HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL ROOF UNDERLAYMENTf i- SH�,,,i�>., , t •. 'G ��`' « . ' :fir lrYix -' � • ff �' ti�i�f� , ; �. BCIS Home t Log in f User Registration ? Hot Topics Submit Surcharge ;. Stats & Facts ( Publications i FBC Staff I SCIS Site Map Unks i Search rfOtkibi zx > ProdUCt Approval USER: Public User p""'Ct Approval Menu > °IZ—,, or APnFratloo S<'arch-> App6G]tlon List > Application Detail ?: U.zr s5>. FL # Application Type Cade Version Application Status Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Evaluation Report Florida License Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Validated By Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code FL16048-R6 Revision 2017 Approved Tri-Built Materials Group, LLC PO Box 70 Rutherford, NJ 07070 (800) 516-1485 david.ruiz@tribuiltmg.com David Ruiz david.ruiz@tribuiltmg.com David Ruiz 250 Route 17 North East Rutherford, NJ 07073 (201) 842-2449 david.ruiz@tribuiltmati!rialsgroup.com Roofing. Underlayments Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer 0 Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Robert Nieminen PE-59166 UL LLC 07/18/2020 John W. Knezevich, PE % Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received FL16048 R6 COI 2017 01 COI Nieminen odf Standard Year ASTM D1970 2015 ASTM G155 2005 FM 4474 2011 FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12) 2012 UL 1897 2012 I - F �'Py �' C,- (�di /J�o0v DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES (RER) BOARD AND CODE ADiV1I41STRATION DIVISION NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) E.S. Windows, LLC 10653 NE Quaybiidge Ct. Miami, F1.33138 MIAMI DADE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 Miami, Florida 3 3175-2474 T (786) 315-2590 F (786) 315-2599 www.miamidade.Qovlee onomv SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami -Dade County RER Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shallnot be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section (In NYliami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reseive the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No. W17-60 Rev A, titled "Series ES-9100 Aluminum Outswing Door (S.M.I.)", sheets 1 through 7 of 7, dated OCT 03, 2017, prepared by AL-Farooq Corporation, signed and sealed by Javad Abmad, P.B., bearing the Miami -Dade County Product Control approval stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and approval date by the Miami -Dade County Product Control Section. MISSILE hiPACT RATING: Small Missile Impact Resistant Limitations: 1. See sheet 1 for Design Pressure ratings per glass types. 