HomeMy WebLinkAboutINSTALLATION GUIDELINES7/O- 02 2 Installation Guidelines For Spark -Ignited Stationary Emergency Generators Residential and Commercial 22 kW 2AL 25 kW 1.5L 27 kW 2.4L. 30 kW 1.5L 32 kW 2.4L 36 kW 2.4L. 38 kW 2.4L 45 kW 2.4L 48 kW 5.4L 60 kW 2.4L QNOT INTENDED FOR USE IN CRITICAL LIFE SUPPORT APPLICATIONS. Q ONLY QUALIFIED ELECTRICIANS OR CONTRACTORS SHOULD ATTEMPT INSTALLATION! Q DEADLY EXHAUST FUMES! OUTDOOR INSTALLATION ONLY! This manual should remain with the unit. This manual must be used, in conjunction' with the appropriate owner's manual. Para espanol , visits: http://www.generac.c6m/service-support/product-support-lookup Pour' le frangais, visiter http://www.generac.com/service-support/product-support-lookup Section 3 Foundations & Mounting �,relnerator you ffid Neffi-slff Install the generator set on a concrete pad or base slab able to support its weight and accessories. A proper foundation is needed to resis - y am iWea_dingdgd,jedU transmitted ors Wa atio he exact composition of the mounting pad must follow �tameermcnp,�„ urtredt aadrnaran avlrcation. Securely fasten the genera- tor set to the foundation using suitable grade, size and style fasteners. Holes are provided in the base frame for this purpose. a 3.1.1— Concrete Pad Follow all federal, state, and local codes when designing a concrete pad or base slab. Seat the concrete pad on a prepared solid subsurface and use appropriate reinforcing bar or expanded wire mesh. A common specification calls for 2500 psi concrete reinforced with 8 gauge wire mesh or number 6 reinforcing bars on six (6) inch centers. 3.1.2— Dimensions Extend the concrete pad beyond the rame oft nit ea t six 6 inches. his provides a mounting surface for fuel line support, as well as space for maintenance and repair. The base pad must be: • Capable of supporting 125% of the unit wet weight for single unit applications. • Flat and level to within 1/2 inch. • Capable of withstanding severe torque reactions. To calculate the depth of the concrete pad, the following formula may be used: W Depth of Base 150XBXL W = Total wet weight of generator set in pounds (kg) 150 = Density of the concrete (pounds per cubic foot) 2400 = Density of concrete (kilograms per cubic foot) B = Foundation width in feet (meters) L = Foundation length in feet (meters) Suggested mixture of concrete (by volume) is 1:2:3 of cement, sand, and aggregate with a maximum four inch (100mm) slump with a 28 day compression strength of 3000 psi (200 MPa). OA-3= Unit'Clearance 1 Verify that the site provides easy access to the generator set for maintenance, repair, and firefighting purposes. Keep a minimum of - eet of clearance around each side of the generator set to facilitate service or maintenance. 