HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1652 .I.-:....".~~-:...,;:~.J.,.-..+.-...""""'...~_~...-~'.".,.. ......~_._.~......-.........-.__.........,>r>-....~"---._.__~~_. 0<:__ .... -~._.,.~~ ~__~..."-:w,~_.._.___?~.-~:'...... (< U;'" " , l( it ~' I''',':' ~ ~ (, "- {( }. , ~~.~......._--~~..._.--:o--.--.. 552, &to. .,_~MIlC_!.U~"'''' ~""'"~~_... ~" -(..." -WARRANTY ,DEED I I A. 0.1.2 .....1 to IllDUlf BXVI1l'I'AJU&8 COIIP.6UY' Jl. 'J. DALBY TlDlIIIDD1'VU, ..... die 6~ dq 01 : 00 to bel' INDIAN '1\1\'8R' 'ARMS COMPANY. 1& corpontIaa QIIUIiIId ucI oistltti __ tlIe .... 01 tile 8tatt eI PIorWa. ~ 01 tile Ant pen. 'to ll. J. Heltl. oItlIe~oI 0U7ahog8 ... Slate fl Oh 1 0 ~ 01 tlIe teCOOd put. W1'I'NJISSImI. "., die IUi ptIty 01 tile lint 1*1. for .ad Ia CClIIIidfta\Gt 01 tile _ 01 ' One (\11.00) , ' . , .' DOtuRS. ..10M ~ Ia U. UaIte4 SIatelt. ... otIttt' ...... ~ to It .. IIaad pdd '" the aaId JlUtT 01 tlIe --S put. at '" belen tM ->>III UId cldiftfl' , 01 theIe ....'" aad tlIe neeIpt wIItnGf "11mb,. ~ .... paIl~ llerpIac4. .... rdeaIed, ~ UId -"-f. ,ud br U- pneati doee benb)' anal. , , =........ -~ ~ -'ra _to the IUd JIUV iii tile --S put ud WI ...11I4..... Ia lee IimpIe aD tlIe IaIa4 Ia St. I.ade c-lJ. JlIoridlI, dr<<ribcd as i 1.01. 110. 4, 6 6: en4 , ln Blook !to~ 1'weab-n"fe (26) in the,Oity of 'tro ...UDlI.1A.e, 88 the s.., ,lB cJes1p~e4 on, the' p16t of Indlan Abel' )"el'll8 00.pen"8 iAlbdb e1&~nn of the Ole k ' Of the, OirouIt. out ln8n4 for 8a1dRiBHi!fIOBS., ' , ' " " 1. The purohaser mu8t oleer hi8 lot of ell un4.rbrueh or undeelrab1e'growth within 90 dale fro. 4818 ,froll <lete of puroheEe, end in t.he..,.nt of hle not. oo.pl~ing with this the C0III])8n1 :::~l\~e~.t~:r~tl~:r~~ c1,O 8uoh oleer ing, at b008t ,I10tto exoee~tlO.OO per lo~ and oharge f.fhet the purohe_tr Will, withIn one ~eer!ro. dote,8et or o~uee to ho",e set out., ,t f e.8\ five OtflalDenta (r..eon the lot,ana.t UBt 'wo orne.enHl 'rue betwtenthe B14ewoll anc1 ourb line, w~iohwl11 be oered for '. the ompent et a nominal 008t, In the event thbt ' I l:ro~::tretf g:11grni~ie~tg~i: _st fil'st' oomplY ~lth \he resbt"~,iotionl With rdertRoelt~ liJ ' t~::e~~~:t;!(~~p~~~~. o:~d h~olt:htl1i~!Y~~~ ~t~:a~~:gt:d', ~tt~in e t~e 8~:st~l" ~t:~" ~~Btl"tot 0 whlo11 Eo entel1'8I1 "~nd1t.Ure of llse th(an 2 .00 without IPlohl perm8Blon of the vomP6D1. "11 I bui1dlngs, lnoludlagroof8, shell b ,PI ntec1 withln 10 dele l~om oom~letlon. ' f !bis oontr88' t 8~~llee tDl, ~o, lot. in the r~8trioted dietrlot ln the to.n of Vero, a8 is ' shown, on, the ompen, 8 plat of the Vero town.h. 8ub~eot'to 811 texee and ditoh 8ssessmente or en, eneoia1 8B8essments, 11 oD1be levied, for thllf16r 1922. IInd ell sub8equent taxe8 and 8B8esements. ......~~..................... ..... ---.........-.....-_ * ,*,...-.w ......~...,...,. ~..... , TO HAVR AND 'ro HOLD TH~ SAUlt tocdIo<< with lIIl the loeftcIiu-sab aad ~ thtftuato bdoaPlI. unto the said pulJ ol the ImlOd part aDd IIit hein .