HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1632 (. t \ \ : ~~,: ff. ~ t (1:, U ...._~~:..~l'!1.1\.,~1' k._~. .,......----~~t:'.~I. 'f".r:-o: _,-:-,.._~,.~.....__.....~.v...... ..... ...... ....,..-.. .~,." ~.,.._ :--_~,~r.-~""'.~,--"'~' ..,...:---;.~._..... . '.r:-, ~.. !- aaaauc 1!~~ ce.. Il. "8V!. 'WARRANTY,;IDEED' to' IHDUlI RIVBB JiA1Ul8CO." , j. II. B'tLL ftrallQ)DmJU.KedetM ,,21lCl dqOr lIove.ber, . . A.D.1028..,tlIe INDIAN. lUVIIa PAUlS CONP~.. CIOqICII'Itima orpIIbecllUlll altItllIa IUIlIer tile Ia.. 01 tile State CII PIorId.. JIUV CII tlIe 6nt ...... to .A. IA.D1U. eI\lltc-lJoI'St. Luoie ....Sta." 'lQr1c'la, ~OrtlleitC.dput. , ~ n..t dIt ... JIUV " tile lilt put, ,<< u4 Ia COIIIilIentiaa 01 tlIe .... 01 ',;," On, (11 ~OO) , , ," DOI.tARS. ...,.. .-, III tilt VaIteiI .... .... GtII<< ,........ ~ to It .. laud paW by tile 11I4 puV of tile __ pen. at . before ~ __ .-deliftrJ' ~ "*' .......'... dIt reeeIpt wIIeftof .. benJIJ .....kdpd. W 1flIIItcd, bup/Ded. IllId. rdeased, ClOIIft)"td.- caainaed, ad '" ttae. ~b does ber'cbJ1flIII1. ................. ClCIIaW)'''' ~..to tIle,taklllUlJ" tlIe ieociad pelt.... hit 1ltIn.......... Ia Ice....... tile IM4 Ia St.1.ude c-tT. JIIaridI. cIeIcrW as ~: ,,' ", ' '. '...,th.~,-Ju.r\~.of%reot 1$1Sht 18). '1,108 South of the .Main ,Oaaal.'lil SeoUon EOur (4). township :rhlrt7-~~" (33) Southofhengt :rlrt1~n1n' (59) Baet.' oontabling .84 aorts ",' ." ". . '.- ' "., ' . . '." -. . . .' '. mort 01',1,88. .~ the 88me 18 c'leelSllatecl on the 18&t genEral, plat of lon48 of the lncl1ea -"- . ',,' ,'.',.. ,j :.-". . . il~...~ ;'erans 0;0111"*111. fileet in the offioe of the 01erk of the UirouitUourt o-t Saint .Luoie Oount;~ i'lorlda. ' ~ ! I I I t i I I ~ ! i ! i i ~ i 1 8ub~eot to ell texe8 e04 dltoh 88seSEments or eny s~e01al eS88S8ment. if .~ be levied for 'he year 1922 !lot ell. sU~8equtilt taxes end eBBeBements. I ~ ~. tlIe rfPt 01 in, tar pubIie.... ~ cu.h. u.s ditdlea as sIIoWD on the ....1 0I_1eI IaDlb .... by the putT eI tlIe Int put. I Tq,' HAQAHD',TO dOJ.D THB &\'18, 't1lplMr wida .... tile ~b ud ~ u.r-to bdaoaiDc. IUlto the said pulJ fl the tecoad part and ! .. Wn~....... Ia fee.... farn8'. " i AM tIIie.... ~ eI'~ 6nt 1*lT. tarlbdl .... ita --.. cIoes '-br conUat with .w put,. ~ tlIe -' put. WI bdn,1epJ rtpftIattatim, ucI aalps j tIlat it .. · /'1 ~I, ~1y ..... ciI..w..... fee ...... tIIat It .... ,... ponr .....lawfal riPt to a.ny IUd IM4la lee ..... as afonml: that It, shall be lawful ,<< IUd I , ~'eI....... PItt. Ne....1epI n;c-tathu, .... ..... at all ~ ~ .