HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL�erjt?;-- *# I %/a -42/v 1 1002018 Florida Building Code Online e f � ' r��.y�1,+W'``y�""r'�'"F°¢.,%,�xe4 1 �, ss a 4 4 r [ � � •G �e � 'i � � ����� 4 a` �' r �. R BCIS Home I Log In ; user Registration ` Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats B. Facts i Pubil®tlons $ FBC Staff ' BCIS Site Map ,` Ltnks $ Search tC:It�3 ' �; a U$61%1 PublUserApproval CONCEALED FASTENERS OR ATTACHMENTS � � Ragouct 6agmyal Mew> product or Aoollcation search FL # Application Type > Aoobcatlon List > Appneation Detail FL7561-R4 Revision ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR OF RECORD ,�' Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Elite Aluminum Corporation THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK Address/Phone/Email 4650 Lyons Technology ParkwE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS SQUIRED Coconut Creek, FL 33073 BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT (954) 949-3200 MAY BE NEGEGOARY IN ORDER TO dk@dokimenglneering.net 00MftLV VVITk ALL.AA,'4LICADLE CODES. Authorized Signature Do Kim dk@doklmengIneering.net Technical Representative Bruce Peacock Address/Phone/Emall 4650 Lyons Technology Parkway l� Coconut Creek, FL 33073 -' Z -6,4 b 17l (954) 949-3200 ��r rT TL COL. TY P--[Ta L'�iC Dj''S�ION bpeacoc:k(�r>ileiltealt►minafTl.Off- REVIEVVED FOR IPL:AN REVIElvEg JBI Quality Assurance Representative DATE Address/Phone/Email PEP.MI T MUST BE KEPT ON JOB a NO n1SPEC I IO.X WILL nE 1UDE. Category Roofing Subcategory Products Introduced as a Result of New Technology Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Do Kim, P.E. Evaluation Report Florida License PE-49497 Quality Assurance Entity QAI Laboratories Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date; 12/30/2022 Validated By `"F James L. Buckner, P.E. @ CBUCK, Inc. Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code FL7561 R4_ COI Cert of Indeoendencemdf 1709.2 -Pile COPY https:lModdabuilding.orglprtpr app dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgsgJkzX72BeuCecN82vc%2bRBYMBsOHgAJmo%3d 1.12 1W2018 Florida Building Code Online Product Approval Method Method 2 Option B Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved Summay,of Products 08/15/2017 08/16/2017 DS/20/2017 10/10/2017 FL # f Model, Number or Name 7561.1 I Aluminum/Aluminum Composite t Panels I r Limits of Use Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes # Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant, No Design Pressure: +80/-80 Other: In HVHZ, not to be used in structures considered living areas per FBC Section 1616 unless Impact protection Is provided. See installation drawing for nominal allowable design pressures and spans. I Description 3"/4"/6"x0.024"x1lb EPS Composite Panel, 3"/4"/6"x0.032x1lb EPS Composite Panel, 3"/4"/6"x0.0241x2lb EPS Composite Panel, 3e/4"/6"x0.030"x2lb EPS Composite Panel, i Installation Instructions FL7561 R4 II 2017 FBC-Elite Aluminum Corn -In Instruct.0df Verifled By: Do Kim, P.E. PE 49497 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation,Repo 4�"s-�3vi—ec•r:nic.re�raos-rroaivau��_acvE+s-csr�u ro�:.uui S Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Haack fart Contact Us :: 2601 Blair Stone Road. Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850-487-1024 The State of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer. Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.:: Privacy Statement :: Amessib81ty Statement :: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released In response to a publlerecords request, do not send electr+onlc mall to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. *Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address If they have one. The smalls provided maybe used farofficial communlration with the Ilcensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public To determine if you are a Ilcencee under Chapter 455, F.S„ please cilck het . Product Approval Accepts;, W W5 ®re_;;� M https:lffloddabuilding.org/prlpr app 00.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgsgJkzX72BeuCeeNS2vc'Yo2bRBYV,6sOHgAjmo%3d 212 ELITE PANEL SPAN TABLES: Net allowable loads are permitted to be ,multiplied by 1.67 to derive ultimate loads (psf). GENERAL NOTES I, Composite petals shall be constructed using type 3003-11154 aluminum facings, I or 2 PCF ASTM C-579 carpenter brand EFs •diem to aluminum facings wllh Ashland Chemical 2020D ISO grip. Fabrication to be by Erne panel products only in accordance with approved Islideation methods. 2_ Emile roof pianals maintain a UL 1715 (10) claw 'B' (ent) ra',ing and are ` rlt-501 approved, 3. This specification has been designed and shall be fabricated in accordance with the requirematts of the Florida Building Code 6" Edition (FBq composite panels comply with Chapter 7 Section 720, Chapter.8 Section 803. Clam A Interior finish, and Chapter 26 Section 2603. Ali foal building code amendments shall be adhered to as required. 4. The dedgtter shall determine by accepted engineering practice tlx allow able loads for site spceIfie load conditions (including load combinations) Using the data from the allowable load,: tables and spans in this approval, 5- Deflection limits and allowable spans have hem listed to meet FBC including the HVIIZ In HVHZ, this product shall be sped In structures`pot to be considered living areas" per Section 1616 unless impact resistance In occordance to the HVHZ requirements ant meL 6. Safety factor uf2,0 has been used to develop allowable loads and spans from testing in accordance to the Guidelines for Alumimurl Stretch= part 1 aid conforms to the FBC Chapix 16 and 20, 7. Testing has been conducted In accordance to AI rM E72-05: Strength Tc.�L of Ponds for Building Construct]on. 8. Reference test..polls: HErt-05.1988, HEPI.06.2104, HEri-Of.2066, HETI-06-2105, REi I-06.2067, HbTl-05-I002, HETI- 06-2107, IIE17-05-1987, RETf-06-2o69, uETF06-2070, TIE CI-06-2071, IiETI-05-1994,11FTI-05-1991, HETI-06.2072, HETI-06-2073,HETI-06-2074, HUn-05-1996, HETI-05-1989, HETl-05-1993, HETi-05-1985, HETT-05.1995, HER-05- 1990, HETT-05-1997. HET1-05-2037, Hii'rl-05-2029, HETI-05-2039, HI;TI-05.2030. HT: f1-05.2641• Hp-Ti-OS-204s, HE ri- 05-2036, lign-05-2031, HETI-05-2038, HETI-05-2065, HPT7-05.2040, HETI-05-2042. 9. Linear interpolation shall be allowed for figures within the tables shown, . 10. Panels with fan beans shall be considered equivalent to similar panels without fan beams. Design pr ofeesionais may ixhWe 3' x 0.030 x 2 - LB EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) NF_T ALLOWABLE LOAD (PSF)t MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) L/8C L/120 L/180 L/240 Is 0 2CbT 19,42 18.81 20 �30 9A2 1a61 1758 1635 17.9 1758 13.]3 13,89 40 16.73 16av 13,S9 0.43 90 1 74 `512 I2.es 697 67 14.64 13:09 10.21 6. 13. 