HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1661 ! t Ii Ii ~.6-l t) . ;r i [i I; ~ . ! \ ,< ~ ~ i I t" .. . f. ... .~".., ..'~,...~.......--._ ~.. <"'.._,...,....._~..",;;.. ,or ............---_"'.,t-,.._,.~._."'......____.._.._.._..~_''''.._~..:!' ~.;_',~....--..._..__- .,..... ~.......,. ~..,... ~~~...-..-.."~"''''''.___~--.-....-...--.. .",.,' .... ,,:_.,..~ .._...:,-_.,..............,.......'_~r-,."......... . .-<t:-~._. ~..._~.,-"O_._.~ ___~!._~:_~~ _.!~~!!'_ ~!.~t. ~~ r- WARRANTY OEEOl I IDIP IIVIB lABllS COUAn 10 A. w. tOUlG WID IJr. I i I f 'fIIlI JRDIlm1U, 101.... t_ 1. '\h dq aI IOf.aHI A. n. 1'88 ~ tJIe i - INDIAN RlVllR FARMS COMPANY. t.llIIrpOf'allCla QIJUJbeol ud .... ..., tile .... aI tile lea.. aI PIoridI. put)' of tile Int put, 10 I i A. W. YOUDS &D4Iull. D. You. of tile C_ty of .8'. Lao1. I ~ ud State aI n OZ ida "'"' at tllUftlOacl put. . WITN~R. T1at the .... pert)" aI tile &nt put.. fOJ aad III COGIicIentloa at the _ aI.1 , ~ Oil. (t1 ~ 00) DOLt.ARS. 1 ~ ..wtaa ~ .. tile UlI1tl1d ..... .... ~ ,...... ~ 10 It Ia ..... ,.w by UIe MId putt Of UIe .... ....... at OJ Wen UIe --... ud dd1wry I f aI tbIR ~... .... tbe ncelaIt wtaenof is ..., IICbowIedp4. W anated. barp/IIed. ..... ftIeuId. -YfJId.... ~ ...s ~ tbIR pmtata does llenby ann'- ! ~ bupiII.......... -"7 ud -an. ..to the .w put)' aI lite ..... put ...s ... Wn ...s...... Ia fee ....... all tilt ...... lit. ..... C-ty. JIIorI4a. ~ as I I follon: . I IILot 10.....liT. (e)..ia Blook 10....'01"-..T.D (t7)..ill 'he Oit7 of V.IO. Plot14., a. th. \ same Is dealsaat.d Oil the plat of Illdlall RITe! 181118 00lllpeD7' a aubcUTI81oll' reoorded'iD the i offioe of the Olelk of the 01rouit Ooart In and.for .a14 00Ullt7. 1 . llBSTJUotIOIS. . ~ I 1. . !h. puohasn lIlU8t ohuhl. lot of all und8lbluh ot UDde81rabl. 810wth 'wi t.h4 11a 90 da7. hoa date :of puohaae, aDd In the eYeat of h18 riot ooap111a8 with th1a, the oorapa1 ! rq .hall have 'the 118ht .to do llUoh oleaz In8 at a ooat no't to e2:oeed .10.00 per lo~ aad ohalgq f same to the puoh.seI. .. . . .. i i. 2, fha't 'the puoha.ex, will, wUhla oae 7eal hoaaa'te, .t 01 oaue to haTe se1i ! out, at leaa'tfiTe .0lD8llleatal 'tree. aD the lot, and at leaat two orDamental tor.... between 1 I the BidewUk and ourb line, whioh wiU b. oared fOI b1 the OOJlpanJ at a nOlllaal ooat. ID the I i .vent that P~Oh;::~ ~la~:.ut:a~ ~:~:d. lIuat lint OOJlpl; with the red~dot1on. \'Il t'b re- J i ferenoe to plaoeaeat of .buildias on the lot, and that DO resideaoe shall be plaoed 010.., to I ~ the lot line that thllt7 (30) fe.t, and ~ bu11d!D6~ lIhall be el8.ote4 within the lestUottd l ~ distriot 1Ihio.b elltail an apead! tue of le.. that 12000.00 without 8peolal pe.1I1881on of the ( ~ OOllparq. ~ bulldlq., Inoluding loof.. shall b. palDted -Uhia 90 daiahoa oOllpl.eU'Oa. l ~ !hIs ooauaot applle.oDl7 to:).ot. la the teltl10ted eUstorlot In the to_ at t Vero, a. 18 .ho~ oa the OOllparq's plat of the Vero tOllDIJU8. e I: ! \ Sub3eot to aU ta%&. and .peoial a.ae.smente dlle and payable after thl8 date. ~ ~ ~~..ae.n.IIW&..._ f . .. .................