'fhlP.Ul'0h88er _.t olear bi8 10t'ot all UD4erbrueh or undesirable growth within '90 4el. I . :II ':'. . . , , . " ..". . fl'oai alte of puohase, anA in the I"ent of hia not 00llp11in8 with thia. the Oompal17 shell ba, thl right *0 40 swah ole8riDS end oharge'... to the purohaser. 1 8. ~ta11 ~Ui1~1n8.irloted"mast flrst oompl, with the restriotions with referenle to Pl! plaOlll4!nt of building on the lot, ana that no reB1denoe shoUbe -p180ed oloe.r'to the lot 11. , then thlrtl (30) feet: A, D. (9 88b)' tile i I ! I i I f I \ BUb~eot to all taxes and ditoh aS8essments or en, &peols1 sssessments, if 8D1 be le"ie4, for ~he . . ~ ,eel' li22, ana all subsequent taXIS and 8SeeSBI!lInts. I i I ~~'ftP,-'tIIlft~flrjllma,___lt.aiIt4---''''''~'''''''lIU''dh. ..... w.kt...~_....,1lt'tW'aw JIIIP." ~, HAV~.ufD TO sou> THB sura, qdhtnitlo all tile laenditamtntuad ~ tIotmuato bdaaaiq, uato tile Aid pu1y 01 tile IellOIId put IUId IUs Iodn .... ....... fee IiIapIe forcwr. , , ,'ADd tile.... parlJ' 01 tile Ant put.,. for itJdIlIld its IIKUIIOn,does IaaebJ' _t with s:Ucl pu1y 01 tJle --.J put, IUsIodn, ItpI rqlRRIItatl-. ....-'Ps ~ Ills lIalWCIIiI/I)'..e.r af lIIIclllllCl ill fee 1impIe; u.tlt _fall poem' aad Iawfld riPt to aIIlftY saJd-1aad Iu 1ft siaapIt. _ .ronsald; tJaat It..... be lawful for aid pu1y 01 u.e __ put, III. .....Iepl ~taU-.1Ild ..iput aD times ~ ud quidJ)' to tlltenpoa, bold, omIPJ. aad tII;o,. said Iud; that aid Jaad it lree r-.aI ~;.' UIal, it will ..a IIldo I~ ___ to paled tile fte ..... title to aid IIIIId IS _,. RUOIlabIy be reqlliral, ud thalli does'" fully WVlIIlt \be title to said Jud.ad 1IiIl c1drad tile _ apiast the lawful dalms of all ~ .~_. .IN WI, ' '1'N1lSS W1lBRBO;?E' ~ ~ ~ part. OB tile da,.ud)'esl' lint abo'ft writtea. had ~ its __ to be Iiped aad its corponta RaJ to be alIil:td to tIIeIe ..-.. lit IlJ ProideDt its ~~ aI&om _ft btaI d1II,. utJooriRd aacI -JlO1IUtd b)' raoIutioa of tile BcNtd 01 DindGn 01 the INDIAN RIVBR 'ARMS COWPANY,parlJ' .thelintputheftiD}"totsealteudcldiftl'thisdeed.ID4.i.a !liTer Marms 00. '. ~ ' \ (Corp. Seal) " D7 ael'IDln J. Zeuoh \ Its Praidalt. SIpcd, SeIkd aad ~_~~~ 01 us: Oharlee Dunoan -_.......'lra..Patt.raoD.,.... - - -................, ....,,'.. Its&cnwy. ........O...B~._'ab:r:Wa....__..... '...... "~fi(fiiDftnm;int.&rv stamo Qenaelled. stAB oJ lOW,,"} c....,. ., 8eML II. I... c61cr daI)' aatIII:lrbed to take ~ to deedt,. do IIeftb)' Cft1ify that CIA this da,. ~1 appuftd before _. Herman J. Zeuoh lad Obarlea hMu to_ wdI__.....l'ttsidlstud&cfttuy.I~Ii.d1,elf the IIIdiu Rita- FanaCoapu)', thecorpontioa datribtd In tile fort&oiDC dmL.. ud t.bq Kbow~td ~ - tIlal tIItF __.."...u.oru:id b)' laid corpontioa to _ta tile f~ dttd OBits bdIaIf. aad to. ita _'1UId alIis Its... tItaeto. that the waI aIlHd ~. tile ClIIpClrlIte ... ~ laid COI'pCJfttioa. ad that 1Iid' deed ... t:UCIlud by aid earpoqtloa lor tile purposes tIIcrda a..-ed, MIl tIIq annJIJ' ~ tile ~ tIleftoI to be tiIdr frte act aIld dttd _ IUdI aIiom. for doe _ aIld parp.es'tJarrda mwlocoeof, and that tile al4 m.ar-t Is tile let ud dttd 01 iaW ~ WITN&'lS WlUplBOJP."'l~ft llemuato.abed., _ ....oftIdaIltal, dns 26th cia)' elf .roh 1928 at \be City 01 DaftGpCllt, <=_t,. aad alcxaaid. 8..1 II. Borl!nlln NGWy l'lot& In ..ad for Scott c-t,., 10-. i MJ' c-~ aplta Jul7 4th li24 , I f I POHPfJ ^ n to;);})!' i i 2n4. da., 01 ~J)l'1l A. D. 192& ! CIa1I 01 tile 0mrIt Cclurt. aDd for aid Ccu::I-, III.. ... IftlDIded doe fanaaIac .0.1 . doe I ., IiMd aad lie-S af .... c-a. doe da,. .... ,., ~ wriUaL , ' I . , - ( o .., _ ..1.._ ~..., .U,t~l....,... _'_''''. _0... ..., 0 ,.....(8&U.) 8eal) a.rtcm.ltc-t. BJ'..,r6IY1M..L1l..~..~.._..__....o,.~an. ' IfAB'OJ" ~, .,} ~.,..tM. ",' BIrr IUPOUI8HRBD. ~t _ tJdI .. "I., Q. ~clr.4. N:6: ..... 01 aid Couat.,. IN wrnnrss \VIIBlUlOP, I" ~:, , ' , '.< '~:':::]~Ytl!~~{.~!