HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1592 ~ ----~~.~~~.....~~:~ "-~.~~-"''!'''' ( 1 I U I ij l#":"~-, ~~"'--"'1"1"\--....,. . ....._..~.....r..l.,-.;:......T.~~"'t.~~:-'.....,.__'....___ ......,' "';.___~"'~","'!'""''''." ~, .~,~.~v'- :--.. 492q~ . .~ 'fr. .........- .-....-....- W ARRANTY>D~ED W IOU. RlVlll ,....', OOKPJIT 'BOBIIt!']). O.4l'lR t\ . '111I8 JIIHIrIVU. ..... tile ao~ ; cia, fl'e bruer1 INDIAN ~ PAUlS COMPANY,. ~ ClI'IUbed Utd WltltllIIlIlIu u.e Ian" tile Slate 01 F!ori4a. JIUV eI tlIe Ant put, to 1iOber~ J>. Oar'.r " "\IIe~trof St. Lu01. .... ~ 01 '101" 14 e '. JlUtT ol tlIe --s l'Ut. ~ Tllat tIII.w JlUtT" tile"'" pen. tar _ Ia ~ 01 tlIe _ Or . .' ,',c.' '(;::One' (ll~OO)" ',,"., '. , ,', DOu.ARB. kwf!il. ....'Ii &t.UaiClJ4'" IDll od8 'f'IIaabIeCiGGlWtflltiolll. to It ID ...... pUt, "" tile .w ~ " tlIe __ part"at or W- ,tlIe -.. u4 4tIIWfJ' 01 ... ~.... die receipt wIIereoI" .....". ~~ W puled. bNpJacd. eoW. rdeascd, -ft)'td...s CIllIIInMd. ucI b7 tlIete ..-ta ... .... ..to bIrpIet. ...' .... -wt .....-*a ...to tlIe IaIcI put)' " tile --' put u4 ... .... _..... Ia fee IImpIe .. the Iud Ia at. I.cde c-tr. PIorWa, deIcribed ., ~: . " , " " . . leo' 10. Bini (9)1n Blook 10. ~wo (2) 'In Booker '1'. Waehlnaton Add.1-tioa to lathe 01t,~t "ero; 'lor14.. ee tb,1 18mela cleelgnetecl on the .plat of IDelien ItlT.rJ~1'II8 Ooapaa,' S 8ub- I . '''''1.0~. 'r.oor~,d .1n~he oft101 of B~;a~~fl~~~' the OirauU Oourtln a~ for 8ala Oount,. ,:,"-:'1. the putah_8er mustolear,hla lOt of a1-1 un4erbJ'Uehorundeslreble ~owt.h lIUhin 90 48'8 j1 from date of' puroDbee. and1n the event of h18 notoompl,lng wlth thlB. the uomp6ny shell he.e ~h" r'lghtto'aJ ,mob oltarlO8 aDel oharse ... same ~to the purohoBer. . ,I 'a. -., ell building. ereated. alua1iflrBt oomp11\1 wUhthe reetrloUoDs w1th refereJioe to I >>leo....Ii' of bulldingon the lot. end that no reBidence shall be -PlectA 010B8r to the lot li!le , ' t tha.~i I i I , ! ~ \ '[ i . " t i I j I I I i A. n. It 2f\., tIMi SUbjeot tb all "xes and 8pe01al aSS88SlIl8ntB due and pe,able aft'er th1e d8te. ~ ~. tile ricIat 01 way for puhiic: roads, dflIiaa&e cuab. ud diteba as IhowD oa the plat of aid Iaada .-Ie b7 tile put~ 01 the Snt put. 1'0, HAVS ,AND ,To HOLD THE aUla ~ witIa .& tile bendltaDMtlb aDd appurtmaaca lhn'amto bdoePac. UIlW tile saW perty elu. --.s pert aDd Ids hein _'....Ia lee ~~. '" ,< ADd tllllIid. perty 01 tlle'1Int puty. b itadf u4 Ita --. does IItftIoT _t willa saW party 01 tile ~ ~ Idtlleln.ltp1 ~ti... ~.... tMt it .. ........,.1Cized .. aid ..... Ia fee ...,.; tIIat It ... lull polftI' _ fawful rl&Itt to COGTe1 saW IaDd .. fee siIaP. as~; that it .... be fawf.. b IaIcI put;rel die -.d ..... ........lepI ~..uw.. u4 -'cas at .