2. Only anchor type "B" is applicable at sill installation. LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, Baranquilla, Colunzbia,S.A. and series and following statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved", unless othei wise noted herein.. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in. the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA consists of this page 1 and evidence pages E-1 & E-2, as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Lshaq L Chanda, P.E. NOA No. 17-0802.15 Lratiqn.Date' ct 12, 2022 ro at a 7. Cre �`� C E.S. Windows, LLC NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED A. DRANVINGS 1. Manufacturer's die drawings and sections. 2. Drawing No. W17-60 rev A, titled "Series ES-9100 Aluminum Outswing Door (S.M.I.)", sheets 1 through 7 of 7, dated OCT 03, 2017, prepared by AL-Farooq Corporation, signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad, P.E. B. TESTS I. Test reports on 1) Air Infiltration Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 2) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC TAS 202-94 3) Water Resistance Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94(Not performed) 4) Large .Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 5) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 6) Forced Entry Test, per FBC 2411 3.2.1, TAS 202-94 Along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of Alum Single Outswing Doors, prepared by Blackwater Testing, Inc., Test .Report No. BT-ESW-17-014, dated 05/12/17, signed and sealed by Constantin Brotes, P.E. Additional Test report along with marked -up Dwg. of single (X) aluminum outswing doors, issued by Fenestration Testing lab, Inc., Test Report No. FTL-8605, dtd 08/08/16 signed & sealed by Idalmis Ortega, P. E. C. CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor verification calculations and structural analysis, complying with FBC-2017 (611 Edition), prepared by Al-Farooq Corp., dated JUL 05, 2017 and last revised on 10/03/17, signed & sealed by Javad Ahmad, P.E. 2. Glazing complies w/ ASTME-1300-02, -04 & -09. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER). E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Notice of Acceptance No. 14-0916.11 issued to Kuraray America, Inc. (Former E.I. DuPont DeNemours & Co., Inc. for the "Sentry Glass ® (Clear and White) Glass Interlayers", expiring on 07/04/18. 2. Notice of Acceptance No.16-1117.01 issued to Kuraray America, Inc. (former E.I. DuPont DeNemours & Co., Inc.) for "Trosifol: Ultra clear, clear & color PVB glass interlayer" (former "Kuraray Butacite PVB Interlayer)", expiring on 07108/19. Ishaq 1. Chanda, P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA No.17-0802.15 Expiration Date: October 12, 2022 Approval Date: October 12, 2017 E-1 E.S. Windows, LLC NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS (continue): 3. Notice of Acceptance No. 1.5-1201.11 issued to Eastman Chemical Company (MA) former Solutia hie. for their "Saflex Clear or colored interlayer", expiring on 05/21/21. