HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1628 I ; ~' I :-" f I I n,:~ U1 ~ f " ,nn'n~,.,..,...'~~",,'.' "--:---".- ..... ~~"".'C"'~""'r'.-~~~---""_~~~'~'''--''''''''''''' '~-'''''-.4--'';:;li~'''''''-<--'-~- ",' , , ,,' . , " , ,;", ' ' 52(') , ',':" ~' . ~n_.'. ._.__.,._.~ __'_"___~.__"____'~.". . _ _ _+~_,_._~___ ..__._.'_ .._.'_ ___., __._.__._ ~~.,.~ __._"'.'" .. .~...:.!U~~_....!~~ t!:t.~!'.\~~__ ~.~__. \tv ARRANTY 'DEED - to l Y"'.~'J~ ..~ ~,n 111I1.. i~ DDmI " F.. A. U. ... .., tIIi TllllIlfDD1VU. .... tile I" ' .,. 01 .....M. INDIAN IlIYJIa PAIlKS COMPANY.. ~............i edItiIIc..... tile lawal tM lIIate 01........ put~" tllelnt...... to ..... l. ..... oItlIec-lJ' 01 lot" .... 8tali.., , , ,'J... puty eI tile IIlClDtICI put. ~ n.ttlle"'PMt~elU.Intput.loruclla~oIt11e_.. oat (..00) ~ ..mt...., .. die Valted s.a-. -' odItr \'aIMIlIe ~ to It ... .... ,.ad by tM .... puty 01 ~ IeCGtId put. 'at' . ~. dIt e-s.. -== I eI u..e .....'" ... tM I-'Pt ,,'-of IIIIcnbr ~ ad inaw. .........1OId...... -veycd.- ~ .-.,... pmasta 40a 1Itftbr.....I." I ........ ... rea.. -...,. ... -.Ira _eo tile laid JISrtJ' 01 die --- put .. laII bcIn .......... la, Ice ....,.. .. tlIe lad .. at. I.llde ('<<aty. JIIoddI. tIacribcd as 'I IolIowt: lut alpM.. .... "/100 (18e8l) ,au.. of ',aot !hi.. ~Qt ..., Ie. (10) : eon. of ',aot SiX (a).:.u ~. ae.uoa O.S'l), ,.._1, all,,-ta.. (II) ...th, ... tJaU'",olsh,.1 (II) "",: _ tho ... .1.....1~t.cl o. Ulo 1.., ......1 plat of 1.. ct. of _~ IIIdt.aa ...., ..... O..,..,.tu.lla t~ Otfto. of tho 01uk of tla. ODo1d."~U' of la1.' 1.1lO1e I , ',! OO'UlQ. nOlu.. "I ~ . (18.00 ])oo....z, Staap ..no.UK) Jlutpt. JIowenr. tlIe iiaIIt ,,_~ lor I*hUc rMdt. ~ cuah, .... ctitdIn .. ... an the plat eI aioJ Iuds ..... by tlIe put)' cl the lint pait. " 'TO HA VB AND, TO HOW 'I1Dl MIoIII. blIdhK with .u tM IleRditameata aad ~ thaautto bdoa,iaa. lIIIto the said puty cl the .-1d put aad 11M ... ud ..... !II fee IimpIe Coft\"Ct'. , ",AIld tile.... put)" 01 tJIie lint pUtY. for itaIf ucI ita --. does htftby _t with said perty 01 ~ --.I put. hillIdn, ItpI ~tath'e'. aad U!ipJ dIat it.....,-.....,..... eI MId .... ill f,u_plt; tllet it '- fun ~ ud Sa.,.. ri&l;t to CGIIWJ' said '-I ia feu...". .. afontUd; that it obaII be lawful f<< laid ,.t;1 cl die..... put. w.....1eaal rtplHeiatati-. aad...... at all tieIs' ~. quietly to tilt<<.... bold. OCCUPY.. ajoy said Iud; that Mid bad iI flft rr- ...,1. -----;, tliatlt wiII.....a fllt'tbu _ to pafect tile fftl abupIe t1Ue'to said laad as _~ r~ be requjrtd. aad that it does btf'tby faUj- wunatdlt,tltk to.w Iud. ud wDl deltII4the _ ap&qt tk bwflll daIlDsolall ptnQQS ~~. "IN Wl'J'NICSS WHBIUCOP. tile put)" 01 tlIe int put. .. tht day ucl7taI' fint ...we .nttal. ..... c:a-a ita _ to be IipaI aad its corporate .w to be discd to u.ie.... by Ita ~ ucI ita Sftntary.wIaidt c6aw 1Ia" "- duly aut.IlorimI uuI anpowered b.I. reaolutioD vi. LIte BoarUf Dftctoa 01 ~_~DIAN RIVHR PAaKS COMPANY. puty cl tile lint put btniD. to necutuad cIdiftr this dctd. ' IIlG1&1l .1..~ ,ar.. yO. By IBId BlVD lARD coa (Corp. Seal) Sped. SmJcd -S Ddi.wcd Ia ~ 01 us: Be.... J. I.uh Its Praidtnt. -.....-...1'..... .1'..." .Jase1--. .....'. --,.,.. --", .,........0.....8011.I8...,...,...,..."..." """, Charl.. DuDOaD Ita Stcntary. .... da~oI ~'.HZ 'hm.. kUk 1928 loIy C9"<l~ upira Notary PubIk: Ie ucllor Scott Cowty. Iowa. ro, .&\11 1 tU ITAD M n.o.m... } c..e.r .. .. ..... "I rr Jt1Pf1CNllBRBD. 'hat...... 1 '* r. ',.' 0"'''.'' ..... a-dI 01.... ColIMy. '0 Dr wrrNBIlS WHJPlRO', t!late MwuatoM., ~tla'" of ..w c-t. ... day ud,.. aboft writ_ u= ' , "P. ..,-.... . J. ..0.., ....lI....., . __. '... ... ...._____.(S8At) .- ) CIuIt (.'Ircuit c-t. i ... .t,~.~~...\~....._...... & dayel 'lUJ., A. 0.198' Qdk 01 tile Qtait eo.t Ia .... fer .... Coaaly _ft daI)" -.w till ~ DceI ill tile :~. ) ,r - -~. ~ .~- ::'4:.~4~~t~~~d~!~~~~}~~~~ .1' - '~'''''4e.f~~''"~~...~~:ti9;~i7;~^'' ~ -- . ~ - ~:-~~ifF;t;~~f~%~~!-tRf~~!~~