HomeMy WebLinkAboutLETTER - RESPONSES TO PLAN REVIEWERArch itectohic Inc St. Lucie County Building Department Planning & Development Services Building & Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Re: 6603 Lakeland Blvd. Permit # 1712-0406 Please be advised that the following items are in response to plan review comments for the above referenced project dated 1/25/2018. 1. Electrical Riser -Grounding Electrode per E3608 required (E3607.3) Response: See Sheet #1 2. Provide Electric Panel Schedule with Electric Load Calculations for existing house and new panel (A 107.2.1) Response: See Sheet #1 3. Truss Shop Drawings shall be reviewed by the Design Professional and notated they have been found to be in general conformance to the design of the building. (A *verify Truss Engineer Design criteria matches Sheet A-1 Certification for Design Load Compliance, revised as needed* Response: See attached 4. Truss Connector discrepancy between Architectural and Truss Drawings -Truss Shop Drawings, Note 9, Truss ID A025GE-mechanical connection required at joints, connection spacing in conflict with Sheet A-1 'Connector Schedule' and 'Gable End Detail' (A Response: Gable End Vertical Webs are spaced @ 24" o.c. w/a max uplift loading of 131# ea. times 2 Equals 262# of uplift for every 4 =0': Providing (1) Simpson Heta20 @ W-0" o.c. w/an uplift load of 18101Ps exceeds the required Loading, in addition the Lateral Loads will be handled by the 16d Nails @ 16" o.c. into the 2x8 cant. Nailer w/ 1/2" Exp. Bolts @ 32" o.c. exceeds any and all Loading on the Gable End Truss 5. Clarify on Architectural Drawings Rigid Ceiling is directly applied to bottom chord of truss as required by Truss Manufacturer, typical wall section does not show a ceiling material, (A 107.2.1) Response: Noted on Sheet #1 6. Truss Shop Drawings -original signature is required, seal can be computer generated. Provide updated Truss Engineering with original signature. bPtfuGNP` Lr�igtecl,Ai •� y; r" � •off •'c 806 Delaware Avenue Tel: 772 460 7751 www.architectonicinc.com Fort Pierce, Florida 34950 Fax: 772 460 4244 FL Reg #AA26003348 1 of 1