HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1595 ~ :.~--,............, ~.~:fJ..'~' - pro" ~ 495....'. i i i 11 II I I I I I I II I I:' . . i ~ I i j i ,j I I i I I ; <' 1 " ! ;l il !~ t r ~ , t i I i l , " i :j i , :~ ~ , .~ f " II! '~ " ~ i ~ '. i ~ f i t t I I . I I I i > I . k I I .............~~'t':~.....,.......~_..~--~~~~~~--:--..--..~-:-::~__.~..,-.,~....-:--~:~C'c~~-.o-:--...~----,......c:""'_~-;~...~. , . ..e. ..IA,:'-...n "Ute..., co... II. L.... WA'RRANTY: DEED' to IQUB IIVI1l 'A1UI8 COMPABt tl B!1UIAB J. llOOB 'IBJIIRDJlt1'VU. Jobde tile ' 28th ., ol ",pte.ber . tNDIAN RlVRR PAR),IS COMPANY.. ~ oeauiIaed .... WstIac __ .. .... cf tile Slate " I'IoricII. pIItJ cf tM ~ put. to I A; D. 19 88..,... aerman J. ~.uoh oItlIec-l701 ucI State of low8 put)- 01 tile ___ pert. WlTNESSBTH. .....t tlIe IUi party oi tM lint put. f. uad ill CCGlidtratba fI tM _ ell One '.1.00) , DOLI.ARS, ..wfal ~ III tile UIIIkd ~ ...s otIIer 'ftIaatlIt ----tioIII. tit it .. IIu4 pUcl '" tM .w JIUV " tile __ ..... at'. beloft tM ...... MIl deIIwry 01 tIIeIe ~ ucI tile hcdpt ften,oI. MnbJ ....kcIIed. load pMted, ~ toId,...... ~... ClOlIInMd. ... b,. tIIHt..-b doeslllnby anal, bupieI, ... rtIe&R. ~ ucI-'ra ..to tile aid IlUl7 ellIIe __ put MIl .. heln u4....... fa '" ..... .. tlIe .... Ia It. J.ude Caat1. ........ ,deIcdbed as fcllon: ' Beg1nn1ng at. e stak. Whioh 18 121.6 fe',t Hort~ of the South...t. corner. of Treot 12.~.oUon '. 'ownS~1'P 88 80uth.ll8nge 39 Be8t. run ",rth along the .~'st liae of e814 ~reotl'~619.'1f+t to a stake. Thenoe Horth-easterl, 810118 .the 8O~thlin8 of the ~1n Canal rlght~ot.a, 492.61 feet. to 88take.'hence.8outh-weeterl, 810~ ~he west line of Lateral "C" r1ghtof we, 929.~ ' , , I feet to the 'Point of beglnn1ng. oontaining 3.f6 aore8 more or less. aDd I Bes1nniag eta 8teke .hioh i. 927.6 fe6t. west Of the south-Bast oorDer of~r.ot 12. Seotion I , . 7. ~oWD8hlp ZZ ~outh, hange 88 lest, run west elong the south line of the aaid Traot 121298.~ , "C" 1 ' I 'feet to e stake. TheDoe Borth-easterly along the east. right of way l~e of Leterel ,16'11. feet to e stake on the south line of the Katn 08nal Rlght-of-.8,. Thenc. .outh 16 degreE8 1'11" .8.t 10'4.8 feEt to a pOint ot besind.ns. .ontain1ng 3.93 aor8. more or llse. 88 the B8me ie., I I ~es1gnat84oa the lsst general ~lat of lands 6f the Ind16D River 'arms Ooapanr. filed in thll Offioe of the Olerk of the Oirouit Oourt of Saint Luoie Oounty. Floride. ~ , ; ~ i I Soott >! J Haupt. IIowewu. the riPt 0I..~ I<< public rwdI, cInIluat aub. u4 ditdlts .. __ 011 tlIe plat 01 Mid Iaada .... '" tlIe party 01 lilt Int put. 