HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1600 ~~-:-~'~""":-"-;~_'-,""'-~'~7--""""7~~' ..--,~~~~~","..~=-'t'Oo":''''1''..~,,,-~~ . I n u ',' "~-'-".~I--:~:'--:'<T'f"'~ '.' "....,~-,-,. ~:--r:.;"'~!~......('-"..-:4 , ~-- ~,...-...~'~~-"':~~~~...",...~.. . , - - . - ,500 ~ -.." ~ J ~ ' ~!:~!.~_~81.~~...... ~. ,~.... Jr' ~4 , '. , WARR,ANTYtOE'Er.o~, , , .' - - -' '. -. , ,f' " " IOUI IllD rUIIS OOMPAIl .to 'OJ) A. PBA81 l' " 'lBlititDlDI1VU.M_tlIe 6th ..," ,Ju', . A.D.19 2a..... ' INDIAN lUVICil FARMa COKPA!iV.. ~'*&tIGa ~.... aiIdas ___tile.... af 1M 8la4e" ftldde. puty" tile lilt pat, to h.d j~ feGse oldleC-Vol ' 8t_ tuoie : ...8lateol Jlorid. ' ~eltlIe--sput. , Wfl'N8SSITR,' n..t tIlie .w I*t7 " tlIe &ftt pen. tar ....Ia ~ " the _ " .' : "On,'(tl.OO) , ' " . DO~ ..wfuI ..., .. tile \1ltIted ... .... otW nIIIaIIIt ~ to It ... '-d 1*14 '" tbe MI4 paty af tlIe *-' put. at'. W- ... -a.r .... cIdiftoo 01 u.e ~.... thO.-fpt........ ~k4pd...... &nIIUd.1larpiDed,1llId. nItued. -wJed ud.......,....llf u.e s--ts....... anal. bupItI. WI. ;-... ~ .... .... aalo, tlIe laid party 01 tlIe .... part ....'.. ... ud...... Ia '" ......... u.e.... Ia St. ~ c-tt. JIIGridI. ~ as ....: ' . ' .' B88t -Tin '(10)' &.Ores of Treot f.elve (12) t Seation ~1x (6), ~o"nehiJl Thirty-three (3&) South of kenge Thlrti~nine (39) BSBt, 80 the ssm. ie'de01gnat.d on the'le8t general ~let 'of 1eti4~~ of th~' indien kh~'r ~erlll8 OODlpan" flied inthefof.floe of the' Olerk of the Cirou1,* Oourt of saint Lu.o1e 00unt1, Florida. I I i , i i . i . I ~ , ~ ~bJeQt to elltexesend ditoh 8ssessments o~ any _,.aiel aB8e8sments if eny be levied for tb~ year1920t end 811 sub88queat toxes ,snd 88eesBmentB~ I ~ ~.. tlIe ric1lt" -~ ~ pabtie __ ~ ca.u. _ ditdIcs u ~ ClD the plat ol aid Iuds __ by &lie P:utJ' eI tlIe &r.t put. . I .' TO l HA VB AND TO, BOLDTBR, SAJdB, tQIttIIu willa aD &lie ~b aacl appartm&Dta tIItmulto bdoaciac. aato tItt MId ~ 01 tlIe !<<'ODd put aDd l ,Ids" __:uaipa fa lee IImpIe lamer. ! . ( hlI&IIe ,..w padJ" 01 tlIe lint patty. tar iUdf ad Its --... cbs IiIcnbJ' ~ with aid part)' ol the --.J pen. lab Wn,1ttaI ~ti..... .... ..... i , tW It "fDdEftlliJV lllacdol aid....... lee 1iaralIe: tUt It ... full ~ ....lawlulrilllt to amft7 MId '_lIll1ee IlIDpIe. at aI-'d: that It ... be ..wlaI lor laid i I*'tt of tile....,., .......IttaI..-tatifts. aDd_put aD tiIDelI ~ aDd ~ to eIltcnpaa. boW, CIOCllpJ'. ucI atJDF aid 1aDd: tIIat aid Iud Is free I frGIii.. i ~', .~. that. it .. tMb ... lartW ..-- to ptrfcct . lee Maple tida to aid Iaad as _y ~ be nqtlimI. aDd that it does 1lrnb71. f. .... tlIe title to aid..... aacl1rill dtla..t tIiC __...- tIle"Yi'li.I dat.s ol aD....- n.-m. t <" . ,IN WITHIISS YiBKIlIOP. tlIe party oIl11e lest pen. aD tlIe ., .... Jar 1m .boft .tittm, IIad c:aIIRd its _ to be ..... aacllta carponte .cd to be...cd to ' u.e JIaedIbr Its l'nIideat ~ Iff 8<<nlarr. wtlida ~ "ft ... dilly lllrtIIoriRd IUld empo_otd 1lf ....tioa 01 the Boud of Diftcton 01 &lie INDIAN RIVHR i '-,-'AMY'-~l'::::~r-"'''--- . B, I:::na::.:.:~ -0. IU_ i Siped.SeIJed DtJiftftdia ~oIas: Oherles Dunoen ...I.....v..e%...-?U.~..o ....,...............--... ""'P'" JbSeuduy. O. H. Sohrwa w.o....._..... ',' ..---: "" ... .... -. -. ...,....- "diM' 'd.'clOQ'IM ntiiry ~.t&~ oeno.1l8d. , ~ } \ 1 i ! I t f a.a40hel"i.8 ,Dw1oa~ ! to _1ftI~.. the J>mIdaIt aacl SecftWy. ~t1wdt. of the IDIIaa Riftr' P.,..~. tlIe ~ deKribed ID the IorqGiec cited. ... aacl tlIeF lICbottled&ft I bcfoR _ ~ _ 'title'" _tIIarbed by aid ~to C%ecutc tile I~ deed _ ita 1leII8If. aacl to lip Its _.... ":lIb..J dIaeto, that. -a aIbed ........... --......... --............... -............. --- ...... --- -_..............,. -- . :;.~ tlIenof..:~,~ he act ... deed .. -* oIken. for tlIe - aDd .-.-. tIIerdIl ~ ~ that the aid mu-t II tlIe act - deed eI aid t , ,IN WJTNtqlS WIUIq()p.IIMnoe~"ud.~_aadolicW_tJUa 6th "01 lane. J9 UtI at the City of <:ouoty ~ Slate ~ ,. I , fraDGe 8.. Plo th . NClbI)' PD16: fa.... lor So:att c-tt. Jowa. 'i' W,Cr-'-'-upifts July 4th 1921 'f I sr=., 0: :A;}-- . J..ia.... daIy ~ io tate 1lCbowlerJc-.sts to cbdI, do tICI'tbr rcrtily tIIat ClD tIIis day per-a, appeared beIore _. H.rd n 1. Z. uoh .un '. n.oaIDA.} c..".,... ~ '. .R D' ~-CVIl'OJtRBD. 'nIat.. tIlII .. !...,O~,BUh4. ""'* a-.ltfll&ld~. IN wmot88 2ncl _af .'. A.D. I' 23 ad" dIt CIrwIt c-t Ia _lor .... c-.tr _ft ." -.w u. ...... Deed Ia .. I"ft ~_..,... _tte... 01 aid c-t. ..,.... ~.......... . hb- .~,\v ,~~ ~e ''!.,o ' ~e(,O .... ,..1... .C....Kl4r.4.. __. ,..,.. ,..'. ..... .............(S8AI.) , , Qafl ~ c.rt. 8y..&.~....~.~........~a.tr. (;- " ,. >' ... --- ' , < .-... ~'..':~J~~~Jl:lt~i