HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1587 _...-<-~:,,-"r"~' 1I~_-!... ~" f;48' 7 .._~.. ' ;' - ~ ;>~"'r ~-~~"1"J~.-"~~....~~-:.~r.~"-~_'~'--:O:.~" ~-"'.~~~""'~'-""'.'''-7'''.-''''4~~-",-""_.:'~,"",....-.._...,~_:''''t''',.~,,,:--~~~_.....-o;-''',....-.:''_....---:--~- .-~', ....~ ~_.~~""'" '. , .~_~.~.~.!..~H:I!!.'.,~!!1i.___ _..._____._ i 'J WAAR.ANTY' DEED . '~I '. " . , ! ; ! i I to' , i I TiDI 00)IlITVU. ..... tile' 20\1\ ' ..~ fl I.bruer, mDJAH lUVKR PAJUIS cOMPANY.. 0lIIJICftti0a ~ .... ~ __ .. .... fl.. ~.. ., ........ fIIIIV .. 1M "'" &*to to . IIGber' >>. Carter . eltMc-tyol 8t. 1.uoie _Slate QI I1Qr 14.. JlUtT 01 tile ~ put. WITN8SS8TH. 'hat tMlUi JIUV ol tM'" pen. tar -'.. ~ fI the _ ol . On. . (11.CX)) .' . . . " ,', DOtuRS. lawful ~ " tile, v.JSId ..... ".otIIer yaJIaIbII ~ to It ID ..... .... Iw tM .w JIUV " .. .... ..... at . .... 1M ---. ... ~ ol...... ....'" .. tht RCIIpt ..... "1Imbt' ~ ..... puUIL ......... .......... -"1'4'" CODInaed, u4..,.................. ana.. ........... ..... _ft7 11I4 ClOlIIra .... ... ".r-itF eI u.e ... put ... w. .. u4........ .. Ice a.pIe" tlIe.... .. 8t. .....~. Jl1QnII. dMcrIbed as kIIolrJ: . . 'Lot Jio lIiae (9) ,1nBlook Ito~hree (z) III BDOker~. Wa.hington '4c11Uoil to,'lnth."C:lt,'ot I Vero. IlorUe. a8 theealllele cte.lgneh4 on the plat. of I04hO: iii.,er 'erma. CoiaRan,', 8"'b- I t .41",1.10n r.oor4e6. 1n tho offloe of the Olert of,the 011'oul\ "ourt 1n en4 for 8814 80unt,.. I . ' ' l(eatrloticm8. . , . I 1. ~h' purO~8Ier, .net olear hlB lot. of ell undar'brulh or nndealreble PO.'.h within ~O ~ da,a 'trOJll' d11t. or puoha,e. ,8nd In th,..,..nt. ot hlB not. o olllpll1 ng with th1'. th~ OOIllPani 8ha~1 he.,e the r1;ht to do IUQh olear1ng an~ oherg. a8llle to the purohaser. . 1 3. , ~hat ell' bnl. Id1ng~ ,erected.. lIl~t: tlratoolllpli wlth the 1'e8trlctlon~ with reterenc~ to i '1 placement of bu1141ng on the lot, and that no resldence ehull be pIeced oloBer to the lot j 11Dethen th1.t, (30)' ~eet. i I I I a.b~..t t. .llt.... ..d .p..l.l ........nt. do. .nd p.~bl. oft.. thl. dot.. I ~ i I i I I i I I I I I _.......V..ra.! ...U~.l"h:_""""""'"'''' ............. 1.--....O.._..u....~'OhiuUl_.._' ......-... ...., ....60...t"c)ctUD~ntari atalllPI ooncelle4. .. D.I.a~tJle .~ 101.. RIVIll'A!UI8. OOKP....y ROBBRY Jh CARfIR J I' I ! :i r 8K-tpI.1Ioft-m-. tlIe riPtGf wa; * paWie raNt, dnIaIce caaah, aa4 clitdIe8 as'" aD tlIe pW Gf aid...... -se br tJae put)' Gf tlIe ljqt put. . TO HA\'8 ,\NO. TO HOW 1'R8 5.'M8. ~ witIa .. the lIcftdi~ts ud appartawIcn u-r-1O bebI&Iar. uato tlIe laid put)' 01 tile IeDOIId put aod his hcin -' .... ita fee .... ftftnt'. . .