HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1653 ~"'''- ._............~',.........~.--.........,-~... ''""-'...'"",'''-.~'- ----""t'-.....--~......~..~,..---.. _ ~'.>~ .- i.--.y"'-";-'''~~''''~' -.....-.""'...........-..........7- _0.. ____,.....;0.......---.... ~,...3 t)D ,..~...',......--.-.c.~~ : _.'!C_~.~..:!"''':"tt: tt~"-5.lIlh~~~..f~\~_. ____ .__ I i ~ 5 ~ 11118 DlDIlmJU, Made tile aent da7 01 Jul, ~ INDIAN RIVER FARMS COMPANY.. corpantlaa cqubed aDd uIIti8c IUIder dIt.... 01 tlIe &ate of ftorida, puq of tilt... put. to i B.J. HeU, oItllec-tyol 0Q78h088 I aDd State 01 Oh 1 0 puq 01... .-d part. ~ wlTN~n. TIlat the aid IJUtf 01 \lie ant pen. tar aDd in COIIIIdttatba 01 tlIe _ 01 i One (,1.00)' DOLl.ARS. p lawful..,. Ia tlIe Ualted Sta_ ud otIIW ..... CIlIIIidna~ to It Ia IIaItd pU4 ." till ...' puty fl ... .... part. at'. Wan till -... .... drJiYCr~ ~ 01 tIIae ...-au. aDd tlIe rtedpt wIMnoI .. IImb1 ~ Iaa4 puled. bupIqed. 1llId......... caGft1'd.... ~ .-." tIIae ~la .. Mrtb7 ..... j, · bupIa. ItIJ, ...... -ft7 ucI coaen. uto the IUi ~ 01 tile --' put .- ~ hein........... Ia fee IiJapIe all tlIe Iud Ia at. I.ude c-aty, JIIorids. ~ at I I folJowa: .' I Lot 110'. l'olU'tein (14' j.n blook ,Mo light (8) 1nthe 01t, 'of nro, noricl8, 8S the Beme i. t cleslgnetecl OD the plet of, Incl18n 1ttver 'Ferme OomJ8D7 'e wbdl"f1810n, reoor4ecl in the offioe I of the Olerk of~he 01roult Oourt In eacl for eaicl-Oount,. ~ _ ' " BB8!JUOTIO!fS. , I ~ 1. ~he purohoser mustoleer his lot of all unclerbruah.or undesirable growth within 90 dO,s from i elate of purohasi. encl in the e.,ent of his not oomPllin8 with this, the Oom,enr Shell have t~e i ~~f~:r~o Ao euoh olearing a', . oost not to exoeecl , O. 0 per lot end oharge ea.. to the ~lU'1 ~ 2. ~hat the purohaser,' will, 111 thin one Jeer from clote, Bet or OBUBe to he.,. Bet OUt at lee~t ~ n"ll ornemen.te1 treef D, n the loti &D6 et 18ast, wo orno..ntel1treee between the 81c1t!e1k ancli" ,. l . OlU'O l.lne, Whi0h W11 be oareel for Qe~lle om-penYta~ e aomlne oos~, la '~he e...en~ th..~ nur- 1 g ohaser 18 not on the ground. .',' ., ,j E.,,; 3. Thet all bulldlnge ereote4, BlUet fU8t oomp11 wl th the restrlot19ne with ~eferenoe to 'Pla~e- !DInt of bUlldl~ on the lot, encl thet no resiclenoe 8hell be plaoecl oloser to the lot line t~cn t thirt,(50) feet. ~nd no bul1cl1nge shall be ereoted withia the restriotecl dletrlot whioh ea~ ~ teil an e~ncl1ture of lus then, 12000.00 .1thQut, BPeoial per~8eion of,.the Com~an1' All bu'-ld- f iag, ino lUdlng roofe 1I11all 'be p inted w 1\hln VO days frolll oOIllP18tioJl. i ~ li18 ooatract app11.. only to lots in the, restrioted ell8trio' in the towa of Vero, a8 18 i ~ ahetlDcon the compen,' s p1st of the Vero townsite. ~ 1, ~ WARRANTY DEED to IfDBAU RlVD '.ARMS OOMP.ABY R. J. lULl! A. n. 19 82." the Sub~eot to ell taxe8 end di toh essessments or on, 6peoia1 asse sLments, if 6 ny, be le.,led 10r the ,eer 1922, end ell subsequent texes ancl .s8eesmen'ts. , ? ~ ~ ~ ~'--"''''''~''''''''Iie(II''.''' II . "'~-.a.a.r~___""-.te"''''fI8l't7~pIdt. , ~, ,/1'0 HA VB AND TO HOLD THB s.unt, ~ witJo aU tlIe ItmditatMDts aad ~ tbanmto ~Joasiq, wto tile oald party 01 tlIe tlClOod put and ~ .. Wn aad UIips ill fee _pie roftw-tr. ! AllIS tbe said party aI tile fint put", for iWlf aod ib ~ doa Iattr'thF ~t with.said party 01 tIae It'CODd part........1tpJ nprtItatatiftl. aacl assips ~ Usat It ls laddeasibly eNa:I 01 laid IaIId in ree .....; dial it .. fall ~.