'to HAW AND 'to HOLD '1'118 SUIH. toptbtr witla ell tile ~ts u4 ~ thtftato~, _to...... put)" 01 tJae teCIOIId put aDd hit heIn ad aaips ba lee .... mwu. AIId lilt IiIId IlUl7 " the lint JIUV.I<< itIdf -' Its --... does MnbJ _t iritis Mid puty 01 tlIe teCIOIId put. hit....1tpI ,...tati-.... usi&Ds tUtlt Is lIlddeuihl)' teiIIfid IIlIUi JaItd ill fee ....; that it Us fllll sv- aad ..wfuI riPt to t'OlIft)" aid aud ba fee...... _.rc.-Jd; "'t It .... be ..wf. f. aid perl)' eI u.e -.s put.......1tpI nsn-tali-. _ ~ at",U- ~ u4 qaiedy to ISlet tIpoa. IIaId. OCCIIPY. aad mjoJ aid Iud; tllat .... IaIId it flft ~ .. ~; tJaat It wiI ..a .a fllllller __ to perfect tlIe he siapII tJtJe to aid Iud as _, ,-..., be nqaIred, .... tJaat It doiee Ileftb,. f1llJy WUTUlt tlIe title to aid IaDd. .... w1IJ ddeed lilt _ qUmt the ..wfal c&u. ol aU pcfICmI ____WI'. , IN WITNESS WIISRSO oltblrst put. 011 tlIe da)" ad rear lint ahoft"Writtea, IIad ea....s Its _ to be ........... ita CllIrJIClhte'" to be dud to ! ""..-ts ~ Its ita ~t wJaida GIIccn law beat daI)o authorUm ad _pcnrerecl ~ ntOIutlaa ol tlIe Boud eI DIndcn ol .. INDIAN RI\'U PARMS COMPANY. put, lite 6ntputMe!a. toaecateUldddivu thlsck-ed. Indian Rivlr Mera. 00. By (ec.p. &.I) 5i&1Ied. Sealed ~~~~.~ ol as: __....Iua...Patt.eraon___, ...."..,..., h., ..,. h Hermen J. Zeuoh Its PraideDt, Cherlls .DunoaD Its SKmuy. ____....QL~'. .~C}_~.. - .......... .......... 'if~60 do'oUmeil.t6rl' at8.IDD oanoelled. BrAD o~ lOW!'} CoatJ .; ..... .. I,.. c6'<< daIJ alltllorilcd to tab ~ to dftds. do Ila'tbJ cntify lIIal ClIl tIIit.y ~ appand betare _, HII'JI8D J. ~euoh aDd Oharles DaDIU to_...o ~_ die Prtsideat ud I!ftfttary. 1'aII*li.... 01 tile IDdiuI Riftl' p_ eo.puIJ', tlIe ~ detcribed ill tlIe ~......... ucI tlIe7 ~ed btfGR _ tJaat ~' weft dilly aut.IIoriIecI b7 saIcl t'OrJICQtioa to uccvte lite f-..u. deed _ Its bdwf, uad to lip ilII_ u4 "ll ... ... tMrdo. that tJae ... allited tIIcftto It lIIe t'OrJICQle ... ol ..w CllIrJlCIRlfoa. and tllat said deed was e:ucwd b,. .... ~ tar tM pwJIOitIS tlIeftia ~ uad tlIer -..,. act.>>.,1tdpI tlIe __ dtmol to be tIIfir &et tlCt uad deed .. ~ olIicat. tar tJae _ aa4 JllII1lOIIt tlIetria -tioaId. aad tIat the ..w ........t Ai tIJe lIC't Uld deed ollUi I t'OrJICQtiaG.,. I , IN WJ1'NBSS WH .' ftMrtuDtodw.hlyulDuada5dahuJ,W. 28th .,01 S.pt8l!1bert 19 22 ! at tile City eI Da c-ty aa4 aloraaid. 1 "ur: a. Weal"I' Notuy PIsbilc: ia u4 f. Stott CowIty. 10... I w,.c- '-';anpitet Jul.) 4th 1924 f i I I .,.ol A PJ' 11 ' A.D.19 231 CkIt fI tlIe Ciftult c-t .. aad far aaId c-cy law duly r--.s de ~ lMd .. tile j . j I I'. , , lIl'AD cw rLOlIJ)A. } c:.., ., It. twM,' 81 rr IlJl).IJWBBR8D. 1'Joat lID tIIit L . P. O. &141'.4. PlIbIr --. ollUf ec..ty. IN W1TNBSS 2~th 10 tit ., .... MIll...... of aid cG..rt. tile .,. ... Jar abow writ-. ..,...,.r..,o....'-1.4r.t.4". , . , ..... .,...ho,.......(SBAL) . ' 'an CSmsit c-t. 8.,.. ~~ :..~.. .. ........bepgbo CIat. . t..~.....& ~,>,.. ) ,,'(Q.. 'i' ,'\ -ci"-- ~e'" , .. , .' ,.c.;:}.~.t(ij~J$~