HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1606 .-"'-:;--'~- -. .-....._..~ ....~~.~ . .-----~...............-....~""":, . --~.~-~-~~~~!I:~~.~~-'~.;,...-~-r . . . ~ r- .~....~..."".......-.-~~.-"'!".,.......~_.~-,~~~~~.. ....~-,.~ 506 . I ~ .l ;1 I' ~ , ............ ,ttl'lhth oe.. ". ~ __-..... '.__.__.~' ....__,_.___ ~~~_~_.__"___'~___._ .~_'.~_._.___ d. .., ...A.~ WARRANT'Y: DEED I to [ Dfl)UI RlVD P.AlUlS OOKPABY ,ROBBRT D. CARTIR TIDI'IitDDrvu.IWe tbe 20th ' d&)''' P'bruar, , INDIAN RlVIPl PAUlS COMPANY,. aJIIlOI'Idoll CII'PIIlItd aDd eUtIac __ the laWl,QI,tM SCale of P1orida. rutJ' 01 tM ... pen. to A. D.1928 by u. ,::1 BObert >>.Oe*,~r ofu..Couatyof -State91 no:r1c1a , ~oftlle.-dput. WITNJlS8ImI. Tllat tile IUd PtV eI the ... pen. b uclla c:-ldaatba 01 tlIe _ of , " ,0.. ($1.00) ...,', DOLJ.ARS, Ia'llfal --. .. .... UIllted sea-. ... CItbn- YlIIaabII ~ to It In a.u.l pUt b)' tile IUi puty eI tile .-ad put, at ew beIllIe tlIe -... aacI ddIwty 01.. ~ u4 u.. RCIIpt wIIeno(" baebr ~ Ud puled. ~ .... rdcued. CIltn't)'Cd.... ----. ... b)' lIIeIe a--ts does 11mb)' 1RDt. berpIa, ... .... -ft1 ... ooatna aato ~ .w party of tile IliCODIl put IllIII ... Wn aDd....... Ia fee ... aU tlIe ....kI St. tade Couaty, 1IIoridI. describN ., r.n: , :r.ot'1f~J flir.,' (~Pln Blook .0. Pl..., (6) ,In Booker T. washington "dc11Uon to the CU):;" .t i V.ro~ 'llor.14a.a.a,the .alle 1e clea1gnatedon the P1&\ of Ind1ran libel' ....rma CompeDl'e sub- i a1'fl~~~n recaori~4 ,111 the otfloe of the Olerk of the Oiroult Oourtin sael for setd County. I BBSDIOTI0lf8. ! l;"<fha"~Oh&Be:r must ol"llr bie'lot of ell u.nd.erbrush or undf sirable growth wi'thin 90 I i cle,e frOIl 4at. of purohaBe., and in the event of h1e not oompl,lrig w1 th thief the oompany shell I I t r f I.fhet ell buil41ngs ereoted. must fi'r8t oeapl, with the restriotions wlth relerenoe I , 8t. Luoie ha.,e'th. ~l8ht to do SU~h ol'ering endoharge S8me to the purohaser. to 1)18oement of building on the lot. end that ao res1denoe shell be 'Plaoed oloser to the lot line thal1 tbh't, (30) feet; ..;'.. '. ~ \, .. SUbJeot'to ell taxee end .,.01el assessments due and j)o,eble after this d&t.. U} ~ , ~ liJlliIIf\L ....~, f__~_w'R ............... . Aldl l _....___a.....l I IJl I J b,.dk~"A.. J.-- 'tQ , 1IA VIS ,AND 1'0 HOLD THB SUlK. t.... with aU the ~' ..... appurtmaDcn tbemmto btIoaIiq. wlo tlIe said put)' 01 the JlICllIDd put ucI IUs lttiaJ aDd ...... let ... fat-cnr. '.' ...... 1M ... pert)' of lite lint JIUV. tar itd aad its ~ cIoa IMRbT _t with aiel put)' of tile -.I put, his hein, Ita.. rtpRIeGtatm."..... ~ that k .........., teJa4 oI....lIIIcI.. fee'''-PIe; that it lias ,... pVnt aad lawful ricbt to c:aanr MId Iud . 