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of conformance to FBC 2017 (61h Edition) and letter of no financial. interest, prepared by Al Farooq Corporation, dated 06/22/17, signed and sealed by Javad Abmad, P.E. 2. Lab compliance as part of the above referenced test report. G. OTHER 1. Test proposal dated 12/09/14, approved by Jaime D. Gascon, P.E. 2. Distribution agreement ES Windows-Energia Solar, S.A. and ES Windows, LLC, dated 10/20/10, signed by Ms. Carla G. Torrente and Andres Chamorro respectively (submitted under previous file) haq I. Chanda, P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA No. 17-0802.15 Expiration Date: October 12, 2022 Approval Date: October 12, 2017 E-2 GLASS D.L.O. FORMULAE D.Lo. WIDTH _FRAME WIDTH- 14.0• STD. JASdBS) D.1.0. YGOTH = FRAME WIDTH - T 1.0' NARROW JAMBS)' D.LO. HEIGHT _ FRAME HEIGHT - 15.750' --....--- --7 ATED MM DDE C UN APP FOR SMALL MPAC MISSILE RESIS INPFCT. WMMf-DALE GOONEY APPROVED IMPACT RF315TPM SHUTTERS REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATIONS UP TO 30 FL OF GRADE. SHUOER$ NOT REOD. FOR INSTALLATIONS ABOVE 30 FT, OF GRADE: i 1iU5iP{Tr'N_4SIT^ZT,j]NG ENTRANCE DO THIS PRODUCT HAS BEEN OESGNED AND TESTED TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE 2014 (STH EDTRON)/2017 (GTH EDITION) FLORIDA BUILDING CODE INCLUDING HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE. ZONE (INHZ). IBf OR 2FTf WOOD DUCKS & BUCR FASTENERS BY OTHERS. MUST BE DESIGNED AND INSTALLED ADECUATELY 70 TRANSFER APPLIED PRODUCT LOADS TO THE BUILDING STRUOURE ' ANCHORS SHALL BE CORROSI➢N RESISTANT. SPACED AS SHOWN ON DETAILS AND INSTALLED PER WANUF'S INSTRUCTIONS. SPECIFIED EMDEOMENT TO BASE MATERIAL SHALL BE BEYOND WALL DRESSING OR STUCCO. A LOAD DURATION INCREASE IS USED IN DMON OF AHCHOR3 INTO WOOD ONLY. ALL SHIMS TO BE HIGH IMPACT, NON-UETAGC AND NON -COMPRESSIBLE MATERIALS RCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO STEEL/METAL SCREWS, THAT COME INTO CONTACT WITH OTHER DISSIMILAR MATERUS SHALL HEET THE RECU'.REAIENTS OF THE 2014/2017 FLORIDA BLOC CODE & ADOPTED STANDARDS. THIS PRODUCT APPROVAL IS GENERIC AND DOES NOT PROVIDE INFORMATION FOR A ME SPECIFIC PROJECT, LASE Sum OF THIS PRODUCT, ADECUACY OF STRUCTURE RECEMNC THIS PRODUCT AND SEALING MOUND OPENING FOR WATER LNFIL1RA11ON RESMIANCE ETC. CONDITIONS NOT SHOWN IN THIS DRAWING ARE TO BE ANALYZED SEPARATELY. AND TO BE RENEWED BY BUILDING CFFICIAL DOORS APPROVED