HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1637 . _; ~.~"'r."'I"r"'-~"~-~""""-:~~~~~~L~:""_!"""~"" " --~ ......_, "'--'::"""'~"'~",-'~'~~-:!~J"'f!F......,......~--:--..~~~-~~~~ ..._ " '"' f ....-~.....~-~"'_. ~ .......- .-........... --- - - ..., WARRANTY DEEO: ,to naa mDD1VH. W. the 231'4 cIq fII .., INDIAN RIVIIR PARKS COW>ANY.. ~ ~................ u..la1lS" tile &we ell'Iorw..l*i.J''' dIt....... to M. 81ebolcl. 'fIItheC~eII 1.o1'81n. ud SQte" Ohio 1lUt1" die --S put. WlTN8SSBTH. TIIat the... PIrt7 01 the 1m put. tar 11I4 1Il'~""'", 0( " on. (.1.00). ' , ,',' . :. DOtuRS, lawfal ~ III u.. Vaite4 -.... .... otIIer ..... ~ to It Ia .... .... '" 1M .w ~ Cll tlIe -....... at'. W-" 1M ...., ... ddlftr~ I fl.......-ab...... dIt Rafpt wIlInof It ,.... ~ M4pUUl1, ......... eoN...... ~..... ~ .... u.-...." doet", anal. I =... nkut. -ftf ... ooaIra _to die .w ~ " tlIe'" I*t .. .... .... .... ~'Ja fee....... u..... Ia It. I.ada ~.,1IorWa. detcribetI as Weet ~'n (10) aoree otTr8ot ~hr.. (S). in tieotlon '-b1r~I-on. (31). 'own8hlp'birt7-two South, liange Thlr~,-Jiin. (S9) Best. 8it theee. i8 deeignete4 Oil the 1a8t genera11>let of A. n; i.I" tlIe ~ IHOUI RrfBR r.u~k$ OOKl'ANY ,101. SInOL]) lsiHIB of the Indian R1"fer hJ'1D8 OODlpeI17. flled 11l the offioe of the 01erk of the Clroui t Oourt of ~81dt Luol.,Oount,. 1101'148. ~_..: . ~ Ii I i I f 1 ! I ! i i 6seese-1 ! i ; i , ! ~ I i , i I ,! I . I i ~ I ~ i I I I . ! SUbJeot' to ell' taxes end dItch ellsesements or 8a)' Iment8~ it an, be le.,ied ~or the ,ear 1922, and ell i t , I ~, ! I ~ !. \i I I ~ f i ..,..---- .,Q.. .,u...Bohru.m, .___.m. -- .-. -..t2~'OO"dooWient8r7 etem1)8 08noelled t I I l J I I I 8!)eolel aSB'eSlDlnb or 81l) speo181 subsequent. texes and asusemen'te. i; Il 11 i (Carp. SmJ) , I , Sipcd. SeaJtJ ~ DdiftfCd Iaa ~ 01..:' , " " __n...__.J,.f....f!.J!.~~~__...__.. _h ,:___.. '.. Hel'lIl8n J. Zeuoh' lu PraideDt, Oherles Duncan lIS &crctary. II Ii I'; Ii I: '! i I stAD OP JOWA.} c-tJ ., 8cett. ., , 'I. III c6ler dul711Ut11clrbcd to take .a-~ to'" do IIntb, -tiI~ that ClG t" 011,. pu...u,. appand ~_. Bermea J. S.uoh lIDlI Ch81"les Dunoen to_1ftBIa!owu.. th.~lIDlI StcmatJ'. ftII*tlftl7. eIItJae IDcIiq Iliwr 'aI'II!IIc.pu,.. tlIeCGrl>ClAtbadeKribed iD tile fonIOiar detd.... ud .., ~~ bdare - that tIley --..,. autIIorVed ""IUd QlIJIOnIioa to acaate tlIe ........ deed aa iV, btMIi. lIDlI to lip iU _ Qd .as Its ... tlIemo. that the .:.. dud thado II .... ClCIrJIClRk ... 01 ..... CJllfPIlfIlax.. and .... aI4 ~ _ ~ bf -.lei CIllrJIlII'&tba ,. tile IWJlOMS tJlcnia, upmIeII. .... tlIe)' 1n'InII,. ~cc1 tile a<<qtIaa tIIenoI to a. dIelr fret ,8Ct lIDlI deed .. .a ~ fQr u.e _ ud parJIOItt ~ ~ .- tIlat t'- IUd a.u-t is tlIe ~ lIDlI deed ell tUd ClIII'pOt'&tioa INWITNBSS WHElUWP. I aft tam.to alIM4..,. _ ud ClIIdaI --. dUe at tM CiCJ' 01 DaftltpCllt" ~ ... ~ afcnaIol '" ~ard ..,01 )fa, . 1923, (~' I ~ V #'( 'J J "('I If), t CI'.e. '~'.1;) ~, ~1'1 or rtoamA, },\,t c.., ., It. t.dt. ' BIrr '~II"'IRIID.""'GIItWs 1st, >..,01 AUJUst A. D.I.23 J, r. o. 11cl1'.4 , ' an " tile CkaIit c-t Ia Mot far uid Couty ....'9 dai)- ~ tile ...... Deed III tilt i HaIic RecaIdI 01... eo..ty. .' I IN WJ1'NBS8 ~;n.w~~..,........ "~c-t. ...,. ~ ~... writ_ . I ...n....,....._.(8IAL) i " , Dy..M.~...~ h...-.....o.,..,aak.I' / 'reno. B B. Ita th, HoCaI7 ~...... tar Scott c-t~. 10..... ~,.CO-....-ooaplns JulJ 4th 1i24 . I "~ - ";.,. .. ~ . - ~-t""_-!iffa~~$3.:;..' ~~ .- _V.f'}~'4\~:~~;: , '..' m-~'~0~~Wi.ii?,~"it,: . ~: 'l~ 1~;;~~~~~~r~~f~t~~~~~~~~~i~:J