'ee 1im;IIe. as aforesaid; tbt it .... be Ia,.,.. lew MId , ~ ~ tM.-I put,,1Iit ~... ~tatiftll, _ ..... at aU U- ~ ..... qaittIy to eata..... IIaI4. ClCCGIlY, ..... eaJoJ- .Jd Iud; that aiel .... II IRe ~ ' "-,,, * L ~; that it.;a -.b sadt fartlla' ____ to paltct tlIe 1ft .... title'to MId &and as IDal' RUClIBabIJ' be nqaiftd. aad that k cIoa Mftb)- l1IIJ' ; 'ftII'&IIt tM tiu.to af41ud. .... riI ddald tile _ epiast tile lawful cbu. 01. per-. ~. I ,INWlTNISS, WJfBRBOP. tlIe put)' of die lint put,' OQ tlIe da~ ud ,..r lint ahoft writteD. Ud cauttd its _ to be Iiped ucIlta eMJIOR~'" to be alhed to ! tIIeIe ..... J:J$ ita Prelickat u4 its Secrdary. "hida c6lm ...'" bent duI}' utharized ud aapcnrwed by RSOIutioa eI tlIe Board eI Dinctcn fl the INDIAN RI\'RR ! I'ARMS CO)fPANY.~ofu.e&ntpartbereia.touemeaaclddiYttthisdted. ' lncliaa liher !fene Co. ( i i Bl' (Olrp, Seal) Henan J. ~euob Ita Pmideat. .....",. . ~ Staled ud ~ftftd la Pr-.e ollIS: Oherles Dua06n " u.........i.r...P. _.ua~).h'_" ....__,.. __. "'__"" ..,,' __ . uu...___..~,.~,._~~,.,.,.____, 'h'--'I~'C1oQumenter7 staDfD oanoelled. '-.:., ," BrAD 0.. lOW, A, L c-tt"..... r r; _ aa- dIiIy lIUdIclriIied'to tab ~ta ~ deeds. do htftby CltItiIJ' that ... this dal' penoaaJIy appnmI bftoft _. Ita Secntuy. 'JII-.a J. Zeuoh n ~ _ Charle.Dano'eD' to _wdllmcnra...l'hsiIItM.. 8ecRtarJ'. ~,oI the Iadlua Rivu f'_ CClIIIJlUIJ'. tile corpontioa des&:ribal1a tht II.ftlOiac deed.... .... tIM!y ~ ~ - tha& .., ~ d8I)o, ---.. bJo said cutporatioG to _~ the IClftlGiaa deed OIl its beW. ud to .... its aa_ aad db ib .:... tlIetdb. that tlIe ... albed UIemo Is tlIe ~ ... .. ....~. uad that ..Jd deed .... CUlCIIted by .ud ccwpqratioa lcir the paI'JIOJIS ~ upnsed. ucI thCJ' _aIIl' acbow1ed&e4 tlIe acartlaa tIIcftr,I,tobe;tWr... ~ aad deed as Ilda o5ceft. few tile _ IllIII putpOJtS tIIu'do ~ SlId t.t the .... aam-t Is tile llt1 aad deed eI..Jd oarpantiaL, ' IN wrrNISS ~,. r Uft IIemmto aIiRd 811 __..... o&laIlPI, tItia . 20~ at tlIe City 01 Da~ CouutYiIGd Sbte aloraaid. 1'\, (Ji.r."See1),'~ '::.:.~:~at~u1' 4th ;;;PubIlclaaadl<<Scot$"-'Y.rowa. dal'of J'ebrusr,. s i 19 23 i ! &TAft 01 n.oatDl,-4, _ ' c-tJ ".. tedt. f , 81 IT RBNIKBRRHD. TIlat fill tIdJ r. P.O. Il<<r,.. N* ~ 01.... CuanIJ'. IN 19th , ( \ i !. i i dal'oI , *7 A. D.19 231 CIsIr 01 the Cfradt Court Ia .... few ... Couaty haft duly rt'llllnW tile ...... Deed Ia U. ! - " 't:. " ", '\ \ (~t.Ot.Ue,l) 01 ','-, ,/r . I un __to lit ..,. ......... ti.... ollUi c-t. tile dal' .... ,.... allow writ... \, , ' ,,(~\e~ u'le". \t~C~" ./ , . .... -; ... ::-:;:-!~!:~~~: ~~~~~~:~~~,~.~ ~ . ~ .....-<'--<~"~~~~"S.;t'~~,...*...~~:~~fi~t.:..."~~ ~ I ::; :~"~~:~fit~~~~~r~~l!~