HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1586 I r ! ! l [ ~, l; :; t . t \ i ~f<. j U" .' " ~~~.~~~'--.r..J'.~,":--;'" . . . ' , , , ..~~_........., '~~~a.~ WARRANTY: O'I;,ED. \0 lUJ)UII RtvBa 'j1Ul8 cOJIPm ROUl{~J). C~BIt ~ ..... YID8 ~DIlnVU. ..we tile 20th .., 01 '.braer1 INDIAN lllVRIl PARMS COMP4NY, a oorpora.... cqubed aad uiMiaI....... tIIa .... 01 tM State 01 PbWa" put, 01 tile Ant put. to 1iobtrt 1). 08l'hr OItllec-tyol 8t. Lu01e ..4 St.. 01 1101'14. put)' 01 tIIa ___ put. WlTNasanr. TIIat till IUd put-, 01 ~ Ant put. for _Ia ~ 01 the _ 01, .' .....;;. ~ ..Ol:~ ~ .... ~ Ya11IIIbIe ~to It ID ..;.. paIcl b)' till IUd put-, 01 till ~ part. at 01' Woe.' dle ---. := 01 tIIae ~... 1M die naf;t .-nor Itllertl")' ~ bad puated, ~ ......... ~.... ~ ....s b)' ~ ~lI doea IatbJ' .....1. ..,............ -w.,'.iad -*- _to till AId put)' of die ---PIrt ad Wa.... aad........ III 1ft &pie all tile.... ill St. J.ude OIuat)', JIIorWI. dtIcribtd a. ioIcnn: , Lot "O'~".D ,:(7),lD .Blook Bo. ~b1"e. (3) In:&OOker~. '1Ih1ng\on A4UUon to in the C1\1 I, ot~Y,ro. '16~141..' the eame,ll '811808te4 on the pletot,'n41en Ri.,er 'IrmeOompar.1'. . .U:b4.h1e1.on."0~4ellll1 tie ottloe ~tthe Olerk ot the 01ro~U Court In In4 tor 181d Count1.1 li..trlot10'ne. . I 1. ~h.puroh6$.r malt ol.er hi. lot ot ell underbrush or unde.trable ~o.th .lthln 90 t 48'1.tr.o.~4et. oj puroh~le.,an4 in thenent ot b1e not oomp111ng with th18.th. Ooapanl .hal~ ba.,e ~he rigbt, to do eaoh olearlng end oharge leme to the puroha8er. " I . _, . , , " ~ - _. I ~ , , ~ 3~ . ~d,,:Q,ll;)U,i~Cl1ngB ,.reote4, .IIlU8t t~r8t oomp11 with the restriotionl with reterence to I, placement ot building on the lot, and thot no relldenoe 8hell be plaoed 0108er to tho lot t linethon:thlrt1 (30) teet. j A. 0; la.b)o tile SubJeot to all.tuxes Dnd 8peolal asse8sments due end p818ble .tter this date. Esftpt. 1Iowner. tile riPt a( "I' 1<< poabtie rosdt. dr-aIaap .-ah.and ditches u __ 011 tile plat 01 IUd Iuds -se t.,. tile put)' 01 tile Ant put. TO HA VB AND TO HOLD THH SoUlH. to&etbn' trith III tile bmdituwalland appurtmaDcrs tbtmuato bdre&luc. _to tile ..... putJ' 01 tbe IK'OIICI put and 'Iois bdn aad ..... ia 1ft simple 10ma'. , . ADd lite IIJd putJ'0I Ute lint put,., fat lbdf IIId ill ~ does llueIJ)'_t with ..... put, 01 tbe tecaad put. blllIdn. "l'qIfttaItatl-, aad &II!ips tIIat It II ...,....,..... 0I11ic1..... ID 'ft aImple; that it laM 'all pown-and lawful rilht to _"'" .....Iaad Ia fee ~ IS afontaid; that it ..... be Iawfld ,<< ..... ~ 01 tI!t ~ part. ldalatln.lr&al..