FOR INSTALLATIONS WHERE WATER INFILTRATION RESISTANCE IS REQUIRED. STD. JAMBS I -GLASS 'PYPE.S 'A', 'AW & 'A3i -- MMIMUM DESIGN LOAD RATING =+ 120.0 PSF (FORSUM %MN ABM OR Swwm - I5D.0 PSF AA PEWBTiD BY RDC GLASS TYPE 'Al(' ------ MAXIMUM DESIGN LOAD RATING s + 120.0 PSF ' (FOR .L2FS L SHBNN A96+E ON SMAUDR) - 144.D Psf' AS FETS RT1U BY FUG NARROW JAMBS ' Fic*da DmM' C INo N14.1 (taLwA DOOR MOST AND WIDTH SIZE UUST COMPLY E.ti I EGRESS REQUIREMDUS PER MC AS APPLICABLE. an. (a— o ILa� a� ogo� 0 u"N ON W17-601 r HEAT STRENTI. GLASS T-11.l RD Fly 'Kwa(ay ymtriw, Ina' DR .f�S' Mt�ima OR K�r Grcy Amerlea ke' 06D' IMMoycr SaT:ex Cl., M7 Cdor OG» 9y 'Eopma, LMm'xaI Ca' rl/r Y.EAT STM'D. GLASS 791 TEMP. GLASS 3/e ALR SPACE 7311V HEAT S.REN'0. GLASS � oeo• ImxSkYw Tro,:fal iY9 & •Kvmray Mm 6., I...' 9W InWkym SOW. Cew Ma Car Oo. 9y 'Ec,tm,P C1wMcal C.., I1 r3/I6• HEAT STREN'D. CLASS 791 TCAAP, CLASS .3/6' AIR SPACE 3/16' HEAT S1RENb. MASS A75' LrtMayer SxA1ryGa, 9/ 'Kworay Pmc!Sw, Inc: IrJ/1V WAY STREN'O. CLASS GId.SS•.IYlB� SzLA+`M—T.X.k1':A rrf 4$5. rvrs 'nzt' 9/16' OVERALL. LAM. H.S. GLASS 1-1/iG• OVERALL 1HSJL !ALL H.S. GtASY 1-1/16' OVERALL Imul. 4W. N9. GLASS MAWG—MM.N$ 791 TEMP. GLASS �1/4• CJ/6- AIR SPACE TESIP, GLASS O 0 G60 In M Trox.GY �3116- 'NYrdRy AmBrlsa, Ine.' OR O� � `• q C LL Ca By'K.—Y A .d.,A, 6,A n, O ban SAc u1peG�M1d Colw Owe ey 'E,cIRAn Che , G..• r-3/16• IvAP. CLASS Q'$� O Ri o Q q p F AAf Q u$ GG^r: 3 sA iz ` GOFWIliG 731 1 i yy `J LAUD-TYP£_'AX: � 1_1/le• OVERALL 1N`.YIL W. TEVP. GLAS:5 SLR' am srncR cowsLsrinT: vT� vices I Yi n � d '14EU i 'HE!!AW' LOW PRDfiIF. Atl1L1WD1A SPACER BY 'LINGERNANN MIBH' AROUND THE PERIMETER DE THE GLASS. DrRIMMER SFAI A_M• SIUCONE DOW CORNNO 791 MLuufl YraOuc/t U��+NN1 TA of � Nosing n ;" w»-6o a 1 WOOD BUCKS AND METAL STRUCTURE NOT BY E.S. WINDOWS MUST SUSTAIN LOADS IMPOSED BY GLAZING SYSTEM AND .TRANSFER THEM TO THE BUILDING STRUCTURE__ .'FYPTCAL ANCHORS: m nev. mq sPACINO TYPE 'A'- 1 /4' DIA. UL'TRACON BY 'FLOG' (Ew.177 M fy-1ss KST) INTO 28Y WOOD BUCKS OR WOOD STRUCTURES 1-1/2' MIN. PENETRATION INTO WOOD (HEAD/JAMBS) THRU ISY BUCKS INTO CONC. OR MASONRY 1-1/4• MIN. EMB_ro INTO CONCRETE (HEAD/JAMBS) 1-i/4' MIN. EMBED INTO MASONRY (JAMBS) DIRECTLY INTO FILLED BLOCKS 1-3/4• MIN. EMBED INTO FILLED BLOCKS (JAMBS) TYPE 'B'- �an���i���ELCD_ (F -171 K9, "155 9SI) DIRECTLY INTO CONCRETE 1^3/4' MIN. EMBED INTO CONCRETE (HEAD/SILL/JAMBS) TYPE 'C'- 1 /4' CIA. i(:'KS pR SEI F p.. 1 IN . SCRMS (GRADE. 