HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1584 "........---:----....".,..~.-'>'~'......._.,_ ..'......':'"' - -,.,-~--_..____..-.-....,''"-',''C......-_.-_,.~___.........._...._r__~,'"'~~--~.--.....-~.-'"::.._'-...........-:--....~----...-~__.~~"""""""_~~~. 484 ...,...,.... .-----~,pt~ nmUB RlVlll ..uum oO)(PjlY PUS8 PRIHIIG OOKPABT I I I , J i A., D. 1018 b)' tile I W ARRANTY\DEED [ to = ~; ',',,!- ~.. Ib Stcnlary. STAft OP IOWA.} eo.tJ of Stott. .. r, .. CJAaer daI)' auihorb.td to tab IldJaowkdpomb to dtcds. do blmbJ cutify that Oft tItls day ~ appeand bdore _. UermaD J. Z.uoh U,: f~ ~ , r: &lid Oharl.. Duno8Jl , to.. well bon..lJIe PraidtAt 1OlI~. mpcdiwIy. 01 tIw lDdiaa Riftl' P_ COIIIpey. the corporation dacribrd ia tIw ~ dftd. . '. ud tMy d.aowkdcN belen _ tllat tIIey _ daJr &atIIorbrd bJ said curpcntioa to es<<ute the IClRIoiac dred oa ib behalf. &lid to .... lu _ &lid db Ib ... lbrnto. that tile IfaI di.ud u.mo is the CllIfpQflIte ... 01 said earpcntioa. &lid that Mid dftd was aecuud by said tupOI'Woe lor tile purpoRlI tMftIa ts~ &lid tIIq RftnUy Kbowkdlal tile euadioca tMnoI to be tbdr free Mt IIIId dftd .. sudt oMcaw. 101' tile .... &ad plllJIOMS dta-eia mmtioaed, &lid tUt tilt said iatr_t is tbe lid u4 dftd 01 said mrporation. , ~ ' , IN WlTNESS;WIfIUlEOP.I ~'" llemmto aIiHd ..,. aS8le &lid o5ciaIlUI. tIIh l at tile Cit-, 01 Da~ C-t-, aid ~~ aI<<ftejd, i \'Uf.P. 8.81)J n.noe. I. Pl.~h NotuyPlabtil:laud(orScottCOll1Ity.Iowa.. . \, 7 NyC4mmillioaupircs Jul.1 4 1924 i - " / I I I I I 14th day 01 ..bruer;. 1928 ~~~ ----' &TATa ot noJJDA, } eo.t.J tI.. t.de. . .. IT aIUOlMBIRBD. Tbat 011 tJdt 12th .. '.0.' Jn4r.& ~ R-* 01.... ec-ty. t lH -- -'CS '" ............ ~ ~... -:....: M~ lI14~d ... ... .. h'Uh'U.WllALl ! (Ot.Ot. I..,) '\j Ct\\.\e , " Clcrt~c-t. i \ / \teCO~~ 8J--'~~"--~__'.""'~Ckrt. I ~ . I , .,.01 jprll A. D.192Z CInt OI,IM Ciraoit Court ID ud for said CGuaty aft ..,. I'ftlIlrIW 1M IottaoiaJ Dftd ID * .,.... ~, .'..... ,',-' ',~{:'~{l~if~lf~~rl