&li!Dts peaceably Dd quIctI;r to aIIku.-. bald. oa:oapy. ucI njoJ IaIcI Iaad; lila, Rid IaDd Is me rr.. .. --'-'1 .that it ,wiI -a ..u lurtJoa- _ to perfect tile, lee simple title to laid IaDd as _7 reasubIy be reqtdred. u4 lIIat It cIoes ....., ,. __ tlletJtle to said."'" _,trill delad tile ~ apiatt the lawful dalabof.. per-. .1Klm~ntt'. ' IH \YJTHBS9~', ,s-tr eI tile 6nt put. 011 tlIe da~ ud reu 6nt aboft writtea. .... ca-.llta _ to.,e...... aDd Ita eorp:nIe"'lo be aIbed to dIae ...... t<<'lta, .... Ita, ' . wtdda o6:en Uft beat ..,. autllariled aDd napcnl'CRd b7 redutloo of, the Baud eI Dlrfdon 01 tlIe INDIAN RtvBR PARMS COIolPAHY. of u.e first ...... to _k u4 ddi_ tkiI deocl. In4iaa 1(1 VI r Yaru Co. i ' \ By i , i \ (CGrp. Stal) ! \ . ! , Slped. ~~~~~ Is rr--e of lIS: .........'. tera. .I...liage1..... -- __.... h.'...'.. ,... _..,' .. . HerlllJD J. I.oeuoh Ita 1"nsldaIt. Charlee >>unoaa Ita Sccm.uy. m...__.JIIlDa...L....lokeri.. .... ..:... -- ........... ....:f).n. 'doonIMnt81':9 BY mD oaaoelled. . 8T=~=A,}.. " J. ~ c6<u.w,. aatlIorUed to tab admw~ to dHdI. do lItnb1 catil)' tJaat _ tIlis clay ~ appeued btIcn _. Herll8 a "'. .to.uah , .l , ~ ,u4 Charles. .Dunoan Ii. to IDe tIdI..... die Praidaat _~. mpectinly. fl lilt fadiaa Rlft.f F_ C_....y. tile t'CIIJlOfttJoa cbcribed III tile fonaoiaI deed.. . _. Utd they 8d:Dnkdaed before, -...,..,. "-, .wi aatJIorbed b7 aid Ultpontioa w aecute tile fCftllOlDc doled.. Ita ~. .... to... ita - - "'I Ita ... themo. tUt tile ... aIIud I' tIIeRto .. tile carpante ... ol ..... ClllI'JI(Iratil Uld tJaat aid deed ... aeaded b7 aid ClllfpOt'atIoo tar tlIe paIpOIeI tlIermt apreaed, Utd tIae7 RnnIy ~*Wced tilt ~ tIIenaI to be u.w l_ act -' deed .. ~ GIicen. for the _ aad puI'JIO!n thama -tiaIIcd. _ tJaat tlIe IUi IastnIIIlaat is tile act &lid deed ellaIcI ~ , ., r.3 IN wri'NBsB WRItMOP. J"ft~a8beday_aacloGidaI""tIIis 20th dayel ebrullrl. 19 ~ .J at till City 01 Da~ ~ alORSdd. I ,\ nenoe 8 I. P1e th Notary I..ad lor Scott c-ty. Iowa. · '(B.'.8~.1) I H,.C R..:..I....upm July 4tah 192 i f t cia,. ol AJ)J'U " A. D. 19 231 an !of dIt Qnall ~ III Utd for aid c-ty _w ... -.w tile ,.... DIed Ia tlIe .. ., ...... udthal ...... c-t. tlIe clay ...,., ... wriUa I . ~-v~ ........_..P..~....Blal'..IL.:... .-.... ....a;.t~=) I . &~~~ 8r..4.~..&~.-v._..............DtpltJCJak. 6'',; .~~ 1fA-n Of,' JI.OIUDA, \-.. '/" c...e," &...... 1 ---- , , . BII rt aBWIDQI1lED. TIIat.. tIIlI r. . .~; L .Q., '14.1"", N6: ~fI"" ea.tr. Df Wl1'KB8lI WR 83r4 , , , ." '~-,~;~;ffl'~il1~!]