HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL ROOFING UNDERLAYMENT4 ton- "R "ib Of ILI'apae i. rProduct Approval USER. Public User M Product Avoroval Meng > Product o . r Application search > Application Us > Alipolli-ilon Detail FL # FL9771-R9 Application Type Revision Code Version 2014 Application Status Approved Comments Arciilved Prq,dt;ct Manufacturer Ow6nt Corning Address/Phone/ - Email One Owens qd ing*Pirk.Way Toledo, OH 43659' (74 ' 0) 404-182 ' I §reg*eeli6r@Qwqnscorrlfngicorn Authorized Sjgrtaturo Greg Keeler greg.keeiler@.owensit6rtiing..com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/,Phone/Email 'Cate Oiy- Roofing Subcategory Uiridierlayments Compliance- Method Evaluation luatIon. Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed F PeofeOCOnal Engineer Evaluation Report - Haitdcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name Who developed the "Zachary _C R - Priest Report Evaluation 1 y Florida. Licenser P&74021. Quality'Assurance Entity UL.I LC Quality -Msur6nce Contract* Expiration Date Validated .ey Loc I ke, gowddh :AValidation Checklist Hard"copy Received Certificate of independence ROM, R5. COI OCR14001.6 FBC 2014 Eyaluatin Report We athei - ;Non-HVHZ.FJNAL,6d Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) -Standard xem ASTIR. 1970 2909 ASTM 1) 226 2000 ASTM GISS 2005 TAS'.103r 1995 UL';1897 2004 will e Copy ro Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 04/.12/2017 Date Valldated 04/12/2017 Date Pending. FBC Apprdval 04/13/2017 DaW.Approved 06/13/2017 Summarv"nf Prndlarta FL Model, Number or Name Descript[on t 9777.1 : Weatherlock G Weatherproofing Underlaym.ent Limits of Use. Approvgd-for.use in HVHZ: No. Approved. for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact'Resistant:: N/A Design Pressure: N/A Other: See -.evaluation report for limits.of use. i I Installation. Instructions L9777 R9 II oCR14002 6 BC 2014 Evaluation Reoor Weatherlock Ngh-11VUZ FINAL,bdf Verified BY: Zachary R. Priest 74021 Created by independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports! Eh9777 R9 AE OCR140G2.6a FBC 2014 Fvalnat'on Reno Weather iock Noi1-HVHZ• FINAL.odf Created by Independent Third Party:• Yes 9.777.2 WeatherLock G (Mlgh'Tear) Weatherproofing: Urderlayment ,.Limits of Use. .;Installation Approved'for use rn� Awn.. No Approved for use outsides HVHZq Yes impact Resistant; N/A Design Pressure: NIA Other: See evaluation report for limits of use. Instructions, FL9777 R9 II OCR14002 6a FBC 2014 Evaluation RepQr llleatherioyk Mori-HVHZ FINAL.ntlf Verified BY," Zachary R. Priest PE-74021 Created by Independent Third Party.: Yes Evaluation Reports E 777 R9 A9. OCR14002 6a FBC 014 Evaluation Reno Weatherlock HVHZ Non FINAL pdF Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 19777.3 tWeatherlock MAT lA/aterproofing lnderlayment .Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes; Approved for use outside HVHZ: No. Impact Resistant: N/A Design' Pressure NIA i Other: See evaluation report for limits of use. FL9777. R9 Ii OCR•14002 01 6b FBC24 Evaluation R nor Weatherlock HVHZ.pdf Venfled. By. Zachary. R.. Priest 74021 Createdbyindependent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports j Fi_97�l.. R9 AE OCR! 002,6b FBC 2014 Evaluation ke.nr Weatheriock HVHZ.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes. i 4777.4 Weatherlock MAT, Waterproofing Underlayment Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: NIA Design Pressure NIA Other: See evaluation reportfor limits of use. in Instructions FL9777 -R�9 IF�O61114002 6a FB 2014 Evaluation Reoor Weatheriock Non-.HVHZ FiNA ,per Verified By Zachary R. Priest 74.021 Created' by Independent Third Party: Yes Eicaivation Reports •R5-AE F1_9777• OCR14002 6a FBc 2nta Evaluation Reoo Weatheriock Non-HVHZ FINAL.pdf Created by Independent Third. Party:. Yes f 9777, 5. WeatherLock.Metal r Weatherproofing lJndedayment v.u..V V,o W042 Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: NIA Design Pressure: NIA Other: See evaluation report for limits of use. inatailatfon Instructions F19777 R9 11 0CR14002 6a FBC 2D14 Evaluation Reoor Weatherlock Non-HVHZ FINAL.pdf Verified By: Zachary. R. Priest PE-74.021 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL97y7 Rg AE QCR 1 d002 6a FSC 2n1 a Evaluation Repo , CREEK TECHNICAL SERVICES* LLC Certificate of Authorization No: 29824- . 