HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1581 . ,- ,.'- ~'., ,", ,. , ..,....~ I'I!' 8 'f'~-',___..-..-~~..." ....--'---'.....~-...~":~',.':,-~~'-."....ro:'. ... 481. -----".".""~.....-.'....,'-~,-' - .~......,.......->'-~'"""_-r -~...'/"o. ,.-..----~'....--~ ..... ....."__.._....,..,,.... --.-.......'-~~ ~ L __. 4,!~ a. !'...... .!~M~~_._.!:.~~ __ _ WARRANTY DEED -1 I I~ A. D.lt 2~ the I j E to IDUB BIlD 'AllRa oomn OtTO H. aoOUII 11 , TBI8 1lQ)1lInJU, Made tht .rll'.~ da1 of Keroh I 'NOlA'''''''' ....... """'ANY,. -.................. -... Ion..... .............. ................... ! ~ , I I , . i I f i l i Q ~ I I } e ! t , ~ . , . ~ ~ . ~ .!to H. aOIDlUII of the C-t)o of aad lItate 01 low. ~ 01 tile ~ put. WITNBSSUR. .....t tile IUd JIUt7 01 the &nt put, f. and ill caasIdcrUba of tile _ of 0.. (11..00) . DOLLARS, IIwW -,- fa tile Uaited 911-. .. CltIIer nIuabIe ~ to It ID ..... paid b)' the IIIcI amtF 01 tile IICiOIIll put. at 01' Wen the ,....., ad ddiwr)' , of u.- ptatIIu. UIII tht receipt wMnol Jallatb)' ~ had puatcd, barpbd, ..... nbIcd. -ftJ'td aad -*-So UIII b)' tIIae ...-ta doea IIercbY .-.1. bupJa. IdI, I'dcaR. -'ftJ' UIII COGIna ..to tht 8IicI put)' of tile aec-a part ad Ids IIein .... ........ '.. fee ...... .. tile .... III St. tude c-t1, JlIcrifa. ~ ~ foOoft:' " ',' Lot Bo, two (a) 1. Blook )fo. .0I't7-0ll0 (.1) 1a ~ho U1\l otVlro, Ilori4., ..athe .a. i. 4e.igDa'-4 on tbl ple' of ID4i8n til~.r ..ra. OoapaDJa .ub41~ialonreoorde' 1D the oliloo of 'lht Olerk of the U1roui~ GOUl't 1D aDd for se14 Oou_. ','_I; , : ,',. ' , ..aBIotIO.a., tJI..uw.... " 1. n. puroh_..r lllUa~ ol.al' hla lot ot 811', un4el'bro.ah 01' un4..ir8bll 8l'owth^ iO ,.,. ~ fl'01ll448M of )JUoh.... aDd Inth. .nnt of hIs not 00lllPll1ng with th1a.the Co.pa~ Bhall ha~. ~h. right to to .uoholoarlng at 8 Goet not to eso..d '10.00 Plr lot eDl1 oharse P" ~o the ~ plII'oha.el', . ,.". , " ,',' ',' j 2. fhat~. puohaHr. 11111. withIn ODi 7181' fro. tate. .et 01' oeu.. to han aet out, ' atleaet fIve or~ntal 1rl.e on the lot. and at l,e.~ two ol'ne-.ntal tree. bet.e.n the 81.,- ...lk ant ourb 11lle. whloh will b. oered for b, the Uo.paD1 at a no.lnal ooet, in the oVlnt ' that purohaser 18 not on the 81'oun4.' , . " ,'. . 8. !hat all buildIngs treot.d. ~.t,f1r.t ooapl,Wlih the l'e.triotioD8 .1~h reterenolt~ plaoo...n' of building on ~. lot. aM that ,no ro.i4enoo .hall be, plao.d olo...r to the lot 11,. than tw.nt, (20) fe.t. and no builtings shall be orioted wIthIn thtreetrlotet dlatrlo1 whio. ontail an .xpenditure of 1.88 than '2000.00. withou~.peoi81 perl1i8810n of the OOIlP8D1. Alll buildIngs. Inoluding roof.. Shall be paint.d _lthln iO dal. trom oompl.t~on. ~, !hi. oontrect applies onl, tolotB1n the ro.trlote4 distriot in the town of Vero, a. 1.\ &bown on th~ OO~D1'e plat of the Vero to_neite. . Booti R:._..d_"'__,._~"~__A. ~"'... ~ I I:. - A....~_I_~ - ---,...