HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1616 ~""~~~~~~v..,~-,,......_~, ~.i.'''-..l''IV'''''''~~'''''~~-'''.:\~_'''-r--:'':J'O-"","''-''-'4~_'''. ..'"...............~,-~~-..,...'~~'""-"..,..'" '......,.,..-_._.....~...,.-.~,. ~..--.,..,,,.......,-...,..,.................,.............,-, -~ ", ""'''''l', ".'..j ." .' " ." , -, ....,. : .. ~ , ". , , .','"" ,,', '516, ____~... ......,~~,.IIIWt:.. ce..., I!.lOUII WARRANTY': DEED"" , '( nmulI anm'AllMB CO_111fT, \0 DUBS' BOWlI -- 0' ft18 ~..... \lit 6th da~ fl ' Deoembel' iNDIAN lUVIIl PAlUIS COMI'ANY.. ~ aquIII4'" ~ __ '" Ia","" &late ell'IcIrw., putf" UIe Ant ~ to A. D, ...e8 by'" . ~"',. ~~. ~., ~. Irneat Bowen Oftllec-trol MIl at.te 01 llor Ib ~ 01 tlIe --s pert. · ~ TIat...w JIUV 01 tM int put...1ad Ia ~ Of tlIe _ Of , , One (.1.00) DOLURS. ..wW....;. lit "'UltIIei .. .. otIMt ........ ~ to It fa IIud peI4 by tile IUi putf Of tM __ pen. at '. w_ tM -am, ... ddhoer~ QI UIcItc ~ ... die nadf& 1ttIcrd "IItnbr, Kbo1tWcecl. btId puted, bupiMd, .... '....... eaaftTed UICI CllDInMd. ......,. U-.-cats doeIlIlIftIIy '""to , buIdI. III. ...... COtIftt ... .... ..10 .. AIel ~ Of .. ... Put MIl WI Wn ........... lahe.... AI tlIe ~ ill 8L I,qde e-ty. F1oridI, dIIcriIIed a, loIIows: ' , ' , t.e>1i lio. 1C1&h1;'CfU in >>look No.: .iln, (6) 1n'\h. Booker ~. weshlD8ton .A441\1on to the 01t, of I Vtl'O, .]:01'148, a8 the eamt'i84eelpeted on thepls1;Of Indian Rlver PerlllB 00mPen"8, sub- I 41'1'181011. reo?r4ed in th.(otf1oeof the Olerkof the Ob'oult Oourt In e,nc1 for, 881d Oount,., i .' ,RlSTRIOtIOI8. '-, , ~ ' ,l ~'~.'tb. PuroheBe~ mu8t olear hi8lot of ell unaerbrueh orunde'.l"~l owth within 90 I de,efrolll,J_\tOf purohose. and In the event of hie not oom'Pl;lag1l1th th B.i' the CODlP&ny .eh8~'1. , , ' ~, ' ., '.', "",' ,,' , , I have the right toc1o 8uoh 01eer1,n8 end oherge S8me to the lml'ohllser. .' . 1 . 3.', ~'het aU bU,iidlngsereo'ed. Illust firet ooDq)11 w1 tll the ~.etriot1on8 ,,1 th referenoe ,t ,>>leoe2l\6nt otl>>~lldlng on the lot, end th6t no resld!tnoe ehellbe 'Plaoed 010.'1' to the lot 11 , then thirt, (30) feet, t l ~ j . I i j I ~ ~ I J St. Luol. . ! ~ I I I SllbJeot t9,ell texes end Utah 6B8eeSmente or en:! 5peo1el 6sseeements if c.nJ be levied :for the Y8&r ~1922', end ell subsequent texes ena &eBeeemente. I ~~....... ........ ,....Vr -*'" "ell" --.. ...ji....-.........~.,......... -'e~""JIMY~,m.' 1'0 nAVBAND ToOOI.D THB SUlK. tocetJorr with aU the ~ts ~ appart_ thn'eaIlto~. uato the.... pII1)' fl the It\'JODd put aad :.~ I Iah Wn ... ___18 he '1i1DpIe fen"", . E . .