--_... -,... 4lIdIM......_tkllla&A.w...~.... .. lit. "......._ , TO HAYS AND TO HOI.D TH8 SAM8.toptller witIa .u tM lxmIi_ts ucl ~ thtmaalo ~. uato tile said party 01 t_1IeMOd part and his brirs ucl UIips !II fee _pie (0RftI'. . Atld the .... putI' 01 the &nt petty. 'OJ itadf aad it. -... don btftby _t with .... pert)" at the IIeMOd put. his IIdtt.ItaaJ nprantati-. aad asVps that It IS iacleftuibly .a.ed 01.... IaIIllla fee tilDpIe; that it lias full pont' aad lawful riPt to C'OIIftJ' Mid land la f~ tlm... at afclnMId; that It ..... tie Iewful. for .aid a-rtJ' aI the IIeMOd put. his bdn.1tcaI repRlImtatifts. aad Ui5l&ns at.u lima peMaIiy u4 quIttJy to talK lIpOII. IIOId. 0MJpt. ud nJo1 Mid bad; that Mid Jaad is 'rft from .u -'--; lIaat it will mate IUda furthn' _ to paftct tM fee _.. t1tie 10 .... Iud as _, ~ be rcqlIired, u4 that It does benby rally wanaIIt tJIe title to taid land. aad will ddead the _ apiRSt tM IewfaJ daba 01.. per.- _-.-wel'. m WlTNiSS. WHIiR80P. tile a-rty of tile lint JIU1. _ the day.... J'aIr 6nt aboft writtea, W cauttd its _ to be...... aad ita corporate -a to be aBi..d to tIIae ..-ata by ita Praideat.... ita Sccrttui. 1rtaic:Ia ~ haft bcea daJ1 aathariud ud ~ed by relalatioa at the Board 01 Ditedor. aI the INDIAN RI\'BR PARMS COMPANY. puV .aI tM 6nt put IIerdD. 10 ~secute aad ddi\'U this cited. I IIDI Ail B IVHR .AmlS 00. By aermaa J. Zeaoh (Corp. Seal) Its Pre5id...L Si&ntd. Sealed IIDcI ~ftftd in ~ aI as: Oharles DW30aD f ------ -:Vel"..P... Bagel-----.... -. --............ ~, .~_._-_Bma.L.-JIou.r.t----_.. --,---.-.-__._._.... . ~ ~ .' r Its S<<ntary. STAD or IOWA.} c-tr of 8coU. IS. ~ J. aD CJ8ic:ft daIy aatlIorbrd to tab w.-w.-.,ta to deeds, do IIereby certify that cat tldt day ~ appeaftd bdore .. , t Beraea ... Zeuoh IIDcI Oharl. s Dan08n. to_wd1 bowD.. the PrtadmtaadSecntary. ~.aI tile IIIdiaa Riftr Parms C-puJ. tllecorporallCla dncribed III the fcncolaa eked_ _.. aDd tht1 acbJcnrltdltd Weft - that tht1 - dIdy autJIubed ~ said corporatioa to umite the fGftlOial dftd _ its bdoaIf. ud 10 lip its _ and db ita ... u.mo. that the ... alIi..d themo Ie tIIe.alfpCftte ... of .... corporallCla. aad tIIat Mid deed ... aecuted ~ IUd corporatiaa fOJ the pupca-. dMftia apreued, aad lH1 ..null' ~ the -iM .~ 10 be tJ.m ft. act ..... dftd .. IlItIo ....... fOJ the _ aII4 JlIlIIIOtD thndn -uo-I. aad t.... tile .... iattnaDaat It tJIe ~ AlId dftd aI said c:uptntloo. - . IN WlTNBSS WltEREOP. I haft btmmto alIWd .1' _....s officiaJ teal. tills 14 t.h at -'e City aI DaY'ellport.~ aad Slate afoc:aaid. J} . Or. p. sw,) dayal )i, C'o...-......, espira lI"'ellbel 'ranoea B. Plath Notary PlsbIie Ia.... for Scott C4cu1ty.lowa. Jul.7 . th 1924 1922 '..~ (Of. ~,. .aBu,) ...1-...0....B14%.4 d. . . ..- ..._.........(SEAL) Clerk CImaIt Court. -. ..u~~ .. .. ... - : D.patt Clerk. . . -. .~. tt;~~~~~ ...:;.}~~~~: , . ..,.--,~~~~~~~..."I"\"": -. ~. ~{~~_-~~~:.#i:~::'4$;..~M~~;:l..:; '] :1 I