HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1590 _.~,,-...,..-~~.....~~r--:'l""--~~_"""" .~. ,-. .....;'V',-.".~~. .........~..._~~.........~-~~~--:~,..~..,.~~~~~...~~,.,.< 1>....." . -. - ',...~:--.. , , 49(l~ " ...,~~~ '~IL."e''''' .~:--.. . W ARRANTY::DEED', I IJD'UB 1l1Vu IblUl8 OOIllPJ.HY, 'to 1l0BDt :D~ CAll!Bll ftII8lQllmIU.Kaltedlt 20th, .,,, ,'.bruer, . " A.n.t,a,~..,tU INDIAN R1V8R PAlWS COMPANY.. eGI'pOI'&tioa cqillIbN ... altIilII-- tile. ..... fldIt .t. oll'lari6l, PIrtr e( .-... pen. to ltobn\ >>.Oar\tr of...~lJ'ol 8\. 1.uol. .....- 01 " ft.l'14a pulJ' "tlIe IeCOOd put.' WItN1rSSICTIi. That tile tUI ~ ol tilt Int ..,.. rc. u4 .. CGIIIidaaUao eI tlle _ eI '!,:'; On, (11.001 , " ' . DOLLARS, , ...... ..., III'" v.Ited ~ lii.l... ~,~ to It .. ... ~ ..,. tlIe .w ~ of tile ....s pen. at' . Won the ~ u4 detiwry of.... .........'.. .. RCIIpt wIIenoI"lImbJ' ~ lied anate4. ........ 8llId....... _~.... -'rmed. ud II)' dIae ~b dote IIeRb)' pu" ...............~..... ---.. _to tlIe tUI paty 01 tile -.. part .... ... ............. Ie fee 1bDpIe" Ute Iud ID St. r.udit CclaalJ'. PIorida,deIcribed as felon:' " ~iot' "0. al~lk) In BloOk Bo.jour (4) In Booker T. ....hlngton Acl41Uon to In the Oity of fero.nor1d.~ e.'tht NlDlia4..1gneh4 onth"1)let'ofIn41"111"~r 'eru 00.,..07'8 lub- 41<f181on'reoOrdeA.in the office' of the Chzk.~ot: the 0Iroa'1\' Oou~ In 8n4 fo1' 8814 Countl~ " " . ' RI8!BICfi 01S. . 1. Thepuroha8ermuat oleer h~e lot of,811 unclerbrueh o~ undeslrablegrowth wlthla 90 48l.;.b'Oa' etate otoP\1rOhe8G, end in ,the enato1 hie not oompl11ag with this, the OompsD7 lha1i'havetbe right to do eaoh oleerlngsn4 oharge ~IDI to the puroha8er. , . ,. !hat all bUildings ereoted. must fiut oompll w1'h the restriotioa ,,1 th referenoe ,.,to w.aoem.en\;of 1>\11141118 on the lot. and DO residenoe shall be plao,d oloaer to the lot , line' th.t.,~'hlrtl (30) feet. 1 I SUbJeot to ell t.axes end 8Hoiel '..'.8I1l84t. dU4 and pe,able efter this dete. , I 1 I i I [e,',.',' -' . Ibtrpt. Iaotftftr. tile richt of _~ tar pubIle .-b. dnIure cuaIs, ADd clitdles as __ 011 tile plat of aid Iaacb __ II)' Ute Jlart1 ol tile lint put.. t '1'0 cHAVRAND ~ TO, BOLl> 1"HJSSU'B. tapUItt willi all tile lleredica-ts_ appurtmaaca tbaalato brIaaPtc. uato tilt said ~ 01 tile RalGd put and : WI ... .... ..... is Ice ..... f_. t " AMtM'" (lUlJ' of tlIe &nt ~. I.lbdf .... its -. dOes hereb1_t with .... ~ eI tile MltODd put,'" htln, Iepl ~tathet, ad..... , tWit "Iadcl~""''' _;os..... In Ice....; tiIat It lIu IlIIt pennn*' lawf1ll rlaIat to CIIIIn'e1IUi Iud ia leuiapAr. as alonaId; tlaat It .... be lawl1al 101'.... i ....., eI.....,.,.. w.Wn.1ep1 r.