17520 Edinburgh Drive Tampa, FL.33647 (813.)460-9421 EVALUATION REPORT FLORIDA BUILDING.CODE r— EDITION (2014) Manufacturer. OWENS CORNING ROOFING AND ASPHALT LLC Issaed April Z 2017 1 Owens. Corning Parkway Toledo; OH 43%7 (800) 4384465 wyww.-owansCarning.c'om Manufacturing Location: Brentwood, NH Houston, T)( Quality. Assurance.: UL LLC '( .1t:iA9625) SCOPE Category:: Raciing Sub'caiegory:' undedayments Code Se6tions: 1.504.3.1,1507:2.4, 1507.2.8,'15072,9.2; 1507.3 3,.1507.4,5, 1,50.7,4.5.2, 1507".5.3; 1507 10.7.3,-15.07:7:3:2: Properties. Physical. properties REFERENCES Enti RedortAo. Stands .d Yeas PRI Construction Materials Technologies (%T6049). NEI-0340Z01 ASTM D' 1970 2009 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (fST6049), NEI-942-02�QiREV2 ASTM D'1910 2609 PRI Construction Mat6dals Technobgies .(TST6049) NEI-045-02-01 TAS'l03 1995 PRI Gonstnicfron,MsteclT alsechnologies (TST6049) NEi045.02=01 ASTM.G165 20055 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (17ST6049} NEt-053-02-01 TAS 103. 1995 PRI Construction Materiafs'Techiiologles (fST6049) NE1-053-02=01 ASTM G 155• 20t)5a PRI Construction Materials Technologfes (f5fi6049); 14069mz-di ASTOM 1970 2009 PRI .Construction Materials Technologies (T8T6049) ' 0CF=213-02=01 ASTM D 4623 2009. -PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST6649), OC1=-237 02 :09 UL 1897 2004 PRI Construction MatenaisTeehrlolagies (T$T5878) OCF=252 02D1 ASTM D. 4798 2061: PRI Construction K(ateddls T' tchnoiogies . TS'f6644): 0CF-252=02=01 ASTM D 1970 2009 P.RI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878} OCF=25U2-02 ASTM U 1970 2U09 PRI Construction.Matenals:TeChOologies (T5T6ti49) OCR=272 02.. 01 1AS 103 1998 :PRI Construction'ml it-rialsTechnologies (TST6049) 0CF49&02=02 ICC-ESAC 188' 2012 I76ES.AC4 20:12 PRI .Construction Materials Technologies (T,9T6049) OCF-297-02=01.1 ASTM D 1970, 2009 T0eterry6ed to be equivalent to ASTM D.226=06, Type f and It 7 OCR14002.6a F1.9777: R9 page t of 4 This evaluation report is prowled for State of Florida product apptovel..Under, Rule 61 G2D. 3'... The manufacturer shalF notify CREEK Tectrnical Services, 4LC of any product ehai►ges or quality assurance: changes throughout the duration. for Which this report is vaild.. This; evaluation report. does not express not imply warranty, Installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed: herein. CREEK, TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC PRODUCT DESCRIPTIQN AND WiTs OF USE ROOFING. AND ASPHALT LLC. Weaffierl.acl* Self -Sealing ice & Water 6ardeirs WbatherLdtl(90. W-eatherLockO.G. is art ASTM 019.70 self-adhesive underlayment constructed from 8.B8 (Brentwood, NH) modified asphalt, a fiberglass mat reinforcement and surfaced with granules The product Is. supplied in 1-sq. rolls withnominal dimensions of x 66.7-ft- WeatherLOOV'(3 is permitted to be used with.mechanicAly fastened asphalt shingles wood shakes or shingles;, and slate roofing as, prescribed bed 1 n the FOC. E.Xpb.!§ur6 on -the roof deck. -shall he limited to a r0agimum go days. WeathorLockO.Mat Weaffierl-ockS Mat. is an -ASTM D 1970- -self-adhesive. underlaymerit constructed from (Brentwood;. Nil. or 613S. Mqdiffed.as --with a fiberglass mat reinforcement. The. product is supplied in I.- , Houston, .4 s I' ,ro Isvith nominal dimensions -of 3-ft.x 33.349nd 2 si:i..rolls with nominal dimensions of 37ft-X, 66.7-ft. WeatherLqcko Mat it permitted: ittod to be Usedwith mechanically fastened asphalt shingles, wood shakes,or shinglos,. and slate. roofing as prescribed in the F13C. Exposure on the ro6f,deck shall be limited to.a. maximum 30- days. WeatherLockS Metal WeatherLockO Metal is an ASTM Q 19'70 sdlPadhe$ive underlayment constructed. from (Brentwood, NH) .