\lid .... .w put)' eI,. &at put,. fell' itsIIf ud its ~ dou Iteftbr _t Wb aid party 01 tile __ put. w.1Idn. kp1 ~ti_ _ UlicN that it ls ....t8IibIF ~ 01 aldlud III r. ....: tlIat It .. rau (lOIN .. lawral rlcJat to _"7 IUd Iud Ia fee IIapIe. .. ar-w: tiIat It .... be ..wraa tar said put)' 01 tile IItICGII4 ............. ... ~~........ at all... ~ aDd"lIT to aaW t:p08,'lIoId. CICaIJlJ'. aDd aaioJ' IUd Iud; that IUi Iud Is me '- .. ~: tllatlt will -- -'a htrtllu _ to pafect tile r.1iIIpIe title to IUd Iud as _,. ~ be nqalnd. aad that It doslltnl5y fon, wurut tlIe title to said ....... ud wiU dtfaad tlIe _ qUat tile "wf8I'~ flail per.- ~__. ' IN WI1'HES8j:ik~ tM lint...... 011 tile dq -',., lint ~ writta. bad ~ ill _ to be Iiped ud its CllIrJIOftte'" to be a8ised to tIIae PfCICIlU br ita .... ita . wlaida 4l6cen bate __ dIII7 UItboriIed ud ~cd br raalaUa. 01 tJ;,a Boud eI Dlncton ol the IHDIAN RIVER . FARMS COMPANY. ~tlle6ntput .,toaecutuaddeliYathlsd<<d. Indian ~l''fer 'erme Co. . ~. (C<<p. Seal) ; Bermen J. ileuoh , ; Its Praidalt. Sped. SeMd~ Ddinnd).'Praaxe or lIS: Cherles Dunoan '0 ___ I Us 5ecrttU}'. &TAU OW IOWA.} . eo.I1 01... .. I, _ ~!ItdY ...u.ariad to tab ~ to 4etdI, do 11mb,. eenify tlIat.. ... day ...-IF appun4 bcIan _. Hermen J. Zeueh I. I I: aDd Cher1., DUDoan to_...-...... Praidatt....SectetarF.~~. ol tlIe...... 1Ii__ v....ec....,.. tlIec:orpantioadal:ri1le4latM.......... ... ud tH)'~ltd&ed Wen - that .., ~ cWF ~ br .... ~ to eRQIte tk ,..... dcecI_ IU beIIaII, .. to.... ilI_.... db ill... tJlemo. that tM ... ..ad u.cmo II tlIe ~ ... " ..... ~ .... tIIat .... dcecI _ ftMIIeII br Mid ~ lor tile pl&IpOIft ... u..-... .... u..,. -.IF IlWIowkdced . tile ~ tlIepol ~ lit ... _ -' ....cIee!I .. -'a ..... lor ,die _ .... PIlfPOiItt tIIneIa ~ -' tlIat tile MId ~ .. the Ad .... deed eI IUd ~ IN W1THHS8 WIIJUlHOP. J IIaft IIetauato ..... _ _ .... cacw .... tIUt 20th at tile ~~C-ty -' State aIGnsaicI. I ~..r. BeOll) /... ~~:.!. no th ,,- .....;. ad...... """"". '- I ~...~ f C./ . c..tJ.. It. t.Ide. f . .J. ,. _ ~ ' . ali rr JtHMIlIfRBRBO. TllatOll this ~ ,.!,. day ol ..1I J I'" A. 0.19 2 3 ~ .. P. G.' oW14r" . CIerfl 01* CiraIIl CGIIrt .. for... c-tJ baft oW, _dell die ~ Dftd .. tIIr i N& ~"MId c-.a,. ,. --........ , Of YiJ1'HJi88 WH .' tllaft~) . --.........tle:-"'....~de~~,~.:::~c1r.4._._.... _ :.......'............u<S&L) t.(a..5~.1 'Pq; , . . CledClmliteo.t. ~\ e; 8)'..-6.~...~.. ..........Dep.ty an. .0 0'" rz,v q,:, .,.ol 'ebruer" ; 19 23 I , { 1 ~ ! ~ J ....<t.~a...-.-_~.~-....-~ , ., ;': ':.' .:t~~1~~.1~$il