6 CAB) INTO MIAMI-BADE. COUNTY APPROVED MULLIONS OR INTO METAL STRUCTURES (HEAD/JAMBS) (3) THREADS MN. PENETRATION BEYOND SUBSTRATE ALUMINUM: 3/16' THK. MN. (6063-TS MIN.) STEEL: 1/8' 7HK. MIN. (Fy = 30 KSI MIN.) (STEEL UR Coma WITH AUwmw TO DE PUAEB 0.1 PNNTEO) TYP'CAJ- EDGE DISTAN^E , INTO CONCRETE AND MASONRY - 2-1/2' MIN. fNTO WOOD STRUCTURE 1• MIN. INTO METAL STRUCTURE a 3/4' MIN. WOOD AT HEM. SILL OR JAMBS SO - 0.55 MN. CONCRETE AT HFAD, SU OR JAMDS fc - 3000 PST M91. C-90 GROUT FILLED BLOCK AT JAM[L: fm - 2000 PSI MIN. W1 - 2' X 3/IB' WEEP HOLES AT 1' FROM EACH END AND AT MIDSPAN W2 - 3/4' WEEP NOTCH AT 3/4' FROM EACH END MAUI- 1j SEF SfP R�T1E, I1 11 7 IL17 il i IYPIf.Au SEE CLEV51 'OR'ORs'AMGAaNc Agwv�Mv�',+'�piY JwWiG fl-IJ4 ibJJi dCud<' PYe TOA+' Mieai D+le lYuhaiCwYd By Tp7� U-9 no. 11 w1%—so ^C PIS°T..I,. .�• : ... 'i I.ti. EOCE CM. ED M 0&. SH FIX TPLe • g i it L-tt, {m' ��� ' \his �q .. � - � • �� ; L9 . I os •' •,C�It�flHtt ,` �' Uwrn:u CUf561N0 ODOR SUJ. /�I,.FAROOLWORATIONr f� wawc: Ln '�e1.i j $. �N� `r �C 9360 SERscrI;EVELOPMIM ........................._...___. 0380 SUNSET DR[ 420 �MWNI. ilDIt10A (Cd.H. 3NBJm.c3oa13eaesoact3ae>zo3 6 C' BJB-5159 _._ .. COuf*-,WL t5'17-fiD6 Film a PA9T I BEQL DESCNIPTMON UATP,FLAL UANR/SUPPGERATIU XS Et ES-9012 1 WOB FRAUE riEAD W6rT6 F2 _-.__-._.._._._.__............................... 6083-TB - E3 -- ES-9013 2 -___._. TMUE 4WD (m) _ 6003-T6 - U R-F201 i TOP RAL 6063-M - �- d --._- E9-DOD2 .__-..__--....____.._I._.........._ 1 BQfFOU RHL 608348 - Es R-9001 ................�-._....._._. a HDK;aJIOCK SiAf 600.-73 E7 R-80Z7 i 9u I;=LH _.._. 6063-TA . EB CS-9029 Al (FAT' OIAIS STOP WI..1.) _ BC61-M _ EB- — R-9001— .. .j._.LEAFY..._.._ GIAS4 910P . CtA55) 8081-TS Ef0 ES-9008 AS READ. ._....i_,....... E11 j R-9009 AS REDO. CODtLEN %ATE BDRS-M - [12 E9-8010 AS RE09. I SVCFOFIT 4qE 6063-M - E11 FB-9011 AS REL10. _-._...L............-.KUP �_____ _ HINOY. D4CKU1+ PWIE ..—__.�„u._. COBrM _..-....__._.___....._._. - ES-9020 A9 RE00. --_. LOCK BACKUP PLATE ----- ... 0061-M EIS R-9018 AS REAC. SHPNt ClR' tlO6rM - E10 ..___-. R-9CC5___- .._.. _ ... ti MD.,D.. .-._......__ _._.....__...__.. WSIWP A01P. .....-606 60W-M E17 Er7530-213 a iIUJ2 ,w.e (NAR'iCW) SC67-78 - Eta Er]SW-214 2 MOOR SIOP----'-- 6(.fi.T-T6 E79 AU-A-027 2 VOLT DUtDE ANGLE (2 X 2 X t/A7 BC63-FS AT TVP h BOTTOM Of LOG: SBLE E20 AU-V-OlO - LOCI: ST'ACEA PUIE (t-t/2' X 1/67 8003-TB - ui %11 X Y __ 0.S RFAn. _...........__. ERAuElLFAP AS9FU6.T FASt9QI6 StJST Pli SYS W. 12-24 X 1/2' AS REAP. _.....__ MWOC, IKRR RJOT h Y.L SJP j SI/Si Fy H$ 43 8-12 % 1/2' A4 MD. BUT OUDE ANGLE @LOG: BKY.VP PLATE FASTEN Dtr°''., STfSi, P11 aN8 16t 3/e-/8 X i" AS FTAD: IFAF ASSEMBLY FAS-:ENERS �- 5T/St tiEiL BOLT iV R-90D0�-0f AS RED0. EXTERIOR GIALNG GOUT EDDY OVHUMSTEfi 7038 S'NO(E A UB ES_0000-UO2 I A9 IRUD_ CREFuOP OfADNO CASKLT NDM DOROUV R 7Dt5 SNORE A M) CB-9000-(W3 AS READ. SOLD W'SROPPIND TPF./PIXYPROPYI.ENE. U8 E3-9000-801 2/ WE SETDNO KOM (LW, 4TA;3Wt ) AT 1/4 POS EPOU D.5 ME A UROMETER 30St_ Y2 FS-B00D-B02A 2/ WE _-_.