3.1.4— Stub Up Area For load conduit, auxiliary power conduit (high voltage), and control wiring conduit (low voltage), see the installation drawings for the location and dimensions of the stub up areas. See Figure 3-1. Installation Guidelines for Spark -Ignited Stationary Emergency Generators 11 Foundations & Mounting IGH AND LOW VOLTAGE 0 o STUB -UP AREA 674 (26.5) IRCUIT BREAKER STUB -UP NEUTRAL AND CUSTOMER AREA CONNECTION OPENING 104.5 (4.1) 0 0 50 9 51 (1.9) (A) (2.0) 100 (3.9) 226 (8.9) STUB -UP AREA DIMENSIONS: MM [INCH] Figure 3-1. Typical Installation Drawing Stub Up Detail 3.2 — Mounting 3.2.1— Fixed Foundation Use mounting holes in the base frame to fasten the unit to the foundation. Always use hardware of a suitable grade, size and style. 3.2.2— Connections All electrical connections must have flexible sections where they connect to the unit to isolate vibration. Properly sup- port and secure all piping before installing the flexible connection. 3.2.3— Combustible Floor and Roof Protection If the generator set must be installed on any combustible floor or roof, comply with the following rules: • Place a layer of non-combustible insulation, followed by a layer of sheet metal, beneath the unit's mounting base rails. • Both the layer of insulation and the sheet metal must extend beyond the engine -generator base, to a distance of at least six (6) inches (15.25cm) on all sides. See Figure 3-2. For rooftop or building structure mounting, it is recommended that spring isolators be installed between the engine frame and the mounting system. A minimum of 6 isolators are required and must be located at the front and rear cross members and center of the frame. 12 Installation Guidelines for Spark -Ignited Stationary Emergency Generators RADIATORIEXI IAUST o FIL«P-' "f Mal Mas DISCHARGE AIR AIR INTAKE atmpnex Leos Eros (BOTH SIDES) BATTERYI2 (LTOT)151DES) ORFatFR G12P26 mlDwamuca fi1311T IDC Q NEGATIVE GROUND nuutoT Dnrer l o E ITT mF_^ PIN:OS8200 ,A L,olnmFeca'crauottlr LEFT L;I¢ Vv/ RA-NTOAFILL.EFP NOJF :0P AR LtFR.YR EL CIII I I DlHCR WE (� {r b. SAI.pK Pt W.^, q!!tMI L1➢C i 4gi,.t Yi €.a, LWf FIE: SECMJTEII LytiG rp .l X a.- LRNEdCi7 nir�G+i_m2 swom 11. r"7y. ?t� 110.71ERY- 2".+17 SIDE 6yl-., 1 REFERENCE OWNERS MANUAL OB h +£� FOR PERIODIC REPLACEMENT (°OBI PART LISTINGS. • i'I. 240 .. -- 721.4- 1 I�f1 . CENTER OF GRAVITY REMOVE COVE (SEE NOTe' S) ' :FOR ACCESS TO TOP VIEW ' RADIATOR FILL CAP EXHAUST MUFFLER CIRCUIT BREAKE ENCLOSED WITHIN SEE NOTE:3 GENERATQRENCLOSUR I � Y r ` f I I t ¢ 1 117 RADIATORIEXIIAU5Ti. , DISCHARGE AIR c.;': --•1„ =,„� OVER 'I REM==, z � Alz z a m ; Nt+ S NOTES: Cti.7 t T1 ii 1. rhINIF1UMRECOMtAEt5DE0 CONC(iEIE PAD SF1E: 1104 (471 VLSOE X 2250Y sk) LONG. '. RDF•DREM11 INSTALLATION GUIDE SUPPLIED WITH UNIT FOR CONCRETE PAD; GUIDELINES. 