-tatiftll,........... at" u- peacuWy ADd qIdetJr to a1tenpoa; hcIcI. <<cuPy, u4 ~ .ud Iud; tIIst tUI Iud it free I' ',,- ,JIIi , T r .......: ' tiIat il1rill.... --. fartJMr_ to paf<<t tile lcelimple tltle to .aw Iud as may r-"Iy be ftqtIiRd, ADd dlat it does ~ lull)> ! wtrrUt tile title ,to .w Iud. 'ADd will delmcI tlIe _ apiast tlIe lawllll daJ.s of aU per.- wIIoaatoe,tf'. , ! ,. Df WlTNIlSS WIIDIlOl'.dIe ~ ol tile Ant put, 011 die .,. ud yeu Gnt 8hoft writta. ..... c:a.-d itt __ to be IIptcl ADd its carporale w.aJ to be aliud to ; .... ~ lit its PteIldtat "'ifi~ ftida CI8an MTe bma daI)' autJoorbed ADd _~ .., resalutloa eldIe Boa!" eI DiI'Idan of Ute INDIAN RIVER I PAlUlS COHPANY'~rUtefintput , to_teADddeliyutlllscImL IIl41en River J'erlll8 Co. !. \ ' ~ (Cup. 8aJ) ~ Hernan J. ~euoh.... I ,. Its PraldmL , SIpMd.~~-'Ira~ol"': Ch!lrles .i>unoea ! ....e.....:(trJLl..J{'8..1...... _~.<..,._.._...., .... . .....__ Its Secnt.u1. ______j)'u>>A..~JlDua.. ..... --- .....c... -, ...~60 'doo;iiMnbrv atamn8.-a:&no81hd.. ~.,'~}, . c..tJ" ..... .., '. . 1;'.'" cW,- aatIIciNed to take ~marta to denh, do Mnb)' catif)' tiIat 011 tIIit ala, ~ appared befcn _. Rerun J. Zeuoh ('-, , . i : , I l J 2ed t I ! ( , . I I l 19 2~, i i i .reao.. I. n.'h NotarJ" PlabIic Ira ucllor Scott Coat,. Iowa. I', w,C-..lo.&.wotspim . .lull 4th 1926. l I I ! .~ 01 jJ)1'11 A. D: 19 231 ' am flu. QmIIt c-t .. _lor ..... c-t, aft ..., .--.. tile ..... Deed .. tile ' i 20t.b .,... ..bruar, . .... 'Ohar1e. hMan to _..~. dIt PraIcIaltud SccftWy. mpcctiTdy. 01 tile Iadiaa Riw. 1'_ C-p.ay. the aorp:lBtloa deIcribtcllll tilt fort&odc dml.. -, .... t.tJe)' ~ Won .. tIIat...,. ,_ dilly 8IttIIori:Ied II)' MId CIQf)>lXatiae to ama<.c tM ~ dmI 011 its 'beWf. aucI to lip itt __ ud alia its ... tlIeftto. dlat die leal all. lIIcnto " tile ~ lei! of laid ClllIJIOftdoa. ad tIIat !lIkI dmI was _Ud .., tAW CIIf'pClhtloa r<< tile JllU'PlteS theftila aprattd. ucI t.tJe)' _all' dao..Wced .. ~ tIIaeof to be'tWr me lIct aa4 dmI at ,--. oIIcen. tar U. _ _ ~ tlIerem -tiootod. &Itd lIIat tile ... ~ It tlIe lIct ... dmI of tUI cupcntioa. . 'IN ~ WHIlRIWP. IMft llaftqto dbed .y IWDC _ o5cW .... tills at tile CilJ' III llIIlI Slate .r-w.s. BrAD Or _ eo.tJ"" ~ <~ .. 1T1lBKIUIBERRD.'I'Iaat 011 tIaII t ' ,I. 0., 8141''' it' ' I'ltbIc .... ol... c..tJ. IN wrnnrss WHBIUIOP. J _ft ~.. 11)'.... ....tt.... of.... c-t. tile cIlI)' ... JIM....r.u.. _';'Af~'-J ~; , . ~et\'\~^ 1t~(';O'\'^. .., .....- .!...O,...I14I'.4....... ..... ... ..--_........(88AJ.) ant Omtit c-t. .,..,/;. ~.."'~,.. _..........0eplQ CIak. ".'=";.'f. . ;',"7,'.-' . "'." ,- ,,:' .~,,~ . .. ,.' ':,;'?-~~Jttl{~.ltlii