HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOC2017-12-21 16:31 Savannl "-,,ub HOA 7723400522 x-, P 2/2 UOSEPS E. SMITH, CI�]al;, �`F THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT L___3 COUNTY FILE # 4380407 OR BOOK 4075 PAG$ 1365, Recorded 12/14/2017 11:16:30 AM N07IC� Q� F CO MMENCENF1�f permit mo. 1-7_ ;k —y State of Florida County of St, Jude The undersigned hereby Alves notice that Improvememwfil be made to certain real property, and In accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, the follOWlng Informatidn 1s provided In this Notice of Commencement. C+;p1 Dasc of rop(streetliabie): a vaIA r a �Z-- .-at0�QL&L f ,� Gtneml dtvAptloo of tnlprommentt V i lotp+^ O"erl Ibmudon orin=Informotlon9the lesseecontracted for the Improvement: Name &A L Addtest rrmrest to property .._P w Ta t Name and address orfee simple titleholder (ifdiffemdtfmm Owner listed above): Contraetol's Contractor A Phone Number. 'V J Sums IN applicable, a copy of the payment bond b etrethed): Amount of bond: S Name and address: Phone number; Lender Name: Phone Number Lendefs address. PRrsons withlh the State of fiorldle designated by Owner upon whom outlets or other dacureents nray be served as provided by Section Florida Satutest Name: Phone Number. Address In sddltlon to hfmseff or herself, Owner designates Uences Notice'= provided In Section 713.13(1)(b), Floida Statutes. Phone number of person or entity designated by owner: to retoive a copy tithe , . Wratlon date of notice of eemmenca.ment; (the coration date may not be before the completion of construction andfinal payment to the contractor, but will be 1 yearfrom the date of recording unless o different date Is specified) WARNING TO OWNER: ANY PAYMENTS MADE BYTHEOWNEll AMR THE EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMM UNDER CHAPTER 713, PART 1, SECTION 713.13, FLORIDA STA1•UTES, AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING 1IMCE FOR IMPROVEMENIS TO YOUR -PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF CDMMENCEMENT' MUST BE AEWROEDAND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE apfQRETHE FIRST' IR PfCT10N.IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR teNDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCOVI ENT. Under Ity c p Qei t ron!'thefo clog notice of commencement' and that the facts stated therein are'arue to the best of myknow a (Slartliivra of Owne or Lessee, or Owner's or Leneds Authorized Officer/Director/Fortner/Manager Anotor/sTme/Oftice) 'the foregaing I ns trument was aebowfadji . 6od befora me this_ day of , 20 , RY &e, 1'J As.,.$.t'�r} ✓ _ for Noma of Type of authority (Q.g.offlcobtrusteeJ Party on behalf of whom instrument was exocudod ti7 v ;. MIGUEL NAPOLE$'e nnllyknown orproducedldeffok4lon ✓. *"pa otuy public -State of Plodda) MY COMMISSION 0 GG072031a 3tmp Commissioned Name of N CXPiRE6 FObnrery 12. 20fPe 3f Identification pro ducodl-' G� r ontrr., !W