2 ALLM SUFFICIENT ROOIA ON ALL SIDES OF THE GENERATOR FOR r:AINTENANCE AND SERVICING. THIS UNIT MUST RE INSTALLED INACCORDANCEP4:H CURRENr N ' APPLICABLE NFPA 31 ANG NFPA 7O STANDARDS AS WELL AS ANY OTHER FEOErva., I: STA' TZ AND LOCAL CODES: 3 CONTROL PANEL I CIRCUIT BREAKER WrORLIATION;. -SEE SP ECIFtCAIION SHEET OR OWNERS hbWUAL ACCESSIBLE THROUGH CUSTOM.EF4 ACCESS ASSEMBLY DOOR ON RFAR OF GENERATOR. A-REE4OVE I I It REAR ENCLOSURE COVER PANEL TO ACCESS' Till STUD UP AREAS AS FOLLOWS: -HIGH VOLTAGE CONNECTION INCLUOINGAC LOAD LEAD CONDUIT COI-INECTION NEUTRAL CONNECTION, BATTERY CINARGER 120 VOLT AC (B.S AMP MAX) CONNECTION. , 5 CENTER OF GRAVITY At 0 BOTTOM, Or G T ERATC RECIRCULAT ION OF DISC T: REFERENCE OSAtVERS L B MOUHTIINC DOLTS OR S (USE STANDARD SAE TO 9. MUST ALLOVN FREE FLO SHEET FOR MINIMUM AIF 10. GENERATOR MUST BE t AND THAT DISCIVRGEA > t L"-REAR ENCLOSURE k s R `s COVER'PANEL,, ,SEE NOTE 4' -� -:CUS t OMCR ACCESS. ;,4 1.. ASSEMBLY CONTROL E , .PANEL ACCESS, , f BATTERY CHARGCR . � h K`ia';,-c1 LOCATEDWITHIN TIE r SEE NO•1 ._.-„� 1-t---,886 135:01----4 670 47 11. OVERALL WIDTH p.l FUEL LINE,CONNECTION 12G.4j 314"NPT FFMALE COUPLING LEFT SIDE VIEW REAR VIEW INEILIIt UAV �'��—� _ U3ttOEm147+"' i,'-16EtT \551GHt Et9rrrtDlSCIGIF Er CNE/hVN µ4F.FNl 1 OCI „♦:T DNLY SN7 Flt.'GSYJD yG L85 ' R01L65 k6 lE5 1 ) _ 'AL H6)i'.o ,—].�,". .1A-S F57 ISS. UNIRNO SURFACE! AM, 1315CI IARGrI AAXIMWA RESTRIC' ;UCH THAT FRESH IIATOR 15 NOT REC ENCLOSED WITHIN w- TDSo. {76s1 GRADE 0 ENCLOSURE., -VICE ACTION LATCH, ONE PER DOOR, ONE LIFT OFF DOOR'PER SIDE OF GENERATOR ,'ic 11 t I (sz OVERALL LCNGTH - W Fl ! L'I j ✓n'+h ly of Yt w ... - ,p ��� .� ,;r � �- 3� RADIAI'ORIM IAUST DISCHARGE'AIR (130.111 SIDES) BATT NEGATIVE PIN: f, 5 7o0J ►� 240 - 19A) REMOVE COVER FOR ACCESS. TO RADIATOR FILL CAP EXHAUST MUFFLER 'EticLOSED WITNIN� GENrRATOR,ENCjLOSUR(ft z I,I DIATORiCXIL1US13 DISCMARGFAIR a SIDES) ( I$iyJ. ( t�r(i �„yit J CENTER OF GRIWIIY (SEE MOTE 51 TOP VIEW j -SBFY�F11i.L! Cr, FILL CAP P�"�•'ItIaIP B.ri`-' I —OIL RIP GlIrr, 1p3T SIPS j� OII ,MLEFTFtm: OIL tn(A IN;EE min, f4 DRRN H4 5E N IIr GEO'v IF.R SIx CGOLAL RECOI.ERY O'JTTIf PAOSITOR;At CAP LEFT SL:E. ROOF ICI' E1INSR WE Zino WCL SEEIOTEI11 EITTe:R.`oE l R1LYEJ1 NRELI Jil PA5k— IICS YUIFEEN L'NNt• CECI� FASTiulf TE f1 ,.� "tlArTN{y !Cf>•a7 For M.17 REFERENCE OWNERS MANUAL FOR PERIODIC REPLACEMENT PART LISTINGS, CIRCUIT BREAKS SEE NOTE.9 NOTES: 1. MANIM PA OF 0. MOUNTING (USE STANE 0, MDST'ALId .SHEET FOR 10, GENERAT AND THATC 1 L EXI-IAU87 REMOVE Fr G 1 ( I NE tiREAR i7o ENCI:USURC• 1 �'�'' b, _ i L'OVERPANEL SEE NOTE A r b[ t 2 OVERALL � I rti t HEIGHT CU 4 STOfItERACCf:FiS gf J Limy\ ASSEMBLY, CONTROL PANCLACCESS, BATTERY CHARGER LOCATEO tAir HIN NOTE lam. � SEE 4 55 ✓ ,..