HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1629 i"')'> 9, ~ .... -~ ._~~-~."_~..-...--.__"......._...~__.__",....,~._,..,,._.~ '.;-O~~ .~.,,,'_ ~~.~""__"""""""___""'-'" '"'__..~ _._ .....~..___..._.____..........-'...~_......__.,.._~..'..,.;~.-......._..~.......".........._........~....'- .__"..._~,~s~-,......... J .. _._~.."_~!~t'''t~...w:~!.~.~.__.. _._. __".. WARRANTY. DEED to INDUN RIVBR YABJm OOKPANY - '1 A. Ii. HILL of tile C_tT of .- &ate of Puv of tlIe ~ put. WITN,HSSaTH. ~ tlIe IUi ~ 01 tbe 6nl ptrt. tar u4,1e <<'GIidentiaD " tile _ " . , ,', One (*1.00) ,. DOLLARS. "wild..,.. tile Vait1l4 sea. Ma,otIaK nIlWlII ~ to It ....... .... '" tile IUd ~ of tile ICiCl*I put, at .. belen U. -ua. .... dd1_~ of u-: .....'" .... tlIe .-ipt. ___ "11mb, atbowIcd&ecI. Iaad anatt4, ~ lOW. JeIeutd.', -WJed .... t'GIIIr-.aL u4 '" .....-.. .so. ... 1I'Ult. ~ ~ I r ~ I' I t I ~ f ~ '( f ! ; . , ~ i i. t l t ~ f I ~ ~ ~ 1 I I I I i t f t I i I - I I Sub~eot to all taxes end speoial 8BStBCments due end payable after this date. I ..~_... ~_....._ L~~d ___~ ~_I~~ __~ _1 A. 'P'" ~I. ~tpl~ - T-_~-p_#fII----L1. -~--'lN..".,.....~ TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THB SAUlt toptJsa- with .u tM Iaeftdi'---"ts.... ~ thaeato ~Ioaclat. _to the said ~ of tlIe -.ood put and his bdri aad...m in fee...~ fore"". AIId tbe IUi ~ fl the ant part,. r. it.seH .... Its -.n. does IIucbJ C'OYnUIt with .!It put,. fl the.... put. _1Ieirs.1tpl r......tlltS, ucI ~ that It Is iDdcleuilll,-ldad ciI.ua ... in fee ~; tJMat It bs full powa aad lawful ....t to CGtIftJ IUd ... in fee 8IapIe. .. -*-id; that It .... be fawfal tar said pu1~ 01 tlIe RalDlI pert. bis hdr-.1cI*I ~tati"' llIIld UIips at .. U- pctlCabI)' .- quieti,. to all<< 11.... I!oId. OCC8PT. .. ~ laid ...; th&t .ad Iud II f_ fna .. CIICIIIIIbfucaI; that it will -- IUdI fllfthcr ....- to pafut the fee sPItpIe title to laid ... .. _~ ~ be rtqtIired, aDd that It doea Iw'ebr fDll7 wurut the tlUe to aid Iud. aad wiD dcfaad the _qUast tM lawf1d daias 0111II ~~" , IN WlTN, 2SS,~WIlRREO .~,. 01 tM ... put. _ the da~ ....)"est lint aboft writtm. bad --.I its _ to be ...... aad ita QII'JlOI'Ille ... to be "sed to u-: JRMIlta by Its . i.ad Its ~. whldl ~ haft beat.....,. ...thoriad aad _powa-cd '" raoIutioll 01 tile IIoan:I 01 Diredon eI the INDIAN RIVRR FAIUIS COMPANY. 'oI~&rstput~toencUteaaddelinrthisck-td. ' Inclian Hl.,er Ferms 00. , '\' -' . , (Carp. SaI) ~ HermBn J. Zeuoh , ,J , Siptd. SeUJ ~~~.~_~ Of lIS: .......Y .r.Q..f.. ,~.~gd. .u...,.....,.......'" ' Its Preoicknt, Oherles Duno,n Ita Secrewy. ... ...Jrlll..~... J$o.kn,~ .. '. .. .."..........",.. '.'~60 dOOument6ry etc.mlHoanoelled. STATB 0' IOWA,} c..i, 01..... .. I. Ul o6w dlal,-1UIthoriud to taU ~ to dndI. do ~ eatif,. th&t _ this da~ ~,. appund bdoft_. Herman J. ~euoh aDd Oharles .Dunoen t.o_"ftlI bowa.. the Prnidtat....~. raputiftb'. of the Iadiaa Rinr F_c-~. the carporatioa dearibtd in tile forecolaa detd.... IllId 'tlIe7 8CbowJedctd bdGR - that thc7 -- cIuI7 aatloariqd '" Mid oorporatioa to _le tlIe f~ ~ _ itJ behalf. IlleS to tip its ___ aDd alb Ita ... tlautto. that tJMa teal alIiud t.beftto .. tlIe CUJlOfIIle ..a 01 laid ~., aad t.t IUi deed ... tRCQU4 by ..... ~tiaa I<< tM ~ then:ia ~ u4 thq -.0,. acbowIedced the, -uoa tlIenoI to be tWr me lid .- deed u IUdI .... tar tile _ .- IlIIf'P*S tIIerdn -tioaed. .... that the laid &.tnaMat II the lid .... 4etd 01 said ~~' . IN WITN2SS WHEIlItOP. I_we /Ianmto ..... .., _ ADd oIIiciaI .... thioI at the Cit~ fl Daftflport, C~~ &ale~, , ; (D.P. see~ 'renoes B. Plath NotuyPut&iuDdforScottCoallt,..Icnra. , J M"~"';";~HSpira July 4th, 1924 /" ...~.. .. 14th NO'Y.mb.1' 1923 .,01 I STAD or ft.OIUDA, } "'-., c..., " lit. ...... BB IT RIUIsiuulRBD. TItat 011 this 20th ",,01 Jul, A. D. 19 f3 .. . ,P. 0 r Kldred t ' ~ on 01 tile CimIit Court I..ad tar uiH~ouat,. haft duI,. ~ the fareaoiaI ~ in tlIr ..... RmlnII d .us CGualy. .' .. IN WlTNBSS /JIUIOPr-~ htram~ lit .., .....llIIld tl.~;" .. c-t. th day ud ,., allow writ... , ' I \. .~. .......P.,O..,B1ued cd,;Ot.Otel) \ .., ,"' ...., .,......'.........(SHAL) Clerk CIrcaIt Coatt. . L _'#0.. _ _ IJ . -U_ _ . /. i B,.,IfO.cr..~-.,~...........DepatyCJerk. ~ ; , \ \ \ ... ~" ""t""""'''-' , ~) 0'\., .,~ ',' .:~..!.:~:;~t!tt~.~.f~