- ......Ia fee .....Iornet. , , . AItd the .... puq 01, tile lint put,.. fat itd ud ltJ -.n. cIocs badJy _I rth .... part,. 01 tM Ift:ODd put, his bdn. Itp,I ~latha. IUld assips u.t It ..1aokf-1iNy tcUed 01 laid Iud ill fft _pit; tlIat it ... fuK poIrft uad ..trI.. r1Pt 10 aJIlftJ' laidl&lld ill fee 1impIr. as aforesaid; that it sIW1 be lawful for said , part)'ol th!l__ put." hein, Iep1 ~laU", ad..... at aU tiIMs ~ ud quirt1)' to tsltcf UJlOD, boId.Ol'CGPJ'. aad aaJot' aid Iud; that 3&id Iud is free '-.. ~; that il1ril -a IlxIa furtbtr ____ to pafect _pie title to laid Iud as _)' ~ be RqWrcd, aad that it cIocs heftb,. folly wunat tlIe title to aid !aDd. aDd wID clefaad the _ ...- the Iawf.. . 'ill" ~ .~~~. ,IN WlTNBSS WHIUlIlO~. ' eI tile In& pen. UId )'CU Ant aboft wrillal. II&d cauxd ltJ ...me to be Iiptd aad ib CGfpOnte IN! to be dud to tilde ..-- "'.ltJ 1'IeoioImt' its, ',' wIUda oAeas aft bcCIl dufl' uthorbed aad ~ee1 '" ndutioo of the Board eI birecton ol the INDIAN RJVHR FARMS COMPANY. put)' tlIe '"' put ~ to a<<ute.... dtliwu this.s-t. . Indian IU ",er F8r118 00. ! B)' i I , , \ (C<<p. Seal) ) Siped. Sealed ~~elas: ...~A.JiA..aaUJlll'''''''h'''''''' ...'.....,.'.'", " ""., HU1Daa J. ~.uoh Its Pnsidaat, 'Uherlee ~oan 115 Stcntary. "_u.9..'zl..'....S.q~..UJl~..L... ....... .'....... '.", 't1-;;OO"doouaeatar, etemp oeaoel1ed. ~~~=A,}- , .. - cAB.,..lUIlIoorircd to tab ~___ to __ do brftb,. ftftify that 011 this da)' ~ appeand before me. Hero n J. Zeuoh u4 Oherlt eDw108n to_wtllao-._tlIe PresirJeDt.....5ecRWr. respcdh'dJ-.oI the Iacfiaa Rhu P_ COIIIJIU)'. tlMoo.pcntioa ~ ill tlIe fcncomc cited,... aod t.hty 1K~W....d . Wen _ daat u., wtft dDIr IltItJoari..s b)' aid ClIIrpClI'atioe to ucaate the forqoilla cited _ ltJ beIaalI. UId to ... its _ UId alIUIlts -.1 themo. that tM .....ee1 i tIIerdo .. U. ClDqIClI'ale tal eI aid c.poratiaa. UId lh.t aid deed .. _led '" laid corporatioo fOf U. plII'JlCIIItI thefti1l a~ &lid theF JeYUall' ~ i tlIe ~ thcnoI to be tlIeIt- free lid aDd cIenI .. .ucla oIiern, Ie tlIe ... aad ptUJIOIIeS theRia mnUoaed. a:IIf lIaat t1Ie laid ilattumcat is the lid aDd deed eI.ud ~' ~~ WlTNt por~iUolt;;~a, fthemlatoaabecIlBJ_aadolllcial-'.thIlI 6th da)'ol Ootober, 1922 t at tlIe CilJ eI De CGIIIIty utd {ltate .ron-id. H'.R. 8eof) j , Derr7 B. We~...er Notuy I'IIbtic Ia UId for Scott CGual)'. Iowa.. , \ j M)' c- :""'iulI apirft July" th 1924 '--~ STAft or 1t01IDA,,} c...,..1t. ..... BB rr RIUlDlBHRBD. 'J1Iat aa dll. 9th da)' 01 JfOTellber A. D. I~& ! .. I. O. Bldre4 J Cleft 01 th Ciradt c-t fa aDd lor aid COUDlJ' IIaft daIJ _.w t.be fonpiac Deal.. tlIe r N* ~4'" CouaIJ'. . 1 IN WITN~, ._ft.....1o lit IBF aadtte... 01 aid c-t. the dq u4,.., abcwe cniU!IL , ((Ct.ojt..li~'~ ) . .~ '"....: 1...Q...~14J'.4. . .'''' , .......,~.~~=L) I '" ~ 0,. ,~ ..,~~,............[)qMyClak. · ~. ~ ~ - . . :.' <3:..~<~'T. ~ .-.:,~~.:;' .~-:i.~~""~3;.:.. '.. . ::~~~;:-"~~~~"-i;.~~~~~-;~,,.-;i ~ ~'_". ~.>.~~.~~{~~~~~~~~J~~t