•.._�! — 868 (35.01--- 47 0.8 12:2Jyr —670 OVL•RALLWIDTH TYP FUEL LINE CONNECTION —izSAj 31.p' NP'f FEM"LE COUPLINGLCFT-SIDE VIEW REAR VIEW 5 IDNT 14F1'III FI;CutF111/ HJn'l0`UO[ (jO4 TCULY FMfuX)fl!'F7 SM(`CIIxIVpCIIT F.U1ERNt r.GRE3J •yJUNMY AlY � 7(!L1.SY I,•,�__,___-'L18 I• r5L I �� F 101y1 t �°j 0 FF { s x ; Co C4 t n j I CONCRETE PAD SIZE: 1194 (47T VAOR X 2250I88•01 LONG, 4 GUIDE CUPPLIEO WITH U111T FOR CONCRETE PAD GUIDELINES. iON ALL SIDES OF THEGENERATOR FOR MIdNICNANCE' t7 !!UST BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE VvMTH CURRENT N NFPA 70 STANDARDS AS WELL AS ANY 071 IER FEDERAL. ITUREAKER INFORMATION! _T OR OWNERS MANUAL USTOMER ACCESS ASSEMBLY ODOR ON REAR OF GENERATOR, .OSURE COVER PANEL TO ACCESS i - 7LLOWS: f ION INCLUD kOAC tOAO LEAD CONOUIi.GONNEGTION BATTERY CI V RGCR 120 VOLT AC (0.5 AIAP MAXI CONNLCTIUN. ION INCLUDING TRANSFER SWITCH'COMROL IMS :S. WEIGHT MAY CHANGE DUE TO UNIT OPTIONS. ET MUST BE LNCLOS£D 70 PREVENT PEST UJTRUGIDN AND , IARDE AIR'ANDIOR I%! PROPER: COMING AIR FLOW. INUAL FOR LIFTING WARNINGS. UDS TO MOUNTING SURFAC ESHALL RE Sis.II GRAUE5 CUE SPECS) /OF INTAKE AIR, DISCI tARGEAIR AND CXHAUGT. S£26PEG I: 40WAND'I.V X .JUM RESTRICTION HEOUIREMLUTS. 4STALLED SUCH THAT FRESH CODLING A.R IS AVAILABLE • FROM RADIATOR 15 NOT RECIrCULA7EW I FAIL BELT ENCLOSEDt17TIRN CENERATORENCLOSURE. )ACCEGS, VICE ACTION LATCH, ONE PER'DOOR, '-+— 759 129.91 ONE LIFT OFF: PER SIDE DDOR7YP�(DOOR OF.GENERATOR 1,14 TYP '1850 176.81OV[RALL LGNGTH F 4YI G( ors30 ; Y, CD ` L � Planning & Development SeNices Building,& Code Regulation Divis.ion 2300 Virgirtia ' Avenue Fort Pierce, FL, 3402 Phoe;(772)462-2172 Fax:(771)402-6443 PRORERTYINFORMAT! Address: '23285 Orange Ave City I State /,Zip* Fort Pierm, Fl 34945 Parcel it 2208-32270001-00010. Zoning: AG-5, REVIEW COMMENTS E Owner(s): Karen . 'B,Harr1so'n,/ P6terW Harrison Jurisdictioh.i SAINT LUCIE COUNTY Lot#., 'Block: APPLICATION /NFORMAT101d Permit Number:, 171270229 Stories: Permit Type: GENERATOR, RESIDENTIAL CONTRACTOR INFORNA -TION Contractor Name: Lawrence V Stubbs Business Narrib: S & W Electric"Inc Business Addr:_ 501.W Coker Rd City I State I Zip: Ft Pierce, FI 34945 Automatic Sprinkler System? Nq Fax Number: Email: Stubbutelectr!G@Aol.Corn aggyiEws AN6 comm--mrs Review lyp Status Da Vlewed� Bj �Stariedl te COMR19ftd pate keleased PLANS EXAMINER ELECTRIC INCOMPLETE Joe c1clo 121412017 Commeht: 'SUBMIT DUPLICATE CONCRETEPADSPECIFICATIONS FROM THE INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR THIS UNIT 1211112017 AS STATED IN THE NOTES ON PAGE 10 - SHOW HOW UNIT IS TIED:TO'THE PAD 12/1112017 Comment: CONTRACTOR M ADJUST THE -PERMIT VALUATION * THIS MUST INCLUDE THE COST OF THE GENERATOR AS WELL As THE'INSfALLATIM 12111/2617 Comment: 'PROVIDE "A SECOND'OLOT'PLAN FOR THE ;GENERATOR LOCATION 12/11/2017 :Comment: COMMENTS E-MAILED AS OF THIS DATE