$BS modified 660tiattwi.th a; fiberglass. mat reinforcement and plastic film surface. The product is 6tioptldfln 2.0 sq. rolls with nominal .dimensions of-3-ft x66.7.4t WeatherLock@ Metal is permitted 'tor .4a:.tised Wltft'tndchahkdally f6stened asphalt . shingles, metal rqof,,p4iWs&-qhjn0`ieg,wo'shakbs'orshingles, and sia , te.roofing as prescribed :In the. j:8 .. 0. Exposure;. on, the roof :deck shall be limited to a maximum 90 days, WeatherLock@ We4ther'Locke. specialty. Tile & -.Metal is art. ASTM D 1:970 self-adhesive undedayment 4peclafty. Tile & Metal constructed froth $13$,*Mqd1fl6d asphalt uffiaced with: and. s : a, non -woven. pblyetterfabrir— (Brentwood, _NH) The proopot.is.soppli-ed. in 2.14 sq,:mllswith .nominal dimensioris-of.3-ftx 71.94 .WeatherLock(b Specialty Tile & Metal is permitted to. . be used with mechanically fastened asphalt shingles play.qr -opacrato .616, metal roof panels or wood, shakes or shingles,_;'a -asr, prescribed in Wiiiaathe' dlO'Speci -Tile & ,pd.,shitd rp.ofinq prepci, . . , rLo Specialty Pvfetalis Oftittqd to be useit*th.idheied clay; or concrete file roofing -using either ' 2-comportent F-barn Tile Adhesive AHLiO (8M CompanA of TILE BON137m. Roof Tile Adhesive {The Dow CImp ical,Cdmp;3ny.j., t . . - ,VosuEe,ont.he'Toof-deek-shc-ollbe-.Ifmited to &'maxiioum!�O.dpys. The, maximum roof slope shallhe-6:1.2kwhen used. -with day or concrete tile installations, without- 6attOns greater Tile shall be -on- battens for roof slopes g at r than 6a2. Ties shall not be stacked greater 10 files per,stadk,, WoatherLock&G (High 1{VQ pe'LockeG (High Teat) is-.aqelf-qdhere.d,.und6rlayment used as an alternefive to Tear} AqTJM_:P2Z,6','yT' Type Type I or Typ It 'roofing felt and AsTMD 19105..sWf-adhering 'd q ng polymer {Houston; T4 modified bitO".n underli*ent. The underlayment is composed pfSBS mo 4 60 .0t6�a1berg(pss ma;iViginal roihf6r6bm'ent.a*nq'L,-.tUrf4c6d wfthVrantA1es.:The asphalt with; granules:: 'rolls product is supplied -with i- nominal thicknessof tt i, - 11.45-sq' with 'nomina nominal §0 mi dimensions of 8-4' x 65-ft. WQ`athe[rLoqk6 0'(Hidh Tear)- ls�jpermifted.,to be Used with rhechahipplly asphalt $teri'lod at shingles metal roofing'. slate, shingle, wood shingles and wood. ifiike's�as' prescribed in . thQ,F'00-. Exposure on -the roof- ded . k . shall'be limited to'! maxi 30 days.' This'-evqluatiori, report Is provided for Statii c Technical Seftes, LLG of -any product Oil This, evaluation report does -not express nor* spebilically-addreised herein, of.4 ides throughout i .the%duraton for-whidh. this report is valid. toMminded use', orothe r pfoduct attdbtjtes!th4t are not OWENS CORNING ROOFING AND ASPHALT. LLC...... C REEK WeatherLackStelf-Segift Icb &Water Barriers T-EPINICAl, SERY'lCES, LLC PRODUCT APPLICATION Min.. Roof Slope' 2:1 Z of, in accordance in with the FBO. Application: Allundellaymenits shallbd installed in accordance with: the FBC- Deck- substrates shall be clean, dry, and free from any irregularities and debris. All fasteners in the deck shall be checked for protrusion and corrected pr4or to underlayment application. Prior to beginning installation, the -undedayment shall be unrolled and allowed -to. re/axf.or a Mh?#1num of 34 minutes: The UAd6daym6fit shall be installed with. the release: backer removed. and pressed firmly into place ,tQensure complete. contact with the deck.'Th6 Undedayi%drit shall be installed with the rolllength parallel to the earv.6, starting g at, the save; and with minimum3"- side laps and nirfimurn' 6*'.eOd laps staggered min. 6-ftfrdm preceding course. Additionally, it applying. y Tile &. Metal, end W * :shall be: primed * Wgpthkr�-bck@- Specialty T laps With ASTM b 41 prim- o sealed with I , gr r d with asphalt roof cement a minimum of 3-4 ihcheg. across'the "dth of,the.lap:: .1tis permissible to back nall'.the underlaymerit11.2-inchis% on -center at -needed, (nails:shall be:installeid perpendicular to. deck- With the riail heads - flush to the; top surface of the urldefty.ffient).. Additionally;Weathet.Lo&@. Specialty Tile & Metal shall W backnailed when Installed on roof slopes greater than 3:12, Min. Application 40*. F; Contact the manufacturer' when installing at temperatures below the. minimum Temperature: applicagon, temperat0re, WIND RESISTANCE The Maximum Design Pressures shown -below were. calculated using- a 2:1 'margin of safety, per FBC S detion, 1504.9 Undedayrnent System No.1 .