- 6ETDND BIAt'XS (14 lAU• OIAIA) AT 1J4 POUTS FPDN .T DWtOVi1R BO35 SHORE A 99 - AS AWD. BUTT HW)ES (4 X 4-1/o ST/ST - UIO ••.•._• W AT AS RCCO. RlSIDENTML NVf,R - !CANT'! YtT AS REED. DOOR PUSH/Mill .......OR:. Yi8 Hl]ZT1A% AS RCC0. PIIE M5R0fi'AN AT HEAD TlOCL. ' - M19 W13331td: AS 1U.DD. PBC W_ST10P_FWO f %DOT - U21 1 18 X 1' AS MD. KEEPER FASIENER9__-_—____.__._ STAST 1 M sus M22 a /12 % 21 FQOD. FWME SiLL AM3+JBlY FASTE`IETS {tUAROA' JAVL) ST/SfI PH SU3 x LOCK SINGLE DOOR: e1moN 01, € SURFACE NOUNT 3 PGM LOG: SYSTEM (OLOI-CC63) dR- Of •INTERLOCK USA' KEY OPERATED ON MERIOR AND THLTEB TURN ON d f INIMOR LEM TYPE RATIO E AT 38' FRDM BOTTOM ACTIVATES SHOOT DOLTS ENGA47N0 AT HEM AND SILL 0 t 6 p 0 FASTENED T9Tf1 (2) JiC % 3%4' fx SUS 8 g .� 041, SURFACE S Z 3 Polio LACK "SMA (uS7953-350) 0 1 G KEY OPERATED ON DM.OR AND THUMB TURN ON WTERIOR N FASTENED WITH (4) 18 % 1/2' FH BUS LEVER TTPE YAiDLE AT 38' FROM BOTTOM ACTIVATES SHOOT DOLTS ENWCN1. AT HEM AND SILL FAsreaD 'TTIN - (2) 0-32 X 2-1/2' OH 14 CI . C SOFFITS 21 ii .}1lLYGE;x; m 4-1/2" LONG iYSTEEL. BUTT HINGES By VrERIOCK a'. ) PER TOP AND RC i10AAT AT 9' fAgi U9 CiTEMlED KU TE 1912E3 AT O.C. UA WAC GG C.S % 1/ 'Ti FASTENED 1HAS 12-21 % t/2' FH YACFGNE SCREA5 b. . FOUR PER NASp(LEAh. fan SEWS WAT BENIES GOAT U@' C15! ALULL't:UY N0i6E TLIp 'dimc Xt, Ft`-s A---1"I. l 4' S - y n (2) AT 8' N1D 12' FROU TOP NUAO-yJ.-�4f:nT. R,�' '�Im LRdP HTdua pmL�W Z # z ti (1) AT 6' ARUM. SU"OY (1)AT MIOST'AN •N w ALL FRAME JOINTS AND SEAMS SEALED WITH C�1-7'-fT-f-�F-�1� DOW CORNiNG 791 SIUCONE, I N I I I I I I r =W,ri I-:16dut TEOF % tl -in9 M. (W1 7-60 i aDDO z.dooIL i IL .M.j 0 �j FRAME HEAD M37 L n.334 L 4,- 03 YrSTRtP ADAPTER � 2.031— E�). CORNER LIOCK ......... . . i, 0 4 ICH 8 t8RP lffl ^LLSQ 0810 1 10 --o i.(LIM. (Ell) SHEAR .200 CUP TOP RAIL 12 5 (Ell) CORNER PLAT. j 2,4t111 _0 —41 .625 fWME S-..LL 7.431 @z) suppoRT At,,rLE (El 0) D004 SAW FS FRAME MSS (STD.) 11.130 TI.3 LOCK BACKUP -325 F PLATE "32—� GOTMM RAIL . ...... CLASS) (.110 L I.A25 SOLT GLIDE ANGLE 2,2W 222 Ij --.M 1.063 OEI? FRAME JAMB (tMRROW) �32 (��GLASS STOP (INSUL LkM. GLASS) IiINGE/Lom Sru 125 IW17-601 .sn q\- FRAME SILL COVER . .. . ........ -37 WNGE BACKUP PLATE l � \ \L-2 (w0� l _ \ 9 �1 I 6 \ \ 1 F ou'Innir� coca tsaa.) ...... JAL-FAKOOQ CORPORATION _, «,.: a/e• . r)) a ,aw.x; w� uww�s . o ua:: " 1 3550 N.W.E.S. a4 WINDOWS,- STREET LLC 986 I, FLORIDARIVE,SUtiE220 � ...._.....1— �'eET MUUM4 FLORI33179 e-t.x. use): .�. p) o is �_ ...... M:AN1, F1. 331 a2 ' m.c�as,sa�aaoo ..x c�sraexa„e C �i O t w. dr. - m. (ins) spa-ssl vvc (M) =-ssa ...... ... ._—�,�..__... _............_ ,