- ..wful.....t to allIfty aid IaIId in rce ....pIe. .. af_ld: that It fIaaIl ~ lawfal r<< lllId , put}' eI the --' put. .. Min. JepI ~tatiWd, aDd....... at aU U- peMabIy...... quitt)y to taler apoe. Wd. occapy. .- ~ said laad; tJoat aid Iud Is me 1, rr- all ~; Ihat it wiD ..te tuda fllltbu __ to perfed tile fee ....pIe title to aid ...... .. may ~ be 1ft!IIited, aDd dlat it doN btnb!' faUy WUTUlt tile title to aid bnd, aDd wiD &fClld the _ qalDSt the ..wfal c:IaiJm 01 ell ~ wlJoaaJotva-. ;'~"'::' IN WITNESS WHHREOF.tIIe ~ eI tire lint put. 011 the day aDd JtV lint abaft writtCll, Iaa4 aa-.t its _ to ~ ~ aDd ila corpontt! teal to bot alIi1ed to _ ... Jl(atIlta b)' its Praideat . wlrida ~ "'tt bceIl duly authoriad aDd -..owucd ." ItIOIatioa 01 the Board 01 Diftct<<s eI the INDIAN IU\'BR PARMS COMPANY. pulJ the lint put toenaslt!aDd eSdiYft' tbis~ Indian 1ti...er .rerlll8 00. By HerDn J. ~euoh Its Praident, 01 us: Cherle 8 Dunoen Its 5ea'etary. ____, .c.' _~harl8.8..ur,llk, ..60 clooumenter, stamp onnoel1ed. .... \ 1"( );y~, k , SrAn o. IOWA,} ~ CCIlUItJ 01 Sc4Itt. .. ~ I. 11II CJ4ccr 4uI11U1t11orized to taR ~ to detdt. do IIenby aertify Ihat 011 tlIiI da~ pa-uy appeucd befon _. t P E ( , ~ ~ li I " f ~ . , .. ~ t i t I . . I , I HerDa 'J. ,"euoh aDd Uharles DuDoea to_wdl~.. the Prtsidat &adSrcretaly. mpcctInIy. eI tire hadiua Rlftl' P.,.. ComJlllllY. tile eorporatian.s-ribedla lJIe Icniolac dMd.__. aDd tIIty ~ bd<n - dlat tbq _ daIy autJiarized by aid ClOfp(Qtlaa to uecute tile foncuiaa .... 011 Its beIJeII. aad to lip its _ ud ~ Its ... tIJa-tto. Ihat the ... alIiud tlIemo is tile ..-..ponte ... 01 said CIllqlOIatioa, ud that aid deed was Qeaatcd ." said l."<<pOntioa ((w lJIe .-.-s tIoaeiII a..-t. &ad tile)' ___"y aebowled&cd tile aft1IUoa tIocftof to be tWr &ec' 8ct ud .... .. sudJ dI'iftn. fow tile _ ...... parpcqn therdD -tioaed. aDd tIlIt tlIe aid msu-t Is the 8ct ...... deed 01 said CU'pClfttlaa.. IN WIT WHHREOP. I"'ft !la_to alIl&cd ., Dame &ad ol&daJ -a. tIJiI at tlIe CitY. , ftDport; ty aad SUit! afcnsald. 22ncl Jul" day of Chor1e 8 vrl1k Notary I'ubIir in &ad fOlt Scott Cocmty. 10..., My c.........t...o.- Qpira tlul, 4th, 1924 BrATE 0' COat, 01 It. I.4Jde. 8B rr RBMHMBERHD. nat 011 tIaiI 9'Ul " , day of Jlnember A. D. I~' .. .. o. Blu. cl fr' Oat 01 \lie Cin:ait c-rt ill ud b said Cowdy haft dal7 ftCIllrdcd tlIe forcaaiaa Deed ill thr Pbb& Rca:InII fl aid c-.t,... r . IN wrrNus WHJUlIlOI'. J"'ft ,-"-to ~., ........r.... 01 said CIwt.... day ...JaI.... wriUIa. t:', '; (Ot.O,.3e81) .-- ..., ...'-...9,. ,~~.~.... '.. , ". ... '.__u ..(SHAL) 8"'~"~,,,,_,:~~ ~ ri ...: ~ /'2)' ~. . ' ,. ,:-:~~~l.4~j!~?~ r--- l, ',',] t I I ' i i ' I I I l 1 i t I J 19 22 I 1 I