—WeAthdrL-6ck. Specialty Tile & Metal Oniv Roof Deck: " Mid, 15132,'-Inch CI)Xplywood, oftachedtowood:'suppiorts;'gpadod a maximum 24 O.C. Undedayment WoiatheiLoike .Specialty ill 4 'Oeitqf shall I be applied in accordance with, MjqufaqNrpr`s installation :instructions to the fastened deck and backnalled along the selvagewith..m.irlimurn 12ga., I-11-44nq galvanized , ring -shank rooli . ng nalls'through . primed, 329a. x 1:5f8-inch H. tin, caps spaced .12.' O.d: The applied:- undodaymerit shall: be rolled a rp nirtipq Sf&, steel. roller 'Immediately following aipplicailon. Maximum Design A.05 psf. Pressure: OCRI4002.6a i0f. This evalp4tiqn- report is provided for.State of Florida product approval. under Rule 61G20-3, The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LL6 oferry prodWt changes.or quality assurance chan&s4hroughout the duratfonfor which this -report Is valid'. This; evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, - or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. .,OWENS CORNING. ROOFING AND-ASPHALT-LLC WeatherLack® Self4paling Ice. & Water Barriers TECHNICAL_ SERVICES,, LLC GENERAL LIMITATIONS 1) This.-eValuation report is not use In the HVHZ. 2): Fire Classification is.not within the scope of this evaluation. 3) Installation of theevaluated product shall comply with:thls report, the FBC, and the manufacturer's published application, instructions: Where di crepancies exist between these sources, the more restrictive and FBC co.- iantfnstallation.detail shall prevaif: 4) The roof deck shall -be >constructed of closely fitted plywood sheathing for new or existing<construction. 5) The space under the deck area shall be property ventilated in` accordance with the FBC requirements.. 6) All side lap seamsshall be.lnstalied to shed water from the -deck. 7) The 'uhtleirlayment; may be used as descijbed in other current FBC product approval documents. A) Design, wind .load pressures. shall. be determined. for components and cladding in accordance with FBC 1609. 9) The roof de* shall- be -designed by others in-accordance:Wft1 h FBC requirements to resist the design wind. load pressures for components :and cladding. 10) Maximum' Design 'Pressures fora given..undedayment shall meet or exceed the design wind loads determinefld.r.the.roof. assembly. 11) All produets;listed`in this report shall be. manufactured under-9 quality assurance program in compliance with Rule 61G20-3. COMPLIANCE:S:TATEMENT The products evaluated herein by Zachary R. MOM, P.E. have demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code 5" Edition (2014) as evidenced in the referenced doicuments subm t)ed by the named; manufacturer. " �•�`� FAY R:: Af'��i ' ' No 7 0 1515;46 5?ATE OF 'w:.` '04 0.0 IQ ". kri Q R t'D N'�N`,:.. • Zachary R. Priest, P.E. �0,ls,' ONAL-`� A Aryan ation$No-ANE9641 tration No. 21 CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE CREEK Techo1gal-4ervice%.LLC does not have,. nor wiii d'_acquire, a financial Interest in any company manufacturing or dislribuUng prod•uats under.this e4aluatio.0. , CREEK Technical Services, LLC is, riot owned operated or•contralled by any compaity,manufaeturing.ordistributing products,under this evaluation: ZacharyR. Priest,, P.E. does nothave, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products underilhis-evaluation. ZacharyR. Priest, P.E. does not have; nor will acquire;a financial Interest In any other entity involved in the approval process of the product Technicat•Services, LLC of any This evaluation report does not specifically addressed herein. END".OF REPORT Florida 9 of 4. aianges or quality assurance changes throudhout the duration for which this report is.valid. nor imply warranty, installation, reoontmended Use, or other product attributes that are not