~V'~-, -"~"1)\'Tl ........... . TO HAVIl 4ND TO H01.D THIl &.U11l tQIdIoer witII iii * hendita-.ts aad I~ u.u-to btIoaciar. uto * said party 01 tile RalIld part and hb Mira IIId assips la fft IbapIe fore.-er., I ADd tile .... .....,. or* lint putT, f. ibdf .... ib ~ does IIatb)' ~t with Mid party 01 *.a.d part, !iii Wn. It&eI repmtatati-.lIDd assips I that It Is iDdefC&lilllT ada4 01 JIid Iaad ia fee tiJapIe; that it ... IuD pown ad lawful npt to axafty 8licl1aad ia fie..... .. aforB&id; that it .... be Iawfat f.. said i putT of tile -.s put. lib ....1epI rtpraartatiws, aad ..... at all times peacably aad quittJT to eatK apoll. bald. occup,'. aad eajoy aid Iaad; JUt 8IicI Iaad b f_ ~ rn. II -'--; that it will mUll tada flJ11hK __ to prrlm * fee ~ title to aid Iaad as _y nuoaabIy be requited,lUId tJoat It doa IIeRby fuJlJ' t wuraat the titk to IIid Iud. ud etad tile __ apiast the Iawfat dalms of all ptfJOGS .~. ~ IN wtJ'NBS8 WH P, the of tile &nt put. Ga * ~ aad ,.., first aboft writtaa, had <UMd it. _ to be liped aad ib corpxale ... to be allired to ~, tbae ..-au b)' ib t aad it. . whida aIicas ....., btaa duly aathoriad aad ftIlpowertd b)' resoIutioa of the 80ud of Dirtdon of the INDIAN RIVER r PARMSCOMPANY, ofIM&ntpart toeuaateaaddtli.-ertkddted. IDll18n Bl~.r Je1'lRl 10. i t . ~ I ! r , t j i ~ I l , r " . . i aad Oharlo. Dw10an to - wdI bowa.. 1M PhsIdest aad llecrduy.~. of the Iadiaa Ri1'U PII1II8 Compoy. the CIlI)lOQtIoa .s-ribed ill the fClRlOial dttd..., .... tIIq acbo_kdctd Weft - that tIIq - dub' IIIlUlorUed b)' aicI CIlI)lOratiaa to ueaate tJIe fortSOiaa dttd 011 ib 1JeJaaIf. aDd to sip it. _ aad alii" its ... tJoado. that * IaIl aIIiud tMRto Is the CIllIpCIrate ...,.. uId axporatioa, aad tIIat said dttd _ aecutcd b)' said ClllfpOntioa fOl' tJIe ~ thaaa a:~ aDd tile)' ltftfIIy actaowledatd f tile U<<Gtba t1Iaeof to be tIIdr me 'lid aad deed u such Gfticlort. f. tile _ aad parposn theRia _.~. aadthat the said ~t it the ad ud deed ofllid 1 ClllfpOntioa.. i. . IN WITNESS [ at * Cit)oof Da -. ' By HorDa n J. ieuoh Its President, Ohal'l.. >>unClan ___....JtI:..'.,J($yl, ."... .. ",' h" Ib Secntary. "'n.' Jna .It., . Jokn.,t, ",. ......",.." '.~'60' ~oa1iill.ntarY Stel1D 08Dge11ed. STAU O~ IOWA, \_ eo.tJ 0I8cott. j J. ..~duIy IIItIoorUed to tab ~_b todnd:t, do IIrnb7 unify tlaat Ga tbhda, PK-a,. appumt bcloft _. He1"1l8ft ~. Zouoh let Maroh. da,of 1923, sr ,.., Notuy Pu* ia and for Scott County~1r.l. li26 q ~ ~ I srAD OY .........} I c.-., .. II. LIIda. ; 'DB IT UWBWDIlRIlD, nat ClII UIIt E" . t. O. ~'r04. ~ NlIc ~ rJ.1Iid ea.ty. IN WITNIl8S WHP!OJf, IlIaft bmuDto ad ., 1Iud... tn_ 01 said c-t. tile day aM ,.ear aIIote ~ kua L. &okor' My ('_~ opins .1ull 4th l-''lh iiJ" .) ~,. day of j prll . 'i A. D. 19 28 Ckrt of tile Clrcalt c.-t ill -' far .... County haYe duI, ,rftlllnW the ~ Dftd ill the .. ,P. ,0. ,1141'a. "'.- '.... .', '." .(5&\1.> Ckrt Circuit c-t. Byd?,~..~.. ~ '...... .o.p.ty CIa'L , . - : : . ~;-:;,'~4i,:,~:'::A ::~~~~~~~ ..... ". .'5-""'t~~~~~~;-~~~~~~~~.. . ~. ". ~::"r :~:~~i;"&.~~';l~~"'5~H~\-~.?-:.:~! [J J J .j \ i ! J . I