&.d tJ. .w PlIIt7 eI tlIe lint pert)'. lot IUdf MIl its ~ doeI heRby _t ~ aid put, fIl tlIe -...d put, Iahllcin, IepJ ~ aad ...,., f , tIIat It ...""'" ~1111iacd 01 laid IaacI Ja I. ....: tllat it ....111II poww MIl lawfal.t to ~ft11Ud Ioutclla he.... as af-'d; tIIat It sIIaI be lawful lor aid i ~of..-4,put.WI""IIcU~""MIl......at..tiDIet~&DcIqaIetI7toalluapoa. !IoId.occtIp)'.udaaJoJ' laid Iaad; tIIat laid Iud Is free ' i ~ '.. ----: tJaat, it, wiI -.b MKIa IurtMr UIIl1raIICa to paled tlIe lee simple 00e to laid Iaad &I _, r-.hIY be ftqlIind. &lid tbat It doeI ba'ebr'. f w.rraDt UIe title to aid IaDd. ucI will delaad tlIe _ qaiast the lawIaJ cw- eI all per.- ~. .', ,IN ,W1'l'N1lSS , Ofthelnt put._ tile...,... yeu Int aboft writtaa..... cuad its _ to be lIipedaad Itsearporate.-J to be aIIbed to u-e Pz-u b1 ... . wtDdt CIftinn IIaft beaa daIy aathoriad ..... _powered b7 raolutJoR 01 tlIe 1Ioud " Directon eI the INDIAN IUVJlR, PARMS COMPANY. to ceaale &lid cIdn-U this dftd.. 1m 18 ta Iii v. I' ~ 81'1118 00, By Herman J. ieuoh Of \IS: Oharles DunOEa ItA Praidcat. ..........!eX4L..f.t .A.Qsel.. ___ _..... ...__ ____. __..' _.. _ ",.. . Its Secntary. ......-._.Q..Jh.3?o..br1uA...... :.......---... .......' .~-oo..aooument!ll'y stem>> oanoelled. i ! i i , t 1. 8T,4, D or IOWA,} c.-" " .... .. , r;.. ~ ..., aatIIari&ed to lab ~ to deedt, do beRb7 cmify tIIat <<8 uu. da~ pII'tCIItdJ' appeared btIcn _. .... 'h81'1I8 >>unosa t9 _.. ...... tba ~l UIII sftntary. mpectiftly. ., tlIe Ia.Iiaa Riwa Parms CcapuJ. die c:orporatiaa danibcd Ie the ~ deed... _. ... they ..uo.1t4&.td w... _ tIIat dIey -.., MItIIariad b1.w tupDratiaIl to esecute die I~ dftd.. its beIaall. &IllS to... its _ aracI aIR ItI..JtJaen-to. tJaat the ... .aftd UMftlo .. tM.<<QCnte eeaI 01 ... ~ MIl tIIat raid deed .... aecuted by raid CIOIpQQtiaa for the ~ tItereiIl ~ UICI tlat1 tentalj' ~ die ~ dIcnoI to be tlMir he ~ &lid deed .. .a aIiftn. Icw UIe __ aad parpoRI thcnJa -~ .'u.t ~ u.e ...., aam-t Is the Kl ..... dtcd 01 IUd CGfpontiOR. , IN WITN1IS8 WHItRIlO'. t bYe a.a-to aIiud.y _'ud o6:iaI..r. tJUs 6th at die cu~ " J)atalpOl1, State aIcraaid, HerlllS n J. Zeuoh ...,., DeoeIOOer, 1922 I I 1 I i I I I' I i 1 i [1" i 1 ITA,.. . JI.OaINJ c..,," .. ..... " 8111' "M~BEUD. "I1aat Cl8 tWit 2t dq of June' A. D..923 Ii' ,~ J., o. 614r.A. CItrt of .. CImIIt eo. ill .... b said CWaIy ..~ duly ftClIlI'IIed tlIe ~ Dad Ia tlIe -_.....-...~ . . IN.........~. "'ft . ........ ':"....... -..... ..........:::: ~r'4...... . . ......... ........... .._L1 l.ct.Ot.~'8l) i CkrkCimakc-t. \~ Verified Br'~"--~""""""DepdJCWk. 'ranoe B K. Pla th NGtar7 PuI6: I..ad b Seott Couat)'. Iowa. M,. C~ npirte JUly 4 th 1981. I I ,..,," ".. "~'. , ' > ,,}f~t~'l'~~~1~