HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1650 ~.~ <r:" .~..,! I!.,.- .~ ~-:"......___-~ .~... ...~~;...\..,~-......-~~"':t~.....-..~T Ii>" ":~:.,:~~.~~",-;,,,,_,... : _~H~..""~.'?~~~-;;'~~'<r'~~..,...,..----:-:.-~~.......~~ , '.550'; ',WARRANTY,:OEEO' (. lOW II,,'UQ QO. to W. W. WAlJII' 18II1JII)DnVD."" tile -2&th- ' __ 01 -a',"Mer... IHDL\N Rtva 'ARKS COMPANY.......... orpIIiIed ..... .... __ die .... of 1M Slate eI J1ad4I, ,awt1 01 tlIe ... put, to , ._--W. w. .un....;....- . 'eI"'c-ty'~ --I.,,"e- .....Statu. ---PenD871?anl....-. , PlftJoItIIe.o.dput. W1TH1SSImt. TIIst the alelPIftJ 01 tIlie... put, lot ..... ~ of... ~ eI " ,........-One (tl.oo )..-- DOl.I.AllS, ...... ...... Ii the t1aIhIe4 aa-.; .... GdMr ...... ClOdiIWIratlotltO to It Ia ...... .......,... .... put)' 01 die IeCCIOlI PNt. at .. w.. tile ~ ud deIiftt, of ..... ........ u4 tile J-.Ipt wtMnof .. .....". KbowIedpd. w ,ana~ ........... .....,......' COIIft7ed.... ~, ... .., tMIe ..-ets ..1Mftby l!nD1. , ...................., ... -'Ira ato 1M'" put)' 01 tile __ put .... Ide,.... ........... Ie fee........ tJei...... .. sa. tude Caaaty. JIIoridt, deIcriIMd ., loIcrn: A. D. 1988 b1 tIlie , , fraO~ I1nl(9') intbl SCMlt.h Balt (st) of 8.0101 'on I1De (I). towDlhip Th1r \1-two (88) , , South. Baup:!h1i~-iliDe (31) Be~t, ~CIIl~1.1DI12."6 aor.. .0.18 Oi lasa. .. the .... i., deal,. ted on thl l..t gener el plat ot 1 in cta, of t_'Indian Hi'fft 'ar 118 OOIllp8QJ, :t1'ied, ~'t:b. "Offioe of the ci.rk of th.CirouU o~'rt.o:t'saint Laoie OOUD_~ ud Ohar1es DunGan. to.... ___tile PmicIeat.....llufttery.mpectiftly.oftlle Iadiu tuftl'P....~. tH~tIoa dsribed lathe foncolac drcd.. _.. ud ~ ldJao-W&td WGn _ tW tIIty - dIaJT aetIIarbM br .w Ccr,or.tioD to ftefate tM Icftaolq eked _ (u brMJf. ad to lip (u _ ud eIh ita ... tIIento, tJaat tlIe leal eIiud ... .. tile CXJrplI'ate ... 01 .... CIClI'pCfttioe. ad tIaat aiel ckecl _ aIIl:IIted .., .w curporatioa I<< tile parpoteI .... ~ ad tlIet annJb' ~ ... ~ tIIereof' to .. dIdt Ine ~ II8d eked .. IldI llIIcets. lot die _ ea4 purJlQIft tMreUa ~ ea4 tJaat tile said ~tls the ad ea4 cked eI said ~ , '.' 1M WlTNSSS WHEIlaOP, J IlilW.lllft.to ..... ->' _ ud oIidaI.-J, tills at lite ~:'l.v- . ~.. c-t)' .- S..tuloraeicL / t. ': i( I. P. SBAL) 1 I I I j I I i ! 1 ! j J I 1 I I f i I I I . ItS PraidaaL } i i ! IIa Seaewy. i I j ~ l ~ i I I --26Ul--de,.of --8ept..ber--- 19281 'uno ea B. Plath ' t N0CM7 J>allIe la .... tar Scott CGaaty. Iowa. I M,.t"- '-'raaplns -Jul7 4th--1924- . I 8T.lft'O! ft.OJUD-,!_}. i c....,~ I ,,' .. IT 1lIIJOlIOlaR8~ TIIat_tWI -3rd- dlqof -'oyeDlber--- A.. D. t9 28 i r,:.. 0.. m. a .ct Cleft eI lite Qrcak c-t Ia - lor ... c-.t)o "'Ie duly -.led tlIe ...... Dml. de t .... .....1.1I... ce..tr. ' . . m:::::_...._..~;;....~.....7::G.Kl&..4 '--"'ad~=.} I . · .o~,,' ...-.._~~..,,_...... "() .,~ftI Subject to all taxee _ct d1 toh aasessments or 8D7 8peoial a..ell8lll en's tt 8D7 be levied for ihe rear 1983, and all sUb..quent tax.a and a8HeB8D8nta. ~:'.', l ~ - ~ Iaoftver. tlIe ript eI .., lot paI& rwcIt. dJaIaep auIs. ucI dltdlee lit tbowa _ tile plat 01 eeid IucIs ..de by tft party al the lint pUt. . TO HAva AND,~ HOLD THB SAt.l1I, t~ ~ ell tile ~Ia aad .ppaI'tmaDllts tknuato~. uato the said party al the.-d part aad Ide Wn ucI.... fa fee 1iaIpIe~. . , ADd tile ..... pert)' al die Int JIUV. * ltadI MIl ita ___does IIeftby ~t wfth aid put,. 01 the ItCOIIld put, Idslltin, IesaI repn.atati-. ea4 usips ..., It" ""~"'I)- IIbed eI, aiel ...... Ia Ice ......; tloat It .. IaI ~ ...s ...r.. riPt to _wy IUS Iud ill lee timpk. as e1onsa1d; tJaat it .. .. fawful for .... pUty of tile -.d put, ... ..... ... '~tha, ad ..... at .. u- ~ ud quietly to nata' upaa. hold. O<<UPJ'. ..... aajoy aid Iud; tloat .... Iud Is me &otiI ..' - L_; tW 1t....a.....wtW _ to perlcct. the lee tImpIe title to .... Iud as _,. ~ be rtquind. eacI tJaat it cIoes beRbJ' I...,. ........ tile title to.w laad,ucI will ddead tile........ the lawful dea. 01... ~ wr..-...... JH \YrTHBss WHEREO'. de puty al... tnt put, _ tlIe de~ u4 ~ first ebo.e ,""ttal, bed ~ ita _ to be IIipBJ eacI its corporate ... to be aliucl to d8e...-u .., IU I'hsIcIdt u4 ita~. wWdI ~ M\'e __ duI,. ..tIIorblId .- nopowued by raoa.tiOa al the Board of Directon of the INDIAN RlVSR 'AJUoUl COMPANY. putp" die Int put ~ to aeade - ddiftI' tills cIftd. IIDIAI BIVBB .AIM Co. '! B, (CcIrp. SIal) ~ Helll8D J. Zeuoh SicMd. SaW ...,DtliftRd III ~;., a: Oharles Deoan , , ~_h"._.Y.a_:t.._...._____ _.____ __,.__..;__..,....,..,..... .._..............~_.-'_,... .h.__. __~__ _.....,.. ___.. ___.'_ ,('2.00 Documental, 3taapft oeDoeUed ) 8fATa ,OJ Io.....L c:..." ...... r-- r. _ oA:w" ..u.rited to tale ~~ '- deecIt, do"'" ftrtlf,. that CIIl tiIis de,. ~ eppdftd btIcft _. Hermaa J. Zeuoh, ... U~' I . " ' ~ _..;:~;:;'At!.I~lt~