HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCFILE # 435, !118 OR BOOK 4043 -PAGE 2.432, Recorded 09/22/20-, 04:58:41 PM AFTER RECORDMG- RETURN TO: PERMIT NUMRP.B•�q�� NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT the undersigned hereby.gives notice that improvement will be made to certain real property, and in eccorda ice with Chapter 713, Florida:StatutM, the following information is provided in this Notice of Commencement. I. DESCRIPTION Or PROt+ERTY (legal description of the property bt strut address, if available) TAx FOLIONO.' 1301-111-0001-000-5 SUBDIVISION _ •-aLOCH TRACT LOT . 9IAC UNT 2- GEN➢.RAL.DERCRIPTION OF 1MFROVEMENT' RC f 3, OwNER INFORMATION OR LESSEE INFORMATIOKIF THE LESSEE CONTRACTED FOR THE IMPROVEMENT: a.Nameandaddrcss:_Butch Landry 30Azul b. Inrerestan prapeity: ,Lessee cName and address offee simple udeholda•(ifdiffaentfrom owner listed ab,.): Wynne Building Group 4. a. CONTRACTOR'S NAME: Atlantic Construction and Roofing Contractor's add-.: 488E N Kings Highway, #229 Fort Pierce FL 34951 b: Ph.. iumba: 772'465-9700 5. SURETV (irapplieable, a copy efthe payment bond as attached) a. \ame and address. - •-- b. Phone Humber: 6, a. LENDF.R'SNA.ME: b. Lmdei•saddress: Pliant number: ._ _. ... � .._ . 7, persons, within the State of Florida designated by owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13 (1) (a) 7., Florida Statutes: a. Name and address: -_ -- - b.phoriinumbeisofdesigatedpersons:,,-,- g. a. In addition to himself or herself,Owner designates of to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13 (1) (b), Florida Statutes: b. Phorie numba of permoor entity designated by Owner: . _ _ __ --- • - 9. Expiration date of notice of commencement (thc'expiration date will be.1 year from the date afrecordiog unless a different date is specified): M . 20_ Arthur Landry__ (signature or Ownei or besme, or Owner's or Uessee's (Print Name and Provide signatory's Title/Office) Authorimd 01lfeer/Dirsetor/Partner/Manage6 . state of FI County of The foregoing instrument 60-;,j, wledged before me this day of 20 by + as J{(nam (type ofauthority,... e.g. officer. trustee, attorney in fact) for (murleofilartycinbehalfafwham;, slrunletiFwesexei:uted) O Personally Known _or Produced Identification 1 Type ofldentification used. Rebecca Lynn WOW* ox ! CO S + 475C iga re Notary Pnblicj EXFIRES- M* 4, 2010 (PM4 Type or Co issioned Name of Notary Public) ntNs!? w W1,AARONN07AR'.00M Rev. 10s5-12 34 35 2688-° 3088 -: 3 208 3'358-5 3429 -: 3496-1 35'61-: 3646-1 ADDL 3848-: 3901 LESS I 3994 SF) (( New Text Document E 1/2- LESS AS IN ORS 2639-'2,263: 2652-2429: 2664--2695: 2678-37.8,381: L6: 2.701-276.: 3025-2962: 3036-1191:.3050-1230: 3051-394:,3060-1187: 3075-2878: 5: 3096-1463: 3133-2075:, 3145,-3'56z 3148-543: 3158-362 3.181.-260'.3196-2467, >19: 3219=920: 3240-1216: 3279-1480: 3346-873: 3354; 2677 3354-2680: M: 3365-2074: 3365-1980: 3367-13.66::3376-2196: 3390-104: 3427-2558: L30: 3434-368: 3450-2260: 3456-2756: 3484-372: 3488-2952 3492-2952: 3496-739: i8: 3521-2029: 3524-2041: 3524-2045': 3535-1558: 3533-25601:1 3548-2148,: i67: 3564-856: 3602-2.800: 3605-25: 3610-1484: 3.619-293: 3613-154: 3630-1126: ZS: 3653-2611, 3702-258,.271: 3708-2289.: 3711-87: 3749-976: 3749-916- AND LESS .47 AC -,,AND LESS 3808-2115: 3808-2120 3830-1729: 3834-853: 3837-350: *4: 3856=840: 3858-2829,,2861,2871: 3864-759,766,772: 3886-1972: 3898-2037: 542': 3928-667,677: 3939-1075: 3949-883: 3953-1575; 3958-1159: 3969-1708.- AND )DL 0.33 AC- AND LESS OR 3972-2061:.3975-170: 3983-1576: 3991-1007,1037: 387: 4002-2345: 4020-2303,2313: 4031-1085,1120.,1161- (307.17 AC - 13,380,325 k 324-2491.: 404-907) Page 1