---tatmt. aad _lIIut III tiIMs ~ and cpdttJy \0 alunpoll, IIaIcI. 0ttUp)'. and aajoy IUd Iaad: that IIId Jaad .. flU fiOIII .. '......~, that it wID'__ tIIda furthK --a \0 pafed tile 'a! simple title to laid Iaad u ...,. .--hI, be rcqaind.and that it does heftbJ' faIIJ I WVI1lIIt tile tldc to IIJd IIDlI. aDd wiJI dd'atd tile _ apIast tile lawful daitat a( III ~ ~. IN WITHal \\'H2R~Pilrts....~ tile Ant part. _ tile., ad JIU lint aboft writtta. W calntd Its _ to be siped IIl4 ill caiporate'" to be albrd to I tIIete pr-u by its ~ Its Scaettrt-. widell Cl&as ...'" "'- daI-, authoriud and nspow-end t.,. fttOlatioa a( tile Baud 01 DiRctGn a( the INDIAN R IVBR PAlUIS COMPANY; put, fr U.dnt part ... to aa:uu IIICI ddi\"U ~ dorecL In4i8D <<1 v el" 'arms Co. ! - II . \ (Col}>. Seal) ) Slptd. Sealed ...d~ftJ'Cd ia~ 01...: ----- I : ::::::_:':;:::: :~-::~. - ::. ..:.. '~.60 4.......0.r7 .teo.. .0...11.4 · Berm8nJ. Zelloh Its I'raidaIL Oherle8 DUDcan I Its StadaIy. ~ !- . ~ STAD OP IOWA.} c....., 0I8ccl4t. .. l,iIaG6lir'" aatIIotiad \0 take adDoa~ to...... do Iatfth7 catif-, that _ tJoIs cia, ~ appemd beIen_. Benaen J. Zeaoh ....s Cho,lee Dunoen to _ .. kMn II tM PraIdaat and SecRtuy. ~. 01 tile I..... Rinr I'aras C_JlUJ. the CQqIOlttloa detniIMed ia tile ~ 4ted.... ..... tk, lIdatoakd&N bdoR _ tIIIt tIae7 ~ duly alItklriad b)' Mill rorpcntloa to _Ie the lansoiaa 4ted OIlllllldlalf. _ to ... ita _ ud ... ita ... tbeftto. WI tile ... alUed tMftto .. tlae ~ ... 01 aaJd corpondaa. ... tIIIt ..... dad _ aenatcd b)' IUd CllIIpOntiae r<< tile IIU'P*S tIamia ~ and ~ RYCnII,. acbow1rdard till ta:aatkle u.aeaC to be ... free ad .... "-I .. ... c6:sa. f<< tk _ ad fIIIrpOJtS tIaiftla -tioatd. aad that tile uld WU-l .. tile ad _ad 4ted 01..... ClIlI'JICfttioa. IN WITNESS ~l"'ft ___ aIlud ., u_ aa4 oIidII,ttaI. tJak 20th at tile CitJ' 01 DaWlllOrt. C-t-, as6~1e aIor-aaid. da,a( r.brlt8rl, 1 i I I , I I 19 23,i , Prencee B. Plath NGUryPublie......forScottOluaty,1owa. i ~ M,('-- . AnPres Ju11 6tb 1924 I I I da, a(:'. }:AJl'll. ' A. 0.19 ~ J CIatt a( tile CImIIt c-t III and foraald c-t)' Ioaw ....., -*d tbe '...... DMd lit tile I lid .,. Ila84l11111 t1-e~ .... c-i. tile da, ... .- __ writtlIL . ..,r;:~' , , , ,\\ ,,,:;.-' '..,...,Jt,..,~,..,~~~r~...... '.... ...........,.....(saA..) 'J t.Ot.aeaU )~~;.," .,....~.~~..,~.....,:~~ ,,?l.o 7~L~; ftAD OJ JI.OIID.\, c:.-a;.... ..... ".. IT 1l.U1P'ARRBO, n.t OIl Uaia r. ' . ,'" 8.""~" PlII6: .... cI.... '.' IN ~ WIDPUlOP, I" IItI .~ . 1 . . ':': .", .'~.~~X~~ijil'll.tl