5 t a.36 4A6 a0 1246 SL43 .52 Ike 4' x 0,03C x 2 - LB EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) NET ALLOWABLE LOAD (P-WSI MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) L/BO L/120 L/180 L/240 24.1'7 2417 8417 2447 2354 _.23,64 23.41 Eau r a8 1 22.57 1 2237 21.90 2LIE 40 1.51 2151 20.39 19.91 BDA3 IaBa IS90 60 i 19.39 17.37 1,1,70 70 1a.33 1933 1626 12.53 R01 17.26 ll26 ra47 6' x 0,030 x 2 - LB EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) - NET ALLOWABLE LOAD (PSF)1 MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) L/RD L/120 L/SBO L/240 >4 24A0 24.aJ 241cD as." 2a .. Em65 23.34 _ P.2184 30 22.94 e2.94 z219 aLas 40 22E3 a~LE3ff DO 2L53 21.5360 20R2 a0.1)0 2a71 2011 SEAL=CML'KIN'G CONTINU 1Nr-RLnLK7Nn CREMS gr=UR OPTIONAL GUTTER OR DRIP CAP jOPE 1' NAX WIDTH MTEALUCKING �L PANEL ,,,4./FT NM SLOPE) 0000.000000 � n EPS CURE ILB UR 2LB 000000000 ei 0000000 H 00 0pO000p0° ALI.MINUN B017UN z 00 1 FACINGS 00 CLEAR SPAN (.) L4SiDE TD INSIDE DO Ott 0° 0 00 ENGINEM OF RECORD TU PROVIDE FUR Rt1UF CDNNECTIUNS a ADD 7HICKtESS OF Q0 36• MAX IN FRONT i ESX SUPPORTING STRUCTURE DETAIL BY VALE FUR TOTAL 00 OF PANEL WIDTH a SIDES 1H18 UR ANY DTHER ENGINEEtL PANEL ?a'AM 00 (12• MAX AT SUES) EPS ROOF PANEU SPAN DESCRIPTION DO KIM &A86CDIATES, LLC CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS T4aaa F1.33M Tk(813)6574 5 f0 9 aQ aza I too r�'Q @ao1 0 S U2LU EFo D0 ig "r U�Q -j 8 � I�1 8 C3 LLap' C � W h R O] y. nowitsAl Drawing No. - F1_-1001 DO Kim & ASSOCIATESy LLC CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Florida Board of Engineers Certificate of Authorization No. 26887 Product Evaluation Report Date: August 10, 20I7 Report No.: FL# 7561-R4 Product Category: Roofing Product sub -category: Products Introduced as a Result of New Technology Product Name: EPS Foam Core w/ Aluminum Skin Composite Panels Manufacturer. Elite Aluminum Corporation 4650 Lyons Technology Parkway Coconut Creek, FL 33073 Phone: 800-421-0682 Scope: This product evaluation report issued by Do Kim and Associates, LLC and Do Kim, P.E. for Elite Aluminum Corporation is based on Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation Rule 61 G20-3.005 (2) Method 2 (b) of the State of Florida Product Approval. Re-evaluation of this product shall be required following pertinent Florida Building Code modifications or updates. Do Kim and Associates, LLC and Do Kim, P.E. do not have nor will acquire financial interest in the company manufacturing or distributing the product or in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product named herein. This product has been evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida Building Code, 6 h Edition (FBC) and where pressure and deflection requirements, as determined by Chapter 16 of the Florida Building Code, do not exceed the design pressures as shown on the approval. ti; ; •, s; VG.'•• .. ••,��`, m.ean.eae....um..toy.quawed.a nyoor. OPAL se<ree�meawwg•ogelstan.na.twtenmpM../ t , . @b drtumvnartMmaNe ldpnd IM-1.land dx ayarn✓a mart Oe wVad an M abnor4 orplet sov�atsn_tas.ann Do Kim, P.E. FL #49497 P.O. Box I op, p 813.857-9955 Tampa, FL 33679 dk@dokimengineering.net Sheet 1 of 3 DO Kim & ASSOCIATEsp LLC COMBULTINO STRUCTURAL EN®INEERS Supporting Documents 1. Code Compliance a. The product assembly described herein has demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code 61 Edition (FBC), Section 1709.2. 2. Drawings: a. Drawing No. FL-1001 titled "EPS Foam Core Composite Panels", Sheets 1 and 2 prepared by Do Kim and Associates, LLC., signed and sealed by Do Kim, P.E. 3. Testing a. Testing per ASTM E72-05 as performed by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc. (HETI), and reported in test report numbers HETI-05-1988, HETI 06-2104, HETI-06- 2066, HETI-06-2105, HETI-06-2067, HETI-05-1002, HETI-06-2107, HETI-05-1987, HETI-06-2069, HETI-06-2070, HETI 06-2071, HETI-05-1994, HETI-05-1991, HETI- 06-2072, HETI-06-2073, HETI-06-2074, HETI-05-1996, HETI-05-1989, HETI-05-1993, HETI-05-1985, HETI-05-1995, HETI-05-1990, HETI-05-1997, HETI-05-2037, HETI- 05-2029, HETI-05-2039, HETI-05-2030, HETI-05-2041, HETI 05-2048, HETI-05-2036, HETI-05-2031, HETI-05-2038, HETI-05-2065, HETI-05-2040, HETI-05-2042. 