- qaIetJy to nt<< tIJlOII. IIoIoJ. ocaopy. ud eIIjoy Mid 1M4; tbat ..w b.lIl1 !: me I ~ ,II ., --"'__i tbat, It .. .... ~ 'anw _ to perfect tile fee liaIpk'tide to IUd .... .. _~ ~ be reqaftd. ud that It doa Iamby ruu,. j ..,.. the dde'to aid 1]uId..... will'" tile _ ...'the Iawfwl ~ ~ II per.- ___nr, I :":.'.',. :':-: 'Of wrnorss,~~~oI" Ant put. _,tile., ad yell' Int abowe writtal. W caucd ita...... to be.... WI its ecrporate teal to be aI1ud to i , ~'..--.", iU ~,.... ita~. ~ c6las ,aft Ileal duI,. IIlIlIIorUed ucI cu.p..",uccl by ....tic.oII 01 the Board ~ DirectGn 01 the INDIAN RIVER I r--':=E:~=-~-~- By I:::::~~::~B 00. lu_1 ; . __..iU'a'.L..ll8, geL.- "",___ __.... __..,.,..,.., _ __.' o' _.... i I i 1 , lu Secntary. ..._..._.."O~.R...8.llJ:ua.. .....0.. .., -.. ':' "'--'--'j~'ii(r dnftl1mantat"v 8t.am'l'll RAnft"" lAd a ~ I l , ) ~ . " j 'u4 . Cherl'8 Dunoea, I to......... tie Praidst.... 8ecrduJ'. rillpedim,.. ~ tlIe IDdiIa Riww,.... c-p.ay. theecrporation deIcribcd lit tLe ~ drecI..... aad tIIq adJI6.W,ec1 ! W. - tW ~ - dIIb' ......... ., IUS ClOfJJClQlioe to taaIte tlIe '.... deed _Its ~. aad to ....Its.a- lUllI .. ita Mal tIlereto, that tile ... ..e4 i '..... .. ... CllIrptInCe ..... eI .... cwpgndoe. _ tbat .iii deed _ aecltlelf .., IUd ecrporation for the ~ lIMnID ~ aad,tIIq .mrauy ~ I dIt ~ ....to 116 tIMir fnt _ Ud deal.. --. o5cm. tar tbe _ aad pIIrpOJlS tJamiIa _~ ud tJaat tlIe uW ~t it die _taad deal eI JNd i ~W1THJlSSr, ,~,'--to""''''~''''aIicW_tIIII 2n4 .,,, Io.,..ber., 1922 i at die CItJ' eI DaftllPClrl. ...s Statc'~ . ~ , . , \ I ;. '~..!. 8.,1) ,i ' haDoee .I. neth Na4arJ'N6eIa....'orScottCoaelJ.1owa. t!' \ M~C- ,......apire Jul,.~ 1924 ',' i i,', ' " ' ~ m::J.}--/ I ' ... IT "NPf8BRB~. 1'W aa tWt 20th,., ., 01 Jul~, ' A. D. 1~5 . .. .., ..- 0' .1141"'.' It ask 01. CImIIt c-t Ia.... 'au." c-ty aft duly neonW tile Ioafttaiaa n.I. tile i ........ tl... '.~.., n, I : IlfWITNISS ,'."-,' ~.. BY........~ ~.... c-t. tile., ....,. ~ wridIlL (0\,0\.a..1 i .n;~..~;:.L.. n "~a;;;;;~ , , ...' I Br..~V.'~'h~"""'''''OeptJaftt. Ir~, D Of IOWA.\:... ' , ~"lbILr " f~....... *IT aeatIabii4 to tab .......~ to deeIIr, do IiutbJ' cadi)' tItat aa dah .,. ~ appw1III before -. Her. n oJ.' Z .uoh '/' . I . _A: .- . ,::'~;}:-')lWi!JI.11~