4 Calculations a. Panel performance engineering analysis for tested loading conditions have been prepared based on comparative and/or rational analysis, prepared, and submitted by Do Kim, P.E. 5. Other a. Quality Assurance Agreement verified with Quality Auditing -Institute, LTD. (QAI Laboratories, LTD.) (FBC Organization #QUA7628). P.O. Box 10039 813.857-9955 Tampa, FL 33679 dk@dokimengineering.net Sheet 2 of 3 DO KIM & ASBOGIATEsj LLC CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Limitations and Condition of Use 1. Code Compliance a. The product assembly described herein has demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code 6`s Edition (FBC), Section 1709.2. 2. Large and small missile impact resistance has NOT been tested to or evaluated for in this approval. In HVHZ, this product shall be used in structures "not to be considered living areas" per Section 1616 unless impact resistance in accordance to the HVHZ requirements are met. 3. Each product listed above shall be installed in strict compliance with its respectbe Product Evaluation Document and site -specific engineering alonrg with all components noted herein. 4. Use of each product shall be in strict accordance with its Product Approval Evaluation and Limitations of Use. S. Composite panels shall be constructed using type 3003-H154 aluminum facings, 1 or 2 PCF ASTM C-578 Dyplast Products LLC brand EPS foam insulation (NOA No. 16-1129.05) adhere to aluminum facings with Ashland Chemical 2020D ISO grip. Fabrication to be by Elite panel products only in accordance with approved fabrication methods. 6. Elite roof panels maintain a UL 1715 (int) class `B' (ext) rating and are NER-501 approved. 7. This specification has been designed and shall be fabricated in accordance with the requirements of the FBC, composite panels comply with Chapter 7 Section 720, Chapter 8 Section 803, Class A interior finish, and Chapter 26 Section 2603. All local building code amendments shall be adhered to as required. 8. The designer shall determine by accepted engineering practice the allowable loads for site specific load conditions (including load combinations) using the data from the allowable loads tables and spans in this approval. 9. Deflection limits and allowable spans have been listed to meet FBC including the HVHZ (L/80 for spans < 12'-0" and L/180 for spans > 12'-0"). 10. All supporting host structures shall be designed to resist all superimposed loads. 11. All components which are permanently installed shall be protected against corrosion, contamination, and other such damage. 12. Size and Span Limitations: a. Composite panels shall be limited to those specific panels listed in the DWG. FL-1001. b. Panel spans shall not exceed those listed in the tables of DWG. FL-1001. P.O. Box 10039 813.857-9955 Tampa, FL 33679 dk@dokimengineering.net Sheet 3 of 3 00 KIM Se AsSUcIATES, LLC camsu .Timm BwFaucTURAL ENmINLrERB Florida Board ofEngineets Certificate of Authorization No. 26887 CeYW rcate oflndenendence Do Kim and Associates, I:LC. and Do Kim, RE.. do not have nor will acquire financial interest in the company manufacturing or distributing the product or in any other entity involved in the approval process dithe product named in the accompanying Flotida Product Approval no WY:Un'. F-,#49497 P.O. Box 10039 813 374.0321 I'ampa, FY 33679 813.3 74 .0322 (fax)